who killed devon and damon!!

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Joy comes in the Morning
Aug 29, 2005
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arghhhh, i know most people think she did it, but for the life of me, i just cant seem to believe that 100% i think my problem is that the crime is so brutal i cant fathom how any mother or father could do that to there precious babies, its horrendous!!!!!!
michelle said:
arghhhh, i know most people think she did it, but for the life of me, i just cant seem to believe that 100% i think my problem is that the crime is so brutal i cant fathom how any mother or father could do that to there precious babies, its horrendous!!!!!!

Michelle, I've been following this on WS from the time that another owner owned this site..... I had always believed that she was innocent. I have spent a great deal of time reading and asking questions. I'm up on the fence leaning toward her guilt now after all this time.

Behind the scenes has been quite a fight apparently as well. Her mother took over her website and it used to be very professional - now it looks like a homemade site. They used to be adamant on not discussing the possiblity of Darin's guilt but now they're desperate. I had emailed Darlie Kee (mom) a couple of times asking for explanations...........she never offered them.

I think theres been a lot of people who have 'fell off the darlie innocent' wagon. They must know a lot more than us..... Now that I understand everything including the big fight they had that night, I think she did this AND OR SOMEHOW Darin helped her or also assisted. Not sure exactly but I do think its the both of them.

My 2cents.
blueclouds said:
Michelle, I've been following this on WS from the time that another owner owned this site..... I had always believed that she was innocent. I have spent a great deal of time reading and asking questions. I'm up on the fence leaning toward her guilt now after all this time.

Behind the scenes has been quite a fight apparently as well. Her mother took over her website and it used to be very professional - now it looks like a homemade site. They used to be adamant on not discussing the possiblity of Darin's guilt but now they're desperate. I had emailed Darlie Kee (mom) a couple of times asking for explanations...........she never offered them.

I think theres been a lot of people who have 'fell off the darlie innocent' wagon. They must know a lot more than us..... Now that I understand everything including the big fight they had that night, I think she did this AND OR SOMEHOW Darin helped her or also assisted. Not sure exactly but I do think its the both of them.

My 2cents.
what fight?? i havent heard that...
I've read things since she was tried and convicted which indicate that no one else was ever considered to be a suspect, not even Darin.
Darlie may or may not have committed the crimes, I don't know with 100% certainty because I wasn't there and neither was anyone else outside the household as far as we know.

I do know that with my suspicions about Darin, there is no way I could have sat on a jury and condemned her to death. It seemed to be a very rushed investigation, arrest and I don't think Darlie had very good legal counsel, no matter what the firm's reputation. The " silly string" tape and the oral testimony of the hospital staff which differed greatly from their written documentation at the time she was hospitalized are two examples of what seems to be her counsel letting things slide and which have always bothered me.

I've thought about reading the trial transcript since I didn't follow the case at the time. Then, I have read, but don't know if it's true or not, that there are significant errors in the official trial transcriptionist's work which has been taken to task by Darlie's latest set of attorneys on appeal.

Again, I am posting this because I understand where Michelle is coming from. I don't necessarily believe that Darlie is innocent, nor that she is necessarily guilty of the murders. I know that many posters have very strong feelings against her which seem almost personal. I remember when I hated the person whom I believe killed JonBenet Ramsey, her mother, Patsy Ramsey.
I'm a lot happier not investing much emotionally in something I can neither influence or understand the motivation behind.

It is almost impossible for most of us to understand a parent hurting their child, much less killing one or more of them unless the person was insane at the time.
On that note, I hope Andrea Yates' new trial shows the obvious, that she was insane by all legal and medical definitions when she killed her children, and I hope she is given a safe place with adequate medication and humane institutional treatment. I think she should live out her life in a controlled environment, locked away from Rusty- the -baby- machine and the rest of society. Someone iwould probably do a vigilante move and kill her if she was ever out in society again.
I also wish there was a way that Rusty Yates could be made to share some culpability for her mental status and the continued reproduction which doctors warned him against. I don't think Andrea was capable of understanding why she shouldn't have another baby, but he was. JMO. Sorry to be off- topic, but I wanted to say that I DO believe that mothers can kill their children. Sad statement on humanity.
Yea too many moms kills their kids.......I dont think i could have convicted darlie either, i havent heard or read anything that shows me 100% she did it, i want to know could darin have hired someone to murder her and it turned out this way??
michelle said:
Yea too many moms kills their kids.......I dont think i could have convicted darlie either, i havent heard or read anything that shows me 100% she did it, i want to know could darin have hired someone to murder her and it turned out this way??
Michelle...look at my post under the thread...thank to cami. It has the questions that Darin answered and FAILED on the polygraph in 1997. Then you will see that they were in this together.
Thinkoflaura said:
I've read things since she was tried and convicted which indicate that no one else was ever considered to be a suspect, not even Darin.
In all crimes, especially murders, LE always looks at the family first, then close friends, then the more peripheral friends and family. That is of course unless they have a confession. LE did nothing wrong by looking at Darlie first. The reason Darin was not seriously considered a suspect was because there is not one speck of forensic evidence which even leans towards him participating in the murders. You cannot charge someone on rumors alone. Too bad for Darlie, but all of the forensic evidence points to her. Once you read more than a book or two or watch a program, there will be no more doubt.
Darlie may or may not have committed the crimes, I don't know with 100% certainty because I wasn't there and neither was anyone else outside the household as far as we know.

All of the evidence points to Darlie, all of it. You don't have to be at the crime scene during the crime to decide this. Reminds me of the joke which went around during OJ's trial. People said juries now have to see a tape of the murder before they'll convict. Dead men do tell tales these days.
I do know that with my suspicions about Darin, there is no way I could have sat on a jury and condemned her to death. It seemed to be a very rushed investigation, arrest and I don't think Darlie had very good legal counsel, no matter what the firm's reputation. The " silly string" tape and the oral testimony of the hospital staff which differed greatly from their written documentation at the time she was hospitalized are two examples of what seems to be her counsel letting things slide and which have always bothered me.
Then you wouldn't have been doing what the Judge asks of jurors. He said to take the information given at trial and make their decison from that. Would you like to be tried on gossip? That's all we have against Darin. That is not true about the hospital staff. It did not differ "greatly". Why are you upset The Silly String tape was allowed? The jury was very surprised when the trial was over that we, the public, ignorant of all of the evidence, thought that tape was so important. It didn't help her image, that's for sure, but it did not convict her.
I've thought about reading the trial transcript since I didn't follow the case at the time. Then, I have read, but don't know if it's true or not, that there are significant errors in the official trial transcriptionist's work which has been taken to task by Darlie's latest set of attorneys on appeal
Jeez, those were typos and have been corrected. More parlor tricks from her supporters. If you want to learn then you have to do the research. If you don't want to learn, that's fine, but then don't keep coming back with the same lies created by Darlie fans
Again, I am posting this because I understand where Michelle is coming from. I don't necessarily believe that Darlie is innocent, nor that she is necessarily guilty of the murders. I know that many posters have very strong feelings against her which seem almost personal. I remember when I hated the person whom I believe killed JonBenet Ramsey, her mother, Patsy Ramsey.
I'm a lot happier not investing much emotionally in something I can neither influence or understand the motivation behind
I think we all get frustrated because time and time again we explain and post links and quotes showing why Darlie is guilty. And most of you simply come back with the same mess, over and over and over. It seems many of the iffy people are not here to learn.
It is almost impossible for most of us to understand a parent hurting their child, much less killing one or more of them unless the person was insane at the time
Actually, it's not rare, look up the stats.
michelle said:
what fight?? i havent heard that...

I think Darlie asked for a separation that same night and they fought about it. I think Darlie's mom clarified that.
blueclouds said:
I think Darlie asked for a separation that same night and they fought about it. I think Darlie's mom clarified that.
Both have said they fought that night, then both have said they didn't. The general consensus is that they did have a fight. There has only been talk about the possible separation fight.
beesy said:
Both have said they fought that night, then both have said they didn't. The general consensus is that they did have a fight. There has only been talk about the possible separation fight.
I know that some where it has been suggested that they were going to maybe hope for movie and book deals from the murder of those two precious babies. Do you agree with this theory? I mean the murder of those kiddo wasn't going to solve the financial situation immediately. Another idea...the book said something about her wanting a girl and that they had planned on trying again. Maybe they couldn't afford 4 kids so they just killed the first two "mistakes"? I know that seems like a dumb idea...but I am still trying to figure out the financial incentive to kill those kids. :waitasec:
deandaniellws said:
I know that some where it has been suggested that they were going to maybe hope for movie and book deals from the murder of those two precious babies. Do you agree with this theory? I mean the murder of those kiddo wasn't going to solve the financial situation immediately. Another idea...the book said something about her wanting a girl and that they had planned on trying again. Maybe they couldn't afford 4 kids so they just killed the first two "mistakes"? I know that seems like a dumb idea...but I am still trying to figure out the financial incentive to kill those kids. :waitasec:

Personally that's the first time I heard of such a thing and WOW, I wouldn't put anything past the Routiers.

Wanting a girl? Good lord, then she would be far sicker than I ever thought. I just cannot imagine.............
michelle said:
arghhhh, i know most people think she did it, but for the life of me, i just cant seem to believe that 100% i think my problem is that the crime is so brutal i cant fathom how any mother or father could do that to there precious babies, its horrendous!!!!!!
Michelle, I was exactly the same as you in the beginning. After reading Precious Angels a couple of years ago, as much as Barbara Davis tells of Darlies guilt, I was constantly saying to myself "No way has she done this, she's been framed". I then read the books by Patricia Springer and Don Davis hoping I would change my mind, but I was still convinced she was innocent and it was all a 'set up'. I then read MTJD which to me just confirmed her innocence even more.

I even decided that because the Police could not find an intruder, and this was such a horrific case which had attracted so much media attention, that the Police were pressurised into finding the murderer ASAP, and they therefore decided Darlie would be 'the one'.........

I was not looking beyond her slashed throat and bruises on her arms. I could not believe, and refused to believe she could have inflicted such injuries on herself. My thoughts were always "an intruder did it, you wouldn't possibly slash your own throat".

I then began to look on the internet and various websites, I looked at all the pictures there were to look at and read what I could. There has never been anything on TV or in the media here in the UK about this case. Slowly but surely I began to understand and see that I was wrong and Darlie was in fact guilty......... the evidence was there and everything was fitting into place.

Coming onto this site and reading the threads on Darlie has answered most of the questions I had, (thank you to beesy, she must be sick of my constant questions)!! But if there are any questions, I think beesy, Cami and Goody are maybe your best people to take note from, they know their stuff!

I still firmly believe 100% that Darin played a role in this, what role I'm not sure.. I find it impossible that such a carnage could have taken place without Darin knowing something. I believe he knows Darlie killed their sons but cannot rule out that he may have assisted her, and feel it's a shame that there is no evidence to nail him for either taking part in the murders and/or for not telling what he knows.

I realised eventually that the reasons I presumed Darlie was innocent were the same as yours............. just because the thought of killing our own children is inconceivable to us, we assume no other mother could..............
deandaniellws said:
I know that some where it has been suggested that they were going to maybe hope for movie and book deals from the murder of those two precious babies. Do you agree with this theory? I mean the murder of those kiddo wasn't going to solve the financial situation immediately. Another idea...the book said something about her wanting a girl and that they had planned on trying again. Maybe they couldn't afford 4 kids so they just killed the first two "mistakes"? I know that seems like a dumb idea...but I am still trying to figure out the financial incentive to kill those kids. :waitasec:
Darin did shop around for a book or movie deal right after Darlie was arrested. He was trying to raise the cash to bail her out. For whatever reason, none of that worked out. Your theory is very possible. I've always thought that Darlie liked babies. Darlie likes attention and new moms and their newborns get soooooooo much of that, don't they? And pregnant moms get alot of attention as well. Her boys, especially Devon, were growing up and out of her control. They weren't her little baby boys anymore, they were coming into their own. As they grew, the attention was going to them as separate people, not just as Darlie's babies.
If anybody decides to kill anybody for insurance money, they can't like the person very much can they? So there's always an underlying issue, I think. The Routier's cash flow was getting smaller and smaller. Most of their income probably went right back out to pay bills, for food, etc. You need money to pay your bills of course, but then I suppose they could use credit cards for nearly everything else. Anyway, I think Goody said she's never heard them say that they thought about not taking their vacations after all. I haven't seen it anywhere either. So basically, lets see, your thought is a good one, maybe that was hovering in her head somewhere, then when the money problems and other crap started building up, it suddenly looked like a really good idea. Do you like that?
feenix said:
Coming onto this site and reading the threads on Darlie has answered most of the questions I had, (thank you to beesy, she must be sick of my constant questions)!! But if there are any questions, I think beesy, Cami and Goody are maybe your best people to take note from, they know their stuff

Oh, thank you, but I don't know as much as the other girls you mentioned and don't forget Dani T. Fingerprint questions? Ask her. Law questions? Ask Jeana. Thank you for the compliment and I don't mind answering as many Q's as I can or finding links for ya'll. It's easier to find the links if you've found them before.
beesy said:
Oh, thank you, but I don't know as much as the other girls you mentioned and don't forget Dani T. Fingerprint questions? Ask her. Law questions? Ask Jeana. Thank you for the compliment and I don't mind answering as many Q's as I can or finding links for ya'll. It's easier to find the links if you've found them before.
I was afraid I was going to make this mistake, with me being relatavily new I couldn't remember all the names, but I should have done my homework first! :blushing:
No offence to those whose names I forgot, sorry.:blowkiss:
ewww, so they murdered them together, i wonder if darin actually did any of the killing, this is the worst thing these poor babies were brutally murdered!!!!!!
beesy said:
Both have said they fought that night, then both have said they didn't. The general consensus is that they did have a fight. There has only been talk about the possible separation fight.

Not true. In Darin's post conviction affidavit he says that they had a fight. I'm not sure how much detail he goes into, but that's when it was PROVEN that I had told the truth about what Darlie Kee told me and she was busted.
Jeana (DP) said:
Not true. In Darin's post conviction affidavit he says that they had a fight. I'm not sure how much detail he goes into, but that's when it was PROVEN that I had told the truth about what Darlie Kee told me and she was busted.
so then they did have a fight and darlie kee admitted to it too?

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