GUILTY IL - Mya Lyons, 9, stabbed to death, Chicago, 15 July 2008

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Okay, so here is where the POI was released,release072008.article

Let's get some discussion going on this case. I hate to bring up race again, but I will :)

I have been a member at websleuths for about 7 or 8 years now. I have said this before and I am saying it again, now with 7/8 years of experience under my belt. I feel more confident than ever in saying that time and time and time and time and again...We do not follow cases of black children with anywhere near the interest we follow cases of white children.

The rebuttals I have heard in the past are...white children's parents have more money or are more educated and know how to work the media to keep the stories out there, it's the media that isn't covering it so how can we get any information, it's not that we are interested only in white children, but we are interested in children who are exemplary or there is something special about them, etc. In the cases I have rallied for in the past, those things were all true. But Mya Lyons' story has been all over the media since 7/15. Mya Lyons was an honor student. She was very pretty, had lots of personality, and was loved by so many people. So, WHY ISN'T THERE ANY DISCUSSION ON <b>THIS</b> CASE?

On a similar note, I have seen websleuthers rally around certain cases that aren't getting enough media Meghan Landowski...and I applaud you! Can't we do the same for children that come from poor, uneducated families? Don't they need it maybe even a little more? Now, in this particular case we have no lack of media attention, I just wanted to point this out with regard to one of the previous rebuttals.

There is absolutely no reason this case shouldn't be getting daily discussion. I would love to hear what everyone thinks about the timelines being thrown around, the father finding her body, the towed van...I mean this case is FISHY!

So sorry. I skim the new posts and have somehow missed this. Today is the first day I even saw this thread.

I have a reader account that shows me new crime news. Granted, it is mostly for my area, but sometimes things from other states pop up.

I consider myself to be fairly informed, although it has been a busy week. I certainly don't consider myself racist or think that I care less about this child. I resent the implication that I don't care about her b/c she is black. But in all of these cases, it takes relentless press conferences and pressure on the media.

A perfect example of this is the case of missing sisters I just posted. The pictures are horrible - you can barely tell what they look like. As far as I can tell, no one from the family has spoken with anyone from the media. But the cries of "racism" are already being tossed about on the comment boards.

Same with another missing girl a few weeks ago. Several of us from the area kept up with the case for days. Suddenly the girl turned up safe and sound with her grandmother, and not another word since. There are 2 sides to the coin - do you think Jennifer Wilbanks (the runaway bride) could have retired to seclusion and said, "Sorry! Just a mixup!" She was charged, for Heaven's sake!

The media loves a good story, but there has to be something there to tell. I will definitely be following this one now, but for future reference, when I am hot on a case I will bump it myself to make sure it stays near the top of the threads.
"What time was the child assaulted? Should be easy to pinpoint because she was alive when her father found her but dead on arrival at the hospital from loss of blood (I suppose). Should be easy to establish.

Where was the father at that time? If he was looking for his daughter people can confirm that.

I bet his house was searched. What did the search turn up? The weapopn must be someplace nearby or between the house and the hospital if he did it.

What kind of knife was used? Has it been recovered?

It's been two weeks.
DNA was taken from the girl and her family. Results?

The crime scene was investigated. Results? Were there signs of a struggle?

What about the child?: What was the condition of her clothes? Her hands? Her feet and shoes?

The neighbors were interviewed. Results?

There were people in the house when the girl left it. Their story? If they didn't hear her leave, how did they discover she was gone?

People at the emergency room formed an impression from the father's behavior. What were their impressions?

The father took a polygraph. Results?

The police haven't released any of this information although releasing it would not impede their investigation and might help it.

The press hasn't dug up answers to any of these questions because the press is lazy and report only what they're fed (thier new standard bearer being Robert Novak).

If I were the father, I would hire an attorney too, because the answers to these questions are known, and they either exonerate the father or not. The press is too lazy to dig. The police won't offer because that might generate leads they have neither the budget nor the desire to track down (after all, this was a Southside child, not an important one). The father's attorney had better get these answers out.

As for how the father appeared on TV. If something happened to my child, I would talk to anyone and everyone as often as long as I could in any way that kept people interested because once the press decides that this child won't sell anymore papers, the heat will be off the police to solve it for real, and they will (try to) hang this murder on the most convenient person and that will be that. "
I certainly don't consider myself racist or think that I care less about this child. I resent the implication that I don't care about her b/c she is black. But in all of these cases, it takes relentless press conferences and pressure on the media.

By no means am I implying that anyone is racist anymore than is naturally inside of us with relation to perceiving differences. I certainly am guilty of the same behavior I am complaining about. I just want everyone to be aware of it because the facts are that we neglect these cases probably for no reason more sinister or neglectful than how I skim right past models with dark hair when I am looking for a new hairstyle (I'm reddish blond). People tend to notice or pay attention to what is similar to themselves.

Anyway, I definitely don't want to make this about race. It isn't a case about race. And thanks to everyone who has started posting their ideas.

I really didn't want to suspect the father, and I didn't suspect him at all at first, but that was mainly due to the conflicting news stories. The autopsy says she was most likely NOT sexually assaulted. She was beaten to death, then stabbed. Narrowing down the time frame, the knife being found, more information about her father not calling 911 and taking her himself to the hospital...and not the closest or best hospital, but a much farther and poor hospital...make me doubt his innocence.

If I were in his shoes, I would also get a lawyer, especially with Chicago's reputation for forced confessions and harassing LE.
Here is my question:

If Mya lives with her mom and was visiting her dad and step-mother when she was killed, where is the mom? Why isn't she screaming and demanding answers?

LE doesn't generally just issue press releases unless there is some demand. And I don't think it's media "laziness" that drags some of these cases down. One of two things happens: either the leads dry up (as appears to be the case with Kay Wenal, who was murdered in her home - virtually no news about the apparent random murder of this wealthy white woman) OR the information flow stops. Family members control this to a LARGE degree.

Just b/c dad lawyered up doesn't mean that mom and others can't talk or even just share pictures and memories of Mya. Nancy Grace et al would eat it up. This is not some gang banger with a mile long rap sheet who got caught in the cross fire while doing a drug deal. We are talking about a beautiful, bright little girl who was within earshot of her family!

Something has caused the people who know Mya to close ranks and stop talking to the press. Either they know who did it and have been advised by LE not to say any more, or something.

They need to nail down that timeline.
Exactly. I think this entire case lies in the timeline.

The biological mother is in many of the original videos when it first happened. I truly believe she is absolutely beside herself with grief. She was barely able to hold herself together.

Timeline timeline timeline! What time did they arrive at the hospital? What time did she leave the friend's house?
I hope Mya's family gets the justice they deserve not matter who committed the crime. She was such a beautiful, sweet looking little girl.
I'm reading there is suspicision surrounding the father?! I am praying hard that it was not him. Oh please, don't let it be him. I thought they were looking at a neighbor and I also thought they had this case pretty much sewn up. I'll have to go back and catch up again.

Unfortunately, I think so too. I hate to say it but from the beginning I've suspected the dad. I'm sorry.

The only place that I've read of this case is on webslueths.

We won't let Mya down. We'll be here for the long haul.

Why lizzybeth, do you suspect the dad? Is it something you can put into words?

Why lizzybeth, do you suspect the dad? Is it something you can put into words?

I can put it to words... first on the scene. Drove the girl to the hospital himself, HUGELY conflicting stories from the press.. not sure who was giving the press the info. It is just horrific.. I wonder if dad is left handed.

I really hope he did not do this. Why would a dad STAB his baby girl???

That said, I would be very surprised if it was the dad. It is too hard to fathom.
The timeline in this case is very confusing. I think the original understanding (from one of the first links) was that Mya was found in the alley and taken to the hospital around 11:00 p.m. The article said she was alive when they arrived at the hospital and died at 2 or 3:00 a.m. Now, all of this seems to be in question.

Is there a solid source for a timeline somewhere? The media in this case seem to be pretty unreliable.

As an aside, the discussion board was discontinued on the article linked above. It must have gotten nasty....

I can put it to words... first on the scene. Drove the girl to the hospital himself, and not the closest, or best hospital. HUGELY conflicting stories from the press.. not sure who was giving the press the info. It is just horrific.. I wonder if dad is left handed.

I really hope he did not do this. Why would a dad STAB his baby girl???

That said, I would be very surprised if it was the dad. It is too hard to fathom.

Thanks PSUfan. I can understand driving the child. This is something I would probably do, while having someone call at the same time. How do we know it was not the closest, best hospital? I don't remember reading that anywhere.

I agree about all the conflicting stories. It makes it hard to know where to start with this case. Can't even figure out what time they noticed Mya missing....:confused:

Thanks PSUfan. I can understand driving the child. This is something I would probably do, while having someone call at the same time. How do we know it was not the closest, best hospital? I don't remember reading that anywhere.

I agree about all the conflicting stories. It makes it hard to know where to start with this case. Can't even figure out what time they noticed Mya missing....:confused:

I read it upthread, but now I cannot find it!! :confused: I swear I saw it.. but I will have to retract that, since I can no longer find the post.

I really do not believe the father did this, but of course he would be a person of interest. Family members always are.

I wonder how much evidence was left on the scene. First reported was that LOTS was left, implying dna.. semen, etc. Now we dont know. If that were the case, it would be easy to eliminate the father.

The van couldve been seized in hope of more evidence... fibers that were on the victims clothing couldve been left in the van.

Dad disturbed the crime scene, but he did what any dad would do.
Why lizzybeth, do you suspect the dad? Is it something you can put into words?


Nothing concrete Salem. I guess the way he appeared in the media; something just didn't seem right about his grief. I realize that people grieve differently. The other thing was the conflicting times and where Mya was.

Or maybe it's just because I've been reading about murdered children that are killed by one (or sometimes both) of their parents for so long that I've become jaded.

I hope it isn't her father and I hope whoever did do this is caught...and soon.

I read it upthread, but now I cannot find it!! :confused: I swear I saw it.. but I will have to retract that, since I can no longer find the post.

I really do not believe the father did this, but of course he would be a person of interest. Family members always are.

I wonder how much evidence was left on the scene. First reported was that LOTS was left, implying dna.. semen, etc. Now we dont know. If that were the case, it would be easy to eliminate the father.

The van couldve been seized in hope of more evidence... fibers that were on the victims clothing couldve been left in the van.

Dad disturbed the crime scene, but he did what any dad would do.

I saw the comment about the hospital also, I think it is in the post of the comments from the Chicago Board. But I had no way of knowing who said it or why. Then when you said it, I thought maybe you had a better source. Okay. Well I suppose we could google it and map it out. I'm wondering though, if the guy in the back of the van was a nurse, maybe he said go to the specific hospital because he was familiar with the hospital and thought they would get better care? I don't know and as everyone here has noted, the media stories are horrendeous on this crime.

I wonder if any of those papers have a real "investigative" journalist available that could pin some things down.

Maybe I'll go back on one of the links and try emailing one of them. I'll let you know how it goes.

Nothing concrete Salem. I guess the way he appeared in the media; something just didn't seem right about his grief. I realize that people grieve differently. The other thing was the conflicting times and where Mya was.

Or maybe it's just because I've been reading about murdered children that are killed by one (or sometimes both) of their parents for so long that I've become jaded.

I hope it isn't her father and I hope whoever did do this is caught...and soon.


Thanks lizzybeth. My hinky meter went off, just a little bit, when the father said he forgave whoever did this to Mya. But I put that down to grief and the stress of having to deal with all the surrounding circumstances. It seems to me, the father would not be able to allow himself to actually experience the anger he must feel because he has to keep himself together for the investigation, family, etc.

I don't think it was the father and I pray that it was not him.

Because this investigation seems to be going so close to the home, I'm wondering who else was in the house -- the stepmother, the grandmother, who else?

Okay - I sent the following email to two of the staff writers at the Chicago Tribune, Mary Owens and Robert Mitchum:

I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you both for your reporting on this case. It is a very sad case and one I hope gets resolved quickly. I'm also wondering if it would be possible to do an article that lays out a solid timeline for the events of the evening when Mya was killed?

To date, there are several different reportings of what happened. Some say she went to bed at 11:00 p.m. and then left the house, some say she was at a block party and the family noticed she was missing about 9:00 p.m., and some reports say she was at a friend's house. Also, it has been reported that she was alive when she reached the hospital and also that she was not.

If it would be possible to do an article that ties down some of these discrepancies, it would be greatly appreciated by many of us who are following this case.

Thank you and thank you for keeping this crime in the public eye until the perp is caught,

I live outside of Chicago, and did look up the hospital on Google is the closest hospital, and certainly would have been able to deal with a stabbing victim ( and probably does get many such cases).
The best hospital for a child in Chicago would be Childrens' Memorial...but it is way farther away.

Good email that you wrote, Salem, and hope you get an answer, unless LE has asked them to lay low on this case.....
I live outside of Chicago, and did look up the hospital on Google is the closest hospital, and certainly would have been able to deal with a stabbing victim ( and probably does get many such cases).
The best hospital for a child in Chicago would be Childrens' Memorial...but it is way farther away.

Good email that you wrote, Salem, and hope you get an answer, unless LE has asked them to lay low on this case.....
Good job!! That puts that rumor to rest.. about it not being the closest, or best hospital. I edited it out of my post..

And I agree, Salem, very well written email.
Thanks New Yorker. I'm hoping they can and will do something so we have something to go on. As it is, we don't even know where the incident started from -- the friend's house, her house, or the block party, let alone what time. It's very frustrating.

Also, thank you for the "local" info on the hospital location. That helps alot and honestly, I'm relieved it was the closest hospital. Takes an element of suspicision out of the puzzle.


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