jodi arias TAKES THE STAND #64 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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BBM- she recovered pretty quickly from all of this trauma.

She sure did!

Trauma? What trauma? JA was probably singing loudly to her Alanis Morissette "Jagged Little Pill" album all the way to RyanB's lovesac! :notgood:
I can't get this case out of my mind.

Two points I want to make:

1) Many have pointed out in these threads that Tanisha ought to have 5 minutes alone with her. I completely agree. I have no idea how his siblings are sitting through this. God must be giving them strength. There is no way I could sit there. I have one brother who I completely adore. Thinking of someone doing this to him would make me completely nuts and I'd want to kill her!!

2) Can you even imagine having those images in your head? Of brutally murdering someone? Even a sociopath is going to feel something with those images in her head.

She makes me sick. If anyone ever deserved the DP, it is this evil being. :furious:


oh she does feel something but it sure aint guilt remorse:furious:
My Dateline listing says it's Josh Mankiewicz reporting on the Pistorius (sp?) murder... (maybe they're covering both?)

Thanks for the head's up! :)

The Jodi Arias segment tonight is a special. Not previously scheduled. I guess they want more people to know about the trial. I remember when the trial started almost no one I talked to had ever heard of Jodi Arias.
He definitely said "stick with it", but I don't think he meant anything like 'stick to the act'...I think he meant ' stick with it, you can do it, '
I honestly don't think this DT is going to put their careers on the line and risk being disbarred over Jodi. They can do their job and move on.

As much as Nurmi is tough to watch and look at, he didn't choose this case.

If you listen to the coverage that is not on HLN, HE really says, Just take a minute. It sounds like the coverage on the HLN footage has been altered to sound like stick with it.
He says, "just take a minute".

ETA: I get that it's fun hatin' on the guy, but really...that's all he said.

I am not hatin' on the guy. I posted what was aired on HLN to try to help- sorry. Next time I will just not try.
Update: All the videos have been removed. FYI: just because a poster uploads something does not mean they are saying it is true or false. Objecting to the content is fair, to the poster is not, IMHO.
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Listen to the video in this post. It is completely different.
It is up now but watch out - I blasted the volume after the rewind! LOL

I had uploaded it for my own use, then came here and wondered if anyone else would like those. Let me know what you hear!

thanks for the warning....and for ALL YOU DO!!! :yourock:

I still hear just take a minute :moo:


Concerning Last hour of cross part 3 -- Beautifully done -- Thank you!!!Wow, what a job!

DITTO! Just now I went to the media/timeline thread, where they are all now stored, to answer a question I had! Love it!
I remember the case, I live in Harris County so I followed it closely. During the trial I was laughing at the defense, was like, "someone needs to tell that New York boy that he's in Texas, Texas juries don't play that crap." Needless to say, those were probably the most bitter words I've ever had to eat. (Thanks, Jodi)

Hey Schuby, I'm a Houston girl too. Maybe we should get all our peeps from this area together to have a happy hour to celebrate our Phoenix peeps having their rooftop happy hour hahahaha.
Are we sure she went through the checkpoint then? I'm assuming we are I just haven't seen anything .. if she did WHY? Wouldn't you just drive around it??

With only a 23 miles detour, I would guess she would have opted to avoid the checkpoint. JMO
BC spoke to Jodi last Sunday when she said that she thinks she will get manslaughter.. I bet she has changed her tune since then. :)

Not to be harsh, but I think BC is 11 eggs short of a dozen and the 12th egg is scrambled.
The Jodi Arias segment tonight is a special. Not previously scheduled. I guess they want more people to know about the trial. I remember when the trial started almost no one I talked to had ever heard of Jodi Arias.

Dateline is two hours tonight. Both Oscar's and Travis' case?
i sure hope the jury have worked out what is being shown on those vinnie demo videos.

i knew what she said happened was impossible but seeing a demonstration of it just brings it all home. this is where i think something like this in the courtroom would be good.

is there a possibility of something like that? i seen a few clips of the susan wright trial and they had a bed and what not.
True. While she was stabbing, throat slitting and shoooting - what made her stop? What was the ah-ha moment that she realized 'hey T is gone and will never be back'. Something broke her out of the rampage of Killing T over and over and over again.

I am not hatin' on the guy. I posted what was aired on HLN to try to help- sorry. Next time I will just not try.

Awe...don't just not try! It's just spirited discussion, not personal in any way!
In testimony when JM showed Jodi the evidence photo of the shell casing in the blood, she denied it was the shell casing she shot. I thought that was interesting. Wondered why JM didn't ask her how she knew that.

I believe she denied that the casing landed in the blood. My theory is that the blood coagulated in a pool around the casing. It ran down the crack and pooled up. The casing is lying exactly where it should be if it were ejected after being shot from the shower area.

IMO, she shot him while he was seated in the shower, but rather than killing him, he was still conscious and knocked the gun out of her she testified. (She changed the location of where the shot was fired.) Best to keep things as close to the truth as possible.
Hoover Dam bypass wasn't completed until late 2010 - opened for traffic (I believe) in early 2011. I say 'I believe' because there are a couple of different dates as to when the story ran, but the earliest "Bypass now open" is Feb, 2011 so I went with that.

I haven't paid close attention to this aspect of her trip... how does the bypass not being there is 2008 affect JA's story/testimony/timeline?

There are now no checkpoints, right?

I'm sure they have her traveling on a non-bypassed dam - but with this case, you never can tell! :)
Hey Schuby, I'm a Houston girl too. Maybe we should get all our peeps from this area together to have a happy hour to celebrate our Phoenix peeps having their rooftop happy hour hahahaha.

Good idea! This trial has completely absorbed me in the last month!
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