Of course we are not entitled to this information, nor is it our business, but a clear look at the finances and bank account activity may shed some light and possibly be the answer to it all. Every picture IM posts seems to have big money behind it----cruises, casinos, vacations, huge house, etc... Etc....i agree that he doesn't seem like a guy that could walk, but its not easy to keep up with this lifestyle. Not sure what union electricians make, but even 100k doesn't go far with these kinds of expenses. Maybe the pressure to keep up got to him.....who knows. Let's just hope he's alive somewhere.
Boy, everyone is making too much sense. I have to agree he doesn't seem like the kind of guy to leave his family, but perhaps life was easy back then too. Perhaps now there are pressures. Who knows? Maybe the cost of the trip to Italy was the last straw? Maybe they were bleeding money? Isn't financial stresses the biggest reason for marital problems? Yet, why not just separate? Why disappear without a trace?
Of course, this is all speculation and my imagination.