CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #32

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Talking with family to see how angry he might have been.
It just bothers me. NOT ' to see if he was upset or angry',
but how angry he might have been. Why does she think
he might have been angry ? We've speculated it a million
times but it's been just speculation. This leads me to believe
one parent told he he was angry,,,, just '
how angry' ? no one knows.

oops, this was supposed to be on the post u replied to, sorry

the only thing i can think of is the angrier someone is the less judgment they use, the more energy and adrenaline they have flowing, and that could effect where he took off for or what kind of decisions he made? IMO
And Mom laughed at the question of whether or not Dylan would attempt to walk to Bayfield IIRC stating that he just wasn't that energetic. It sounded like she thought that idea was ridiculous.

Because it is , lets be fair. He has a nice ride to R's house. But decides to hike 18 miles in the cold with all his stuff on his bag.

ETA - I think even brain addled morons would think twice about such a endeavor :cow:
And Mom laughed at the question of whether or not Dylan would attempt to walk to Bayfield IIRC stating that he just wasn't that energetic. It sounded like she thought that idea was ridiculous.

I think it is too.
My kids will only walk to the refrigerator.

Honestly If Dylan was there and was ok He would have gotten up and gone with dad. He was already dressed and bag was packed all he had to do was grab that fishing pole!
the only thing i can think of is the angrier someone is the less judgment they use, the more energy and adrenaline they have flowing, and that could effect where he took off for or what kind of decisions he made? IMO

Could be something in the middle...maybe Dylan was angry about not being able to go to R's that night. Maybe he was angry if MR confiscated his phone/Ipod. Maybe he took off on foot that night(not for R's but for a phone to contact someone) and MR is just covering his butt saying he saw him in the morning when he really didn't. So in this scenario, sure, I guess I would want a search team well acquainted with the likelihood that this may or may not have been possible/probable.
Jumping off of this.

IMO he would sit down and talk with the mother of his child and answer all her questions. Simply because she is the mother of his child! Simply because HE is the only one that can answer those questions at this time.

The time to put your big boy pants on was long ago, day one. MR doesn't get IMO the excuse that he is going to get yelled at, screamed at, doesn't want to hear her beyotch at him, whatever else. No excuse. Simply because he has stated TWICE that he understands that she is angry because he was the last one with Dylan. If you understand something then you know what's going to come of it.

What makes me so dang angry :furious: :furious: is that for two months ER has been trying to text & call MR, he hasn't responded (this is according to ER in several MSM) now all of a sudden after how freaking long, MR decides that on the advice of LE he is going to contact his attorney to arrange for a mediator to meet with him & ER. Now he's the hero! Because MR wants to talk to ER through a mediator. WTF. If you can't talk to the parent of your missing child without a mediator then there is seriously something wrong you. He should've sat down on November 19th.

I certainly don't view him as a hero for I just know only on side of the texts were seen and if either of them can't get past the anger portion of the conversation, then the best route to go would be to have someone help mediate. I certainly didn't mean to infer that E was the only one angry. I was kind of just thinking about the anger still present from both sides, even prior to Dylan's disappearance. It just doesn't look like they could communicate civilly prior on small matters. I had a stubborn ex and it's frustrating if you can't get the other person to have a adult conversation, set aside issues that you had between the two of you and concentrate on matters related to the child, if this is the case here.

I hope that E can get some resolution with this and have a civil talk with M now and in the future. I'm sure it would help to eliminate a little bit of the stress of the situation.
What time did Dylan say he would be at R's grandmothers was it 6 30?
Isnt it like 18 miles?
Hes out in the middle of no where.

Sorry Ranch I just dont see it.

first off he would text dad and say Hey where are you? Will you be home soon to get me?

Also Text R and tell him you overslept and when dad got back he would come.

Or if he decided to take off on his own he would have told his friend JMO

This child went off radar Sunday evening.

I didn't give the hitchhiking theory much weight until I read that Dylan's friends said that he had done it in the past.
Dylan's friends say that he had hitchhiked into town before, but no one remembers seeing Dylan along the one county road leaving Vallecito Lake.

And the lack of communication on Monday morning bothered me when I thought that the 9:37 PM text was sent via iPod vs cellphone. Now that reporter MB has said that the 9:37 PM text was from Dylan's cellphone it appears possible to me that the battery died overnight and that's why there's no text messages in the morning.
I didn't give the hitchhiking theory much weight until I read that Dylan's friends said that he had done it in the past.

And the lack of communication on Monday morning bothered me when I thought that the 9:37 PM text was sent via iPod vs cellphone. Now that reporter MB has said that the 9:37 PM text was from Dylan's cellphone it appears possible to me that the battery died overnight and that's why there's no text messages in the morning.

Now see I thought that hitchiking thing was they got a ride with a neighbor a storm was comming and they were at the library. So they hitched a ride with someone. Sometimes Hitching a ride isnt the same as hitchiking.

Hey im not saying its not possible I just dont see it!
He didn't want to wait. He was already late.

Then why didn't he text anyone to ask for a ride. I find it hard to believe that a child wakes up late and rather than call his buddy to see if his mom can pick him up, or answer one of dad's texts, that he would just wake up and hitchhike or walk 18 miles.

Why go at all, if you are already late and planning on a possibly maybe hopefully catching a ride, if he wasn't lucky enough to get a ride it would have taken him almost 4 hours to walk that distance. IMO even a healthy active 13 yr old wouldn't walk 4 hours when he could wait for a ride.
I honestly do not believe somebody stopped by that day and took Dylan from the house because Mark says in the interview when Dylan is in town its about them two. So why on earth would of Mark invited somebody around when he says he dedicated all his time to Dylan when he was in town ?


Actually, I was wondering WHY MR made those comments to begin with. Why was it important to him that other people heard that? Was he just giving himself kudos, or was he trying to rule out the possibility that someone came to the door (specifically that someone he KNEW didn't come to the door) and snatched Dylan?

Do you see what I mean? I don't know if I'm explaining correctly...

Also, does anyone have the comments about a woman friend visiting? When was that?
O/T also but you just reminded me of the sampler my mother made for me, that hung on the wall of my sons' nursery when they were small:

"Cleaning and scrubbing can wait 'til tomorrow,
For babies grow up, we've learned to our sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep,
I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep."

Such true words... FruitTingles, enjoy every moment of now, tiring though it may be. This is such a wonderful time in your life. (And your daughter is beautiful!)

Ok, that brought the tears on... (Happy Birthday Dylan)
Now see I thought that hitchiking thing was they got a ride with a neighbor a storm was comming and they were at the library. So they hitched a ride with someone. Sometimes Hitching a ride isnt the same as hitchiking.

Hey im not saying its not possible I just dont see it!

I'm just going by what his friends said and they said he hitchhiked into town before not that they got a ride from neighbor.

I'm perfectly fine with you not agreeing with my theory.
Maybe we need a Monday afternoon timeline.

11:30 - 2:30 Mark takes a nap
2:30 - ? Mark goes to T's house looking for Dylan. No answer
_____ Mark goes to the lake to see if Dylan is fishing
_____ Mark goes to F's (?) house and finds R and F who have not seen or heard from Dylan all day
_____ Mark goes to the Marshal's office in Bayfield to report that Dylan is missing
_____ Mark texts Elaine

Do we have any of these times or even distances between the locations?

is that true? MR took a NAP? :furious::furious::furious::furious:
Then why didn't he text anyone to ask for a ride. I find it hard to believe that a child wakes up late and rather than call his buddy to see if his mom can pick him up, or answer one of dad's texts, that he would just wake up and hitchhike or walk 18 miles.

Why go at all, if you are already late and planning on a possibly maybe hopefully catching a ride, if he wasn't lucky enough to get a ride it would have taken him almost 4 hours to walk that distance. IMO even a healthy active 13 yr old wouldn't walk 4 hours when he could wait for a ride.

See my post #948.


MY question is if he was supposed to be there at 6 30 wouldnt they have to get up alot earlier than the time Mark said he was trying to get him up?

Mark has never said anything about getting him there at 6 30.

Also reading that article I found something I never knew

Dylan wanted to see Ryan on Sunday night, but his dad wouldn’t let him and Ryan was heading back from Pagosa Springs that night.
Yes, that is in the newest interview. MR claims he was texting Dylan in the morning, Dylan was not responding. MR came home, Dylan was not there. MR then takes a nap. Seems like he wasn't in any way concerned, despite the fact that Dylan didn't respond to his messages and was not home when MR came back from his errands.
I'm just going by what his friends said and they said he hitchhiked into town before not that they got a ride from neighbor.

I'm perfectly fine with you not agreeing with my theory.

Me too!
what would we have to talk about if we all agreed!

But did he hitch from Vallecito or from the bayfield home?
I certainly don't view him as a hero for I just know only on side of the texts were seen and if either of them can't get past the anger portion of the conversation, then the best route to go would be to have someone help mediate. I certainly didn't mean to infer that E was the only one angry. I was kind of just thinking about the anger still present from both sides, even prior to Dylan's disappearance. It just doesn't look like they could communicate civilly prior on small matters. I had a stubborn ex and it's frustrating if you can't get the other person to have a adult conversation, set aside issues that you had between the two of you and concentrate on matters related to the child, if this is the case here.

I hope that E can get some resolution with this and have a civil talk with M now and in the future. I'm sure it would help to eliminate a little bit of the stress of the situation.

Just interjecting my observations here, but none of the texts I've seen have been between MR and ER. I've only seen texts between MR and CR. If you have a link to texts between ER and MR, I would love to see them. JMO
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