The state Rests in The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #12

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Please can anyone tell me what a Cluster B girl is. Anyone? Thanks!!

psych term for Axis 2 diagnoses....
ETA actually see poster leighmarker's post.....she explains it better.

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After reading the following, BBM:
"[Arias] was totally obsessed with him," Hughes said. "She wouldn't let him go. Whenever he would try to sever all ties, she would threaten to kill herself ... He would tell her he didn't want anything to do with her, and she would show up at his house. We knew it was her. We didn't want it to be her, but [we] just knew it was."
I can’t help but wonder if that last eerie photo of TA in the shower was when TA saw JA with the knife/gun pointed at herself as a fake sign of impending suicide.

Could JA have subsequently dropped the camera as TA lunged toward her in his attempt to disarm her from hurting herself and JA intentionally and premeditatedly turned the knife/gun on TA?

You know this sounds like a distinct possibility and could explain the pictures. She may have thought he would agree to anything she wanted just to keep her from killing herself. He may have tried to grab the gun and she may have dropped it along with the camera (taking a picture of the ceiling) and she attacked him with the knife. After dragging him back into the bathroom she found the gun and used it on him as a final humane act in her mind. The pictures could have been taken to control him after he agreed to stay with her so she could make sure to hold him to his agreement. jmo
Awright, y'all had me rethinking my gun-first theory, especially OceanBlueEyes. You've made some good points. Again, we may never know.

Here is someone who is thinking the same thing I am. Many say that the knife-first makes it sound like she planned on making him suffer more. I think the "stolen" handgun (probably the same gun), shows all the premeditation that the jury needs.

Either way she brought both with her into the bathroom. TA did not own a gun and none of his knives were missing according to investigators. jmo
Awright, y'all had me rethinking my gun-first theory, especially OceanBlueEyes. You've made some good points. Again, we may never know.

Here is someone who is thinking the same thing I am. Many say that the knife-first makes it sound like she planned on making him suffer more. I think the "stolen" handgun (probably the same gun), shows all the premeditation that the jury needs.

The only thing too much re-thinking leads to new theory's.

At first I thought the gun came first because no way little pint sized Jodi could get the upper hand......however Travis has defensive wounds and it looks like he fought for his life which leads me to the knife attack came first.....however Jodi only has a couple of little scratches and that does not jive with Travis fighting for his life. I know if Jodi came at me with a knife, I'd knock the biotch out so now I am thinking someone else is involved, it is the only scenario that makes sense for this Jodi is not a navy seal.
I think you missed my point - I was making a joke-!
You said something about how you never met a man who didn't love it when woman would readily engage in any type of sex. There ARE men- believe it or not -who are not just out after whatever type of sex they can get. Despite the fact that you never met any, these men do exist. I know some and I am married a long time too.

LOL. I think what is funny is what men say, what they lead you to believe and what they do are sometimes two different things. Most intelligent men will sleep with someone like Jodi but would never view her as marriage material. It appears her ex may have felt this way. I can't help but think this man, the ex, may not have been able to get rid of her. And after she left he was doing the happy dance. jmo
Question about 48 Hours -- the part where Jodi says that Travis had been physically abusive at times, was that part aired in the original 48 Hours and was that part of that original interview she did with 48 Hours?
I didn't think it could look any worse than it did the first time around but it does and I still think the darn thing has teeth! lol

I shall now refer to last week's photos as "shark week".
I have also been questioning my own shot-then-stabbed theory. The ME said the bullet had to have travelled through the brain, and I don't think that can be disputed. And even if a gun shot to the head is not always fatal, it does seem that it is pretty much always incapacitating initially because of the shock to the entire brain.

ETA: I just read this link

I see that another expert believes he could have just been "dazed" by the gunshot to the head, and believes the shot came first. The doctor gives an alternate explanation as to why there would not be a great deal of bleeding from the gunshot (he subsequently had a more devastating injury that resulted in greater and more rapid blood loss than the head wound).

She does acknowledge that the ME was in the best position to evaluate the wounds, but just seeing another doctor say that it's possible that Travis would not necessarily have been incapacitated by the gunshot is enough for me to believe that he was shot first for all the reasons I said in the "sequence" thread.

Also, you can read the ME's actual report from a link within the article.
I think you missed my point - I was making a joke-!
You said something about how you never met a man who didn't love it when woman would readily engage in any type of sex. There ARE men- believe it or not -who are not just out after whatever type of sex they can get. Despite the fact that you never met any, these men do exist. I know some and I am married a long time too.

Nope that is not what I said. Not once did I say I had never met a man like that. It is pretty well known that plenty of men and women like to experiment and likes a partner who will experiment with them doing different things in the confines of their bedroom instead of the plain missionary style sex all the time. We see that when a married man or a woman is glued to a chat site somewhere talking nothing but naughty chit to a male or female behind their spouse's back. That comes out in a lot of divorce cases lately.

Never once said that these kind of men dont exist either. I am married to one that doesnt like trashy loose women and I know many men of this same caliber. What happens in the confines of one's own bedroom though does not make the woman or the man trashy nor loose either. It is all about being in agreement and doing it consentually as adults.

I also know some that are married to very good women or men but prefer to cheat with trashy loose women or men because they have no boundaries and respect isnt involved like it is in a marriage.
My cousin and I were only 6 months apart in age. In her late teens, she converted to Mormonism while the family lived in Utah. She was a good Mormon, although she did have ONE exotic cocktail when I took her out to dinner when I visited.

I would see her almost every year as my grandmother lived with her and took care of her little girl when she worked.

When she converted, I read everything I could find in the library and questioned her about the Mormon faith. LOL! There were no computers then!

She died when she was in her early 40's and, just prior to her death, she told me that the only regret in her life was that she was not temple worthy. The reason was that she couldn't tithe. She had to raise many thousands of dollars for possibly life-saving surgery towards the end.

The main reason she regretted not becoming temple worthy was that she was unable to bind her then two children to her for time and eternity. She explained that once bound to her, her children would be her children in heaven. Otherwise, according to her, she wouldn't know her children when they entered heaven.
In regards to this video, is there anyone in this forum that actually believes JA was a "battered woman"?

not me.

And it also seems highly likely that JA gave the 25 ammo to her mom when she was at the house (25 ammo recovered at mom's house and none found at grandma's):twocents:
LOL. I think what is funny is what men say, what they lead you to believe and what they do are sometimes two different things. Most intelligent men will sleep with someone like Jodi but would never view her as marriage material. It appears her ex may have felt this way. I can't help but think this man, the ex, may not have been able to get rid of her. And after she left he was doing the happy dance. jmo

I think it's true that many men will enjoy sex with a promiscuous woman but not want her for a long term relationship or marriage. I think while men are hard wired to spread their seed around, they are are also biologically wired to avoid promiscuous women for marriage, to avoid the risk of cuckoldery - raising and providing for a child who is not biologically your own due to a cheating wife. I'm not an expert but have read things about this.

A lot of women - in fact, every promiscuous woman I ever knew that slept around did it to receive validation from men & all these women were very insecure. They were also less likely to take care of their sexual health. Women like these will appear, to most men, less suited for a serious relationship. There are always exceptions, but on the whole, women who sleep around are doing themselves a huge disservice if what they want is marriage or a committed relationship. If all a woman wants is s-e-x then being promiscuous is a good way to get that. But it's usually not a good way to get a husband.
not me.

And it also seems highly likely that JA gave the 25 ammo to her mom when she was at the house (25 ammo recovered at mom's house and none found at grandma's):twocents:

I agree with this completely
Either way she brought both with her into the bathroom. TA did not own a gun and none of his knives were missing according to investigators. jmo

Her mode of operation is to bring gun and knives with her, hidden. She was doing it again, a gun, bullets and knives, plus a rental car. I do not think she was just fleeing before her arrest. I think she was also going to visit someone. I'm not sure whom, but my first two guesses are either Mimi or Ryan.
Just thinking here.
The only thing too much re-thinking leads to new theory's.

At first I thought the gun came first because no way little pint sized Jodi could get the upper hand......however Travis has defensive wounds and it looks like he fought for his life which leads me to the knife attack came first.....however Jodi only has a couple of little scratches and that does not jive with Travis fighting for his life. I know if Jodi came at me with a knife, I'd knock the biotch out so now I am thinking someone else is involved, it is the only scenario that makes sense for this Jodi is not a navy seal.

There have been many cases where a smaller female overpowered a larger male. The graveyards are full of them. A lot of women seem to want to murder their male victim in an up close and personal way. Many bludgeon them to death and you have to be in close contact to do that.

If he had been shot it would have penetrated his brain. This was not some miracle bullet that passed every vital area.

JA small cuts is consistent with someone holding a knife and gets cut. OJ had the same thing happen to him as he slashed Ron and Nicole to death. Where her minor cuts are is very consistent with the knife being bloody and her losing her grip and the creases of the her two fingers would slip onto the knife edge momentarily before she regripped it imo. Or the knife in her hand could have caused her to lose her full grip when Travis threw up his hands trying to protect himself from the horror that was happening to him.

I know if Jodi came at me with a knife, I'd knock the biotch out

Not if it was a sucker "punch/stab" and you didn't see it coming. A little kid could drop you with a well placed knife to the chest.
not me.

And it also seems highly likely that JA gave the 25 ammo to her mom when she was at the house (25 ammo recovered at mom's house and none found at grandma's):twocents:

I know. The grandparents are the one with the gun and the ammo's at the parents home. Who takes the time to steal the gun and does not take all the ammo? jmo
Awright, y'all had me rethinking my gun-first theory, especially OceanBlueEyes. You've made some good points. Again, we may never know.

Here is someone who is thinking the same thing I am. Many say that the knife-first makes it sound like she planned on making him suffer more. I think the "stolen" handgun (probably the same gun), shows all the premeditation that the jury needs.

Great article....however this has me baffled a bit --->
However, if the defense can show that Alexander was shot in the head first, attorneys can argue that all of Alexander's other wounds happened after he died, and so he didn't suffer -- and that could save Arias from the death penalty."

he was obviously alive when he got those nasty cuts on his hands whilst trying to fend off the knife.

Moo Moo Moo
Question about 48 Hours -- the part where Jodi says that Travis had been physically abusive at times, was that part aired in the original 48 Hours and was that part of that original interview she did with 48 Hours?

That was part of the original footage they shot for the first show, but it was not aired. (extra footage).

I can't find it on that site anymore - has it been pulled?
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