TX - Longview, WhtFem (UP 9863), 41-50, Suicide - Assumed Identity, Dec'10

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In the photo of her smiling in the pink hat with her daughter there is a very noticeable gap in her teeth (seattle times picture from their article)

I believe it was established that those gaps didn't appear until later and may have been the result of illness, side-effects from certain drugs, or perhaps a side-effect of childbirth(??). Earlier pictures did not show gaps as I recall.
I just find it so crazy that after the attention this has gotten that no one has come forward to say "hey that's so and so". Maybe it still isn't enough attention. I wonder what would happen if one of the MSM morning shows were to run something on LR. They do all kinds of pieces like this and let's face it they have quite a fan base.
She didn't just drop out of the sky in Boise ID with a BC to get an ID. She has to be from some where. I mean this lady was born to someone and that person probably had or has people. She grew to be a young woman some where. It's just amazing that she was able to hide her past so well!
Regarding her teeth, it is also the only picture where she is not clenching her teeth together in a forced grin. Somebody here mentioned that she might have had an overbite, so when she clenched her top teeth over the bottom teeth it hid the gap in earlier pictures. It could be that combined with the lighting of the picture and maybe she just had tea and ate blueberry pie (or something) that stained her teeth.

Hi mrskeev, Welcome!! As for MSM (main stream media), this story really hasn't gotten enough attention to draw out those who might have known her. I have sent in suggestions to the LA Times, several Texas newspapers and CNN suggesting that they run the story. Maybe if more people report it, one of the larger shows will pick up the story.
I believe it was established that those gaps didn't appear until later and may have been the result of illness, side-effects from certain drugs, or perhaps a side-effect of childbirth(??). Earlier pictures did not show gaps as I recall.

Speculation abounds that she wore removable veneers.
What woman commits suicide naked? Isn't that very rare? DNA at least rules out a lot of people.

Uh I don't believe she did...
But it's VERY common that people disrobe. Deep parts of the internet have many photos of death and almost all hangings (self inflicted) people are nude. I can't explain why either. I wonder if it has to do with bathing, and preparing for death?
ClaireNC! That last post was wonderful! Great insight!
I was thinking about the Idaho ID card. Why an ID card and not a DL? Well, maybe she had BOTH. In my experience when you move to a new state, they make you give up your DL to get one of theirs which lets you skip the test.. So maybe she had to surrender it, and then I remembered when I used my friends birth certificate to get a DL with her name an my pic... Thinking back, that was wrong. I got an ID card because her DL was suspended due to a DUI...
Another thought, maybe she got a DL and a ID card on different days, and dressed differently, changed her hair, whatever so she could further confuse and elude. I saw personally in a illegal alien case where a legal Mexican woman got over 20 copies of her DL and ID card some on the same day, just at a different DMv location, all dressed different different clothes, height different, weight different. She used those IDs to "smuggle" people over the border. This case was just concluded in Federal court last month. ( spanned over 7 years) the workers at DMV could care less..
AND who's to say she didn't get a DL or ID using the birth certificate in multiple states? The databases DO NOT Cross reference. So unless you check each state, you wouldn't know.

They do cross reference now. My nephew came up here to WA State last summer from Arizona and when he tried to get a WA Drivers License, he was turned down due to the fact that his Arizona Driver License was suspended. He had to get an ID card instead.
LMAO I am wondering what the statistical ratio is of WS'ers that have ADD, Asperger's and/or OCD now. I am clinically diagnosed with OCD of 'thinking', by the Psychiatrist said that I use it to my benefit. I never knew this because I know no other way of living. Like asking a fish to describe water. But, I must admit that I am pretty much convinced that she had ADD and OCD... "takes one to know one." :rollercoaster:

I disagree. My mom has a serious case of "contamination" OCD and I grew up with it. I don't have OCD but I DEFINITELY recognize it in people.
I wonder if she had Hypergraphia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and if so was it caused by her mental state at the end or if she had it all her life?

That's what it's called when you have an 'episode". That's what I suffered from when I went nuts. I could NOT stop writing. I used lipstick for gods sake. i also would talk to myself in a way but not to interact with anyone - it was like .. 'why are you doing this? Just stop.. just stop" I was talking to myself as a way of trying to coax myself. I also didn't eat, got down to 90lbs .. rarely showered and would lay in bed. God it was awful. She sounds (from her inlaws) like she did something similar.
Speculation abounds that she wore removable veneers.

Probably due to the large square shape of her teeth. If she did wear removable veneers, she would have first gotten them at a very young age and would have kept roughly the same shaped veneers for the next 20+ years. Not terribly likely.
Regarding her teeth, it is also the only picture where she is not clenching her teeth together in a forced grin. Somebody here mentioned that she might have had an overbite, so when she clenched her top teeth over the bottom teeth it hid the gap in earlier pictures.

That's what *I* was thinking. That may be the very reason she had that "clenched teeth" smile.
Removable veneers? What are those? (No really, I want to know). Like lumineers? Veneers are about 800-1,000 a tooth. Her teeth did not appear "cosmetic". I'm in agreement that she may have smiled like that because of an overbite. Or maybe she WAS on ADD meds (I would get clench jaw from adderall.. because it's speed). Or tmj
Removable veneers? What are those? (No really, I want to know). Like lumineers? Veneers are about 800-1,000 a tooth. Her teeth did not appear "cosmetic". I'm in agreement that she may have smiled like that because of an overbite. Or maybe she WAS on ADD meds (I would get clench jaw from adderall.. because it's speed). Or tmj

Removable veneers:


I don't know if you guys have already discussed this (I have a lot of reading to catch up on!), but someone posted about Lori in the Rose Cole forum and I totally see the resemblance.

Any thoughts?
The women sewed lingerie to local strippers and had to model the outfits according to a YouTube I just watched. I don't think it's allowed as these women are still alive but they describe the cult as raised by their father they thought was God.
Let me know if it is ok to post the video and I will, otherwise it's on YouTube.

~ I don't think it would be under TOS to contact the one daughter who is now doing films/actress to ask her if FLEK is one of them?

that was another group that did that. I saw that too, but didnt want to confuse us. there are TONS of groups like them, like the jesops that were in texas.
Hello, have been reading this case for a while, but only was able to get my account approved.

There had been a bunch of speculation about FLEK's sex. I thought I would bring up some stuff from the live chat with Velling.

FLEK did not have any scars or tattoos. A lot of people have commented about the mark on her forhead in one of the pictures. I never gave this much credit, but some have talked about it being a scar. I think if it were it would have been remarked upon. Also, just today I was watching someone get interviewed on TV and the lighting showed the exact same marking on their forehead.

Regarding questions about FLEK’s sex, I think we can conclude she was female. For one thing, she had a baby. I don’t know how much more conclusive you can be. But beyond that, in the livechat Velling states, “Regarding DNA: The FBI Laboratory’s Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) has a Missing Persons DNA reference profile from missing persons. We checked our DNA against those files without success. I also posted the DNA on Ancestry.com under Doe family.
Short Tandem Repeat (STR) Profiles are the most discriminating of the three DNA profiles.
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) are passed to MALE and FEMALE children, but only from the mother.
All females sharing the same maternal lineage will share the same mtDNA profile.
STR and mtDNA profiles have been developed for the samples were submitted.
The DNA profile obtained from this sample is consistent with a female contributor.
Jane Doe DNA lab results use SNP markers in her mtDNA and autosomal DNA.”

STR profiles don’t tell you much other than if two people are closely related or the same person. STR profiles, for example, would not answer the Marfan question. You would need to sequence the fibrillin 1 gene for that. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I don’t think you can tell sex (or any other physical characteristics) from STR profiles because it is looking at non-coding regions of DNA.
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