Armchair psych profile and personal background

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do not display the behaviour of a psychotic person who has temporarily lost contact with reality.*advertiser censored*-star-a-psychopath-experts-1.1328635
“The current empirical and clinical evidence does not provide a clear distinction between methamphetamine psychosis and psychosis due to other factors. Particularly in the case of an acute presentation, distinguishing between methamphetamine-induced psychosis and another psychotic illness such as schizophrenia is very difficult and it is often only in retrospect that a diagnosis can be made” (pag4).

LMs ex Arsenault stated he was using meth when he was 19? The prevalance of temporary psychosis under meth users is quite high. If I was a nefarious psychopath and had a meth-induced psychosis, got misdiagnosed, I would use it to my advantage. It’s a fantasic way to bumb around, especially if you don’t seem to be able to hold a normal job. Don’t know how it works in Canada but here it would be very easy to get social security, so no need to work and lots of time to spend on the interrnet. You could make some extra money by prostituting yourself to travel or buy a new Versace shirt. And if you get into trouble you can blame it on the mental illness and get away it. I would be having a blast…. If I was a psychopath.. haha..
Apparently the person quoted above was asked personally by LM to create the FB fan pages weeks before the murder. The article claims she is now apologetic, but based on her comments within, I'm not really getting that.

Hey! funny right? I've just read her apology and I'm not buying it either! I bet that now she is giving the old excuse of being manipulated by Luka because she certainly got a lot of bad reaction on facebook. She exposed herself calling a killer inspirational and said that could care less about the 'other dude' (the victim) and that she watched 20x and totally liked the movie, it was shocking but she was honest so what made her change her mind all of sudden? the truth is that she can't take the heat now... Any reputation she ever had online and even real life was ruined, even job and school opportunities can be affected by what she said earlier. I'm on the other side of the world and think she sounds demented and should seek psychiatric help, If I was a neighbour or co-worker I would totally stay away from her lol... She sounds like she has some serious low self-steem and poor judgement about what is right and wrong, no normal person feels obliged to reply emails from some psycho who kill cats just because it has little hearts and cute messages. I think she is lying now. JMO
I do plan on writing Luka Magnotta. I'm not a 'fan', I'm not 'in love'. I want to know what you all are wanting to know. I'm just gonna try to go to the source and ask for it. Maybe I still won't find out but it's worth a couple of stamps to try.

I completely understand your curiosity because I've thought of doing that on several occasions in the past. But last night I happened to see a movie, 'Dear Mr Gacy', about someone who did just that and the outcome wasn't good. Jason Moss wanted to get inside John Gacy's head and didn't realize what the consequences of delving into that dark world could be. Moss wrote a book about it titled, 'The Last Victim' ... which is exactly what he wound up being, when in 2007 he shot himself in the head.

Check out this website:

"It was with 33-time killer John Wayne Gacy, the “Killer Clown”, that Jason forged the strongest relationship. Letters led to regular Sunday morning phone calls, during which Gacy trumpeted his innocence even as he gave Jason a guided tour of his world. In the book, Jason tells the story of his correspondence and eventual live meeting with Gacy shortly before Gacy was executed."

"Jason felt he became Gacy’s “last victim” after a face to face meeting in prison, in essence being overpowered by the mind of the serial killer. He felt that this misadventure allowed him to understand how a killer’s mind works in not only controlling the vulnerable but also in terms of how to break them."

If you go ahead with writing to LM, be VERY careful that he doesn't suck you in. Psychopaths are expert at doing just that, and you won't even know what hit you.
Originally Posted by fittzi
Apparently the person quoted above was asked personally by LM to create the FB fan pages weeks before the murder. The article claims she is now apologetic, but based on her comments within, I'm not really getting that.

This young adult is troubled and on a downward slope into the abyss. To be just 21 and blowing off her lack of judgment with regards to propping up a killer, give her 8 more years to grow in callousness and she could be in a prison neighboring LM. She's so juvenile in her interests with LM..."because of his looks and personality"...."he would always send me hearts in messages if I don’t reply to him". Something is awry that she would forego the severe danger attached to him and instead pander to his pathetic attempts at charm and manipulation. To know he's a psychopath and yet reply "no comment" with regards to future contact with him tells me there's more to this for her. She very well may be very....very angry at the world for her own reasons and has a difficult time owning it. She could be getting some sort of cathartic release for her own pent up crap by associating herself with him. She's truly vile to me.
“The current empirical and clinical evidence does not provide a clear distinction between methamphetamine psychosis and psychosis due to other factors. Particularly in the case of an acute presentation, distinguishing between methamphetamine-induced psychosis and another psychotic illness such as schizophrenia is very difficult and it is often only in retrospect that a diagnosis can be made” (pag4).

LMs ex Arsenault stated he was using meth when he was 19? The prevalance of temporary psychosis under meth users is quite high. If I was a nefarious psychopath and had a meth-induced psychosis, got misdiagnosed, I would use it to my advantage. It’s a fantasic way to bumb around, especially if you don’t seem to be able to hold a normal job. Don’t know how it works in Canada but here it would be very easy to get social security, so no need to work and lots of time to spend on the interrnet. You could make some extra money by prostituting yourself to travel or buy a new Versace shirt. And if you get into trouble you can blame it on the mental illness and get away it. I would be having a blast…. If I was a psychopath.. haha..
Humm I never ,ever thought of methamphetamine psychosis , I ruled out mental illiness psychosis. I never watched video - did u?

What would you go for the methamphetamine induced psychosis is IMO, an amazing new piece !

I , have not heard people who watched the video, claim they saw a "frantic" ness ! to the killing ( which would be meth - no ?

BUT tell me more- that is interesting and cause for pause??????????

Not ruling out child abuse or mental illiness , but humm????

Wha I found in his writings ....are....frantic ........with ......the ...peroids..........

They hit me as a individual under the influnce of something..
and.....being......flooded.........with ..........losing......control..........
.frantic lost soull.........
This young adult is troubled and on a downward slope into the abyss. To be just 21 and blowing off her lack of judgment with regards to propping up a killer, give her 8 more years to grow in callousness and she could be in a prison neighboring LM. She's so juvenile in her interests with LM..."because of his looks and personality"...."he would always send me hearts in messages if I don’t reply to him". Something is awry that she would forego the severe danger attached to him and instead pander to his pathetic attempts at charm and manipulation. To know he's a psychopath and yet reply "no comment" with regards to future contact with him tells me there's more to this for her. She very well may be very....very angry at the world for her own reasons and has a difficult time owning it. She could be getting some sort of cathartic release for her own pent up crap by associating herself with him. She's truly vile to me.
Goodness, infatuation can be ......................
I completely understand your curiosity because I've thought of doing that on several occasions in the past. But last night I happened to see a movie, 'Dear Mr Gacy', about someone who did just that and the outcome wasn't good. Jason Moss wanted to get inside John Gacy's head and didn't realize what the consequences of delving into that dark world could be. Moss wrote a book about it titled, 'The Last Victim' ... which is exactly what he wound up being, when in 2007 he shot himself in the head.

Check out this website:

"It was with 33-time killer John Wayne Gacy, the “Killer Clown”, that Jason forged the strongest relationship. Letters led to regular Sunday morning phone calls, during which Gacy trumpeted his innocence even as he gave Jason a guided tour of his world. In the book, Jason tells the story of his correspondence and eventual live meeting with Gacy shortly before Gacy was executed."

"Jason felt he became Gacy’s “last victim” after a face to face meeting in prison, in essence being overpowered by the mind of the serial killer. He felt that this misadventure allowed him to understand how a killer’s mind works in not only controlling the vulnerable but also in terms of how to break them."

If you go ahead with writing to LM, be VERY careful that he doesn't suck you in. Psychopaths are expert at doing just that, and you won't even know what hit you.
Another awesome post --TY.........
This young adult is troubled and on a downward slope into the abyss. To be just 21 and blowing off her lack of judgment with regards to propping up a killer, give her 8 more years to grow in callousness and she could be in a prison neighboring LM. She's so juvenile in her interests with LM..."because of his looks and personality"...."he would always send me hearts in messages if I don’t reply to him". Something is awry that she would forego the severe danger attached to him and instead pander to his pathetic attempts at charm and manipulation. To know he's a psychopath and yet reply "no comment" with regards to future contact with him tells me there's more to this for her. She very well may be very....very angry at the world for her own reasons and has a difficult time owning it. She could be getting some sort of cathartic release for her own pent up crap by associating herself with him. She's truly vile to me.
Is there evidence that she ever really corresponded with Luka? Sounds to me like she is living in her own little delusional fantasy world. Yeah, she needs help...
Be careful writing to inmates. My ex MIL joined a penpal thing for inmates in the 70's, when the guy got out he came to her home. Not good. I know LM will not get out, but some buddy in jail may get the address of the envelope or letters laying around.

As far as what is wrong with LM, I don't know. I don't think he is a serial killer. I think this was his first and only human. Not just b/c of the mistakes he made in getting caught so quickly either. Just from his ramblings on the net, the knowledge that he studied serial killers and felt some affinity with Karla, and, well, his ramblings. The make no sense, and too much of trail. Something else would have been left behind much sooner if he killed other humans. He is a very immature, insecure, narcissist. Delusions of grandeur, yet a simple prostitute. No way to take care of himself, or any mistakes he made. jmo
give her 8 more years to grow in callousness and she could be in a prison neighboring LM. She's so juvenile in her interests with LM..Nicely shared !
Humm I never ,ever thought of methamphetamine psychosis , I ruled out mental illiness psychosis. I never watched video - did u?

Im sorry, I think I wasnt clear enough in my post. I dont believe he commited the murder during a meth-induced psychosis. I think it could be possible that he had a meth-induced psychosis in the past, long time ago, and got misdiagnosed. Ergo that could explane his prescription of medicine.. (big assumption by my part).
yea i wonder how she knew him in the 1st place??:waitasec:

In the article it says she initially messages him regarding one of his kitten videos. I believe he probably did respond to her. I imagine he was beyond excited that he had a fan. :what:
This young adult is troubled and on a downward slope into the abyss. To be just 21 and blowing off her lack of judgment with regards to propping up a killer, give her 8 more years to grow in callousness and she could be in a prison neighboring LM. She's so juvenile in her interests with LM..."because of his looks and personality"...."he would always send me hearts in messages if I don’t reply to him". Something is awry that she would forego the severe danger attached to him and instead pander to his pathetic attempts at charm and manipulation. To know he's a psychopath and yet reply "no comment" with regards to future contact with him tells me there's more to this for her. She very well may be very....very angry at the world for her own reasons and has a difficult time owning it. She could be getting some sort of cathartic release for her own pent up crap by associating herself with him. She's truly vile to me.

Sure, and down the road she can blame peeps like us who "labelled" her or "didn't understand her".

I kinda like Florida's idea re the Marchman Act on substance abuse ... where any three people who have direct knowledge of a person’s substance abuse problem can apply to have you put into involuntary treatment. Would be nice to have the same option for the emotionally disturbed.

sigh ... JMO
Be careful writing to inmates. My ex MIL joined a penpal thing for inmates in the 70's, when the guy got out he came to her home. Not good. I know LM will not get out, but some buddy in jail may get the address of the envelope or letters laying around.


Well, if you write an inmate, why use your own adress? Not everyone has a P.O. Box, but even back in the day the have something called " Poste Restante". It's been used by sailors and circusgroups for a long time, so that they could receive letters from home and such.
As far as what is wrong with LM, I don't know. I don't think he is a serial killer. I think this was his first and only human. Not just b/c of the mistakes he made in getting caught so quickly either

I disagree
I think the opposite , it was reasonable notion that garbage would be picked up....

I disagree, I think he is a prolific serial killer ….I think his numbers, if ever known will numb us

He had never gotten caught because he had the capability to dismember – that’s it!

He is, IMO, wildly bright, he knew these urges and acting out were not ok. But, he was asking for someone to stop him …. No one did … the world called him a liar…
This is, IMO, reason for video ….ok you all do not believe me …..Well watch …….. I have been telling everyone my wants, no one believes me, so here is some video – and I think, he got more and more confused – how come nothing happened when I did the kittens?

I want to be stopped, hello anyone… what is going on….my urges, my behaviors are not ok......

hello someone?
…..nothing ….. ……………………
<snip> <snip>

Im sorry, I think I wasnt clear enough in my post. I dont believe he commited the murder during a meth-induced psychosis. I think it could be possible that he had a meth-induced psychosis in the past, long time ago, and got misdiagnosed. Ergo that could explane his prescription of medicine.. (big assumption by my part).
Ah ha !
The first year I moved to BC, I volunteered with a local Christmas Bureau. One day we were told that three guys from one of BC's mininum security prisons were being brought in to help out. Jim (supposedly fraud), Dan (12 years for something), and Tak (offences unknown) were on supervised day passes. If you'd seen their escort, you could have knocked this nice old guy over with a feather. Long story short ;) I worked alongside these guys for 2 or 3 days, not knowing their crimes. I found out later that Tak is one of Canada's most infamous rapists, Larry Takahashi.

Sometime closer to Christmas, the chaperone delivered a package to my door from the inmates. Can't recall how he got my address, but I joked that I hoped the parcel wasn't ticking. I opened it up and it was a beautiful hand-made clock LOLZ .. with a note about how i'd been so kind, etc and they hoped i liked the gift. Somehow dude Jim found out my phone number and called me from out-of-province about how he was getting married, I'd been so helpful in our talks, blah blah ... next thing I was bumping into him in my hometown. I'm also pretty sure I saw him in the next town i lived in.

So, long story short (rarrrrRRRRR) ... be careful. They'll tell you anything and can be so bleepin' charming and it's hard not to want to help.
Is there evidence that she ever really corresponded with Luka? Sounds to me like she is living in her own little delusional fantasy world. Yeah, she needs help...

I think she found out about him after the killvid and created the facebook fan page afterwards. But if she actually corresponded with Luka prior to the murder, I think that makes matter worse, I mean how could she make a fan page for LM when everybody knew he was killing cats and uploading videos? she knew that he was a and in despite of that made a fan page for him? Either she is retarded or think we are idiots. I hope some friend or relative help her before something really bad happen to her or others around her....
As far as what is wrong with LM, I don't know. I don't think he is a serial killer. I think this was his first and only human. Not just b/c of the mistakes he made in getting caught so quickly either

I disagree
I think the opposite , it was reasonable notion that garbage would be picked up....

I disagree, I think he is a prolific serial killer ….I think his numbers, if ever known will numb us

He had never gotten caught because he had the capability to dismember – that’s it!

He is, IMO, wildly bright, he knew these urges and acting out were not ok. But, he was asking for someone to stop him …. No one did … the world called him a liar…
This is, IMO, reason for video ….ok you all do not believe me …..Well watch …….. I have been telling everyone my wants, no one believes me, so here is some video – and I think, he got more and more confused – how come nothing happened when I did the kittens?

I want to be stopped, hello anyone… what is going on….my urges, my behaviors are not ok......

hello someone?
…..nothing ….. ……………………

Well, it is highly likale that he anticipated on the "pick-up-garbage-day" i agree. But want I think is strange is, why kill people, and then kittens and then return to humans. To me there is no logic behind that, other then he could not get a human. It's almost like taking steps backwards instead of forwards, if you know what i mean.
As your reasoning for the video... i can see somewhat potential in this theory but again, regarding everything in this case it's a goulash for me.
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