trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #110

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What I think JA's problem is is that most of her calories are in the evening meal and she doesn't like the slop so she isn't eating enough. She is basically starving herself. I am not sure what they do when a prisoner refuses to eat and it affects their trial. Anyone know?

ETA A handful of walnuts goes a long way in getting your body fueled.

I've noticed over the past few weeks - starting shortly after her days on the witness stand - that Jodi has become thinner, paler, and weaker than early in the trial. After yesterday's migraine prank, I'm beginning to think that Jodi is intent on making herself ill so that the trial won't continue. She's crafty and is taking her time doing this, but in another week or two, Jodi will probably have to be hospitalized. I firmly believe that JA and her DT want a mistrial and will do anything they can to get it. :moo:
JW better start asking real questions about THIS CASE and stop ALV yaking about generalities. This is so over the top. Let's get this trial moving along!

It will be Aprl in a few days and I'd like to be outside getting my gardens ready. Don't these lawyers realize we here at WSs have a life too! :jail:
Is this in reference to my post? I was just pointing out what another poster had noted--the migraines have appeared at the same time of the month.

I wasn't starting a topic.

Well...I'm a man and have a very basic understanding of that stuff. In fact, I really just try to fly under the radar whenever I sense its presence. Who really cares if it is brought up to describe her behavior/symptoms/BS?

I mean...its not like other, more sensitive or personal, topics have been discussed, reviewed, viewed, etc.

I'll take PMS talk over viewing naked pics of the *advertiser censored* any day.
It said this:

Having recently exchanged emails with Dr Samuels and thanked his for his valued testimony, I also invited him to write a message for inclusion in the website.

Here’s the message he kindly sent me:

“Thanks to all of those who have expressed support for my testimony. While I can’t comment specifically on the case until it is over, rest assured that the PTSD diagnosis is real as is memory loss during acute stress. Those were the points I tried to make and hope that the message was clear enough for the jury to understand. Again, thanks for your support.” — Richard M. Samuels, Ph.D....
I dunno about feelings for Jodi, but I'd say Dr. Samuels definitely has feelings for Dr. samuels.
The below time-line chronicles the progression of an obsessive psycho. The original link (at bottom) gives more specific detail with actual photographic Exhibits.
This chilling time line shows the events and the erratic behavior leading up to this PREMEDITATED murder.
If the jury doesn't find her guilty of 1st degree murder then I will officially give up any hope for the human race.

<snipped by me for space>

Wow! Great resource! It's amazing to see the timeline so detailed. It looks like Jodi got her *advertiser censored* and then decided to aim higher than DB. She decided it was time to move on to a bigger mark.
Well...I'm a man and have a very basic understanding of that stuff. In fact, I really just try to fly under the radar whenever I sense its presence. Who really cares if it is brought up to describe her behavior/symptoms/BS?

I mean...its not like other, more sensitive or personal, topics have been discussed, reviewed, viewed, etc.

I'll take PMS talk over viewing naked pics of the *advertiser censored* any day.

I think we've all suffered from PTSD after viewing her puzzling hoo haw. Paging Dr. Samuels...
Well...I'm a man and have a very basic understanding of that stuff. In fact, I really just try to fly under the radar whenever I sense its presence. Who really cares if it is brought up to describe her behavior/symptoms/BS?

I mean...its not like other, more sensitive or personal, topics have been discussed, reviewed, viewed, etc.

I'll take PMS talk over viewing naked pics of the *advertiser censored* any day.

lol - I agree Jay!

We had threads upon threads of the nudie pics comments and links, I think a few posts about the possibility of her "migraines" being related to her cycle wont kill (excuse the pun) anyone.

To consider the above, there could be some truth to that. But since we are speaking of JA, we know there is NO MIGRAINE!
She can order up to $40.00 a week of food at the commissary. She does not have to be there to order, just fill out a form (similar to menu you get at a hospital). That, too, she would be able to bring with her. Jodi can buy her own Snicker's bar. jmo

They just asked on HLN and the prison official said they can only bring their papers and any meds each day. No snickers or extra food.
Marcia Clark was a TH on one of the HLN shows last night... the topic was whether Judge Stephens has lost control of the court.. Clark felt that Stephens appears to be afraid of being overturned.. beyond the norm.. and has let some things go a little too far.

See you posted right before me AZ..

Can you all imagine the OUTRAGE if this case ended up winning an appeal over a freakin' bologna sammich! I say, play it safe and feed the beast.
What is the icon at the bottom of the message that shows a " mark next to the icon that actually has the word 'quote' thx i am still trying to figure everything out
What I think JA's problem is is that most of her calories are in the evening meal and she doesn't like the slop so she isn't eating enough. She is basically starving herself. I am not sure what they do when a prisoner refuses to eat and it affects their trial. Anyone know?

ETA A handful of walnuts goes a long way in getting your body fueled.

Feeder tube down the nose......
If her lawyers really believe that she is not getting enough calories or that they are not spread out evenly then they can make a request for additional snacks during the day and it would probably be granted. They don't because she doesn't really have migraines. It's just strategy.

If she really needs more food then give it to her. More protein, more carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, sugary snacks, juice. I don't care as long as the trial continues and we have closing statements soon!

Give her a bottle of Ensure. There is "extra protein" Ensure. It even comes in strawberry for her highness. Maybe then we can "ensure" we get this trial over before Christmas.
We have to stop talking about the peanut butter. Now I'm eating it directly from the jar.
I think the point most are trying to make though is that she is given more than enough calories, given her size and activity level. Whether or not she likes what she is given and eats it is on her.

IMO the jail food is probably no worse, if not better than the crap a lot of people who are not in jail use to fuel their body. It might not be as tasteful, but it is most likely better in terms of sufficient protein/carbs/fats than chugging back Starbucks Strawberry fraps.
Is that a Himalayan in your avatar?
Plus it was a Full Moon. My husband was with LE and he said you could always tell when there was a Full Moon. lol
Try working Labor and Delivery on a full moon! Police and ER probably have it worse I admit it!
Oooooh! Do y'all sport the Kennesaw Claw? :floorlaugh:
? never heard the term.

Well...I'm a man and have a very basic understanding of that stuff. In fact, I really just try to fly under the radar whenever I sense its presence. Who really cares if it is brought up to describe her behavior/symptoms/BS?

I mean...its not like other, more sensitive or personal, topics have been discussed, reviewed, viewed, etc.

I'll take PMS talk over viewing naked pics of the *advertiser censored* any day.
:seeya: Thank you! :puke: just ick!
I have been on some other threads and just came back to see everyone discussing the importance of what Jodi gets to eat in jail. This is funny. Did you ever stop to think that Travis never gets to eat again?

On another topic, I heard there was a you tube video of Jodi stomping her foot at Nurmi yesterday while viewing a piece of paper. Apparently she was livid about it. And I have spent the last hour on you tube and cannot find it. There was no link posted on the other thread. Would any of you happen to have the link? I would love to see it!

Also, I was able to see a video of NG talking to TA roommate about his finding the body. It was heart wrenching. Anyone see it? Sorry, but I don't know how to post a link. I am not much on technology and all things "Internet". Just wanted you to know the video was good.

Hope we have trial today and AV gets off the stand. I doubt it. :)
The point isn't the calories, it's the amount of time between eating. Some have rightly pointed out that they work 12 hr. shifts without eating. I don't think their employers are treating them ethically either. Some have said she should divide up her breakfast and bring it with her. I don't see how she's going to carry three pieces of fruit with her while being transported shackled to two other inmates. I don't ask my dog to go 12 hours without eating. She may be lower than a dog but I am not. Let her have a freaking bologna sandwich and be done with it!

She does not have to do that. It is provided for her at the courthouse. She gets breakfast at 7am, lunch at noon and dinner between 6 and 7. She has a normal eating schedule. No one ever made her go 12 hours without eating. She lies to get attention drawn to herself.
IMO, give her a sandwich or a piece of fruit during the 10min recess in the afternoon and be done with it.

I can see that we all pretty much agree that this is a ploy on Jodi's plot and we should put it to rest.
She is getting enough food, period. She is probably getting more food than both homeless people and working people that can't afford food!
She is not homeless, she is fed and being taken care of. Enough said.
This is all a plot to overthrow what will be her end result.
Give her a bottle of Ensure. There is "extra protein" Ensure. It even comes in strawberry for her highness. Maybe then we can "ensure" we get this trial over before Christmas.

I lived for months on Ensure and Boost...the chocolate variety. It tastes bad the first swallow after that its ok.

It wouldn't be cruel and unusual punishment if she did have to. Might just be the answer they are looking for.

Bad news is that stuff messes with other parts of the system if you kwim.

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