Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #14

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This goes against the very cornerstone of the justice system in Australia. There is absolutely nothing in the law that allows a place for people to express anger, outrage and frustration outside the legal system. This is what the system is in place to prevent - and is the definition of lawlessness.

I would be very interested to know what place are you referring to and where it exists, and how it operates *outside* the legal system.

Violent offenders do need to be called to account - that is why we have a justice system.

Also, the definition of the term "decent citizens" depends on who creates the definition of "decent".

Personally, I would hate to see anyone follow this line of thinking and believe they are permitted to operate outside the law, and justified, in their behaviour.

If people need to vent frustrations, there is a whole industry of psychologists waiting to help them.


IMO, etc

WELL.. IMO there should be a law against people getting away with... murder.
Definition of Antisocial Personality Disorder[URL=""[/URL]

Callous unconcern for the feelings of others.
Gross and persistent attitude of irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, rules, and obligations.
Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships, though having no difficulty in establishing them.
Very low tolerance to frustration and a low threshold for discharge of aggression, including violence.
Incapacity to experience guilt or to profit from experience, particularly punishment.
Markedly prone to blame others or to offer plausible rationalizations for the behavior that has brought the person into conflict with society.

Does the above sound plausible regarding GBC?

Although some of this applies, there are a number of personality disorders which have some similar traits. So it can be confusing. The Antisocial Personality Disorder is more one to describe a vandal, car thief, someone who gets into fights at the pub at the drop of a hat, sort of a delinquent type.

The type who murdered Allison is more liely to be a Sociopath. Sociopaths can have charecteristics whcih include those of a Narcissist and of someone with Borderline Personality disorder. Interesting reading if you want to look them up. I was told by my therapist that my ex-partner was a sociopath, but that his therapist wouldnt have wanted to actually tell him that, so she recommended he read books about Borderline Personality Disorder as a way of understanding some of his behaviour.

This might be helpful in understanding the type of personality who murdered Allison, and some of the facts of the case, especially if that person is GBC.
When that voice is saying "We will not suffer killers to live among us" then it has to be heard I think. There's an important place for all the formal pleasantries and legal niceties of the Rule of Law, but there's also a place for ordinary people to express anger and outrage without fear of being sued or locked up. Violent offenders need to be called to account for their actions. Lynch mobs are wrong, but we shouldn't be telling decent citizens to bottle up their frustrations and outrage. They need outlets.
Hear! Hear! HAWKINS. Well said. A most decent contribution to our thread tonight. I, for one, am thankful for your wise posts, this post being a standout among them all for its message about social media providing a place for ordinary people to express anger and outrage without fear of being sued or locked up. Our voice is collectively saying that: "We will not suffer killers to live among us" and we want violent offenders to be called to account for their actions. Your posts are so welcome.
Please don't beat yourself up over it. I'm glad to hear people question their initial instinct. It shows that you're looking at this situation with your eyes wide open. It also lets us see what a compassionate person you must be.

With respect AllyG, I feel Allison was exactly in this position always......GUT instinct never changes , until the brain tries to rationalise irrational behaviour!!!!!!!

Minni go back to your gut instinct always honey.........Allison ended up dead with all her psych training and compassionate traits.....
Who are we talking about here please and why wouldn't this OW be in Queensland at the time?

GBC's sister - but I don't think it has been established when she actually arrived in Brisbane. Much earlier posts suggested the Friday, or even the Saturday.
GBC's sister - but I don't think it has been established when she actually arrived in Brisbane. Much earlier posts suggested the Friday, or even the Saturday.

Oh ok, I was reading too far into it and falsely assumed that in this instance OW meant "other woman". Time for bed me thinks! Night.
Haha, I thought OW meant Other Woman. I'm a silly sausage tonight. :)
There's an important place for all the formal pleasantries and legal niceties of the Rule of Law, but there's also a place for ordinary people to express anger and outrage without fear of being sued or locked up.

As I understand the doctrine of the Rule of Law, it is what underpins the Australian Constitution, the same Constitution which protects the freedom of political communication.

Meaning, on political issues people's opinions, that is, their voices, can be heard without fear of being locked up so long as what they say isn't defamatory (this is a generalised approach but hopefully illustrates the point).

The Rule of Law also underpins the concept of democracy, also pretty well established by our Constitution. Which is what a lot of people are exercising on this site, their say.

I don't see the ROL as a 'nicety' but essential for those of us who live in a liberal democracy. In this way it prevents us being locked up for speaking our anger and outrage. It is what enables us all to have our say here.
Oh ok, I was reading too far into it and falsely assumed that in this instance OW meant "other woman". Time for bed me thinks! Night.

OMGosh - well done - hadn't thought about that! It might be time for bed for me too!
If this was about the silver trailer I've been meaning to mention that last weekend during the Brookfield show I went past the GBC house (which was right next to where the road was blocked off for the show visitors) and there was a silver Mitsubishi Magna in the yard in front of the house, with a silver trailer attached or certainly very close to it and looking as if it was attached.

Also I noticed when i was driving past the house one night during this week that all the lights in the house were on, it certainly looked as if people were living there so I am thinking that GBC is back there with the girls. Not that I can be sure of course.

I will look for the link in a minute but i think you will find they are back at the house. I read in one of the updates that Allison's family were over at the house getting it ready for Gerard and the girls to go back home
Did you end up calling police or they quietened down??

To anyone...

How bad would it have to sound before you'd call police... or... not bother as you don't want to get involved??

I didn't this time. As they quietened down and I heard them leave. I believe it was neighbour and a female visitor. Although we live in a very quiet area, these neighbours are not the quietest. lol. But this was more than the usual noise and did have me with a finger on the phone keypad..ready to dial. If it had escalated anymore I would certainly have.
I don't believe anyone is saying that violent offenders shouldn't be called to account for their actions. But surely this is the domain of the police and the courts?

Yes, but your average Joe still has an opinion.
I will look for the link in a minute but i think you will find they are back at the house. I read in one of the updates that Allison's family were over at the house getting it ready for Gerard and the girls to go back home

Yes I read that too. But quite a few days later I read somewhere he had yet to move back in. And was still at his parents.
With respect AllyG, I feel Allison was exactly in this position always......GUT instinct never changes , until the brain tries to rationalise irrational behaviour!!!!!!!

Minni go back to your gut instinct always honey.........Allison ended up dead with all her psych training and compassionate traits.....
Oh I'm not saying that she shouldn't listen to her gut instinct. I just like seeing minni thinking about this critically. I find myself trapped in this mindset of thinking that he did it and then I feel guilty about that so try to consider other alternatives. Ultimately I find myself coming back to that intial gut instinct though.
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