Dubbed "Vodka Mom" in scathing Nancy Grace segment, MN woman burns self to death

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I am entitled to my opinion which is that this mother had made a (utterly stupid) choice to drink, her baby died as a result, she has lost her other children, would be facing imprisonment, she was in all the newspapers etc, publicly shamed yet for NG that was not enough, she had to turn the screw that little bit tighter.

It is not as if she were getting away with something, she was in the legal process. I understand outrage when someone is getting away with something (Casey Anthony, the McCanns etc) It is the twisting of the knife that I don't get.

Each to their own I suppose

Thanks wasnt enough!
Well, now Nancy's got 2 deaths on her conscience.

unfortunately imo ng does not have a conscience... and im not saying that just to be snarky or mean. i actually believe that ng has some kind of mood/personality disorder. im not a professional so who knows? but the way she treats her own people isnt much better than she treats accused murderers, kwim? then all the time she spends talking about what a great mother/person that she is in comparison. seriously, npd maybe? jmho...
I too don't think NG should be blamed for her death. She took that into her own hands. You can't blame someone else for it.

And who drinks a fifth of vodka after just giving birth?? Sounds like she was breastfeeding and that's pretty selfish, imo. Sounds like she may have had a drinking problem that she should have gotten help for before she had a baby.
Plus, whose to say it was NG's show that prompted the outpouring of nasty comments? Anyone who heard about the case on the news, in the paper, through word-of-mouth, etc. could have decided to verbally assault this mom. Surely NG alone isn't responsible for all of the attention the case received.
I dont think she should be blamed per se-I think it is time for Nancy to take a good long look in the mirror. JMVHO.
I can think of three suicides that occurred directly after NG convicted and ridiculed people on her murdertainment program. They may or may not have been guilty, but it is clear that the pressures they experienced after NG broadcast her lopsided, often unsubstantiated opinion were too much. A talking head shouldn't have any suicides connected with his or her opinion.

Did NG light the fire that burned this woman do death? I think not. The woman chose to do this. How anyone can blame NG for that, I will never understand.

Here is the segment I watched... I tuned in when NG said she was on shot #9.
At first I thought she was DRINKING them on air!!!:what: Then I realized what she was doing. What a precious baby he was! Matt Z stated that the dad reported the mother had been drinking ALL WEEKEND!!!

Sad story all around!
not a fan of NG at all!!! I think she is all about "shock news" and she doesn't care who she disrespects in that process.

It bothers me to no end that she always gives pet names to suspects and even sometimes victims. Recently there was a story about a landlord who found a deceased infant in a freezer. NG started calling the story "freezerbaby" .. extremely tacky and extremely disrespectful.

As for this story.. it is such a sad, sad story. The Mother didn't mean to kill her baby.. Baby probably woke up .. she tried to console baby and passed out ... the only reason so many people want to hate on her is because she was drunk. Please don't misunderstand me, I think what she did was a very bad decision... and clearly that guilt was way to much for her to live with...

Just the fact that she burned herself to death ... can u imagine how painful that must have been ... she had many options that would have been less painful...but she chose to conflict that much pain... that is some strong guilt... I hope she rests in peace

oh and Hello :) my name is Jenny and I am brand new here ... hope you don't mind that I just jumped in with my own 2 cents lol ... i tend to do that alot ... feel free to ignore me lol
Thanks Jenny and WELCOME!!!!!!!!!

I agree with you completely.
I dont think she should be blamed per se-I think it is time for Nancy to take a good long look in the mirror. JMVHO.

I think that time has passed and gone.
It's seems the chances are slim to none NG is going to change.
Still, I don't think she is the one to blame for this woman's actions.
Plus, whose to say it was NG's show that prompted the outpouring of nasty comments? Anyone who heard about the case on the news, in the paper, through word-of-mouth, etc. could have decided to verbally assault this mom. Surely NG alone isn't responsible for all of the attention the case received.

NG likes to get people all riled up. We've seen that over and over again.
Thanx for the Welcome wfgodot & believe09 :)

If we are going to blame NG than we also have to point fingers at society and social media. Sometimes I wonder why is it that lately it seems more children are coming up missing or dead... but, maybe it's always been there, we were just shielded by it all.. nowadays the internet has become more of an instant news source with the availability for outsiders to "post" their opinions (kind of like mine right now lol) negative or bad. For some reason people feel safe to post the most mean hearted things on the internet. People have lost all human empathy or just plain respect for others because of the internet.

IMO the problem with society these days is that they are media minions and seem to think that if they read it on the internet than it must be true. I am most guilty of searching for as much information as I can on certain "hot topics" ..I was and still am always baffled by how much information a person can find on a high profile criminal trial .. and I always walk away feeling guilty.. like I am nosy and just invaded someone's privacy... privacy on the internet .. hmmm..

anyways ... thanks for letting me ramble .. probably makes no sense lol :)

Woe to those who would feast upon human sorrow.
I too don't think NG should be blamed for her death. She took that into her own hands. You can't blame someone else for it.

And who drinks a fifth of vodka after just giving birth?? Sounds like she was breastfeeding and that's pretty selfish, imo. Sounds like she may have had a drinking problem that she should have gotten help for before she had a baby.

So...when kids are bullied and bullied and commit suicide, the bully's (or is that bullies?) bear no responsibility?

Not attacking you, dear Hopeful, just playing devil's advocate.
I guess if I could see this as an accident, I would agree.

What this "mom" did was murder IMO.

Sorry, but I have a hard time sympathizing with that.

I saw the "vodka mom" show and I agreed with NG.

The mom was neglectful and single handedly caused her baby's death.

I understand alcoholism (much too well). I lived my childhood in a home with an alcoholic.

There is no excuse to put your children at risk. If you can't help yourself, at least get help for your children.

Anything is better than dead.

I don't see it as bullying.

It's not like this mom was an innocent person who NG decided to wage war upon.

NG was covering a news story.
That's her job.

She didn't make the mom drink the vodka. She didn't place the baby on the sofa with the mom.
Mom did all of that herself.

Instead of placing blame on others, we need to get back to personal accountability. I feel that's getting lost in our world.

The death of that baby and the suicide was by no one's actions but the mother's.

So...when kids are bullied and bullied and commit suicide, the bully's (or is that bullies?) bear no responsibility?

Not attacking you, dear Hopeful, just playing devil's advocate.

I am not sure what you mean by responsibility. I've yet to hear about a single case in US where someone was charged with driving somebody to suicide.
The woman killed her baby because she was drunk.
NG did a show on it.


This was no "accident".
This was NEGLECT that caused that baby's death.

It is NG's job to cover crimes. It was a crime.

Nobody should ever sugar coat child abuse IMO. And it was child abuse.


I agree with you, she was negligent to the nth degree. But as to whether or not this was an accident, to me (read: imo) it is an accident (brought on by an act of negligence) -- she didn't deliberately say to herself, "Tonight, I shall roll over on my child until he is dead."

I am not advocating drinking while you are pregnant, drinking while sleeping with a baby, child abuse in any way, shape or form. (Just wanted to be clear).

I'm sure she couldn't live with herself for what she'd done. It is sad, on so many levels.

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