17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #25

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Yes it's nice of Joe Oliver to speak up on GZ's behalf.

Respectfully snipped...

BUT...he not only contradicted himself regarding the anger management training, on at least three instances IIRC, he brought up GZ drinking when LO hadn't even brought that up.

So I just go :waitasec:

What is JO's agenda? Because with these kinds of missteps he cannot think he is aiding GZ.
NOoooo! I mean no, Lola, he doesn't.

Joe Oliver's wife is friends with GZ's mother-in-law. That's it. No relation through blood or marriage.

Okay... so Joe's wife is friends with George's wife's mother? So he is not even friends with George? Like friends... friends? Like watching a football game together friends?

yeah. they got him there on that one. it seems he did finally agree that effin' goon was probably not affectionate. :rolling:

he really put his neck out for GZ, though. why would he do that?
do people really think he did that for some sort of gravy train?

do you think JO regrets sticking his neck out?

I think these are really interesting questions. According to the interview I posted, JO acknowledges in response to LO's question that he has quit his job to defend GZ, yet it's clear from the interview that JO barely knew GZ.

Why indeed would he do that?

Curiouser and curiouser. JMO etc.
I think these are really interesting questions. According to the interview I posted, JO acknowledges in response to LO's question that he has quit his job to defend GZ, yet it's clear from the interview that JO barely knew GZ.

Why indeed would he do that?

Curiouser and curiouser. JMO etc.

Joe quit his job to defend George??
Okay so if it's underwriting, he must be bored as h..l at work. :crazy:
Now I understand the attraction of the night shift on neighborhood watch.

(that's a joke. no underwriters take offense too much. ;))
maybe JO was an underwriter too. good reason to quit. :lol:

sorry. :innocent:

okay, I was really thinking this:

is it possible that JO wants back in the media biz?


is it possible, Digital Risk actually likes their employees GZ and JO - had granted GZ leave, and let JO take leave to help out?

heck, I dunno. :dunno:
maybe JO was an underwriter too. good reason to quit. :lol:

It must really pay to be involved in a high profile case? I don't know anyone, here in Florida, who can afford to quit their job?
JO must have gone back to work right after that interview, he hasn't been seen since. :floorlaugh:
All I can say about this whole fiasco is that it's about time Zimmerman was arrested. I have no idea why he wasn't taken into custody much earlier. Granted, they questioned him, but why let him go? No proof of anything, except a dead body, then oopsie, second degree murder? What is wrong with this picture? Racial profiling.... by whom? Zimmerman or the police?

Just glad the whole situation was finally defused. JMO.
I believe by both, IMO.
I think that everyone here would agree with that.

GZ sees himself as a knight in shining armor, a protector of the innocent, a guardian of the community, a brave avenger. A bit self-agrandizing.

WOW! I saw this, and I thought this is the type of question that we used to pose in focus groups to see who would/would not support. Interesting thought as *another Florida case* had folks on threads testing the waters IMHO (not to say that you are, just came to mind for the first time when I saw this)
maybe JO was an underwriter too. good reason to quit. :lol:

sorry. :innocent:

okay, I was really thinking this:

is it possible that JO wants back in the media biz?


is it possible, Digital Risk actually likes their employees GZ and JO - had granted GZ leave, and let JO take leave to help out?

heck, I dunno. :dunno:

JO was forensic chart review specialist.
IMO, GZ's nose actually looks better in his most recent mug shot than it did in all the previous photos we've seen!

yes it does.

why is that?

That old mug shot must be digitally expanded or something. Everything is just too wide. But there was a shot of him with the not-LAFD hat and he was huskier there too...

so either bad digital pix or rhinoplasty.

I was surprised how very much he resembles his brother. Which makes that old mug shot even stranger.
This is what I get for not watching JVM, Nancy Grace, Anderson Cooper, Dr. Drew and whoever these "friends of George's" are talking to. I have no idea who and what this Joe Oliver is about? I'm more focused on real statements from George Zimmerman himself!

I think these are really interesting questions. According to the interview I posted, JO acknowledges in response to LO's question that he has quit his job to defend GZ, yet it's clear from the interview that JO barely knew GZ.

Why indeed would he do that?

Curiouser and curiouser. JMO etc.

I don't really know his background but it could be a reasonable doubt neighbor like LO from a neighborhood meeting, something he said or approved. He might have said something that would antagonize GZ to the point it became, like info on the previous robberies or B&E's? But maybe it's his time in the news to cya or both their butts? Haven't any idea if so. At the start he might have felt important, now it could be defending his stand. Time will tell..
I don't really know his background but it could be a reasonable doubt neighbor like George from a neighborhood meeting, something he said or approved. He might have said something that would antagonize GZ to the point it became, like info on the previous robberies or B&E's? But maybe it's his time in the news to cya or both their butts? Haven't any idea if so. At the start he might have felt important, now it could be defending his stand. Time will tell..

Wait, what?

I don't understand.
JO was forensic chart review specialist.

okay, yes, now I see his linked in.

so, he regrets leaving media and mortgage work is his fallback.

which might tell us ... he didn't love his job so much ...
Okay, I can speak from personal experience here- I was hit by a car at age 13, and lived to tell about it. I did NOT run out into the street, in fact, I was in a crosswalk when it happened. It completely was the driver's fault (a highschooler who was speeding) who hit me and it was a hit & run. I think he was caught. I was already in the crosswalk when it happened on my way to school right across the street from my house. Happened first thing in the morning, so I was tired. When I realized the bumper was coming extremely fast toward me, I couldn't think "RUN", all I could think was "WALK FAST!!!" (I was like a deer caught in the headlights) I wasn't able to get out of the way in time, I blacked out as I was hit and came to in mid-air, and again after I landed on the ground.I still today have no actual memory of the moment of impact. I was told that I hit the hood of the car and flew off.
Even if a child were to run out into the street, it is completely the responsibility of the driver (a car is a weapon) to attempt to stop/brake in time!!!

LinasK, I posted this the other day in another thread about this case.

Years ago, I worked for a state dept. of transportation, processing worker's comp claims. One incident involved a driver accidentally hitting and killing a 4 yo child. The child ran out from the side of the road, there was no way for the driver to miss him. The driver of that truck is still in therapy, 31 years later. He wanted to die. Anything to ease the pain in his heart and the images in his brain.

Believe me, that man tried hard but he had less than a second to react. It makes a difference that this was on a country road, with houses set far apart, so not like what happened to you. The little boy suddenly appeared out of some bushes on the side of the road. He'd run off from parents.

When I was 8, I got hit by a motorcycle after I passed in front of a school bus. There were no laws at the time that said a motorist had to stop for a school bus. The driver of the motorcycle was more upset than I was. It knocked me down but didn't do any damage. He wasn't speeding or driving recklessly, just wasn't looking out for kids.
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