GUILTY MT - Dejuan Laster, 29, Billings, 17 January 2013

Found Dejuan's FB page:

I found his girlfriend's page as well. Not sure if I can post the link to that one or not, so I'll err on the side of caution.

What's the gf's initials? I'm thinking maybe they were into some illegal dealings, that might be why she waited to call the police. Like maybe a drug deal gone bad? Of course I have no evidence to support that, but just an idea.
What's the gf's initials? I'm thinking maybe they were into some illegal dealings, that might be why she waited to call the police. Like maybe a drug deal gone bad? Of course I have no evidence to support that, but just an idea.

I can't seem to find her FB page anymore. Not sure if it's my pc or if it's been deactivated, but her first name is Mimi. There's a post in the public posts section on FB from a man whose initials are BR, who claims Dejuan is his brother. A commentor challenges that, saying they aren't really brothers, and BR responds that they ARE brothers, because BR's sister is dating Dejuan. As far he's concerned they are family.

That said, I think it's obvious there's a whole lot more to this story than meets the eye. A quick google search of Dejaun's brother- the man his girlfriend called at 3 AM after this "Kidnapping" reveals a lengthy- and scary- rap sheet, and at least one MSM article involving one particular crime that is really serious. Dejaun has had at least one felony arrest and multiple misdemeanor arrests as well.

This may explain why "girlfriend" waited 3 full hours to notify his family, and why she waited another 2 1/2 hours after that to call LE. Additionally, I haven't seen any reports to indicate the brother called LE when he was first told of the abduction either. That boggles my mind. Brother is listed on multiple gang websites in the Chicago area. Seems that with all the gang violence in the area, concerned citizens have started various forums documenting the gang activity and naming names. His name pops up repeatedly. Perhaps that is why everyone was reluctant to involve LE at first. Probably not the greatest relationship/trust between the police and the brother.

JMO, of course.
Sorry for all the posting, but does anyone else find it strange that Dejuan's mom has never met his girlfriend? This article says that she is a Billings resident, which is where he had been visiting- a trip he made from IL with his girlfriend. They were wrapping up a 2-week trip to the area to visit family. If they're there to visit family, why hadn't his mother met his girlfriend during that 2-week timeframe?

Detective Sgt. Casey Hafner said the couple have lived in Illinois for several years but come “in and out of Billings regularly to visit family members.”


Laster’s mother, a Billings resident who did not want her name used because she said she is worried for her safety, said she has never met her son’s girlfriend.

So the girlfriend called Chuck? And is he the one with the long rap sheet?
So the girlfriend called Chuck? And is he the one with the long rap sheet?

Yep. The incident happened in Billings, MT at around midnight. The girlfriend called Chuck (with the long rap sheet) three hours later at 3 AM. She then waited ANOTHER 2 1/2 hours before calling LE at 5:30 AM. I'm not sure what she thought his brother was going to be able to do for her- he wasn't in MT, he was in IL.
I do find it odd the mother never met the g/f. On the surface it looks like drug running to me. Either they already had the goods or they had the money and were tipped off. In looking at fb the claims of drugs is staunchly denied, but again that's fb.

I also find it odd she wasn't harmed during all this.

Has the large reward been posted in MSM or only on fb?
Has the large reward been posted in MSM or only on fb?

I haven't seen anything about the reward in MSM. I also can't find too many articles beyond Thursday evening, and absolutely nothing with any new information. A poster earlier was able to confirm that someone in the Billings area had been arrested and charged with kidnapping and burglary (if memory serves) yesterday, but I haven't seen any news reports.

Also, I notice Dejaun's family and friends posted with extreme frequency all day Thursday, into Thursday night. Hardly anything has been posted by his brother since then. Even the most recent comments on some of the posts are from as far back as Friday morning. I wonder what, if anything, caused him to go from being so vocal to radio silence less than 24 hrs later. It's been insinuated that his brother is headed to Billings (probably is IN Billings by now) to search.
Iv'e come to that same conclusion as far as the bro being in Mt by now. There does seems to be complete silence as if there is suddenly a"code of silence" without sounding corny lol
IMO, Whatever happened to DeJuan will be handled in the streets. If his family gets a lead on who took him, I don't think they are going to call LE to solve it..JMO.
IMO, Whatever happened to DeJuan will be handled in the streets. If his family gets a lead on who took him, I don't think they are going to call LE to solve it..JMO.

I agree. I think that is part of the reason why we have radio silence on fb from some of those closest to Dejuan. I don't think they want to leave any evidence they're actually in Billings, just in case it comes to that. JMO.
Interesting that this article claims both Dejaun and his girlfriend were taken, but the girlfriend was later released.

Everything else I've read says the girlfriend was zip-tied, questioned about Dejaun, and let go. Where, exactly, was she "taken" to?

That is contradictory as usual in articles, but it would make more sense if she was later released given the time gap reporting the incident and calling "C" . She may have called him asking what to do and waited for him to get back to her before calling LE.

The woman apparently told Chucky that Dejuan was kidnapped around midnight Thursday, but she waited until about 3 a.m. to contact his family, and it wasn't until about 5:30 a.m. that she contacted police.
I do find the whole thing hinky, but is is possible they were just flat out robbed for money and jewelry. But the lengths to kidnap him for that doesn't add up.
I do find the whole thing hinky, but is is possible they were just flat out robbed for money and jewelry. But the lengths to kidnap him for that doesn't add up.

Not to mention, according to posts made by his family, his car was missing during this same period of time, after Dejuan was abducted- until they found it, and realized his gf had been driving it. That's just a rumor, however, posted on social media (publicly) by his relative, but unconfirmed by MSM.
Rumor only but public posts are getting interesting with one saying they have 2 suspects from the hotel.

Also, a candle light vigil is planned for tonight.

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