Victim: Alexis Murphy, 17, missing from Shipman, VA, 03 August 2013 - #4

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arggg why does information like this have to come out right before i go to bed? now ill do nothing but think about all of this while i lay there.. then ill be behind be 10 or so threads by the time i get to work in the morning.. lol

night ya'll.. come up with some good stuff while im gone!

Bless your heart, mamacita. I'll be doing the same thing anyway, so I'll cover your worry shift tonight. :biggrin:
You and that little baby in your belly get a good night's rest!

I doubt she thought cigarettes were that cool, being an athlete and all. But who knows, really.

<wait, why are we talking about cigarettes, lol? exhausted, sure its upstream somewhere, my brain is jello. sorry, lol.>
You know, at the very least, everything he has said or done involving this case or the SC disappearance showcases experience. He truly believes in his ability to outwit LE. Even in the toughest spot you see no admission of guilt, remorse, confession. I truly believe, one-hundred percent, that he will never give up her whereabouts. His statement through attorney, only makes this painfully obvious to me. He believes in his story, case, and will push it through trial. The RT 29 theory starts to become more probable the more I think about his assumed cleverness. I believe he thinks he's larger than all of this.

10 years for abduction right?

Life for murder?

Let's hope they continue building this case and find more evidence.

Random thoughts. Suppose RAT did ask Alexis if she knew where he could score some pot. And she said, check with the guy who owns the Burgundy Caprice Classic with the cool rims. He's a black dude with corn rows. Maybe everyone even knows him because of the car. And that is really as far as that part goes.

I can hope that they checked for tire marks before everyone drove all over the property.

If RAT had said that Alexis had led him to some area where he made the deal, or that Alexis handed him the bag (and that's where the hair came from-cough...)then RAT drove home, I'd be more inclined to believe him. When I was younger, I didn't know of any real dealer that would go to a stranger's place to make a deal. You went where they said. I knew of kids that sold that would go to a friend's house to make a deal and maybe smoke, but not a stranger's house. That's where the story loses me. If she stood there but didn't smoke or drink, why didn't she just take off first to get her shopping done?

The only way this makes sense by his story is if she was a total pothead and got some kind of kickback from the dealer, or had some major crush on the dealer. Taking a chance on someone you don't really know when it comes to something you can be busted for makes no sense for someone who just made team captain for her volleyball team.

It's hard for me to relate regarding Social Media and what Alexis wrote. My daughter begged for a facebook, which I allowed at 16. Then she discovered how lame it really was, and rarely uses it. (She'd rather hang with real people. The rest is just words on a page) Websleuths is about as social media as I get.

Its quite a thin explanation from him, and on the surface its good, real good. However, as you point out, her involving a third party would leave a trail.
Lets wait for LE to produce their evidence in court.

I dont do news shows but I just read on that RAT's lawyer said the man who ...cough...was with Alexis at RAT 's trailer drank Ice House Beer....
Wonder if LE have the beer can or Bottle?

Has this little tidbit been known since the disappearance?
Okay so let me get this straight.

A few weeks ago Alexis went to a car wash
*Someone look through her twitter to see if she DID go to a car wash because I'm sure she tweeted it and I'm sure she'd say something about how weird it was to see some guy standing around smoking weed!

At that time Alexis sees this scraggly guy smoking a joint just, you know, right there for the entire world to see. I mean, who CARES if LE is supposedly always pulling him over or that he's gotten in trouble for pot not too long ago or that he feels harassed. Whatever man, let's toke right here in the open with witnesses!

Then he sees her again at a pump (how long does it take to pump gas? 5 minutes?) and he's all "Yeah it's me! Hey man, do you know where I can get any today?" *because narcs don't act like that or anything and well, what's there to be paranoid about when some old dude that looks that way whom you've seen before just smoking weed.. is asking you to hook him up all out in the friggin OPEN*

And because she had seen him that 1 single time - all standing alone and smoking weed in public... she's like "Oh yeah totally. Just follow me to my friends house, whom I won't warn we are going to just pop over to - that deals drugs and doesn't know you - so you can get 60.00 worth (why the hell is it 60 bucks worth?) Because obviously you don't know anyone since you haven't been caught in the past by LE with pot. Or because you weren't just smoking it carefree like a few weeks back. I mean obviously you're new to this mister 48 year old ex-con".

And then they go PICK UP the dealer and drive with the weed to mister new guy (RAT) lil' tiny camper in the BFE to drink nasty cheap beer (icehouse.. really) and all the while not once use the phone. I mean, to hell with being responsible as she always was .. she was just so entralled by the most amazing intellectual conversation that why bother with social media or even letting her parents know she's ok. Oh and her hair just falls out in the process. NO BIG DEAL OR ANYTHING.

Then she gets in this random drug dealers car, but where is her car all this time? Where did she leave her car? He failed to mention that tidbit.

This was all written with sarcasm in case anyone doesn't notice. This guy is so reaching for this answers and thinks he's oh so slick that he doesn't realize - NO ONE BUYS DRUGS AND USES DRUGS LIKE THIS.

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Oh my gosh, you are all making me laugh so hard with these TOTALLY believable scenarios! Thank you!:heart:
Random thoughts part deux.

So RAT kicked back with a beer with corn row dude on Saturday Aug. 3, and the bottle/can was still supposed to be sitting there 9 days later when LE picked him up? Then couldn't that bottle have been there even longer? Does RAT not recycle or have trash pickup? Why would that bottle still be there unless every bottle for the past 9 days was still sitting there or unless he had it there to use for an alibi? And if he was just a slob, the bottle/can's timeframe is useless.

I thought I read in one article, a family member said that Alexis said she would be home by 12. That does speak to her having plans to hang with someone, somewhere. 4 hours shopping alone isn't what you would expect for a 17 year old girl. Could some of her friends be afraid to speak out?
Wow. The one day I take off from reading through the threads, scouring SM, and clinging to media details, something breaks. Usually suspects don't have their lawyers releasing their entire defense before trial even begins. We can read between the lines though. By doing this, RAT has given us a glimpse at some of what LE has found. Circumstantial evidence at the Liberty, and hair recovered from his camper. I think he had worked on his story, assuming that he couldn't completely cover all DNA left; whether she left a finger print, hair, etc. He has flexibility to change the details, but keep the story.

He's experienced. He knows to play the public. He can make a bid for his freedom and statement for his innocence, explaining it away with his elaborate story. Get the public doubting. "Maybe LE is really harassing this guy. There is that 2010 case." He wants public favor and to push his story out immediately as if he has nothing to hide.

Unless he knows that they will find evidence of another person in the camper. This could be his way of spinning the story, and completely throwing them under the bus. However, I have a hard time believing anything he has to say.

Great post. :)
Well guys: To those that have never set up a drug deal. Typically you just don't pop over to someone's house to purchase. You call and rarely send a text but some people I suppose don't worry about the text sending. There will be record of that correspondence because I can't for a second see her popping over to a friend or dealers house to get a bag and bringing some skeevy old white guy in a damn suburban, without forewarning.

Didn't LE say CCVIDS didn't show AM and RAT together at the Liberty gas station?

Just something to think about...

Heehee, catching up, seeing you guys already had this same conversation I just spun my brain on for the last hour. I'm just going to have to quit posting til I read every post, lol. I'm telling you, I can't keep up with you guys! :)
Ok, all you Social Media experts: I found a post way back from a local who states where she most likely was going in Lynchburg. Maybe you can match up one of her SM contacts from Vine, Ask, FB, Twitter, Instagram, etc. etc.


08-12-2013, 06:36 PM
Eclipse90 Eclipse90 is offline
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I wonder what tactics LE is using to get RAT to talk!! They have arrested him, now I wish they would provide some kind of information about how the pin pointed him.

In regards to her extensions, I live in Lynchburg and I am sure that she was headed to the main hair store in Lynchburg (U Beauty) to purchase her extensions. It is where everyone goes and has everything from cheap weaves to very expensive weave that is about $100 per a pack. Most people do not order their extensions online around here.
He could get free wifi service outside of certain businesses, but for watching *advertiser censored* he liked to be home. I can see it that way.

I want to add an idea that he got the *advertiser censored* and maybe the girl to take to his
partners in crime. Could he have a partner?
Together, we have got to be smarter than this creep, we've just got to be...
We camp in the area almost weekly, and were camping the weekend Alexis went missing. There is also remote "camping off of Crabtree Falls Highway, using a forestry road up to Crabtree Meadows (4 miles back in the woods/mountain). It used to be popular but these days it seems its gotten to be a hangout for collage age kids to drink, etc. There is also a section that is only accessible by 4 wheel drive (after the 4 mile mark) that actually leads up to The Priest, and other trails. That weekend I didn't see anyone but kids go in to that remote area, but I think there's another entrance? Again, it would be a forestry road. No power, etc up there.

Not to mention all the other summits like Spy Rock, and the AT itself up along that section...

The story Hallahan describes has similarities to the story about Taylor's involvement in the Samantha Clarke case published in the Hook in October.



Chilling and telling.

Hoping Alexis is found soon <3

If he was stalking her and they had never met, I am wondering how he knew her twitter username? Those of you that are twitter experts?? I may be wrong but thought it might have been him that tweeted how she looked good in her floral leggings. Anyone know the username that tweeted that?

That wasn't on Twitter, it was on another SM site where you ask people anonymous (if you choose) questions. I don't believe that was him at all.

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