Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #8

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Are their written guidelines somewhere on what we can and cannot post in this topic? I had a post about a little boy who was killed in a drive-by shooting the day after the Sandy Hook shooting and I didn't think it broke any TOS, but it went poof. Given the heightened emotions right now, I can understand if different rules are in place, but I would like to know what they are.

Rules are the same and typically thread or case specific rules are in the OP or close to the top. i see your post and the subsequent gun control Or OT posts are now here: Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Just shoot a note to a moderator anytime that happens so we can stay on topic in this thread.
Video games played, screen names used and credit cards billed to buy online gaming time are areas of interest to investigators trying to unravel the reasons behind Adam Lanza's rampage inside Sandy Hook Elementary School

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IMO, I think they'll get the most info on the home situation and what AL's state of being was from NL's phone. I have no doubt that she had a confidant (or two or three) that she shared valuable information with. If they retrieve her texts, I believe they will be quite telling of what was going on at home, what her plans were (or weren't) for her son and what both of their emotional/physical/medical statuses were. I doubt they'll glean too terribly much from AL's internet footprint other than any research for his plans. They may also show how much she shared info on AL's condition with PL. My ex and I are friendly but don't really talk. We text each other when there's an issue with the kids. I doubt we're unusual in using that detached form of communication. I bet that a lot of divorced parents do as well.
No matter whether this killer was sick or not I have not read or heard any single one thing that he did or was involved in that did not center upon himself and ensuring his own comfort.

Anyone have anything to contest this?

What to think? Is this because people who know the nice things he did are afraid to speak up in support of him for fear of being ridiculed? Or did he really never do anything other than try to make his own self happy or at least less anxious. And if it is a fact that he was all consumed only in his own survival ~ can we excuse this selfishness because he was "sick?"

I believe he was both sick and self indulgent. And how does this, then, align with what we consider evil? Which brings into question the responsibility of those who might have been codependents in his selfishness.

One dead, sick person, by his own hand. And twenty six others dead because of his self indulgence. I believe he was evil but am having a hard time assigning responsibility to other family members at this time for their collaboration because we have such a paucity of facts.

Sick as he may have been, he didn't grow up in a vacuum. So how much weight should his family members bear in the guilt of not having had him properly evaluated and under enough control to prevent this horrendous slaughter of innocents and heros?

And I question, as a society that is experiencing these senseless slaughters more and more often, how much responsibility do we hold for not demanding and implementing something to better protect our children? Are we not also, as a society, as responsible as this killer's (whose name I refuse to type) family for his not being reported as a risk to murder children? Were they blinded by their love? Or were there no clues? Did the family try too hard to cover up or compensate or did they honestly see no danger?

DS came home after 4 tours in the Iraq war. PTSD and traumatic brain injury. Always had to carry a bottle of water with him wherever he went, constantly scanned crowds when were in public, trusted no one, divorced, holed up in the bedroom connected to the outside world only by computer, startled at each and every paper bag or piece of garbage in the path of our car (he was the convoy lead) and took 30 minutes to tie his shoes to get ready to go to church. MENSA qualified and common sense, too. Went to the Air Force Academy.

But he came home sick. Should I have called the police on him? Because, in all honesty, I wasn't sure of his or anyone else's safety.

He is fine, even wonderful, now. He went to the great Cleveland Clinic and it helped him restructure his entire life. New family, rewarding and well paying (Obama will tap him) job and seems well adjusted and even happier than he was in his "before Iraq" life.

Alotta words. To say maybe I understand the killer's mother and family not sending out an alarm because they were hopeful that their story would turn out as good as mine.

But the difference I see is that my DS, even at his sickest, worried that he was being a burden and an imposition on his old parents. DS, even in the torture of his mental confusion, had a pure heart.

Did this murderer have any heart at all?
With the assault weapons like Adam had, he didn't really need to get inside the school, he could have stood in the parking lot and wiped out at least two full classrooms of teachers and students just by shooting through the walls.

Or he could have waited until recess and drove his car over even more kids.

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Or he could have waited until recess and drove his car over even more kids.

Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Board Express

More than 20? Plus 6 adults? Without anyone being able to run and find safety?

Maybe. I think it was WAAAAY easier with the ole Bushmaster.
IMO, I think they'll get the most info on the home situation and what AL's state of being was from NL's phone. I have no doubt that she had a confidant (or two or three) that she shared valuable information with. If they retrieve her texts, I believe they will be quite telling of what was going on at home, what her plans were (or weren't) for her son and what both of their emotional/physical/medical statuses were. I doubt they'll glean too terribly much from AL's internet footprint other than any research for his plans. They may also show how much she shared info on AL's condition with PL. My ex and I are friendly but don't really talk. We text each other when there's an issue with the kids. I doubt we're unusual in using that detached form of communication. I bet that a lot of divorced parents do as well.

My ex and I do the same unless there is a lengthy discussion necessary. But day to day things like "had a meltdown over math homework again" would be found in our text logs and would certainly paint some kind of picture....

Very good point!
Virgalla (an adult survivor inside the school) had some advice for parents and teachers: make sure your doors lock from the inside.

"Ours did not and teachers had to go out. You can't be out in a hall when a shooter is present in your school. Just that simple thing could make a difference in time and safety of the children," she said.
Virgalla (an adult survivor inside the school) had some advice for parents and teachers: make sure your doors lock from the inside.

"Ours did not and teachers had to go out. You can't be out in a hall when a shooter is present in your school. Just that simple thing could make a difference in time and safety of the children," she said.

That is something simple every school can do-make sure doors lock from the inside.
Virgalla (an adult survivor inside the school) had some advice for parents and teachers: make sure your doors lock from the inside.

"Ours did not and teachers had to go out. You can't be out in a hall when a shooter is present in your school. Just that simple thing could make a difference in time and safety of the children," she said.

I don't understand why the teachers had to go out. It seems to be something about the doors not locking from the inside, but I can't figure out why they would have to go out in the hall. tia
That is something simple every school can do-make sure doors lock from the inside.

Our schools classroom doors lock from the outside. However, easy fix to that is every teacher can just always have the door closed and locked, they open locked or not from the inside as per fire regulations.
I don't understand why the teachers had to go out. It seems to be something about the doors not locking from the inside, but I can't figure out why they would have to go out in the hall. tia

My understanding, several people (including the principal) didn't have to go out, but did it trying to stop the shooter.
I don't understand why the teachers had to go out. It seems to be something about the doors not locking from the inside, but I can't figure out why they would have to go out in the hall. tia

Had to step open the door a bit, step a foot outside, and reach around to lock it? That is what I'm taking this to mean, anyway.
Had to step open the door a bit, step a foot outside, and reach around to lock it? That is what I'm taking this to mean, anyway.

No, three people actually went out to try and stop the shooter. He shot and killed two of them, one was wounded and came crawling back. It wouldn't have taken three people to step a foot outside, if that what she was talking about.
Reflections on a week: Today was a day without a funeral or a wake, just a regular Sunday strange!

I'm sure many of you have said "that's it, I've had it with this job!" when it just seemed to be too much, well, welcome to my Waterloo week 'cause I swore this was IT! While there have been other difficult cases in my career, this reached the pinnacle of emotional stress.

It was an honor to be able to attend as many wakes and funerals as possible, to be within the heart of the Newtown community, to witness the strength and support of the friends & strangers toward the families, to reconnect with the first responders and to bring the entire nightmare full circle...from first contact to final goodbye.

I've been exceptionally proud of the manner in which this investigation has been conducted, the early media information liberally dispensed was NOT part of the official investigation nor was it garnered from formal sources. It is amazing how certain media personalities "flutter" about and attempt to build "breaking news" stories from hypothetical variations or overheard conversations!

Support is and will continue to be provided to those who need it.

And a very heartfelt THANK YOU to all my WS siblings, your love & prayers was felt and appreciated by ALL!
No, three people actually went out to try and stop the shooter. He shot and killed two of them, one was wounded and came crawling back. It wouldn't have taken three people to step a foot outside, if that what she was talking about.

Yeah, I know about that. I was referencing teachers having to step out to manually lock their doors from the outside, not the principal and psychologist. I thought we were talking about individual classroom doors.
One of the very first live telephone interviews CNN aired was with a woman who had been in a meeting with the Principle Hochsprung, Pyschologist Sherlach and lead teacher Natalie Hammond. The person was not identified, though at the time I was under the impression that it was a parent of a student. The description she gave was that they all heard a "ruckus, loud noises" out in the hall or nearby in the building, that the three women left the room they were meeting in to go investigate, that the interviewee heard more sounds, maybe gunshots, and that only Hammond returned to the room, wounded, to inform this woman (and others if they were there) that someone was shooting and to get down or hide or ? ? ? They knew then, the other two women were dead.
Reflections on a week: Today was a day without a funeral or a wake, just a regular Sunday strange!

I'm sure many of you have said "that's it, I've had it with this job!" when it just seemed to be too much, well, welcome to my Waterloo week 'cause I swore this was IT! While there have been other difficult cases in my career, this reached the pinnacle of emotional stress.

It was an honor to be able to attend as many wakes and funerals as possible, to be within the heart of the Newtown community, to witness the strength and support of the friends & strangers toward the families, to reconnect with the first responders and to bring the entire nightmare full circle...from first contact to final goodbye.

I've been exceptionally proud of the manner in which this investigation has been conducted, the early media information liberally dispensed was NOT part of the official investigation nor was it garnered from formal sources. It is amazing how certain media personalities "flutter" about and attempt to build "breaking news" stories from hypothetical variations or overheard conversations!

Support is and will continue to be provided to those who need it.

And a very heartfelt THANK YOU to all my WS siblings, your love & prayers was felt and appreciated by ALL!

OMGosh, joypath, I knew you were in New England but didn't realize you were that close and that involved. God bless you, minister to you and give you a well deserved, peaceful Christmas. Thank you, joypath; I know you were a blessing to all that you touched in this dramatic crisis.
My understanding, several people (including the principal) didn't have to go out, but did it trying to stop the shooter.

That doesn't explain what the door lock setup had to do with it. Oh well, guess I don't have to understand ;)
Yeah, I know about that. I was referencing teachers having to step out to manually lock their doors from the outside, not the principal and psychologist. I thought we were talking about individual classroom doors.

Thank you for explaining that. Wow, that IS bad. Awkward at any time, but in an emergency, deadly.
Reflections on a week: Today was a day without a funeral or a wake, just a regular Sunday strange!

I'm sure many of you have said "that's it, I've had it with this job!" when it just seemed to be too much, well, welcome to my Waterloo week 'cause I swore this was IT! While there have been other difficult cases in my career, this reached the pinnacle of emotional stress.

It was an honor to be able to attend as many wakes and funerals as possible, to be within the heart of the Newtown community, to witness the strength and support of the friends & strangers toward the families, to reconnect with the first responders and to bring the entire nightmare full circle...from first contact to final goodbye.

I've been exceptionally proud of the manner in which this investigation has been conducted, the early media information liberally dispensed was NOT part of the official investigation nor was it garnered from formal sources. It is amazing how certain media personalities "flutter" about and attempt to build "breaking news" stories from hypothetical variations or overheard conversations!

Support is and will continue to be provided to those who need it.

And a very heartfelt THANK YOU to all my WS siblings, your love & prayers was felt and appreciated by ALL!
I can't even imagine. Thank you for going to the funerals. :hugs:
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