The Box From Hell (BFH) - #1

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May 2, 2005
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I just finished reading all the insurance policies in the BFH, the collection of George Waters’ papers which spent a few months in the San Mateo Sheriff’s office and which they returned to us recently. Some of the notes are actually in Greek, so I was able to decipher some new information and to put together some ideas about the papers.
All the policies are accident insurance policies, many of them flight or travel insurance, which suggests several things: GW probably wished to provide for GB in case of his death (never dreaming that GB would die first, which doesn’t lend much credibility to GB’s psychic abilities). It also suggests that GW was taking trips somewhere, since as far as I know, flight insurance is usually available only in airports. This would have been truly royal support, adding up to at least a million dollars (not counting the Lloyd's of London policy), maybe more. Every policy was made out with GB as the irrevocable benefactor (meaning that the benefactor could not be changed during his lifetime), and each contained documents to that effect, plus correspondence and notarized statements sent by certified mail. There was no signature, social security number, birth date or any other clue about Brody, who was identified only as “friend”.
There was a small memo book with a 1969 calendar on the back, very worn and taped up, which had some notes of interest, along with some rather funny shopping lists (suspenders, belt 36” black, moth cake for hat box, get Grecian Formula 16 for G). In addition to reminder notes, there were vocabulary lists, music and film recommendations, and one particularly affectonate draft for a letter accompanying the Lloyd’s policy for GB’s birthday.
There were many questions regarding the insurance policies, almost certainly dictated by GB, who was especially interested in knowing whether an executor or beneficiary could be held responsible for the insured’s debts and whether he would have to pay for a burial. Questions were referred to one BMW, who seems to have been a lawyer, and to Miss Hughes, Bowerth(?), 155 Sansome Street, 94109, who seems to have been an insurance company employee.
A note dated 5/20/71 says “In 2-3 mos contact BMW to have a will made out to ACE in am’t of one dollar.” Another note dated 9/1/71 says “Given O.K. to take M’s picture on vacation.” Yet another one says “tentative plan c L/L 1970, 1971 1.75 per an--1972 ^ (increase) to 17.50.” I believe this note is related to the note Doogie found with the date of Jan. 16, 1973 on it and that L/L refers to a huge Lloyd’s policy which has been mentioned elsewhere.
I found references to “passport off.”, “Executor”, “Call Apha re Isr” and “Italian consul”, but only as items on lists.
I believe the scrupulous accounts (including receipts for every child support payment) were meant to allay Brody’s fears that he might be held accountable for some debt. GW did have several outstanding loans, though he seemed to be earning quite a lot of money.
His last child support payment was made Dec. 26, 1972, to “Anna Christian Eifee Waters”. On Dec. 25, 1981, George apparently paid all his bills from his Barclays Bank Account, leaving a balance of $926.61 (Brody died Dec. 24, 1981.)
The most interesting thing in the memo book was the following (probably written in 1970 or 1971):
Lv. G enough food to withstand & combat any poss. onslaught
Paraphenalia c itemized receipts in container(s)
TK pict/Margaret.

Lastly, there are bank records from August, 1969 to Aug. 4, 1976, and then resuming in October, 1977 and continuing through December of 1981. This seems to be amazingly complete except for one period.
WOW again! It seems that taking M's picture and TK Pic of Margaret, seems that it was important to take her pic along and keep her identity private, possibly because she had something to do with Anna's dissapearance.

The purpose of $1 inheritance is so that a will cannot be contested by this person or anyone related to this person. It seems that the worry was again money involving Anna (in their weird thoughts).

Would love to know what 'paraphenalia meant...possibly cyanide???

Alot of speculation..will explore further on Monday

Very interesting stuff!
I believe Margaret died years before Anna disappeared, so Margaret couldn't have been part of whatever happened to Anna... unless it somehow helped hide Anna's identity.
I finally found the full name and the 1969 address of someone mentioned in GW's notes, an attorney. If we can get a current address, I can write him and ask if he remembers anything which might pertain to Anna.
P.S. Sherlock Jr. found the current address immediately, so I'll write him.
Wow! I must say these two men (GB and GW) have to be the most complicated men I've ever come across/heard of. I had to read this post about 3 times to process what they did or were planning on doing. I think the take a pic of 'M' is weird. Could they have changed Anna's name to something that starts with a M? Margaret? Since GB thinks she's a recarnation of MK.
Honestly, I have no idea what to think. It sure is complicated! Thank you for sharing this with us Annasmom. I hope you get in touch with the people that are on the documents!
Any of these accidental death insurance policies dated near the time Anna went missing?
That is true about not being able to contest a will leaving $1 for someone. However, that was in 1971.
It sounds like he was planning a vacation in Sept 1971, any clues to where he went?

Another thing about his bank receipts. Is there any significant transactions in the bank statements from Dec. 72 - April 73? Either a large deposit that was made or any large withdrawls.
Any of these accidental death insurance policies dated near the time Anna went missing?
That is true about not being able to contest a will leaving $1 for someone. However, that was in 1971.
It sounds like he was planning a vacation in Sept 1971, any clues to where he went?

Another thing about his bank receipts. Is there any significant transactions in the bank statements from Dec. 72 - April 73? Either a large deposit that was made or any large withdrawls.
I am quite sure he had bank accounts other than those I found. The reason for leaving these was to prove he had paid his debts so that Brody would not be responsible for them. I'll look at the dates again. These papers were edited before he died, so anything significant I find is probably going to be something he overlooked.
I'm still digesting this and wanted to see a few replies before responding. I just got a strange feeling regarding the accident policies, ACE, the $1 will, and being allowed to take pictures of "M" - Could M be Anna? . That strange feeling, revolved(s) around GB's manipulation and a possibility that GW was manipulated into being something like a poor widower father......... who was unable to care for his daughter himself, and believed she needed a "mom/intact family" - not that she did not have one, but knowing the history behind GW's behavior before and after Anna was born- and was adopted out to a family who allowed GW to visit....... That he traveled to see her - somewhere that GB had strong emotions toward a certain nationality. Maybe not his own nationality, but one he admired....... and if Anna had occasional visits with her "father" believing her mother was not alive, and knew of her fathers passing............. She wouldn't have reason to be searching.

I believe something like that would be easy to pass off.......

The only other thought that I have regarding "M" is GW emulating GB's flirting and getting a kick out of believing someone was over the top for him.

We really need to find some way to determine where GW traveled, if he did in fact travel. -or/and- find some other "associates".

What I would give to find any other followers.........

Here on Eastern Time we are celebrating Dr. Doogie's birthday already. Have a wonderful birthday Doogie. Many more to come!
It seems that taking M's picture and TK Pic of Margaret, seems that it was important to take her pic along and keep her identity private, possibly because she had something to do with Anna's dissapearance.

It is impossible that Margaret had anything to do with Anna's disappearance - remember that she died before Anna was even born and had been incapacitated for some period of time before her death. Also, the two Georges had just begun their relationship at the time of her death.

Consider the plausibilty of the suggested scenario: Brody, a woman who was slipping in and out of a coma (Kukoda), and a newly met friend (Waters) all conspire to abduct a child who was yet to be born from a wife (who was yet to be an ex-wife). It doesn't make sense.
Another note dated 9/1/71 says “Given O.K. to take M’s picture on vacation.”

This is very wierd. The phrasing of this is consistent with other things where Waters received permission from Brody to do certain things (there is a note granting Waters permission to emulate Brody, for instance). I believe that "M" refers to Margaret, but why would George want to carry a picture of Margaret on vacation?

I agree that discovering where he went on vacation would be very helpful. Annasmom, based on the time frame outlined by the note, have you been able to cross-reference any of the check registers or, perhaps, credit card receipts that might point to where he went. Waters did not seem like the type of guy to just take off and sit on a beach in Cabo. He was up to something.

Here on Eastern Time we are celebrating Dr. Doogie's birthday already. Have a wonderful birthday Doogie. Many more to come!

Thank you, though you are a day early (Tuesday, the 19th, is the big day). I keep waiting to hear that it will be declared a national holiday, but I am always disappointed. :blushing:
You stated the last child support check GW made out for Anna was Dec. 26, 1972. Was he always good about sending money on time? Anna went missing Jan 16, 1973. From what I understand, no one was able to find GW to inform him of Anna's disappearance. If he didnt know about Anna's disappearance prior to Jan 26 (10 days after Anna disappeared) did he go ahead and write another check? Were there any issues regarding the child support payments after Anna disappeared?
I finally found the full name and the 1969 address of someone mentioned in GW's notes, an attorney. If we can get a current address, I can write him and ask if he remembers anything which might pertain to Anna.
P.S. Sherlock Jr. found the current address immediately, so I'll write him.

A phone call to the retired attorney was fruitless. He pleaded the fifth!
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