Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen-#2

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Troubled for a long time,yet he was able to buy guns?!

"These Newtown residents described their terror and fear but did not reveal much about the Lanza family, saying they were unfamiliar with them.

Beth Israel said her daughter was in the same class at Newtown High School with Adam Lanza, who lived six houses away.

"He was troubled for sure for a long time,"

On Anderson Cooper 360, it was said that CT has super strict gun laws. The suspect was not old enough to buy a gun yet, you have to be 21. It was also said that assault rifles are banned, however if one was owned and registered before 1993, it was grandfathered in. All of the guns were registered in the mom's name.
CNN has a young woman on now talking about the characteristics of this monster. She knew him for over a decade. His characteristics sound VERY similar to the Batman theatre shooter from Colorado (Loner, social isolation, high IQ, stayed to himself, reserved, quiet....)
I don't know if this was mentioned yet, I had to walk away for a bit. IMO, I don't think he committed suicide, I think a bullet bounced off something and hit him. He was wearing a bullet proof vest for petes sake. He took so many lives, I don't think he would have stopped until someone shot him or by accident. again IMO
Not only that but if brother R hasn't seen/talked to brother A, then what was brother r doing hiding outside in the woods? Why was he there? Lots of questions for me...I totally don't understand brother saying no contact since 2010 but there he was outside the me understand.

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He wasn't there in the woods. R was in Hoboken, NJ, and learned of what was going on when LE arrived to take him into custody for questioning. He is not a suspect and Le believes they have the person responsible, per LE reports.

The suspect in the Connecticut school shootings is Adam Lanza, 20, the son of a teacher at the school where the shootings occurred, a law enforcement official said Friday. A second law enforcement official says the boy's mother, Nancy Lanza, is presumed dead.

Adam Lanza's older brother, Ryan, 24, of Hoboken, N.J., was being questioned by police, said the first official. Earlier, a law enforcement official mistakenly transposed the brothers' first names.

Tips for talking to children about school shooting

Mental Health America offers the following suggestions to parents when talking to their children about school violence.

School shooting: No place is safe anymore

Friday morning, a Connecticut school for young children was turned into a living hell.

Mass shootings in U.S. history

Take a look at some of the worst mass shootings in U.S. history.

Photos: Tragedy of 'epic proportions'

A gunman opened fire inside a Connecticut elementary school, killing 26 people, including 20 children, by blasting his way through the building as young students cowered helplessly in classrooms while their teachers and classmates were shot.


Ryan Lanza has been extremely cooperative during questioning late Friday by law enforcement in New Jersey, said a third law enforcement official who was briefed on the investigation. Ryan Lanza is not believed to have any involvement and is not under arrest or in custody, but investigators were still searching his computers and phone records, said the third official.

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I disagree.. they are trying to get information to a nation.. no a world.. as this horror unfolds.

there will be errors along the way.

The reporters I am watching now live are so viscerally effected and affected by this. Everyone is. I am not sure how else to classify this other than another 9/11 type tragedy where the info develops and changes. It has nothing to do with the reporting imhoo.

And may God be with these reporters who are so obviously affected by this story. I see many right now as I am watching live that can hardly form a sentence.

This affects us all..

Even LE has been confused about somethings that they inacurately reported to the media and had to correct.

I think all of them have tried hard to convey that the information they were getting all through the day was constantly changing.

What surprised me some though is the LE spokesman seemed pretty stoic. Sometimes in something like this they too can even breakdown but he didnt.

AP Source: More guns found in Connecticut school
WASHINGTON (AP) — A law enforcement official says authorities investigating the mass shooting at a Connecticut elementary school found more guns inside the school than the initial two that had been reported.

The official would not say what type of guns were found but says all the weapons were being traced by state and federal authorities. The official was not authorized to speak to reporters about the investigation and spoke only on condition of anonymity.
I disagree.. they are trying to get information to a nation.. no a world.. as this horror unfolds.

there will be errors along the way.

The reporters I am watching now live are so viscerally effected and affected by this. Everyone is. I am not sure how else to classify this other than another 9/11 type tragedy where the info develops and changes. It has nothing to do with the reporting imhoo.

And may God be with these reporters who are so obviously affected by this story. I see many right now as I am watching live that can hardly form a sentence.

This affects us all..

I understand that they have a HUGE job in reporting this tragedy. I am troubled when there is such a rush to get information out -that they choose to give misleading information out to the public.

I couldn't imagine finding out that my mother had been murdered and that my brother had just murdered 26 innocent people, the way that Ryan found out today.

I didn't mean to sound snarky..I am sorry if I did. :)
On Anderson Cooper 360, it was said that CT has super strict gun laws. The suspect was not old enough to buy a gun yet, you have to be 21. It was also said that assault rifles are banned, however if one was owned and registered before 1993, it was grandfathered in. All of the guns were registered in the mom's name.

I believe we will find out that AL used his mothers credit card. Assault Rifles are not typical weapons purchased by women. Then again, if she bought them what does that tell us about her. What was she so afraid of....?
I understand that they have a HUGE job in reporting this tragedy. I am troubled when there is such a rush to get information out -that they choose to give misleading information out to the public.

Which case do you refer to when you they they have chosen "to give misleading information to the public?"
FWIW I completely agree. IMO, we have raised the biggest generation of wusses I've ever seen. Inability to cope with problems and/or not having everything the way they envisioned. Partly to blame are the parents who said, like a mantra, "you can be anything you want."

Truth is, not everybody gets to be a brain surgeon. Some people get to dig ditches. Some people get 2 parents, some 1 and some none. College is not an inalienable right. Sometimes you have to get a job in high school to buy your own school clothes, etc. The late teen and 20-somethings cannot grasp that.

Problem is....some don't want to be anything, they don't want to do anything. I guess we can thank Dr. Spock and his "don't spank your children" garbage for that.
I don't know if this was mentioned yet, I had to walk away for a bit. IMO, I don't think he committed suicide, I think a bullet bounced off something and hit him. He was wearing a bullet proof vest for petes sake. He took so many lives, I don't think he would have stopped until someone shot him or by accident. again IMO

The police said they fired no shots at the suspect iirc. His vest wouldnt protect his head and I think he shot himself in the head when he knew that LE was on the scene and rushing to get him.

I believe we will find out that AL used his mothers credit card. Assault Rifles are not typical weapons purchased by women. Then again, if she bought them what does that tell us about her. What was she so afraid of....?

Her son may have asked for them as Christmas and birthday gift.

That's a good point though. Maybe mom has some symptoms of paranoia. Some forms of mental illness can be passed genetically.
Problem is....some don't want to be anything, they don't want to do anything. I guess we can thank Dr. Spock and his "don't spank your children" garbage for that.
Respectfully, I disagree.
Or the way the dad/ex-husband did, as he pulled into his driveway by a reporter.
I understand that they have a HUGE job in reporting this tragedy. I am troubled when there is such a rush to get information out -that they choose to give misleading information out to the public.

I couldn't imagine finding out that my mother had been murdered and that my brother had just murdered 26 innocent people, the way that Ryan found out today.

I didn't mean to sound snarky..I am sorry if I did. :)

no you were not snarky and I did not mean to be as well.. this is just my opinion..

this is a developing situation.. there is no way they will have it all right but they are trying to tell us what they can as they get it and fact checking is most likely not up there in priority.

I think we all are in shock.. this would include everyone like us reading here, the reporters on site there, and well.. just about everyone. :twocents:
My high school was one of the best in the state, our whole district was really good. The superintendent was my neighbor. He retired and makes over 200k a year on pension. :yuck:

I so agree. My local economy is terrible. The mayor told us that she wouldn't allow police to investigate burglaries anymore due to the budget and would cut that over pulling people for speeding tickets. So of course that crime skyrocketed. So we voted her out and our new mayor put police back on it and crime in that department has gone way down. However, this new mayor is constantly giving himself a raise, hired a horrible leader for our police department and is hurting us economically. We need leaders of school districts and politics who won't take so much money and will put the need of the people first. So greedy! I am not asking them to be poor but reasonable in their salaries. Our kids need this!
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