Jodi Arias Murder Trial - the defense continues it's case in chief-*Weekend* #90

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I truly believe she thought deleting the pics and putting the camera through a wash cycle would render the the camera useless. She did state on the stand that she knew deleted pics could be retrieved but I think she's lying about that. I think she doused it with bleach and thought they'd never be able to find the pics.
I also believe she left the camera there because (in her mind knowing she did it) it would have been the only thing missing/stolen from the house and her being a photog. would make her suspect of taking it.:moo:

My work involves computers, so when I first heard about the camera found in the washing machine with bleached stained items I wondered just how tech savvy JA was. There is bleaching software which is designed to overwrite file data with randomly generated data to prevent the retrieval of files. It is commonly referred to as "bleaching the hd". I first thought, no way could she actually have thought "bleaching" a memory card would remove files.
Hearing 10:15 AZ time. Jurors 11am.

Reminder about time zones, as AZ is MST, not MDT:

Many thanks for that. Watching that again I not only feel even stronger about my suspicions but wish I would have paid more attention to her on direct. such as, as she's telling the story she said she THOUGHT TO HERSELF how selfish and after she SAID that is when he went into a rage. She said she thought it not said it!!!

Also she said afterwards she was holding her wrist, why her wrist? But as I said if she were kicked hard enough to have a broken finger why no mention of pain in her ribs or for that matter broken ribs? Oh thats right.....BECAUSE SHE'S FULL OF CHIT. :furious:

At least bruised ribs for sure. One time I went into my teen sons room and through a series of unfortunate events that included the dark, the dog and a cast I felt myself propelled to the post on the footboard of his bed. I bruised two ribs so badly from just tripping into the post that it hurt for months. I had a hard time even laying on my stomach. It was terrible.

My work involves computers, so when I first heard about the camera found in the washing machine with bleached stained items I wondered just how tech savvy JA was. There is bleaching software which is designed to overwrite file data with randomly generated data to prevent the retrieval of files. It is commonly referred to as "bleaching the hd". I first thought, no way could she actually have thought "bleaching" a memory card would remove files.

Haha! If so, what a dumb azz.
Who could she know who would actually do such a disgusting thing with her and why? It would have to be someone she has plenty on or someone just as deranged as herself.
I believe she was alone. If and that is a big if someone was with her she will spit it out after she is convicted.

Why spit it out after her conviction? It won't change her conviction.
Lohan just arrived it LA and she was due it court 23 minutes ago. LMAO
Back to the duct tape.....I saw a show last night about a murder that was finally solved after like 25 years. Suffering from fognesia today so I can't tell what it was specifically. Had a guy who out of nowhere came up with an idea how to get hidden fingerprints off of duct tape. He FROZE the tape which made overlapping and doubled over tape easy to separate from each other. I wondered whether that was done with the CA duct tape on Caylee and whether it could be used or was used in this JA case. In the show was watching, they had found no prints but after this procedure of separating the various pieces, they found six prints all from the same guy.
But if there WAS an accomplice, she wouldn't be able to disclose him/her because that would go to premeditation, right? Ya never know ... maybe there was some truth to the Ninja story ... she was the girl and the accomplice was the guy.

Just messin witcha .... but nothing would surprise me in this trial.

Even if there is a sliver of doubt it needs to be addressed because it could be indicitive of what one juror might be thinking. If Matt McCartney is called as a witness it may help put the accomplice theory to rest. I'm sure that JM will leave no stone unturned.
My work involves computers, so when I first heard about the camera found in the washing machine with bleached stained items I wondered just how tech savvy JA was. There is bleaching software which is designed to overwrite file data with randomly generated data to prevent the retrieval of files. It is commonly referred to as "bleaching the hd". I first thought, no way could she actually have thought "bleaching" a memory card would remove files.

You know, if I had been her I would have taken the camera and destoyed it alone with the other evidence she destroyed. No way would I have left it behind.
WHaaaaaat???? How is HE in on this? Oh no. Just no. That's just wrong. Now I hate it.

I think they're including Baez in on it because they're being bombarded with all those crazy JII people and they want to prove to those people that it will be done in a fair way so as to shut them up.:twocents:
Well, Freud would say there are no accidents. It is possible JA left the camera on purpose - after all, it was Travis' and it would lead to suspicion if it, and nothing else, was missing. That's why she couldn't take the memory card. So, she purposely threw it in the water thinking it would be damaged beyond use. Oops!

It's also possible that she threw it in the bed and then threw it in the wash by accident.

If you believe there is no such thing as a perfect crime, then even psycho/sociopaths make mistakes.

I don't think psycho/sociopaths want to get caught, but Freud would probably say they do on the subconscious level. :twocents:

If the sheets were in the dryer I take that she had washed them then put them in the dryer then put the towel, socks, camera, etc in the second load.

If that is the case then I would think she wanted to get rid of her DNA off of the bed sheets, then she probably did the second load from cleaning up the bathroom, (bloody) items, camera included. jmo
I guess the sheets were in the dryer and the socks,camera towel, were in the washer.

That's how I get it.

But it makes sense that it's two loads of laundry when CSI shows up; i.e., one load washed and one load dried.
Newbie here, please be patient.
Isn't there a second Starbucks in the area?
I think that she got Travis to sit down to review the pictures, and then stabbed him as he was trying to get up. (I can't help thinking her lies are laced with some truth.) Then they both wound up on floor, the true version of the "bodyslam."
As for the camera in the wash, I think she did what I do, made a pile for the wash and a pile to take with, and then stuck the camera in the wrong pile in her haste.
Just my 2 cents.


Welcome to WS loveamystery!!!
If that were a doctored tape, it would be really easy to prove that with an expert on rebuttal.

That would be dynamite! [But, prolly too expensive].


It was examined by the state and he even had to doctor it some himself so that TA's voice could be heard. He has a lot of experience and I think he would have known if it had been spliced.
Good morning Websleuthers! I have an interesting post to share with all of you this morning- most of you will not be surprised, but some of you will. I have been personal messaging a wonderful sleuther here who was doing some diligent digging on Matt M, I will post part of her message to me this morning:

I was hoping to find a lot on McCartney.I have worked as someone who does/did background checks on people for businesses, lawyers. Strangely, I have found virtually nothing but what we already knew, ie. much of what you had said. I have found several things about his father, haven't looked much for mother. What I have found for sure is the fact that we are not the only ones who have been searching without much success. It seems to be a common thought that SOMEONE has put the Squash on all things related to him. I can't even get his driver's license. There's another thought out there that Martinez and Lopez have something to do with this lack of information. What I'm thinking is that he's possibly in some sort of witness protection type of thing for the moment and will surface at some point during the trial. He's been removed from social networking sites where he used to be. It seems like SOMEONE(s) are trying to prevent anyone from locating/speaking to him before whatever might happen happens. It seems to me that he was just a basic guy in the beginning so I can't think of any other reason why it's been virtually impossible to find what I've been looking for other than that it's been done on purpose. And by persons who's aim is to hide him because it's been my experience that no matter how someone personally tries to hide themselves, there's always a trail somewhere for me to find.
My work involves computers, so when I first heard about the camera found in the washing machine with bleached stained items I wondered just how tech savvy JA was. There is bleaching software which is designed to overwrite file data with randomly generated data to prevent the retrieval of files. It is commonly referred to as "bleaching the hd". I first thought, no way could she actually have thought "bleaching" a memory card would remove files.

She is a high school drop-out.
Good morning Websleuthers! I have an interesting post to share with all of you this morning- most of you will not be surprised, but some of you will. I have been personal messaging a wonderful sleuther here who was doing some diligent digging on Matt M, I will post part of her message to me this morning:

I was hoping to find a lot on McCartney.I have worked as someone who does/did background checks on people for businesses, lawyers. Strangely, I have found virtually nothing but what we already knew, ie. much of what you had said. I have found several things about his father, haven't looked much for mother. What I have found for sure is the fact that we are not the only ones who have been searching without much success. It seems to be a common thought that SOMEONE has put the Squash on all things related to him. I can't even get his driver's license. There's another thought out there that Martinez and Lopez have something to do with this lack of information. What I'm thinking is that he's possibly in some sort of witness protection type of thing for the moment and will surface at some point during the trial. He's been removed from social networking sites where he used to be. It seems like SOMEONE(s) are trying to prevent anyone from locating/speaking to him before whatever might happen happens. It seems to me that he was just a basic guy in the beginning so I can't think of any other reason why it's been virtually impossible to find what I've been looking for other than that it's been done on purpose. And by persons who's aim is to hide him because it's been my experience that no matter how someone personally tries to hide themselves, there's always a trail somewhere for me to find.

Whoa! Thanks for sharing this! I hope it is Juan that has done this.
If the sheets were in the dryer I take that she had washed them then put them in the dryer then put the towel, socks, camera, etc in the second load.

If that is the case then I would think she wanted to get rid of her DNA off of the bed sheets, then she probably did the second load from cleaning up the bathroom, (bloody) items, camera included. jmo

I think Flores's theory is that TA put the sheets (first laundry load) in shortly after the afternoon sex (maybe around 2 PM) - there is some evidence he was cleaning house that afternoon (floor cleaner left out). Maybe he thought JA had left and was cleaning up - then she returned, maybe with something she had "forgotten" to leave with TA ( kind of like remote with DB) like CD of photos. Then she convinced him to do shower photos, killed him, and went to washer with bloody clothes and towels and moved sheets to dryer.
Good morning Websleuthers! I have an interesting post to share with all of you this morning- most of you will not be surprised, but some of you will. I have been personal messaging a wonderful sleuther here who was doing some diligent digging on Matt M, I will post part of her message to me this morning:

I was hoping to find a lot on McCartney.I have worked as someone who does/did background checks on people for businesses, lawyers. Strangely, I have found virtually nothing but what we already knew, ie. much of what you had said. I have found several things about his father, haven't looked much for mother. What I have found for sure is the fact that we are not the only ones who have been searching without much success. It seems to be a common thought that SOMEONE has put the Squash on all things related to him. I can't even get his driver's license. There's another thought out there that Martinez and Lopez have something to do with this lack of information. What I'm thinking is that he's possibly in some sort of witness protection type of thing for the moment and will surface at some point during the trial. He's been removed from social networking sites where he used to be. It seems like SOMEONE(s) are trying to prevent anyone from locating/speaking to him before whatever might happen happens. It seems to me that he was just a basic guy in the beginning so I can't think of any other reason why it's been virtually impossible to find what I've been looking for other than that it's been done on purpose. And by persons who's aim is to hide him because it's been my experience that no matter how someone personally tries to hide themselves, there's always a trail somewhere for me to find.

It could be that he is trying to erase himself so as not to be contacted now that his name has been mentioned so often. I wouldn't want all this free publicity via Jodi Arias if I were him.

I know of someone who did the same thing because he didn't want certain people knowing anything about his life, didn't want to be located or found. It's not easy to do, but there are sites that help you remove traces of yourself from the internet.
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