Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #23

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IF the number came up "private", then how could Casey have called it back? What I mean is, in one of the first 911 calls, Casey said she talked to Caylee that day but that the number was subsequently disconnected on the same day. So....if she is NOW saying the number came up as "private", how could she have possibly known if it was subequently disconnected? You can't press redial on a "private" number!!!

Can you please forward this to someone in the media down in Orlando...or LE?
I have a hinky feeling that grandma has it:eek: she sure has done an about face about casey since those two 911 calls when she wanted to press charges for grand theft auto and stealing money! I have big problems with gmas about face guys... :confused::confused::eek::confused::confused:

Sure looks like her mother will do anything to protect her daughter. Too bad that trait wasn't inherited.
Well, I have two cell phones with the same number (I switch the sim card between them) and I'll explain why, though I doubt Casey's reasons are at all similar.

For work, there are some places I need to go where no one is allowed to have cameras, because I am around copyrighted images and patented designs. So when I go to those buildings, I have to switch my SIM card into my phone that has no camera.

This has also come up with internet access and text messaging, because they want control that we were not secretly texting details, etc. I mean, you can hear when a person is on the phone. (I am in tech writing/editing.) So with that phone, I had my regular cell phone, but I had to get a disposible phone that would use my SIM card that did not have any internet or texting capabilities, and I had to show them my notes before I left.

Like I said, I really doubt Casey is involved in any copyright or patent protection issues, but it is possible that there are reasons to have two phones sharing one number, particularly if you are hanging around people who check your phone.

Thank you! I hadnt, obviously, thought of that. :blushing:

Of course, I realized that there may be reasons that some folks would do that, however....I highly doubt Casey is one of those. :)
I wonder if the cops have put together and sort of info on what and where Casey was for the 31 days? Or is it longer? Who did she stay with each nite? Was she living in the car? Caylee was alive part of that time. Where was she all day and nite? I wonder if they have talked to all her friends to see if she was with any of them? I wonder if they asked her where she was the whole month and what her answer was? NO ONE seems to know where this woman spent each day and nite of the month. Who really watched the baby when she went off with that boyfriend on a mini vacation? Was there a mini vacation? LE must have some of these answers.
As far as I know it has always been reported that the guy died from a car accident a year ago.

Can I add

I will be so glad when we are on the new server!!!!
We're not on the new server? Then what the heck happened on Saturday?
When push comes to shove I really think you're right here. But her nonchalant behavior smells to me. Casey's behavior is too matter of fact. She's too relaxed for someone who killed their child. I guess one would have to look at Casey's past to get a feel for who she is. But this month she was gone, why, where was she and what was she planning? This just doesn't seem like someone who kills their child and goes about their business. She was planning something. Perhaps it was murder, who knows.

i agree with both of you....

i think maybe, at the most, casey had ties to drug dealers (king merk, merk = getting stoned, apparently). but lets be serious, she is not the brightest crayon in the box. if she was dealing, she would have been picked up months ago and then lied with some unbelievable excuse like a fairy planted that cocaine, officer, and then flew away, while explaining why drugs were in her system by saying that the evil fairy injected her with a magic potion. i don't see her having the ability, the means, the street smarts for this. and if you are dealing full-time, she would have no reason to run up her credit cards at all. dealers would much rather pay in cash and leave their fingerprints no where - she, on the other hand, leaves them everywhere. i also don't think a lot of drug dealing college-aged kids in florida moonlight as baby stealers, even if for collateral purposes.

i can't help but think that the nanny does not exist. maybe i'm just being skeptical, but caylee has been missing for over a month and a half already. and casey, but a few days ago, was still "protecting the family" from these evil nanny kidnappers. it was as the evidence has mounted, the holes in her story established, that all of a sudden she has become more forthcoming.

in fact, if you take away all of the craziness that results from her statements on the nanny, casey is actually a bit more believable (dont get me wrong, she is a pathological liar). she doubled down on this nanny excuse, which made no sense to begin with, and as she has added things to clarify (this phone thing, the senior living facility, not knowing the nanny's address, or the phone number, her wild goose chase trying to find the nanny's apartment, no neighbors had seen this nanny or caylee even though she apparently was there every day, all of the numbers being immediately disconnected, looking for the nanny at bars while drinking her face off and inviting everyone in the myspace community to "join her at fusian!!!! tony will be there!!!!", knowing the nanny for 4 years but no one has ever met her, dropping caylee off at the nanny's every day but not knowing anything about her.....)

it makes no sense. i know it gives us hope that caylee could still be alive, and i wish that more than anything; but in reality, it has been over a month a half (almost as long as tony and casey's brief relationship, how sweet) and this poor little girl's mother is still not talking, still making excuses, and still being uncooperative.

all signs point to casey. LE zeroed in on her and they have never really left - i think that is because they have amassed evidence that establishes this conclusively. they have the phone and credit card records already - those are easy to obtain. i assume they already have her computer records, as well. this could obliterate every single lie casey has told them thus far. i think just the phone records, based on whatever number she gave them for the nanny (since she called the nanny that morning and it was apparently disconnected), would directly lead to her culpability. i would love to hear her try to explain it all....

in my opinion, sadly, it isnt so much a question of who took caylee - it is a determination of what casey did to her and when.
Okay, I think this is possible to do (but I also think Casey is lying).

When someone leaves a message for me, even private, my options include call back this number. Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not. I often get calls from the UK, and the call appears as private, but when I hook my phone up to my computer, I see the number on my phone software (Float - it is available on It depends on how the networks translate the numbers.

IF the number came up "private", then how could Casey have called it back? What I mean is, in one of the first 911 calls, Casey said she talked to Caylee that day but that the number was subsequently disconnected on the same day. So....if she is NOW saying the number came up as "private", how could she have possibly known if it was subequently disconnected? You can't press redial on a "private" number!!!

I highly doubt there is a second phone. It's just something Casey threw out there for an excuse as to why she didn't have anyone's phone numbers. She doesn't remember where she bought the phone and conveniently it's lost minus the SIMS card. SIMS cards do not fall out of phones. They are tightly inserted inside a phone. Even if the back came off, the Sim card would stay in. There's so many holes in the phone story it's rediculous.
If you go with the tale that Casey is spinning, the 2 cell phones make sense in the context that Absolut shared. A kidnapper that doesn't want photos taken or a recording of what they are saying, etc.. but wants a cell carried to be able to get ahold of her.
Like I said… JMO.
The only alternative is Caylee is dead and I’m just not ready to think that!

I agree, I think we're all not ready to think that:( It's why I'm always glad to hear a new theory...I keep hoping something will work out, but everything hits these dead ends...I wish we knew if she was okay, at least:(
I wonder if the supposed "lost" phone is the one that LE reportedly picked up from TonE's place. I remember the cell phone mention from the media story that was done on TonE. It struck me as unusual because most people her age are never without their cellphones. I will try to find a link to the story.

The media needs to get their chit together and report facts! lol.. They're making me crazy. NG's show just said that LE searched high and low at TonE's place for her cell phone, since that is where she said was the last place she had it, and LE didn't find it.

I thought LE found it also. This is dumb.
This is a bit different subject... but maybe someone can help me out here.

Surely, Lee knew that Casey was lying about the Lewis girl, because wasn't it already in some documents that LE had found that she had never been an employee at Univeral and Lee even verified that Casey was saying that Lewis was an employee... not a contractor. Am I correct in this?
We're not on the new server? Then what the heck happened on Saturday?

There was a glitch and it was unable to be completed. At least I hope were not, because the forums seem really slooooooooooowwww.
I doubt that as well. I don't know, though. If Cindy is a controlling mom (as an out of control daughter would require), then Casey might have had two cell phones just so her mom wouldn't see pictures of her other world on her cell phone.

Thank you! I hadnt, obviously, thought of that. :blushing:

Of course, I realized that there may be reasons that some folks would do that, however....I highly doubt Casey is one of those. :)
Not too much new on NG, Casey did say something about her cell phone was at her boyfriend's, but the police never found it of course.

One point, has anyone ever met a GM that the Grandchild lived with that never net the babysitter (or nanny)? Doesn't happen. The nanny story simply is absurd.

I don't understand why it's taking so long to get the test results back on the car trunk, they need to narrow down this case to stop all the speculating.
it doesn't make sense for a drug dealer to have caylee. if you were a big time dealer would you want to take a child and add to the chance of getting caught plus have the added expense of taking care of the child for an indefinite amount of time?
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