jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 10TH DAY #52 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Did anybody see the flash of anger on her face? Wow!
Alright, since I was totally unproductive for the last hour and a half,I've got to say ....

Juan was awesome to watch today! The line about 'how much it must have hurt when you plunged that knife in his chest' was powerful! My heart was pounding and I was yelling "yes!...go ahead and object Nurmi, you can't unring that bell!"

looks like somebody told ja to reel in the crazy and get back on script of being the poor abused victim, although I did see IT try to peak out a couple of times.

Great day for Travis so far IMO

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Matt McCartney .. but yes ... she also told 48 Hours that he would never betray her.

He is the one who has posted online at a pro defendant website that he, himself, saw bruises on the defendants neck as well as her broken finger, that she admitted came from T.

but she is claiming now that he HAS betrayed her....
Very interesting that she called Matt M right after the murder. I hope we get back to the magazines sometime today - Matt is in DEEP

Even more interesting that she NOW says she no longer feels he wouldn't betray her. Wonder what's happened between now and then ? Was he the one who ratted her out about the magazine message?
How many of you have:

a) never killed someone? and
b) the ability to determine whether someone is breathing and alive/or dead?

Just wondering what's par for the course.
Um. Not on the record, right? :floorlaugh:
In fact, being a practicing Mormon, he has every reason not to want to reveal intimate sexual contact with jodi. No way would he admit to what didn;t happen.

Gitana, what would happen if the judge knew that Wilmott was giving Jodi directions from the defense table while Jodi is on the stand during cross?
I wonder if her next thought was "next time I'll do better!"

"Practice makes perfect! Like when I won the contest in jail with my singing, I had to practice sooooooo much.... but not that much, because, well, these things come so naturally to me! Like photography, and drawing, and spinning! I'm practicing my crying, too, but it's just such a waste and it makes my face blotchy, so I think I'll take up prison modeling instead..."

The above? Would not shock me at all lol.
IMO - she told him what she was planning on doing, or at least SOME of it. I *think* she called him to tell him it was done.

He wrote the forged pedo letters - she stayed the night with him the night before she went to TA's.

I think he knows A LOT MORE than we think.

Maybe someone with knowledge can chime in here...
Isn't it common when a psychopath commits a crime that they like to drag someone else into it by telling them their plans or admitting what they did
to place a burden on them?

I know I have read something about that.

MM I think is in this BIG TIME!!!!

I posted a YouTube video last night...

Where JA is in the desert looking for her charger ...

Talking about how Matt wasn't answering her calls
and then she says "UNTIL HE GOT THERE"
then she quickly continues her story "so the charger was
under the seat....

Did MM meet her somewhere???

Seems like he didn't want a record of a cell call..

I will find the clip and post it again.
Jodi began today with the distressed, empty-eyed look. She's had all weekend to stew and mull the inevitable. Nurmi et al are trying to save her life, but I don't think they really like her AT ALL.

Jodi sends out notes coaching people what to say to her own attorneys. No wonder why the DT tried to remove themselves from her case. The only reason Jodi would testify is if she insisted on it.

Smarty britches is going down. LWOP is my vote. Death would be too easy for Jodi.

Direct TV went out just as they broke for lunch. Hope storm passes quickly enough to continue for afternoon session. My satellite internet never affected though.
Like hand signals or blinks or something?? I saw her hesitate and look there before answering a few times on Friday!

I noticed that Nurmi used the word "hope" in his objection regarding the "our children will play together" line of questioning - then JA adopted the word "hope" from that point on...

That was a little annoying.
Oh please. Jean is over here saying there's a strategy and the Defense still has a shot of running with the domestic abuse story. Shut up Jean.
Ya know, I'm wondering what she has on these guys (Darryl, Mat). Something Big for them to want to appease her. Since she is accusing Travis of pedophilia, do you think it might be true about someone else she knows. That would be a reason someone would stand by her if she had that kind of dirt.

I know there is no evidence about this. Just wondering WHY these guys and tangling with the case and her.

I wondered if maybe it's Matt, she has something on him and that's why he has helped her....

Not an accusation. Just a thought.
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