NY NY - Sylvia Lwowski, 22, Staten Island, 6 Sept 1975 - #2

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Regarding the detective we know as being mentioned in several of our Staten Island cases, I just found an article from the NY Post (7/30/12), that mentions how few detectives are assigned to cold cases in NYC: "Manhattan, Queens and The Bronx each have two cold-case detectives. Two others cover all of Brooklyn and Staten Island." I'm surprised and saddened by this information.

Regarding the detective we know as being mentioned in several of our Staten Island cases, I just found an article from the NY Post (7/30/12), that mentions how few detectives are assigned to cold cases in NYC: "Manhattan, Queens and The Bronx each have two cold-case detectives. Two others cover all of Brooklyn and Staten Island." I'm surprised and saddened by this information.


Oh, that isn't too hopeful!
I wonder if he treated the police who may have contacted him in 1975 with the same angry aggression to which he treated MMQC? It would certainly have kept our two VIs from contacting him recently, but I suppose, if the police were so inclined, they might have contacted him. What I think will happen is this: the police will keep this case open forever, they won't discuss it because it's open, and they will never get to the bottom of it because they didn't pursue it 38 years ago.

Is it obvious that I am frustrated?

Perhaps an option which could be realized in an alternate future... as for what I feel will be certain is a far more upbeat turn of events!

So I spent an hour prepping the map - everyone will laugh at me , obvi, as we see have not produced it here - but the good news is it is getting posted tonight. After that, I began composing a post last night - then after 30 minutes I was ready to post - and the site DK'd ( "don't know ya) me - grrr always happens _ I forget that I nned to compse it on word, copy and then paste to avoid getting timed out ( a trusty security feature, true).

One feature of the post involved a good (fully, 100% compliant,) idea.

Rather than dilute what I had composed, I wil re-compose, oh, the thought of its loss burdens me - as it was coming together so nicely... (turns away in sadness).


I love the picture WS picked for the web-site - Sylvia Lwowski- she was stunning.

Respectfully, your admirer,
The <.G>

Perhaps an option which could be realized in an alternate future... as for what I feel will be certain is a far more upbeat turn of events!

So I spent an hour prepping the map - everyone will laugh at me , obvi, as we see have not produced it here - but the good news is it is getting posted tonight. After that, I began composing a post last night - then after 30 minutes I was ready to post - and the site DK'd ( "don't know ya) me - grrr always happens _ I forget that I nned to compse it on word, copy and then paste to avoid getting timed out ( a trusty security feature, true).

One feature of the post involved a good (fully, 100% compliant,) idea.

Rather than dilute what I had composed, I wil re-compose, oh, the thought of its loss burdens me - as it was coming together so nicely... (turns away in sadness).


I love the picture WS picked for the web-site - Sylvia Lwowski- she was stunning.

Respectfully, your admirer,
The <.G>

I'm sorry that you lost your post-that's happened to me, and you never get it re-composed as it was(sometimes it gets better when you re-post, though).

You are right, Sylvia was absolutely beautiful, and that is the perfect picture to have used. Amazing how this case has grabbed me (and you, and everyone else here)! I wish there was some way to help, but the fact that there are 8 cold case detectives working on all of the cold cases in the 5 boroughs isn't making me feel optimistic.
I don't think anyone knows except those involved what the argument was about.

BTW, I love your tag line!

Thank you for the compliment.

See, I think the content of the argument is a huge clue as to what happened to your friend. I can't understand why the BF/F never made that known, either to SL's mom or to the police or to anyone for that matter.
Surely the police would have asked?
For those of you posting and losing your post because you get bumped off: Not sure where I read this, could have been another thread. When you sign in check the box next to your name that say's "remember me". Even though I am not a "long" poster I have found this helps to keep me "on" while I am creating my post, or even downsizing and googling other things.

This is the weird bit, if they were just sunglasses I could understand it, but prescription glasses do not come cheap, and to throw something that you need to see with?.. Do we have any fact other than the b/f saying that this is what happened?..

I think the only source is the BF/F
It is on the PR, and we know that her parents filed that
As they were not present when the argument took place, I assume that information came from BF/F

Other than the time she left home that night, and what she was wearing, most of the info on that report pertaining to the evenings events would have to come from the BF/F
It also is apparent that BF/F had some sort of conversation with Sylvias parents the night she disappeared or the next day before PR was filed
He went into detail about the glasses. Still find that odd
I wonder what he said about the argument
I wonder if he said he had the glasses
I can't recall ... did he say she threw them and left them in the car? Does he specify whether she retrieved them and took them?

The NamUs report lists her description , clothing and also says glasses
If she didn't have her glasses, I don't think that should be in the last seen description

This is the weird bit, if they were just sunglasses I could understand it, but prescription glasses do not come cheap, and to throw something that you need to see with?.. Do we have any fact other than the b/f saying that this is what happened?..

Not regarding throwing her glasses, but we do have several posts in which VI MMQC refers to Sylvia's need to calm down or cool off (paraphrasing), which implies anger. Sylvia would then sleep at MMQC's home.

Also, in a few posts, VI MMQC states she can imagine Sylvia being described as angry rather than depressed (reference to her mental status in the PR).

I can imagine her tossing her glasses on the dashboard (wasn't wearing them), and bolting from his vehicle during an argument.
Below is the link to the case of a 14 year old girl, who was murdered on Staten Island in May of 1976. If it weren't for a boy accidentally finding her body, her family would still be wondering too. The victim's father felt that the police had assumed the girl ran away, and didn't look too hard for her. If they lacked enthusiasm in finding a 14 year old, one can imagine how they might have felt about a missing 22 year old. :eek:hoh:

P.S.- The murderer in the case, lost his 2012 parole appeal. :dance:

Below is the link to the case of a 14 year old girl, who was murdered on Staten Island in May of 1976. If it weren't for a boy accidentally finding her body, her family would still be wondering too. The victim's father felt that the police had assumed the girl ran away, and didn't look too hard for her. If they lacked enthusiasm in finding a 14 year old, one can imagine how they might have felt about a missing 22 year old. :eek:hoh:

P.S.- The murderer in the case, lost his 2012 parole appeal. :dance:


That is interesting-and you may be right about their interest in chasing down a 22year old, said by the boyfriend to be missing voluntarily
While 22 years old is young, Sylvia was old enough to have had other influences in her life. The sadness here is so palpable but I&#8217;d like to offer some personal thoughts on how we sometimes do not know which direction life takes us. And it can be a very spontaneous change, too&#8230;

One of my sisters, the &#8220;good girl&#8221; of the family did a stint as a stripper to make money in her 20&#8217;s. What???? I was so shocked. Here is my little sister flying under the radar of smart, directed, popular, accomplished classical musician (and now pole dancer) with traditional values. -I was the irrepressible wild child. --The one in trouble all the time. --The one who left home early in the wake of my parents&#8217; divorce. I met a wonderful man, a decade older than me, and we lived together for five years. It was passionate, tumultuous; I couldn&#8217;t marry him but will always love him. --It was the 70&#8217;s.

When I was 16 and my parents&#8217; marriage was melting down, I was offered a summer stay with a friend&#8217;s family half way across the country. My parents were divided (father yes, mother no) on giving me permission to go. An older friend of the family (like a brother to me) offered to drive me half way across the country with or without their permission. I was able to go and get out of the crosshairs of the meltdown for a summer, but I&#8217;ll never forget the lifeline extended to me back then.

So, I am wondering about some missing pieces of Sylvia&#8217;s story. Was she born in Germany? How old was she when she came to USA? -And does she speak, read, and write in any foreign language (s)?

There is the group of friends at the pool party. There is the Wagner group, classmates and musicians and teachers. --And, mutual friends and acquaintances of the BF/F. -Connections in NYC, other countries? --Military?

As I look back, I can see how spontaneous some life changing decisions and paths unfolded, seemingly overnight. --Today, at 50-something, life changing decisions are years in the planning. Youth can be so much more emotionally driven. Now, it is all tempered with sensibility.

While I always knew that we don&#8217;t tell everybody everything, I guess it was my sister who really showed me that, too. I don&#8217;t believe siblings especially ever plan to hurt or abandon the ones they love. -But the driving forces behind life altering events of one&#8217;s youth can be truly mystifying.
While 22 years old is young, Sylvia was old enough to have had other influences in her life. The sadness here is so palpable but I&#8217;d like to offer some personal thoughts on how we sometimes do not know which direction life takes us. And it can be a very spontaneous change, too&#8230;

One of my sisters, the &#8220;good girl&#8221; of the family did a stint as a stripper to make money in her 20&#8217;s. What???? I was so shocked. Here is my little sister flying under the radar of smart, directed, popular, accomplished classical musician (and now pole dancer) with traditional values. -I was the irrepressible wild child. --The one in trouble all the time. --The one who left home early in the wake of my parents&#8217; divorce. I met a wonderful man, a decade older than me, and we lived together for five years. It was passionate, tumultuous; I couldn&#8217;t marry him but will always love him. --It was the 70&#8217;s.

When I was 16 and my parents&#8217; marriage was melting down, I was offered a summer stay with a friend&#8217;s family half way across the country. My parents were divided (father yes, mother no) on giving me permission to go. An older friend of the family (like a brother to me) offered to drive me half way across the country with or without their permission. I was able to go and get out of the crosshairs of the meltdown for a summer, but I&#8217;ll never forget the lifeline extended to me back then.

So, I am wondering about some missing pieces of Sylvia&#8217;s story. Was she born in Germany? How old was she when she came to USA? -And does she speak, read, and write in any foreign language (s)?

There is the group of friends at the pool party. There is the Wagner group, classmates and musicians and teachers. --And, mutual friends and acquaintances of the BF/F. -Connections in NYC, other countries? --Military?

As I look back, I can see how spontaneous some life changing decisions and paths unfolded, seemingly overnight. --Today, at 50-something, life changing decisions are years in the planning. Youth can be so much more emotionally driven. Now, it is all tempered with sensibility.

While I always knew that we don&#8217;t tell everybody everything, I guess it was my sister who really showed me that, too. I don&#8217;t believe siblings especially ever plan to hurt or abandon the one&#8217;s they love. -But the driving forces behind life altering events of one&#8217;s youth can be truly mystifying.


Thank you for sharing that!!
I smiled at some parts of it, felt all of it
There are parts of ourselves that we keep private, I am certain of it.
And I also believe that we never know how we may react to a chain of events.
Sometimes it comes as a great surprise to ourselves, no matter what age.

Thank you for sharing that!!
I smiled at some parts of it, felt all of it
There are parts of ourselves that we keep private, I am certain of it.
And I also believe that we never know how we may react to a chain of events.
Sometimes it comes as a great surprise to ourselves, no matter what age.

bbm: This is it in a nutshell. ...So true.

Thank you for sharing that!!
I smiled at some parts of it, felt all of it
There are parts of ourselves that we keep private, I am certain of it.
And I also believe that we never know how we may react to a chain of events.
Sometimes it comes as a great surprise to ourselves, no matter what age.

I agree that we all have a secret side that the people with whom we interact the most never see. And I do think that we all have associates, casual or otherwise, that those people don't know. Let's suppose that she is someplace out there-would there be any way for her remaining family to find her? Any ideas out there? Does anyone think that she might have "googled" her name to see what is out there on the internet? I wonder if she would read this thread and know that there are people who want to know what happened to her, and opted not to contact her family-I think that, in some ways, this would make me feel even sadder than if she had died.
I agree that we all have a secret side that the people with whom we interact the most never see. And I do think that we all have associates, casual or otherwise, that those people don't know. Let's suppose that she is someplace out there-would there be any way for her remaining family to find her? Any ideas out there? Does anyone think that she might have "googled" her name to see what is out there on the internet? I wonder if she would read this thread and know that there are people who want to know what happened to her, and opted not to contact her family-I think that, in some ways, this would make me feel even sadder than if she had died.

I hear what you are saying
To me, it would seem a most selfish way to live life.
Knowing that others are in pain because of something you did 38 years ago


So I ask myself..
If she ran away, as she grew up, would she not see what she had done to those who love her?

I have a hard time with that
I hear what you are saying
To me, it would seem a most selfish way to live life.
Knowing that others are in pain because of something you did 38 years ago


So I ask myself..
If she ran away, as she grew up, would she not see what she had done to those who love her?

I have a hard time with that

I also have a hard time with it-but if I want to examine all possibilities, then I wonder if there are other aspects of either her home life or her social life to consider, to contemplate voluntarily missing? We have very few puzzle pieces, and, as someone here said, one of the pieces, almost certainly would be the content of Sylvia's last argument with BF/F. I think it could well have been the pregnancy and abortion-that could lead to several possibilities.
I agree that we all have a secret side that the people with whom we interact the most never see. And I do think that we all have associates, casual or otherwise, that those people don't know. Let's suppose that she is someplace out there-would there be any way for her remaining family to find her? Any ideas out there? Does anyone think that she might have "googled" her name to see what is out there on the internet? I wonder if she would read this thread and know that there are people who want to know what happened to her, and opted not to contact her family-I think that, in some ways, this would make me feel even sadder than if she had died.

For Sylvia, with no publicity on this case, and no streamlined internet until 2000, there is hope that if she found her way to realize she is loved, and has never been forgotten, and is not presumed dead, she might Google herself, and perhaps find this thread, and just maybe find her way back. That is the hope of this thread. -Because, if she is alive she's going to need a lifeline.

The VI's who stepped up to this thread have made all the difference, too. Speaking with their hearts, their voices are the ones that could jog a suppressed memory, bridge the guilt, and extend hope.

While I know it seems hopeless, there is the spirit of openness and forgiveness, and there are miracles. –But, it is a walk through the valley of the shadows, too. Because, 38 years is an unbearably long time to miss someone, and not know how they vanished without a trace.
While 22 years old is young, Sylvia was old enough to have had other influences in her life. The sadness here is so palpable but I’d like to offer some personal thoughts on how we sometimes do not know which direction life takes us. And it can be a very spontaneous change, too…

One of my sisters, the “good girl” of the family did a stint as a stripper to make money in her 20’s. What???? I was so shocked. Here is my little sister flying under the radar of smart, directed, popular, accomplished classical musician (and now pole dancer) with traditional values. -I was the irrepressible wild child. --The one in trouble all the time. --The one who left home early in the wake of my parents’ divorce. I met a wonderful man, a decade older than me, and we lived together for five years. It was passionate, tumultuous; I couldn’t marry him but will always love him. --It was the 70’s.

When I was 16 and my parents’ marriage was melting down, I was offered a summer stay with a friend’s family half way across the country. My parents were divided (father yes, mother no) on giving me permission to go. An older friend of the family (like a brother to me) offered to drive me half way across the country with or without their permission. I was able to go and get out of the crosshairs of the meltdown for a summer, but I’ll never forget the lifeline extended to me back then.

So, I am wondering about some missing pieces of Sylvia’s story. Was she born in Germany? How old was she when she came to USA? -And does she speak, read, and write in any foreign language (s)?

There is the group of friends at the pool party. There is the Wagner group, classmates and musicians and teachers. --And, mutual friends and acquaintances of the BF/F. -Connections in NYC, other countries? --Military?

As I look back, I can see how spontaneous some life changing decisions and paths unfolded, seemingly overnight. --Today, at 50-something, life changing decisions are years in the planning. Youth can be so much more emotionally driven. Now, it is all tempered with sensibility.

While I always knew that we don’t tell everybody everything, I guess it was my sister who really showed me that, too. I don’t believe siblings especially ever plan to hurt or abandon the ones they love. -But the driving forces behind life altering events of one’s youth can be truly mystifying.

Thanks for the personal info, Rose. Gives us a window into you, as well as to your thoughts on SL. So if I am hearing you right, you could see spontaneous flight? In any case, I can as well, though again, it isn't necessarily my "position." In the 70s churches and youth organizations worked as "safety nets" for runaways who did just that -- leave home with only the shirts on their backs. Runaways were preyed upon by all manner of criminal, as well as cults. "Lucky" runaways found friends, or pastors, to protect them, maybe got jobs, and eventually created lives for themselves from the ashes of their pasts.

Where SL is concerned, I try to imagine what that might be like. For example, her bio degree -- was it general studies? or micro, which would have prepared her to work in a lab somewhere? Or given what MMQC told us about her saltwater fish tank, did she seek out work in the marine sciences somewhere? As to what she did to those she left behind, IMO, we don't really know what "hurts" she suffered that may have enabled her to not look back -- maybe only she could tell us. But, yes, I see this as possible. JMO
Thank you for the compliment.

See, I think the content of the argument is a huge clue as to what happened to your friend. I can't understand why the BF/F never made that known, either to SL's mom or to the police or to anyone for that matter.
Surely the police would have asked?
I'm thinking that if it had to do with something extremely personal (the abortion or something else), and even if he had told SL's mother, neither would have wanted it known so when SL showed back up, that would not be hanging over her. Both probably thought she would turn up, not disappear off the face of the Earth.

I will say that back in those days, if there was any kind of disagreement before someone went missing, it was automatically assumed that they just ran off. Even with people going missing with no argument, you had to prove that your loved one would not just run off. Some of the shoddy work on murders was appalling, as well. ("Oh, hey, that person's cousin was suspicious and now he's been killed in an auto accident. Lets just assume he did it, and put the case away."-personal experience with a case)
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