Darlie's injuries

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Thank you for posting the pictures. I initially believed the bruising was self-inflicted but then wondered if Darin had been responsible. Now I am back to the original theory. Doesn't look to me that this would be that hard to accomplish, (though I am very sorry for any discomfort you may be experiencing). DO take pictures of the bruising as it further develops.
Wow! Good observation. Now if we just had the video of you on the porch bending over with your hand through the mail slot trying to fish for the curtain we might be able to make a better determination. :p
Sorry you're injured....but the bruises do look similar. Just from your story, it doesn't seem to me like it was too difficult to bruise your arms like that. What I mean is, if you caused that much bruising trying to unlock your door, just imagine what it took for Darlie to do that to her arms. I think she slammed them in the door or something.
Forgot to mention .... did anyone notice the "poor, pitiful me" look on her face in the bruises pictures? What a psycho.
Did the house on Eagle Dr have a mail slot if not what could she have wedged her arms into to do the amount of damage seen in the photos?
If she did it after the fact (the murders) could she really have done it in the hospital without being seen or messing up her IV'S or stitches?
The prosecution said the scene was staged so the bruising would also be staged. Witnesses at the hospital saw the bruises and the time line for bruises to appear is correct.
There is a few photos of me on MySpace 5 days after a horseback riding accident, I look pretty rough and the bruises were starting to really show up, Day 7 I looked like I'd gone a few rounds with Tyson (and lost).
The bruises Darlie had are real, the time for them to be made would have been at the time of the murders and not after. Call it more staging if you want but they more likely than not occured at the time of the murders.
Sorry I've taken so long to post update pictures - probs at work.
The pics are to demonstrate the length of bruising up my arm.
Now take a look at Darlie's bruising on her left arm.
Defence Exhibit 84, State Exhibit 52-M and 52-N.
How do you thing she got a bruise of that LENGTH on the inside of her arm? Not from a fist, that's for sure. She either slammed a door or a drawer on her arm.
She always was her own worst enemy. Here she obviously went with her mantra "bigger is better". That's what I think anyway.


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The bruises Darlie had are real, the time for them to be made would have been at the time of the murders and not after. Call it more staging if you want but they more likely than not occured at the time of the murders.

She could have started on the bruising and the itty bitty cuts to her hands any time after Darin went to bed. I think that the massive bruise to the underside of her right arm was blood from the damaged tissues in the big arm stab seeping down to its lowest level whilst she was laying in the hospital bed.
How does anyone self-inflict those kinds of bruises and not injure the elbow joint too? Like slamming in a drawer or door would cause.The lines from the contact area would be visable too, like your photos show the area where the mail slot and your arm had the most pressure applied. Impacting a limb in a drawer or door would cause damage, at least swelling ,to the joint from the quick extreme force applied to the limb. The bruises you experienced are only similar in the fact that they are on your arms. They are not as severe looking nor do they spread uninterrupted from your wrist to under your arm pit The mail slot has four sides to it and your movements back and forth trying to retrieve the curtain rod made you come into contact with all four sides at different points of contact on your arm.The most pressure applied points show up as a red spot in your initial pics. The bruises I got on horseback didn't even look as bad as Darlie's and believe me a horse slamming you into apple trees at full run causes damage and a lot of swelling. I had direct force contact bruising. If a door or drawer was used it wasn't slammed it would have to be steady pressure applied to the length of the arm and could have been done by someone inserting their arm into a door between the frame then held there for some time. Darlie's bruises IMO are pressure applied bruises. HMMM..... We all know they fought that night, if Darin was trying to retreat to another room and Darlie put her arm up trying to prevent the door from being closed then her arm would be caught between the door frame and the door. Both arms are bruised although and as DP stated some type of pattern is on them as well. I can also think of one other door that could apply steady pressure- a garage door with the child safety disabled or an old one without that feature. Both arms would have to be done too. From my understanding after the murders and her release from the hospital she wasn't left alone at her home or anywhere else. Another IMO the bruises were inflicted shortly before or at the time of the murders.
I'm trying to be objective here so I have to look at all possible scenarios I have never been satisfied that the whole truth guilt or innocence has been answered.
Post was turning into a book so I left this out. Blood thinners will make any bruise appear much worse. My mom takes Coumidin and a simple bang of her hand against the countertop looked like she had been boxing without gloves on. Was Darlie given any medications in the hospital that have a blood thinning effect?
Post was turning into a book so I left this out. Blood thinners will make any bruise appear much worse. My mom takes Coumidin and a simple bang of her hand against the countertop looked like she had been boxing without gloves on. Was Darlie given any medications in the hospital that have a blood thinning effect?

She could also bruise easy. Not everyone bruises the same. I do not take blood thinners - never have and I bruise easier than fruit. I can brush up against something and it will turn a deep purple and stay that color for quite sometime. So I think it depends on the person.

I like your theory about Darin trying to leave the room and close the door with Darlie placing her arm in and trying to prevent it. Never thought of that one.

Question: How come all of the nurses from the Emergency Room that night testified that they DID NOT see any bruises?
I can think of several reasons.
Just like everyone and I mean everyone they all lied.
The photos taken of Darlie in the hospital show the bruises appearing. Are these the same nurses who took care of her in her room or the ER nurses.
A bruise requires some time to develop. If ER nurses then no time for them to show up.
She may have been released before they turned up fully or the nurses testimony was "contaminated" by the prosecution.
They put them a private room at the courthouse and let them hear what others were going to testify to beforehand. On the days of witness testimony no one who is going to testify is allowed to hear what others are testifing to they are not allowed in the courtroom, this is to avoid witness contamination. Put them all in the same room and let them hear beforehand what others are going to say should be considered witness contamination
Ever heard of mob mentality. No one likes to be or desires to be the one person who goes against common beliefs or the crowd. It stigmatizes the person as defending a "baby killer".
Look at your own quote by George Bishop Berkley why does he refer to the truth as a game? Truth is not a game it stands alone and strong without support or aid from anything else. How many people do you know that have that kind of strength or valor. That is why he calls it a game.
Truthfully speaking IMO opinion not any side as been 100% honest in this case.
Not Darlie, not Darin, not the police, not the prosecution and not the defense either- sadly it is boys first and Justice second who have paid the cost for the lies and deceit surrounding this whole case.
I don't think she will ever win a new trial on appeal and I also believe she will be executed.

Reason for this belief.
Remember that statue of a blind woman holding a set of scales.
Appeals are hard to win, it must be proven that more than just a mere pebbles weight of "wrong" was done. In other words a big rock has to swing that scale the other way. Each and every mistake, lie, etc. made by everyone involved equals a big rock but the appeals process requires proof of a big rock even though the combined weight of a lot of pebbles would sway the scales the same amount. The pebbles don't really count unless they are all melded together and since every side threw pebbles into the scale a cooperative effort to deny justice cannot be proven. It is just my opinion but this kind of case that scares the pants off me. If it happened once it could happen again and who knows it might be me or someone else I know who ends up paying the cost.

I'm not computer literate enough to post polls and all but I wonder how many people would WANT a new trial. The obvious answer to me should be a 100% agreement. Cost and time should not be a factor in their decision.If Darlie did it then a new trial would prove it and supporters would not have a legit claim of unfair, look at this and look at that. If innocent then the mistakes claimed to have been made the 1st time could also be avoided.
Anyone voting anything less than a new trial is scared, remember no one has anything to lose here either cause the trial was only for one child and she could be arrested and tried if they lost the first trial. That was the plan the prosecution had to begin with.
If Darlie lost a new trial a second time around she still gets the death penalty and the injustices she claims have been done to her would finally be put to rest.
If she did it after the fact (the murders) could she really have done it in the hospital without being seen or messing up her IV'S or stitches?

I doubt she did it in the hospital. More likely she inflicted them after being released, probably on June 8th. The stitches were on the outside of her forearm, so they wouldn't necessarily have been disturbed.

Witnesses at the hospital saw the bruises and the time line for bruises to appear is correct.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. There was no bruising in the hospital, not even redness on her right arm. The only people who said she had bruises were members of her family, and they're not known for their truthfulness.

The bruises Darlie had are real, the time for them to be made would have been at the time of the murders and not after.

Here's the problem with your timeline: The blunt trauma needed to produce the bruises seen on June 10th would have shown up as redness and swelling in the hospital if she had been beaten on June 6th. You don't sustain blunt trauma like that & see absolutely no sign of it for 2 1/2 days. Darlie's right arm was checked by nurses and doctors every day, and they saw nothing.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you used to baby sit for Darlie?
I doubt she did it in the hospital. More likely she inflicted them after being released, probably on June 8th. The stitches were on the outside of her forearm, so they wouldn't necessarily have been disturbed.

You are giving too little time for the bruises to develop and look as bad as they did.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. There was no bruising in the hospital, not even redness on her right arm. The only people who said she had bruises were members of her family, and they're not known for their truthfulness.

On truthfulness we agree but photos taken of her in her hospital bed show bruising under her elbow and upper arms. The camera doesn't have an opinion or lie.

Here's the problem with your timeline: The blunt trauma needed to produce the bruises seen on June 10th wouldown as she claims. Pustain if they were held ssd have shown up as redness and swelling in the hospital if she had been beaten on June 6th. You don't sustain blunt trauma like that & see absolutely no sign of it for 2 1/2 days. Darlie's right arm was checked by nurses and doctors every day, and they saw nothing.

I am surmising it wasn't blunt trauma -steady pressure enough to bruise but not break the skin. If it was blunt trauma evidence of whatever she used door drawer etc., SLAMMING MARKS would be present in a linear pattern. More like a pinching type of bruise, hard enough like my older sister used to do to me when we were kids. It left a slight minor red spot which went away quickly but then the bruise would show up later, it seemed the worse the bruise was the longer it took to show up as the blood had to rise to the surface of the skin from deep inside the muscle instead of when she barely got a hold on me and pinched really hard. as the damage done to the muscle was not as deep.Those showed up quickly.

Life example: My niece was a biter as a toddler tooth marks were obvious therefore her teeth left an impression on the skin before the bruise showed up a day or two later. The worse the bite the deeper the skin imperfections were. Those look pretty bad as far as bruises go therefore some impression of what was used door, drawer, etc. would also be present along with the bruise. If she is staging a scene she needs to simulate long steady pressure to achieve that kind of damage and it also goes along with being pinned down - her story right.
ITS JMO but I would have a hard time self inflicting wounds like she had. That why I surmised an electric garage door closing on it. Let the garage door apply the pressure all you have to do is withstand the pain and hit the remote when the pain became too great.
The regular door, I have another theory associated with it as well but before I start another long drawn out post, I am a woman of many words I won't deny, must wait till after I eat something . I'll post it tonight if I have time if not tonight then tomorrow.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you used to baby sit for Darlie?

Yes you are correct, I have known Darlie Kee, Denny Stahl, Darlie Lynn (as we called her back then) Dana, and Danielle since July of 1978 nearly 30 years. She also babysat for me as well.
Mary don't know why it posted this way but to anyone else this could be very confusing. Didn't mean to do it and when I saw it I'd tried to edit responses in bold print but it didn't take. I think it won't let me cause you are the original poster. Feel free to make my responses to your questions clear if you can edit it. I will admit I am held hostage on this computer with no kids at home to help me I am modern electronically hostage, Maybe I should use the oven and not the microwave for supper tonight.
I will admit I am held hostage on this computer with no kids at home to help me I am modern electronically hostage, Maybe I should use the oven and not the microwave for supper tonight.

Lol, it took me forever to get the hang of quotes, and I still screw up regularly.

You are giving too little time for the bruises to develop and look as bad as they did.

It's not the color of the bruises on June 10th. That's not the point. It's the absence of any redness or swelling on the inner right arm for the 2 1/2 days she was hospitalized. Darlie was using her right arm & lying on it in bed, never once complaining of soreness or discomfort. Of course, if you contend that 7 different nurses and 2 doctors all lied under oath, then nothing I say will change your mind.

On truthfulness we agree but photos taken of her in her hospital bed show bruising under her elbow and upper arms. The camera doesn't have an opinion or lie.

The camera doesn't lie, but those photos (on her website and in MTJD) have been altered or, shall we say, artistically enhanced? That blue-purple bruise on her left wrist is bogus. She had an arterial line in the wrist, and the bruise was already turning yellow-green on June 10th, as per Hollon's and Cotner's testimony.

I am surmising it wasn't blunt trauma

So you're saying that Darlie's own witness, Dr. DiMaio, was wrong?

ITS JMO but I would have a hard time self inflicting wounds like she had.

It's amazing what you can do to yourself when you know you're in deep doo-doo. Darlie was well aware that her injuries didn't fit her story(ies), so she employed a little creative license :)
I'm not an expert and her expert witness calls it blunt trauma not going to waste time arguing terms. To me blunt trauma was when Missy my brother-in-laws horse ran me into an apple orchard and tried to remove numerous body parts, legs hips, arms my face with every tree she could collide me into. Yes it hurt a lot and relatives told me not to look in a mirror.
Don't know what kind of trauma that would be called but it was traumatic that is for certain.
The bruising and other things that have come to light after the trial when people felt it necessary to finally tell some of the truth.

We know the couple fought that night, as to who asked who for a separation is not important either. What if.......
People often say or do irrational things in the heat of the moment, a lot of crimes are done in the heat of the moment and each persons anger management ability determines how quickly they cool down after a "heated argument". Maybe Darlie and Darin fought about who would "get" the kids during this separation. Knowing full well that whoever gets them will most likely end up with custody should a divorce become a reality I can see Darlie or Darin each not wanting the other to have the kids- it happens alot it is a power play and kids are caught in the middle it fact it happens too much in divorces IMO. Each one of them brings up dirt on the other one to gain control or power over the other one. They agree to disagree and discuss this later after they cool down.Darin doesn't cool down and
Darin knows Darlie has him by the balls he thinks about what he can do besides submit to her demands.
This is when his plan comes together.
I'm sure an argument like this could upset the kids and I'm sure the boys were aware of their parents fight. The parents each sleep in different rooms to guarantee one of them doesn't flee in the middle of the night with all the kids the kids are divided up between the two parents sleeping arrangements.
This is what perplexes me still because each parent still could have done this crime. Darin thinks oh yeah I'll show you, you won't get the kids or ruin my business or put me in jail whatever it is he fears she will do, cause I'm going to call my Robbers-R-Us buddy and asks how much to have Darlie injured only and the boys killed, what good is revenge and hurting her if she isn't around to suffer for it. Do not steal one item from the home police cannot find any evidence this was a break in as she will surely report it as one and believe it to be true herself. She isn't going to get the kids in fact I want to make sure she gets the chair for this, The boys have both heard and witnessed this fight. overhearing her "dirt" ( the jag scam maybe or something else she might on him) and witnessing his door holding or even something else that could be considered abusive. That is why he must eliminate them as possible witnesses they could tell the police about the fight and he can't afford to be a suspect if only Darlie is murdered or injured and he doesn't want her dead he wants her to suffer.
It must be tonight I can't put up with another day of her *advertiser censored* or give her the chance to screw me over in other words I'm gonna get you, was responded with not if I get you first. The robber may or may not have been very willing to agree to kill the boys. Darin could have used the pressure tactic on the robber telling him he has been made by Darlie revealing in front of them (the boys) your part in whatever scam or dirt Darlie has on him.
In all marriages someone is the spender and the other is the saver. Knowing Darlie's spending habits Darin has been stashing cash and hiding it from Darlie. He didn't plan on using it for anything more than keeping his business afloat or paying the bills but now he is happy he has it and that she is unaware of it. He gets his cash ready to pay for the hit he doesn't want to leave a possible clue for the police later like contact with this individual after the crime he knows he will be under close watch and even the robber knows this he agrees because he is getting cash now not later when normally people agree to pay from the insurance proceeds he also doesn't take anything from the house even though the temptation like her jewelry is there the cash in hand is worth more than the work involved in fencing the stuff or leaving a connection clue that would tie him to the crime. This is not clear to me as both the following might be true. If the robber refused to do the boys despite Darin's scare tactics Darin could have done them himself and prestaged some of the crime scene evidence before the robber even arrived. Things that don't leave a time line like cutting the screen. The robber maybe didn't trust Darin enough to go alone into the house so he brought a buddy because he actually refused to kill the kids and he knows they will be dead upon his arrival after all Darlie didn't mention his name maybe she doesn't know it but the boys know their daddy and they could tie Darin to his scam so Darin knows he must eliminate them. If the plan fails the robber buddy can testify we didn't do the kids they were DOA when we got there. Problem 1 the youngest one isn't dead and now they have to finish the job Darin started. Darlie could have been rendered unconcious by inhalation drugs like amyl nitrate or a Taser this is what keeps her asleep during the attack of the boys. Because 2 people are sensed by her even though only one is seen by her she reports they not him in her account of the crime. Darin could have been the second person but would have had to dispose of his bloody clothes by giving them to the robber(s). Could the sock been dropped in a quick getaway by the robber(s) leaving. Someone had to be the wheel man here . The black car seen and reported by neighbors had more than 1 occupant. This may not be exactly as it occurred but is it close enough to be fine tuned to fit the evidence as we know it? Could the account Darlie gave be close to the truth if Darin hired some help?

I also have a similar motive for Darlie close to what the police uncovered for Darlie only she doesn't need hired help and her motive was to hurt Darin because she feared he could get the kids and she wasn't going to let that happen. Her suicide/ make it look like a murder, and since Darin is the only adult left in the house who do you think will be blamed for it, attempt failed as she lay on the couch not dying quick enough from blood loss despite arguments to the contrary other people besides the family saw the blood on the sofa.

Please if I'm wrong about Darin blow it out of the water like Bugle Boy jean wearing Crack Heads lol lol. This is in reference to any poster but another theory I also rattled around in this old head. Weren't they midgets too?
If you think it is possible but I've left something out see if your ideas can tie in the evidence I left out or ignored.

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