CO - Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #39

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I hope Dr. Phil did all of his background homework before the interviews.

(fwiw, I thought he did a great job with the Morgan Ingram show and he was very well prepared in advance for the most part. He was also very fair to both sides during that show. I was pretty impressed.)


As I'm not a watcher of Dr.Phil, appreciate your opinion

It's amazing to see someone like that, isn't it? I just had a sales person at my door do that yesterday. Crying and weeping about something he had wrong with him, but he was no quitter, etc, and would I buy his magazine subscriptions? When I said "No", his whole face changed and the tears disappeared. Creepy as heck.

OT You get ppl selling things door to door?
OT You get ppl selling things door to door?
In our neighborhood, groups of people get dropped off and then fan out to sell things like magazine subscriptions, Kirby vacuum cleaners, etc. I happen to believe they are staking out houses to burglarize, but I'm paranoid. I'm obviously not the only one, because these salespeople are stopped on a daily basis because I, or one of my neighbors, have called LE on them for not having the proper documentation. Doesn't stop it from happening, though.

And so we glimpse the monster inside. :moo:

I'm so sorry to think about what you went thru. And so amazed at your strength to willingly put yourself thru it all again in an effort to help Dylan, Cory and Elaine. You are remarkable!
In our neighborhood, groups of people get dropped off and then fan out to sell things like magazine subscriptions, Kirby vacuum cleaners, etc. I happen to believe they are staking out houses to burglarize, but I'm paranoid. I'm obviously not the only one, because these salespeople are stopped on a daily basis because I, or one of my neighbors, have called LE on them for not having the proper documentation. Doesn't stop it from happening, though.

Hey Id call LE also
thats just not safe if ya ask me!
Dont open that door!
Seajay was just responding to my post where I mentioned a close neighbour of MR saying LE hadn't visited her home at all since Dylan's disappearance. IMO Seajay was giving a known recent example of a perp hiding close by, undetected by LE, despite claims that nearby homes had been searched.

Not LE bashing either by the way, as I can't imagine the enormity of the task of doorknocking and checking everyone in a neighbourhood. It just seems to happen that homes/buildings are overlooked in some cases. IIRC LE did state that homes in the area had been checked, but here is someone less than a mile away stating that LE hasn't been on her doorstep once in the past 3 months.

That's what I was saying, thanks catswhiskers. That even though they said they searched, I was giving an example of when a search was vitally important to LE because THEY were the target, still things got missed. So even though a search was conducted for finding Dylan, there is a neighbor who said no one ever came to their house to check with them. No matter how comprehensive the search, things get missed.
And so we glimpse the monster inside. :moo:

I'm so sorry to think about what you went thru. And so amazed at your strength to willingly put yourself thru it all again in an effort to help Dylan, Cory and Elaine. You are remarkable!

Thank you Tennlyn, I told Elaine that I would do whatever she needed and I meant it and stand by it. There is nothing I would not do for her or my children and I mean nothing. Anything I go through is NOTHING even remotely near what she is going through. I believe that the people that have surrounded Elaine is a true testament to her character and strength. She's an amazing woman.
I think it might be a bit stressful, even for an innocent person, to have your children, their mothers and strangers all over the country accusing you of doing something criminal (especially murder) to your young son, threatening your life, making jokes about your looks, criticizing the way you talk, and then having a television personality join in with the accusations on national tv. Maybe it wouldn't affect a lot of people here, but I do believe it would stress me out quite a bit. MOO

For the record, I don't believe any of the threats against his life have been made by a son or any of their family members. That was just an awkward sentence.

Confusion, Thanks for posting this. I have been thinking the same thing.
That's what I was saying, thanks catswhiskers. That even though they said they searched, I was giving an example of when a search was vitally important to LE because THEY were the target, still things got missed. So even though a search was conducted for finding Dylan, there is a neighbor who said no one ever came to their house to check with them. No matter how comprehensive the search, things get missed.

The Task Force is continuing their door-to-door canvassing of the Vallecito Lake area that they began on November 27.

La Plata County’s GIS (Geographic Information Systems) Department provided maps and satellite pictures from last summer to the Task Force to aid them with the search. Using these maps, investigators are able to be sure that they check every building in the Vallecito area. There are over 20 investigators and officers from multiple departments conducting a thorough search of the area around Vallecito Lake. (Vallecito Lake measures approximately 4 miles long by more than a mile wide when full.)

The task force is still requesting that the public not conduct their own door-to-door searches north of the Vallecito Dam, as it may interfere with the search that the investigators are doing. Residents who are approached by investigators that are not accompanied by a uniformed officer are encouraged to ask for proper law enforcement identification.
Officials said the task force will be contacting residents from Vallecito Dam north through the Vallecito area over the next few days.
I think it might be a bit stressful, even for an innocent person, to have your children, their mothers and strangers all over the country accusing you of doing something criminal (especially murder) to your young son, threatening your life, making jokes about your looks, criticizing the way you talk, and then having a television personality join in with the accusations on national tv. Maybe it wouldn't affect a lot of people here, but I do believe it would stress me out quite a bit. MOO

For the record, I don't believe any of the threats against his life have been made by a son or any of their family members. That was just an awkward sentence.

Which leads me to wonder still why he even went on the show. He was already hated on a smaller scale, why go on a national show and make sure that everyone hates him and he can't even step outside his door?? Makes zero sense to me why he did this. Unless, unless he really loves and cares about his son and wants to know where he is and is willing to be put through this to get the word out. Why else would he put himself through this??? He had to do it for Dylan. IMO
Thank you Tennlyn, I told Elaine that I would do whatever she needed and I meant it and stand by it. There is nothing I would not do for her or my children and I mean nothing. Anything I go through is NOTHING even remotely near what she is going through. I believe that the people that have surrounded Elaine is a true testament to her character and strength. She's an amazing woman.

and so are you, azgrandma!! I know how hard all of this has been for you and your children. I get it. I only hope others "get" it. The ability to see what type of person MR really is should open some doesn't mean I'm saying he's a murderer, but I am saying that neither you, nor ER, deserved some of the outlandish accusations you've been gracious enough to ignore. I can only hope some people have the decency to apologize to you for some of the cruel things that have been said to you and about you.
Thank you Tennlyn, I told Elaine that I would do whatever she needed and I meant it and stand by it. There is nothing I would not do for her or my children and I mean nothing. Anything I go through is NOTHING even remotely near what she is going through. I believe that the people that have surrounded Elaine is a true testament to her character and strength. She's an amazing woman.

azgrandma, Thank you for your thoughts and updates. Just wondered if your children had any problem with the way Cory is shown talking to MR on the Dr. Phil show preview.
azgrandma, Thank you for your thoughts and updates. Just wondered if your children had any problem with the way Cory is shown talking to MR on the Dr. Phil show preview.

Not in the least. They are very proud of his strength and courage.
Thank you Tennlyn, I told Elaine that I would do whatever she needed and I meant it and stand by it. There is nothing I would not do for her or my children and I mean nothing. Anything I go through is NOTHING even remotely near what she is going through. I believe that the people that have surrounded Elaine is a true testament to her character and strength. She's an amazing woman.

AZGrandma, I know everything you've done is for your children and their brother. Your insight and honesty is very much appreciated.
all MOO
I have a question!

In that preview when they are going to do that poly.
<Mod Snip>
I dont think they would do the poly right after the show with everyone yelling and screaming at him so my guess is they came and woke him up later that night or the next morning.

Thanks Grand ! I knew the stuff in front of audience must be , but him throwing his hands up saying i cant deal with this seems so cheesy and that just Mark? Oh dear !

Famous Last Words ~ by MR:

“I’m not afraid of the truth,” he said, “but what I don’t want to see is it turn into a ‘Jerry Springer Show.’

“We need to unite for Dylan’s benefit. ... Hopefully, Dr. Phil will take a position where he can address some of those issues and help us as a family focus on what is really important right now. We don’t have time to be pointing fingers and making blame or standing out in front of my house like a bunch of idiots holding this (stupid) rally to call me out.”
Which leads me to wonder still why he even went on the show. He was already hated on a smaller scale, why go on a national show and make sure that everyone hates him and he can't even step outside his door?? Makes zero sense to me why he did this. Unless, unless he really loves and cares about his son and wants to know where he is and is willing to be put through this to get the word out. Why else would he put himself through this??? He had to do it for Dylan. IMO

Do you think he should hide forever?

We saw Pic's of Mike H out with the dogs but I have yet to see any of Dylans DAD. Have you?

Dont you think its time for Mark Redwine to do something to help find his son?

You know, I have tried very hard to stay on the fence, because I don't like to see anyone falsely accused, and if I were on a jury today with what we know today I would still feel compelled to vote to acquit because I don't think the hard evidence I need is there to get me past reasonable doubt... But seriously, Mark is his own worst enemy, IMO.

His actions and words are making it harder and harder for me to stay on the fence. And there is no doubt in my mind that he is a very cruel person, even if he had nothing to do with Dylan's disappearance. My heart goes out to all of Dylan's family and friends. Having a missing child has to be a horrific nightmare, but knowing that the last person to see him, his own father, is behaving this way instead of putting aside past differences and working together to find him must make it even worse. I pray they get some answers soon.

All JMO, of course.
You all know I'm fence sitting, but Cory just told his father that he hated him. If Mark is innocent, he'd be a wreck. If something accidentally happened to Dylan, he'd be a wreck. And if he purposefully did something to Dylan, he'd be a wreck. I'm seeing wreck here, no matter what.

Even if through further investigation/tips, it is found that Mark had nothing to do with Dylan's disappearance, the damage this man has done to his children and ex-wives and other family members is displorable and totally uncalled for.

But it seems, Mark is just being Mark....this behavior didn't develop since Thanksgiving 2012.
Do you think he should hide forever?

We saw Pic's of Mike H out with the dogs but I have yet to see any of Dylans DAD. Have you?

Dont you think its time for Mark Redwine to do something to help find his son?

Parents are usually discouraged from any organized searches. At least they have been with any of the searches in my area. I can think of dozens of reasons why (too emotional; if guilty, messing up evidence; too stressful; not wanting any evidence found considered contaminated-what parent wouldn't run and grab something they knew belonged to their child, etc) I give him a pass for the searches, not for the gatherings, though.
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