Why This case Is So Popular ??

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Mountainmama :blowkiss: I agree with your post.. It's sad that this little boy isn't going to get the attention he so deserves. I have no room to talk though, I'm guilty as the next person and I'm trying to figure out why?

I am sooooo sick of our justice system (from personal experience) our media (from personal experience) and America's general attitude towards kids. Children have no rights. I am about to go out on a limb here and share a very personal experience. My daughter was molested 5 years ago while staying with a sitter who happened to be a friend at the time. Her boyfriend did it. It was 2 weeks before my daughters 5th birthday. My husband went nuts and drove to his house and beat the heck out of the guy. My husband actually faced more jail time than the molestor. The local newspaper had a field day with it and when it came to writing about my husband, he was guilty. But when writing about the molestor, it was always 'alleged'. The guy plead guilty in a plea bargain...know what he received? He was convicted of simple battery...he had a $500 fine and 12 months community service. The real topper....he went on to repeat offend and they actually called me last year to see if I would testify against him in the new case. Thankfully justice was served...as in he DIED from a heartattack before the charges ever went through. I have little to no faith in the justice system and the media's spin is disgusting. Did my husband commit a crime by beating the heck out of him? Absolutely. But my God I am so proud of that man. Thankfully I have the comfort in knowing my daughter has a protector for a father...because I found out the hard way that you damn sure cannot count on others to do it for you.
Mountainmama :blowkiss: I'm sorry you had to go through all that. I totally understand why your husband did what he did. I don't blame him one bit. I also agree that our justice system isn't always right and I also think the media these days plays a major part in how things are run.. I also get sick and tired of the real criminal going free while the innocent pays a price.
I think it's because no one can actually believe the mentality of Casey and her family and there is still (a tiny, small, minute) chance that this little girl could be alive.

I think most people just want to shake her and scream at her *why the **** wont you talk, it's your 3 YEAR OLD daughter"

Everyone has someone they love and care about. Most of us know what's right from wrong, and know without a doubt what we would do, if a loved one had "gone missing". Because of this I (and I'm sure everyone else)am having serious trouble understanding why this woman would not do everything in her absolute power to find her daughter.

That's why I am so enthralled in this particular case.
Part of it is also what is being released and how much the family is talking.

Some of us have been checking up on another thread, where 9yo Mya Lyons (also beautiful and precious) was murdered just outside her home. I am at least as interested in that case as I am in Caylee's, because I have no clue who killed Mya and I have a pretty strong sense of who is responsible for Caylee's disappearance! But LE is not talking. The family did a couple of interviews and then stopped. There are not even minor news blurbs about this mysterious and tragic brutal murder.

Contrast that with Cindy and George giving interviews, tapes of visits and phone calls from the jail, footage of Casey being charged and released...it goes on and on. You could read here day and night and never catch up. Meanwhile the Mya Lyons thread is about a page long, and not for lack of looking.

I understand that LE in Mya's case does not want to release what they have, but there aren't even rumors being printed. In Caylee's case the rumors are flying! There are pictures and MySpace pages and all kinds of things to investigate.

It's not that we don't care, but that the Anthonys led a more public life than the Lyons'. There's more stuff to sleuth. So there are always responses on the threads and ideas that grow and things that get discovered.
3 major reasons why I think this story has gotten so big

1) It has the elements of a great mystery: Casey's crazy lying and stories are fascinating. I mean she actually took LE to her made up job at Universal! The apartment hadn't been lived in months BUT there was a ZG that looked at the apt. Lot's of 'facts' provided to investigate. Plenty of Myspace drama and lots of characters + some possibility (tiny) that she will be found alive

2) Anthonys have stayed in the media providing lots of juicy/nutty comments for people to digest. Although people hate them for it I think this is the #1 reason this case as gotten the attention it has and had Caylee actually been alive could have helped her be found.

3) She's beautiful little white girl which always tends to drive more media coverage and a bigger audience relates to her (not saying this is right just that it seems to be the pattern in these cases
Here's what I think the reasons are PaperDoll........

Beautiful little girl Missing Now missing two months (makes this impelling)
Not reported missing for a month (extrememly unusual)
grandma and grandpa are very strange
Mother is nuts
and the case IS strange.

Actually the case is not nearly as exciting as The Westerfield, Danielle VanDamm case, or the OJ Simpson OR the Peterson case but in my case these three cases were closer to my home. I acutally have a copy of the Tee off time at Torrey Pines Gold Course for the Peterson Family.

The Danielle Van Case, was 10 minutes from my house. This one was a pistol because the Van Damm family were VERY different shall I say. Mom and Dad were 'swingers'....

OJ Simpson case was sooo horrific, OJ was sooooooo well known.
My son lives in LA and we all went over to the house and took photos! I'm such an ambulance chaser! LOL

This is a GOOD thread PaperDoll!

I hope this thread doesn't offend anyone for that is not my intent. I'm just curious as to why some things get soooooo much attention when others don't. I'm not taking anything away from Caylee what so ever for she deserves our prayers and support, too.. :blowkiss:

What drew my attention to this case was the way Casey Anthony spoke.
I watch HLN, CNBC, MSNBC etc. quite a bit so obviously I came upon this case.

In watching the released phone conversations and tapes, I really found the way Casey Anthony spoke intriguing. Her tone reeks of this really interesting confidence. Her words always sound so deliberate. And some things she would say or explanations she gave made no sense to the conversation she was having. As we have all heard it seems like she was speaking in code. I remember thinking to myself "why isn't anyone bringing up the fact that she is speaking in code!?!?!" LOL.

Her words, her tone, her thought process all seem so familiar to me..

I don't mean to say I am habitual liar (lie)...(jk)..(lie)...(jk)...or a sociopath lol.. I just thought there was just something really interesting about this girl.
Because this is a defensless child who didn't get reported missing for a month. And even THEN it wasn't reported by Casey. Somebody has to care about her and it's obvious it's not even her own mother! If not us, who will???
3) She's beautiful little white girl which always tends to drive more media coverage and a bigger audience relates to her (not saying this is right just that it seems to be the pattern in these cases

So then you are saying the majority of people following crime are white folks?

Sorry but I find it offensive to hear people say it is only about beautiful white girls. Who in the audience follows these cases then is the majority White? Why do non whites follow a case that offends them because the victim is a beautiful whitie?
I'll admit that because of this case, I have not been following other ones, this just takes all my time and energy and in some ways I'm getting quite overwhelmed with it.
I follow the case because
1. I have a sister who in many ways reminds me of Casey.
2. The entire cast of characters, it's like getting sucked into Twin Peaks all over again!
3. The blatant lies, I want to one day see where people are forced to tell the truth and only the truth!
4. My maternal instinct, I wish so bad that I could have done something to have saved this little girl, I was not able to save her but atleast I won't forget about her.
5. In so many high profile cases, you at least do have the body so everyone knows the victim is dead, here there is still that huge question, Where is Caylee? I hope and pray she will be found!
6. Of course all of the media attention and the pictures, taped phone calls etc that have come out gives us a better idea of the people involved, there are twists and turns added on a daily basis.

TKS2003 - That gum you like is coming back in style.

"There's absolutely nothing to find out." - Casey Anthony, jailhouse call
Sheriff Truman and I are heading over to The Double R for some of Norma's fantastic cherry pie and some great black coffee - black as midnight on a moonless night, just like Agent Cooper drinks it. Then back to the Case(y).
I hope this thread doesn't offend anyone for that is not my intent. I'm just curious as to why some things get soooooo much attention when others don't. I'm not taking anything away from Caylee what so ever for she deserves our prayers and support, too.. :blowkiss:
I have often wondered the same thing. My opinion is that we need to ask the media to take away 30 minutes per day, per presidential candidate and focus that time on missing children. After all, who cares how many homes John McCain owns?
I just noticed that the Caylee Anthony case has received even more posts than the JonBenet case.

Everyone I know talks about it. People are watching it like crazy...

I don't mean to sound callous, but children disappear all the time...children are murdered by their parents, too...but no other case that I can recall has received so much attention from Americans.

Is it because the media is spoonfeeding it to us?

Is it because of the peculiarity of the people involved?

What is it? Not asking for your personal reasons, but why do you think that the American public is so fixated on this case?
I think it's becaue of Casey's outright callousness. Even the Ramsey's appeared to care. I have to admit I'm completely obessed and can't be away from WebSleuths for more than a couple of hours. I'm not normally like this!
I think what reeled me in, was Casey looked so normal. She looked like someone I could have been friends with. I was also a young mom; I had my first son when I was 22. I knew how it felt to be at home with a baby when all your friends were out partying. I think AT FIRST I kind of identified with her and really wanted to believe she wouldn't hurt her child. But then as the story unfolded I saw how much of a psycho she really was...the lies, lies, and more lies. It was just unbelievable!

While I will admit it was difficult being a young mother, I have no regrets and my children ABSOLUTELY complete my life (sorry, had to). I have three children now and my youngest, she's 6, she will ask if they found Caylee yet. I tell her "No, not yet." I don't know how I'm going to explain to my daughter that they never found her and her crazy mom had everything to do with her dissapearance. :( I may just have to omit the part about her mom killing her. I really think it would be too upsetting for a six year old to think that your own mother could hurt you.

Ugh....so sad. Poor Caylee. I so badly want to believe that some nice lady named Zanny has her and they are living happily in Puerto Rico. Denial.
I think it's becaue of Casey's outright callousness. Even the Ramsey's appeared to care. I have to admit I'm completely obessed and can't be away from WebSleuths for more than a couple of hours. I'm not normally like this!

Yes! She's just blatantly exhibited SUCH callousness the whole time--not to mention the club pics right after Caylee apparently went missing. She (obviously meaning Casey) is despicable, imo, and her behavior has gone so against that which I would expect of a mother if her child was missing.
IMO, I think that this case has touched so many because it doesn't seem that anyone in Caylee's life has put her first! So many people seem more worried about Casey and IMO, this takes the focus off of Caylee. Now she has over 600 people on her thread, focusing on finding her and praying for her! She is FIRST with all of us...

You hit the nail on the head for me!!
I have three children now and my youngest, she's 6, she will ask if they found Caylee yet. I tell her "No, not yet." I don't know how I'm going to explain to my daughter that they never found her and her crazy mom had everything to do with her dissapearance. :( I may just have to omit the part about her mom killing her. I really think it would be too upsetting for a six year old to think that your own mother could hurt you.

My children (7 and 10) have followed this story with me and my ten year old is convinced her mom killed her and my seven year old keeps holding out hope they will find Caylee...she will know the truth when we all finally know it officially but she will be so devastated. Both send prayers every night specifically for Caylee...

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