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Jan 1, 2005
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Does anyone know of any new developements in this case? Is it still being investigated, if so, by whom?
JonBenet is resting in peace, while her murderer is "on the loose." What about DNA found in the panties, any source yet? Any more handwriting samples? Anything? Is this case over? Will Fleet White ever tell what he knows?
DebE said:
Does anyone know of any new developements in this case? Is it still being investigated, if so, by whom?
JonBenet is resting in peace, while her murderer is "on the loose." What about DNA found in the panties, any source yet? Any more handwriting samples? Anything? Is this case over? Will Fleet White ever tell what he knows?


There are no new developments; just old Lou Smit intruder evidence that's resurrected by the media ever now and then and a new spin put on it.

District Attorney Mary Keenan is supposed to be investigating the case, but she's doing NOTHING; she has zero dollars in the budget to do any investigating; and she hasn't asked for any money. Does that tell you anything?

There's nothing new about the DNA nor the handwriting.

Fleet White remains silent on what he knows, IMO because the court won't let him speak out because of the ages of the perpetrators. IMO Fleet knows who killed JonBenet.
hi all
was just wanting peoples thoughts on what actually happened regarding the supposed "holding of the body in exchange for interviews"
which may or may not have lead to the ramsey`s avoidance of the police.

lawman said:
hi all
was just wanting peoples thoughts on what actually happened regarding the supposed "holding of the body in exchange for interviews"
which may or may not have lead to the ramsey`s avoidance of the police.


Hello lawman,

If the Ramseys would have reasonably cooperated with the investigators beginning on day one IMO there wouldn't have been a dispute about releasing the body. The Ramseys were arrogant about being interviewed right from the get-go, strongly suggesting they were trying to buy time to get their story straight. This raised a red flag so, rightfully or wrongfully, the BPD tried to slow down the Ramseys leaving the state by holding the body. The Ramseys then used the incident to further delay any interviews. The cops were probably right in the first place because, as it turned out, it took four months to get the first formal interviews from the Ramseys -- an absolute disgrace by the parents of a murdered child and, IMO, proof they were covering up something big.
lawman said:
hi all
was just wanting peoples thoughts on what actually happened regarding the supposed "holding of the body in exchange for interviews"
which may or may not have lead to the ramsey`s avoidance of the police.


I believe the Ramseys were unaware that they were suspects during those first few weeks, it was the "murmurings" , those picked up by friends, who happened to be attorneys ,that caused the push to protect them.
I don't believe their own attorneys were certain of their innocence, not in the beginning, so they did what they do, protected their clients , possibly guilty ones. Wasn't it Douglas that was hired for this purpose? To give the attorneys a feel for the guilt or innocence of the Ramseys? Again wasn't it he who , with years of experience in interviewing criminals, believed in their innocence ,even before Lou Smit? There were interviews, who better than Douglas to interview John, however, Patsy, she was unable to function let alone give an acceptable interview.

Holding the body hostage, or the attempt to do so, was despicable. Who could trust them to find a killer when it seemed, so early, they were operating outside of the law. I've heard it said, "The Republic of Boulder" often did.
sissi said:
I believe the Ramseys were unaware that they were suspects during those first few weeks

If this is the case, the Ramseys are even dumber than I thought. When your child is found dead in your basement, and there is no evidence of a break-in, you are going to be a suspect, whether you're guilty or not.

As for John Douglas, he is a specialist in examining a crime scene and the victim to make a psychological profile of the criminal. He has researched this by interviewing criminals to see what was going through their minds at the time of the crimes. However, he did not interview John and Patsy to determine if they could have done this. That is not really his line of work. It is true that the profile of the killer he put together does not match John or Patsy. However, he did not have direct access to the crime scene at the time of the accident, so he was not able to offer as accurate of a profile as he usually does. For more on his work, I recommend you check out "Mindhunter".
thanks to everyone,

just one more question on this topic, when did the ramsey`s first hire any lawyers ?

lawman said:
thanks to everyone,

just one more question on this topic, when did the ramsey`s first hire any lawyers ?



It was attorney Mike Bynum who stopped the cops from asking questions about two days after the murder. Bynum, acting in behalf of the Ramseys,then hired attorney Brian Morgan on Saturday, December 28, 1996.
BlueCrab said:

It was attorney Mike Bynum who stopped the cops from asking questions about two days after the murder. Bynum, acting in behalf of the Ramseys,then hired attorney Brian Morgan on Saturday, December 28, 1996.

The Ramseys had an attorney on December 26...MIKE BYNUM.

The Ramseys hired Bryan Morgan and team December 27 because the Haddon Investigators were already interviewing the Whites...
thanks for the info.

so it would seem the ramsey`s were aware that they would be needing attorneys very early on (whether guilty or innocent).
unfortunately for us ,the debacle about holding back the body for burial,means we can never know for sure if the ramsey`s would have cooperated.

lawman said:
unfortunately for us ,the debacle about holding back the body for burial,means we can never know for sure if the ramsey`s would have cooperated.

I believe we know, lawman. Even if for the sake of argument we take the Rs' at their word on this event, which was more important? Finding their daughter's killer or getting even with the authorities who insulted them?

Kill my daughter and hurt my feelings, I won't have any trouble prioritizing.
thanks Nova

you may well be correct,however didn`t the ramsey`s start receiving a lot of the crime scene details etc through their lawyers ?
also they did employ heir own investigators ?
i am just trying to give the ramsey`s some doubt, about not wanting to cooperate.
lawman said:
i am just trying to give the ramsey`s some doubt, about not wanting to cooperate.


There's little doubt about the Ramseys NOT wanting to cooperate. The enhanced 911 call proved the Ramseys were lying and covering up even before the investigation began.
IMO their refusal to cooperate is more myth than truth.
VOR , I HAVE read the books, perhaps if you read Douglas', "The Cases that Haunt Us", you will better understand HIS explanation of how he believes in the Ramsey's innocence and the purpose for which he was hired.

bluecrab you mention the infamous "enhanced 911 call",with burke in the background.
do you know where this tape is ?
also i believe the ramsey`s did in one of their recent interviews, admit that burke was indeed awake at the time of the call.
with regards to their lying, couldn`t they have been just trying to keep burke out of the mess as much as possible, after all i believe burke was taken over to the white`s at about 6.30am? on the 26th.
this seems like reasonable behaviour to me.imho

lawman said:

bluecrab you mention the infamous "enhanced 911 call",with burke in the background.
do you know where this tape is ?
also i believe the ramsey`s did in one of their recent interviews, admit that burke was indeed awake at the time of the call.
with regards to their lying, couldn`t they have been just trying to keep burke out of the mess as much as possible, after all i believe burke was taken over to the white`s at about 6.30am? on the 26th.
this seems like reasonable behaviour to me.imho



The original 911 tape is available to the public. The Aerospace Corporation's enhanced portion of the 911 tape is in the possession of law enforcement. To the best of my knowledge it has never been played outside of law enforcement and the courts.

It's irrelevant whether or not Burke admits he was awake during Patsy's 911 call. The only thing that's relevant is it has been proven Burke was DOWNSTAIRS in the kitchen during the 911 call. The Ramseys lied during the police interviews -- saying Burke was "asleep" in bed during the 5:52 AM 911 call and never left his bedroom until awakened at 7:00 AM and taken to Fleet and Priscilla White's house. The Ramseys were lying and trying to distance Burke from the crime. WHY?

There was nothing reasonable about the Ramseys' behaviors that morning. It was unreasonable to lie unless they were trying to cover up something.

FFJ has the enhanced 911 call available I belive........

As for The Ramsey's NOT cooperating from the get go: IMMEDIATELY after JBR's body was "found" John Ramsey tried to leave town.......What does that tell you??? YOU find your dead child's body and go call your private pilot to gas up the plane to go away for a few weeks??? That would help investigate how and who MURDERED you child-NOT!!
(unless of course you knew all along and helped stage.................)
Toltec said:
The Ramseys had an attorney on December 26...MIKE BYNUM.

The Ramseys hired Bryan Morgan and team December 27 because the Haddon Investigators were already interviewing the Whites...


You're right. I stand corrected. As a matter of fact, in looking back over my notes I see that Bynum had hired Bryan Morgan by 5 PM on the 26th and had Ellis Armistead's people interviewing witnesses by the next morning. Armistead beat the Boulder police to the witnesses -- locking them into statements on the 27th.
lawman said:

bluecrab you mention the infamous "enhanced 911 call",with burke in the background.
do you know where this tape is ?
also i believe the ramsey`s did in one of their recent interviews, admit that burke was indeed awake at the time of the call.
with regards to their lying, couldn`t they have been just trying to keep burke out of the mess as much as possible, after all i believe burke was taken over to the white`s at about 6.30am? on the 26th.
this seems like reasonable behaviour to me.imho

The Ramseys believed Burke was asleep until (I think when) he testified at the GJ. BPD also believed he was asleep when they looked in on him. According to Tricia's own expert (Paul Ginsberg ) there is nothing new on the tape except an unidentified woman (probably Patsy) saying "Help me, Jesus." No John voices, no Burke voices. I don't understand how this "proves" BUrke was up and downstairs, but then, I don't think the Ramseys are guilty.
tipper said:
The Ramseys believed Burke was asleep until (I think when) he testified at the GJ. BPD also believed he was asleep when they looked in on him. According to Tricia's own expert (Paul Ginsberg ) there is nothing new on the tape except an unidentified woman (probably Patsy) saying "Help me, Jesus." No John voices, no Burke voices. I don't understand how this "proves" BUrke was up and downstairs, but then, I don't think the Ramseys are guilty.


Tricia's tape, enhanced by professional Paul Ginsberg, unfortunately was a third generation tape and therefore didn't produce the results hoped for. Nevertheless, her tape disclosed Patsy's voice at the end, verified by Paul Ginsberg, saying "Help me Jesus, help me Jesus". Even though that third generation tape didn't pick up John nor Burke's voice, Tricia's tape proved that Lin Wood had lied when he claimed NOTHING was on the end of the tape. Tricia's tape picked up Patsy's voice.

John's, Patsy's, and Burke's voices were all picked up by Aerospace Corporation using the ORIGINAL 911 tape.

Also, Voice of Reason's copy of the end of the 911 tape, when listened to repeatedly, reveals what almost has to be Burke's voice -- even though it's only a guess when it comes to figuring out what Burke said. The 911 dispatcher hit a letter on her keyboard in the middle of Burke's split-second comment. But, IMO, Burke's higher-pitched voice is discernible on VOR's tape if you have the patience to listen to it over and over.


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