Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #13 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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I would like to know how many people had access to the side electronic gate. How many cars parked back there? In the house to their right, there are a dozen cars in the back. Lots of activity going on at the end of the cul-de-sac...IMO.

In the brief time I was there, I saw all three houses gates open and cars exiting and entering.


What I have been picturing in my mind mostly is an early morning with no activity, people away for the weekend or still asleep, no one out and about that morning when Sierra left the house. No one around to see or hear anything unusual.

But now I can picture another scene: Moderate to heavy activity, people finishing up with breakfast before having to rush off to work, a number of cars coming and going through the area as Sierra leaves her house. Just enough activity so that nothing alarming is heard, dogs barking is to be expected and thus paid no mind, and a perp's car can ease in and out of the area unnoticed.

I think Sierra got into a vehicle with someone she knew and thought she could trust. This someone and his vehicle did not raise suspicion in any way with anyone. He blended in so well that neighbors who saw him didn't pay him any notice.


What I have been picturing in my mind mostly is an early morning with no activity, people away for the weekend or still asleep, no one out and about that morning when Sierra left the house. No one around to see or hear anything unusual.

But now I can picture another scene: Moderate to heavy activity, people finishing up with breakfast before having to rush off to work, a number of cars coming and going through the area as Sierra leaves her house. Just enough activity so that nothing alarming is heard, dogs barking is to be expected and thus paid no mind, and a perp's car can ease in and out of the area unnoticed.

I think Sierra got into a vehicle with someone she knew and thought she could trust. This someone and his vehicle did not raise suspicion in any way with anyone. He blended in so well that neighbors who saw him didn't pay him any notice.


Still, when asked about it the very next day, probably, you would think someone would remember seeing something...JMO
Still, when asked about it the very next day, probably, you would think someone would remember seeing something...JMO

Yes, you would think so.

But surprisingly, people often look right at something and it just doesn't register.

If one or two people saw anything they probably do not recall it.

Believe it or not, that happens. I've done it. I have actually remembered things at a later date--sometimes much later--that had slipped my mind completely at the time.

I am not saying someone saw Sierra get into a vehicle and is not remembering that. What they may have seen is a person or a vehicle that did not look out of place at all.

Many times witnesses will say they remember seeing a car...and each one saying it will remember the car as a different color because at the time they saw it they didn't really NOTICE it.
I would like to know how many people had access to the side electronic gate. How many cars parked back there? In the house to their right, there are a dozen cars in the back. Lots of activity going on at the end of the cul-de-sac...IMO.

In the brief time I was there, I saw all three houses' gates open and cars exiting and entering.

I'm curious were you there on a week day at the time she went missing? I think whoever did this lived or worked where they observed her pattern of leaving. Knowing exactly what time she would walk out the door.

Did you witness cars coming from the lots on each side of SL's house, the lots with no homes on them? The only other house that would appear to have a view to hers was the one across the street that had sold recently. Do we know if anyone was living there. It would be interesting to know the prior tenants.

I think whoever did this lives or works where they could have abserved her morning routine. They may not live there anymore. Had recently moved or quit working in the area. Or they could still be there. Or, the day she disappeared they also left the area.

The person could not have necessarily had a vehicle but on that day had access to one.

I think she was taken walking out of the house. She had the phone in her hand (as most teens phones are glued in their hand). She also had her bag with what she needed for her school day. The only significance I see with the charge or inhaler is if she ran away she would need them.

She was either subdued by physical force or threatened with a weapon. It wouid have only taken seconds to put her in the trunk and the phone would have been taken from her hand immediately.

As Gran mentioned earlier, I think the perp thought that where the purse was left was a good enough hiding place. They knew no one frequents that area and would never imagine a search like this.

I think the answers lie very close in that community. There may be a POI but they need to find Sierra first.

These are JMO as going back to the beginning they seem the most likely scenerio to me.
Steve LaMar, Sierra's father, announced Saturday that the reward now is $25,000, more than double the sum of $10,000 first offered April 7, said Marc Klaas, founder of the KlaasKids Foundation.
The money is being funded by fundraisers and community donations that poured in after Sierra, 15, went missing six weeks ago.
"Rewards really can make a difference," Klaas said when reached by phone after the announcement. "There have been cases where they've led authorities to catch abductors."
“As a result of some generous contributions and ongoing fundraising, including a large anonymous contribution, we are able to increase the reward to $25,000,” announced Steve LaMar, Sierra’s father, at a press conference at Burnett Elementary School Saturday.
Steve LaMar made the announcement with Sierra’s mother Marlene LaMar and Marc Klaas, of the KlaasKids Foundation, while volunteers joined yet another search effort that was headquartered at the school.


Steve LaMar added at the press conference Saturday that the family is in “constant communication” with investigators from the sheriff’s office, but did not indicate if he knew any details on the investigation of numerous leads that law enforcement continue to receive.
Fundraising efforts to continue coordinated volunteer searches and contribute to the reward through the Sierra LaMar Fund are “ongoing,” Steve LaMar said.
Volunteers were selling T-shirts with Sierra’s picture printed on them, as well as decorative ribbons and jewelry at the search center. A number of fundraisers for the Sierra LaMar Fund are upcoming, including a May 3 self-defense seminar at Sobrato High School, and a pasta feed May 4 at Holy Spirit Parish Hall in Fremont.

more at link:
coming out of :lurk: mode because I noticed QUITE a few new people posting here - so...


I live in the great lakes region and winter 2010 - spring 2011. I was in CA south of LA working and visiting with relatives. The area that my family lives in reminds me of Morgan Hill except it is more populated in recent years. Here where I live we don't have gardeners, maids and people that do upkeep on pools. Most home owners do these things themselves. We also don't have commute time back and forth to work. Our commute time would be 30 minutes maximum.

When I was in CA it was not uncommon for people to knock on the door looking for work and there was always activity going on all over the area.

Because of this, I do not feel that the neighbors would necessarily notice a vehicle to be suspicious or unusual. Unless you have a neighbor lady like I do that peaks out her window all day long. (bless her heart)

If the neighborhood is primarily working class and you add communte time, most people would be on autopilot in the morning going to work. They wouldn't be looking for suspicious activity.

Now, if the people taking ribbons and tearing down flyers could get away with not being caught for so long then think how easy it would be to abduct Sierra and go unnoticed.
I'm curious were you there on a week day at the time she went missing? I think whoever did this lived or worked where they observed her pattern of leaving. Knowing exactly what time she would walk out the door.

Did you witness cars coming from the lots on each side of SL's house, the lots with no homes on them? The only other house that would appear to have a view to hers was the one across the street that had sold recently. Do we know if anyone was living there. It would be interesting to know the prior tenants.

I think whoever did this lives or works where they could have abserved her morning routine. They may not live there anymore. Had recently moved or quit working in the area. Or they could still be there. Or, the day she disappeared they also left the area.

The person could not have necessarily had a vehicle but on that day had access to one.

I think she was taken walking out of the house. She had the phone in her hand (as most teens phones are glued in their hand). She also had her bag with what she needed for her school day. The only significance I see with the charge or inhaler is if she ran away she would need them.

She was either subdued by physical force or threatened with a weapon. It wouid have only taken seconds to put her in the trunk and the phone would have been taken from her hand immediately.

As Gran mentioned earlier, I think the perp thought that where the purse was left was a good enough hiding place. They knew no one frequents that area and would never imagine a search like this.

I think the answers lie very close in that community. There may be a POI but they need to find Sierra first.

These are JMO as going back to the beginning they seem the most likely scenerio to me.

I think this is right on, except the "As Gran mentioned earlier, I think the perp thought that where the purse was left was a good enough hiding place" part.

Here's why:
If someone is looking for something someone may have someone hid - say, a body, God forbid - they are going to look for a place somewhere that it may not look like many people would go. That is how I have heard this shed described, and it looks quite undesirable. But, why not bury the purse in that mess inside the shed? Why leave it outside, barely 'hidden' buy cacti, and relatively 'easy' to find, considering what other lengths most searches for these types of things go. That's why I think if there's a perp indeed involved, which it's obvious to me there is, they got rid of absolutely anything tied to Sierra within a 3 or 4 mile span - they were panicking and getting rid of everything asap. In the back of my mind, I can't get away from the purse being planted there...only question is, why would it be planted there? Seems to be a very relevant question, even though it may not be the case.
Sierra left that property that morning one way or another. Either she was forced into a vehicle or she voluntarily got into a vehicle. Based on what we have heard, Sierra leaving in a car would be out of the ordinary, so if anyone had seen that I think they would remember it.

Most likely the vehicle was parked in an area that lessened the likelihood of a neighbor seeing anything. The property the LaMar home is on looks, from the maps, to be not isolated and to have an unobstructed view from one and possibly two neighboring homes. But is that deceiving? Are there trees and other obstacles there positioned in such a way that the view of the property is actually more obstructed than it looks to be on the maps? This is most likely the case because logic says the vehicle was parked very near the spot where Sierra's scent was lost. IMO she was in the vehicle in no time flat, either on her own or subdued somehow (taser?). I think she left the property alive because no dog hits show otherwise.

It seems incredible that this could have happened, yet it did. She is gone and no one knows how. No one saw or heard anything. It points to a perp who knew that's how it would be, IMO.
I think the bag hiding spot could be a "good enough" hiding spot. If the goal is to dispose of it so not be found with it, or for it not to be in the home when she is reported missing, and to not be seen disposing of it, it sufficed.

You'd have to be pretty confident that nothing in the bag is going to point straight to you, I guess it depends how much knowledge they had of touch dna, fibres etc whether this was a reasonable thing to do if there was no legitimate reason to link the bag to being around your person, car or home. Nothing compelling on the clothes.

I am trying to find a source for information about the phone pings. I could swear there was information that they determined the phone was tossed shortly after 715, although that may have been media spin, can anyone else recall that? I am finding many earlier stories have been merged or deleted from news sites.
I think this is right on, except the "As Gran mentioned earlier, I think the perp thought that where the purse was left was a good enough hiding place" part.

Here's why:
If someone is looking for something someone may have someone hid - say, a body, God forbid - they are going to look for a place somewhere that it may not look like many people would go. That is how I have heard this shed described, and it looks quite undesirable. But, why not bury the purse in that mess inside the shed? Why leave it outside, barely 'hidden' buy cacti, and relatively 'easy' to find, considering what other lengths most searches for these types of things go. That's why I think if there's a perp indeed involved, which it's obvious to me there is, they got rid of absolutely anything tied to Sierra within a 3 or 4 mile span - they were panicking and getting rid of everything asap. In the back of my mind, I can't get away from the purse being planted there...only question is, why would it be planted there? Seems to be a very relevant question, even though it may not be the case.

I know, the purse is confusing. If I try and think as though I was the perp, It might be a familiar place to me. Either I worked around there, maybe owned the land or somehow knew no one goes there. Or at least wasn't going to go there for any reason soon.

I knew nothing about a search until I followed this case. So if the perp was as blind as I was, I would consider stuck behind that cactus to be good enough. It would take a few more seconds to go inside and burry the purse maybe? Just trying to get out of there as quickly as possible, or it was a lucky toss like LE said. (LE said they didn't know if it was tossed or put there)

Then, there is the one I can't get out of my mind and that is someone else found it laying somewhere, picked it up, got scared and put it there. Uggh! I know I've said that a million times but I can't get it out of my mind.
Not trying to change the topics just share this:

What a difference in appearances. Guy with long dark hair arrested for child molesting. Oops, you have to plug his name in to see the difference in appearance.

I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the search for Sierra or not.
Ozazure, in post #445, I recalled the same information. It was reported that the cellphone was tossed right after 7:15 a.m.
I think the bag hiding spot could be a "good enough" hiding spot. If the goal is to dispose of it so not be found with it, or for it not to be in the home when she is reported missing, and to not be seen disposing of it, it sufficed.

You'd have to be pretty confident that nothing in the bag is going to point straight to you, I guess it depends how much knowledge they had of touch dna, fibres etc whether this was a reasonable thing to do if there was no legitimate reason to link the bag to being around your person, car or home. Nothing compelling on the clothes.

I am trying to find a source for information about the phone pings. I could swear there was information that they determined the phone was tossed shortly after 715, although that may have been media spin, can anyone else recall that? I am finding many earlier stories have been merged or deleted from news sites.
BBM. To my recollection, that was speculation only (kinda common sense) several posters. Not said by LE or MSM. It is possible that I missed something, tho.
I know, the purse is confusing. If I try and think as though I was the perp, It might be a familiar place to me. Either I worked around there, maybe owned the land or somehow knew no one goes there. Or at least wasn't going to go there for any reason soon.

I knew nothing about a search until I followed this case. So if the perp was as blind as I was, I would consider stuck behind that cactus to be good enough. It would take a few more seconds to go inside and burry the purse maybe? Just trying to get out of there as quickly as possible, or it was a lucky toss like LE said. (LE said they didn't know if it was tossed or put there)

Then, there is the one I can't get out of my mind and that is someone else found it laying somewhere, picked it up, got scared and put it there. Uggh! I know I've said that a million times but I can't get it out of my mind.

Good points. Never really considered a third party being involved with the placement. Hard to imagine LE couldn't tell if it was tossed or lain there. I suppose if it did happen by a third party, technically the clothes could've been strewn and maybe even they put the clothes back in the purse. Couldn't find ID or anything in it so they left it. Possible.
BBM. To my recollection, that was speculation only (kinda common sense) several posters. Not said by LE or MSM. It is possible that I missed something, tho.

It makes sense that the phone was tossed ASAP to avoid it being pinged outside the area Sierra was last known to be in. But...I never heard LE actually state when the phone was tossed.
I still don't think the clothes were extra. I think the clothes in the bag was what she was wearing the day she vanished.
Good points. Never really considered a third party being involved with the placement. Hard to imagine LE couldn't tell if it was tossed or lain there. I suppose if it did happen by a third party, technically the clothes could've been strewn and maybe even they put the clothes back in the purse. Couldn't find ID or anything in it so they left it. Possible.

I just rewatched Cardoza talking about the purse and he was being deliberately vague, especially with regards to the location which was actually misleading, it was several hundred metres up the road not at the intersection. So I agree they could tell how likely a toss vs a placement was, they just didn't want to be specific. So the details about the folded clothes and the way he evaded the urine on the clothes, adding a more generic "wetness" description as something they are keeping confidential, is interesting.
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