CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #32

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It could be that Mark's lying or it could be that he's telling the truth. I think for some, no matter what Mark say's it's going to be considered a lie. Personally, I haven't seen anything that makes me think that he's lying. MOO.

Ya know Ranch I dont think anyone of us here want to believe Mark Harmed his son, But Dylan is missing and i cant see someone walking into that house and taking him. Id be more prone to believeing he just took off but LE and everyone has said no to that t, so that leaves me with Mark who was the only one to see him and till they rule him out well my eye is on him!
Just read the article and the search gal sounds like she's got a good head on her shoulders. Experienced dogs, interested in the story and the variables, meeting with the family. Her early presumption seems to be that Dylan may have set out on foot (she wants his stride, the wind speeds, etc) which is not useful, IMO.

This is where I wish search teams could work WITH such as those darned phone pings might be useful here. Info such as the route MR took to go into town that day or home that night, info such as where the RSO's live, etc. Without that info, she is literally canvassing all of the four corners. If a cadaver can be found out there, I'd bet my money on the dogs to find it, but still- a little useful info could go a long way.

And...I think she just wants to cover every option (the stride etc). She sounds like she's going to be thorough. With the weather and snow on the ground they probably won't be able to search much each day.
From the article referenced above:

She’s pored over maps of the area, gotten addresses of registered sex offenders, even spent time at Vallecito Lake, one of the areas searched by investigators and volunteers.

“I don’t believe that’s where he is,” Kessinger said. “I looked at the lake. I was there already. One of my dogs gave me an indication in one area that I’m going to check out, but I’m going to sit and talk with the family.”

Read more:
Ya know Ranch I dont think anyone of us here want to believe Mark Harmed his son, But Dylan is missing and i cant see someone walking into that house and taking him. Id be more prone to believeing he just took off but LE and everyone has no that that, so that leaves me with Mark who was the only one to see him and till they rule him out well my eye is on him!

For me it's not about "wanting" anyone to be guilty or innocent but to bring to justice the guilty party.

LE said no to Dylan possibly leaving the house and being abducted? I thought that they said that it was possible. MOO.
So I plan on going to the flashlight birthday service tonight for Dylan in the Denver area. My kiddo is still under the weather so I'm planning on going alone. I wish I could drive to Monument and take part in the larger event, but the Westminster one is so much closer to me. Anyway... Happy Birthday Dylan....
From the article referenced above:

She’s pored over maps of the area, gotten addresses of registered sex offenders, even spent time at Vallecito Lake, one of the areas searched by investigators and volunteers.

“I don’t believe that’s where he is,” Kessinger said. “I looked at the lake. I was there already. One of my dogs gave me an indication in one area that I’m going to check out, but I’m going to sit and talk with the family.”

Read more:

Oh- thanks! Feel like an idiot now. That'll teach me to multi task without coffee. :)
Oh- thanks! Feel like an idiot now. That'll teach me to multi task without coffee. :)

Talking with family to see how angry he might have been.
It just bothers me. NOT ' to see if he was upset or angry',
but how angry he might have been. Why does she think
he might have been angry ? We've speculated it a million
times but it's been just speculation. This leads me to believe
one parent told he he was angry,,,, just '
how angry' ? no one knows.

oops, this was supposed to be on the post u replied to, sorry
Oh- thanks! Feel like an idiot now. That'll teach me to multi task without coffee. :)

But that article does not say she got the RSO map/addresses or anything from LE. Any of us could get that. So is it clear if LE is providing her with info to help search? Am confused.
I don't think it's that confusing . Dylan has stayed there before so its highly likely he had clothes there before and they was the reported track suit bottoms left behind .

Report said clothing was left on the couch.
Where he slept that night. Why would this clothing be left from a previous visit?
BBM: I completely agree with you. That seems to be a common thread for both of them. BOTH of them. She slung the first arrow and it's set the tone for everything. He slung back, then she slung again, he slung back, she slung again. When the hell are they going to grow the eff up and work together to find their son?? Dayum!!! Sorry Salem, got a bit of temperment going on right now because this should be about Dylan and when the two people who brought him into this world can't put aside anything for that, well, it's just so frustrating. IMHO

imo the difference is that ER is upset at MR because he "lost" their son, so her statements have been born out of anger about wanting her son back (post losing Dylan). Many of MR's statements about ER, have little or nothing to do with finding Dylan and refer to problems they had before he was missing (pre losing Dylan).
For me it's not about "wanting" anyone to be guilty or innocent but to bring to justice the guilty party.

LE said no to Dylan possibly leaving the house and being abducted? I thought that they said that it was possible. MOO.

Im talking about running away!

I understand what your saying but I feel something happend to him
Sunday evening!

ER and MR do not even agree on basic personality characteristics of Dylan. So it is not really surprising they have so many issues.

Honestly, even if they got along great, not sure how that would help solve this case. Some of the media has probably been generated because of their squabbles. And LE will only pay attention to what turns out to be relevant, one would hope.
ER and MR do not even agree on basic personality characteristics of Dylan. So it is not really surprising they have so many issues.

Honestly, even if they got along great, not sure how that would help solve this case. Some of the media has probably been generated because of their squabbles. And LE will only pay attention to what turns out to be relevant, one would hope.

I dont think she wants to work together with Mark she just wants to sit down face to face and ask him what happend to Dylan and He wont do it ! JMO
Ya know Ranch I dont think anyone of us here want to believe Mark Harmed his son, But Dylan is missing and i cant see someone walking into that house and taking him.... Id be more prone to believeing he just took off but LE and everyone has said no to that t, so that leaves me with Mark who was the only one to see him and till they rule him out well my eye is on him!

For me it's not about "wanting" anyone to be guilty or innocent but to bring to justice the guilty party.

LE said no to Dylan possibly leaving the house and being abducted? I thought that they said that it was possible. MOO.
Here's what Dan Bender said about possible scenarios.
"He either left the house and someone abducted him or something happened while he was still at the house. I could not think of a 3rd possibility," said Dan Bender, spokesman from the La Plata County Sheriff's Office.

So he says that one possibility would be for Dylan to leave the house and be abducted. He also says that something could have happened at the house which would include Mark or someone else. MOO.
Good points. I stated this awhile ago. Dylan flys in to visit dad and the first question is , can i go and spend time with my friends . I think that would of hurt his feelings and could of been why he said no to the visit that night.

Dylan was growing up and wanted more than just dad time. Maybe he did not like this change .

Especially in light of the fact that ER had been awarded sole custody (with MR visitation) quite recently (the last hearing was earlier in November). Hopefully, Dylan did not tell his father what he said to the judge at the private hearing.
Talking with family to see how angry he might have been.
It just bothers me. NOT ' to see if he was upset or angry',
but how angry he might have been. Why does she think
he might have been angry ? We've speculated it a million
times but it's been just speculation. This leads me to believe
one parent told he he was angry,,,, just '
how angry' ? no one knows.

oops, this was supposed to be on the post u replied to, sorry

I wonder (NO FACTS) if it's possible that the 9:37 outgoing text showed that he was angry about something? she thinking maybe he was angry and ran away?

I think that's a rather odd statement for her to make, since nothing has been stated saying Dylan was angry in the least. At least not that we know of.

Perhaps she's already been in contact with LE?

Just a thought....
I've been thinking on this post RANCH, for a few days . ER said they looked for his distinctive shoe prints, which I don't know if that would do any good since there was no snow on the ground at the time. So no shoe prints outside does not necessarily mean Dylan did not walk out the door on his own, imho. I'm assuming his prints would be right around the driveway and going into the house because he arrived there Sunday night ( presumably) . I'm assuming that a wandering SO would not care if Dylan packed his backpack and took it with him or not or even know if he had a backpack. From what we've seen/heard there seems to be no evidence that any 3rd person went INTO the house to snatch Dylan.........MOO. So what I"m thinking is A) Possibly MR in a variety of ways or B) a KNOWN to DYLAN abductor. Someone he willingly took all his things with because he thought he'd be getting a ride to a friends. C) SO who literally snatched Dylan from the open doorway. He knocks, Dylan answers and he picks him up ON the spot and carries him off without ever entering the house. Dylan may have even put on his backpack and was in the process of opening the door or standing on porch to leave. How else can we explain no footprints anywhere? C doesn't seem very likely to me at all. Unknown SO would not care about that backpack and odds of DYlan having it on that moment are miniscule,right . This person had to know Dylan. Ughh, I don't know. Tell me where all my thoughts are flawed ! I will be happy to hear it !
I wonder (NO FACTS) if it's possible that the 9:37 outgoing text showed that he was angry about something? she thinking maybe he was angry and ran away?

I think that's a rather odd statement for her to make, since nothing has been stated saying Dylan was angry in the least. At least not that we know of.

Perhaps she's already been in contact with LE?

Just a thought....

I think he was angry he couldnt go to R's house that night!
I dont think she wants to work together with Mark she just wants to sit down face to face and ask him what happend to Dylan and He wont do it ! JMO

But if Mark has already told everything he knows to her and LE, then why would he want to sit down with her when she is clearly angry and blaming him, even if it's just anger that he disappeared on Mark's clock. Would it solve anything or answer anything or would it just generate more anger and hurt feelings if it just turned into a yelling match. This may have been what has happened in the very beginning of this all.

I totally agree that they should sit down and talk and I thought it was stated that Mark would do so with a mediator.
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