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Aug 20, 2008
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This is the place to post your favorite books, web sites, software programs and other Astrological Resources.

Give the Title, Author and a brief detail as to the subject and nature of the same.*No need to give lessons or quote more then a couple lines of a Copyrighted work; always be sure to give proper credit to the Author. If there is a particular passage or chapter you feel should be given special attention, simply make reference to it.

We appreciate all contributions to our LIBRARY.​

(*posts will be modified or deleted if they do not fall within these guidelines)

Thanks & Blessings,
Soulscape -
This is a great thread to start. For those of us trying to learn, this will be a fantastic resource!

That's a great idea Soulscape - to have each of us use only one post and keep adding to it. This will save time and space, and make it much easier to look things up.
ETA: 1/7/08 - 3:25 pm

I found out from the Mods yesterday, that a post can only be edited for a few hours after creation, so the Astrologers won't be able to put all their recommendations into one post as I suggested in Post #1 above.

As time permits, I'm sure each Astrologer will add posts to this Thread.

Here are my initial choices. I'll be adding more entries to this Thread from time to time, so please check every once in a while.



Horary Astrology Plain & Simple by Anthony Louis

A very good introduction to the principles of horary astrology with clear explanations and (relatively) easy to follow. This book is one of my trusted references.

Simplified Horary Astrology by Ivy M. Goldstein-Jacobson

One of the greatest horary astrology books ever written. A must for the serious horary astrologer's Library.

CHRISTIAN ASTROLOGY, Book 1: An Introduction to Astrology; Book 2: The Resolution of All Manner of Questions by William Lilly

The most famous astrology book in the English language, prized by students ever since its first publication in 1647. The horary astrology in these pages is demanding and precise, combining science and art. Properly used, it will give answer to any well-defined question.

The Horary Textbook by John Frawley

An excellent instruction book, based on William Lilly's horary principles. A must for any horary astrologer.

HORARY ASTROLOGY: An Introduction to the Astrology of Time by Derek Appleby

Another favorite in my Library. Appleby's work was influenced by Ivy M. Goldstein-Jacobson as well as William Lilly and is based on years of personal experience working with charts. Very interesting insights.

The Rulership Book by Rex E. Bills

Not a horary astrology book per se, but an indispensable reference for determining which planet rules what, and what the Signs & Houses rule. Entries are listed in alphabetical order, by Planet, by Sign, by House with Appendix covering bones, vertebrae and muscles of the body, chart of an organization, flavors and forms (handwriting).

The Astrological Thesaurus Book 1: House Keywords by Michael Munkasey

Another excellent reference book that will get plenty of use!
Can we include asking the astrologers for their software recommendations? I'm specifically looking for a good interpretation program. I have Janus so I have all the charts I need. Thanks!
Here are some technical confusion and I found in Thread 1. I have not organized these well, so feel free, and I will delete this post. (Or I will try to organize this weekend.)

Hello everyone. Just did a quick search through Thread #1 for links for astro info, help, charts, etc.. someone asked for a few days ago. I am in a rush, so may have missed some, but here is what I have: Don McBroom's "Midpoints"

Avoid, like the plague, any pop astrology book, and any book that promises to tell you how to "tell your future"!

And, most importantly, have your son read these two web pages, so he understands the Biblically proper use of astrology.

Once he has a good solid sense of how to properly study and research astrology, a good book to buy for him is "Forensic Astrology", by Dave Campbell. You probably won't find it in the library, but it is available on Amazon.

For those ready for a professional astrology program for their personal computer (Windows compatible, NOT Mac) many astrologers I know use Solar Fire or Kepler is one of the free chart places

Here is thread #1

Feel free to add, and feel free to add all of the books mentioned in all the threads so we can compile a list. Just don't want us beginners to forget to at least give it a try on the side. (Not that I could learn in 20 years, and then I will be rather old if still alive, but...)

ETA: Here are the other threads to date also, I just haven't had time to do this, did not get #1 thoroughly. Boss keeps coming in.
Thread # 5
Thread # 4
Thread # 3
Thread # 2
Thank you again for all of our more knowledgeable Astrology Friends here!

And from technical confusion:

These are the books I have from the first thread on my list:


Don McBroom's "Midpoints",
Simplified Horary Astrology
Sue Tompkins - Aspects in Astrology
Sub-title is "A Guide to Understanding Planetary Relationships in the Horoscope".
Isabel Hickey - Astrology, A Cosmic Science
Rob Hand's "Horoscope Symbols" and Planets in Transit? (not sure of that last book)
March and McEvers - The Only Way to Learn about Astrology
Carol Rushman -The Art of Predictive Astrology
Dave Campbell - Forensic Astrology
Rex E. Bills - The Rulership Book
Marc Edmund Jones -The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation (1941, 1969)
Stephen Arroyo - Chart Interpretation Handbook(1989)
Nicholas de Vore - The Encyclopedia of Astrology - not good for beginners

For reading your own chart:

Donna Cunningham - How to Read Your Astrological Chart (1999)
Timothy Curley - How to Read Your Own Horoscope (1995)

And Tuba highly praised these two authors:

Evangeline Adams and Charles E.O. Carter
Here are some more Horary Books in my Library:

Horary Astrology Rediscovered by Olivia Barclay (1919 - 2001)

Teacher of John Frawley (see The Horary Textbook in my post #6 above.) Responsible for bringing William Lilly's Christian Astrology back into the astrological mainstream. Developed a qualifying horary diploma course leading to the Q.H.P. certification (Qualified Horary Practitioner).

Quote: "Much of astrology is unprovable waffle. The advantage of horary questions is that they work and can be seen to work."

An important book for the well-rounded Horary Astrologer's Library.

Handbook of Horary Astrology by Karen Hamaker-Zondag

Quote: "In horary astrology, all the information is based on rulers. If this is forgotten, the answer fails."

Suggests using the natal chart to gain supplementary information; also explains the concept of the Consultation Chart (cast for the moment the client arrives) and its usefulness.

The Martial Art of Horary Astrology by Dr. J. Lee Lehman, Ph.D.

On the faculty at Kepler College, Dr. Lehman is a proponant of Western Classical Astrology (William Lilly, etc.). She is an excellent interpreter of mundane charts as well as difficult ones.

The Houses Temples of the Sky by Deborah Houlding

Not a horary book per se, but a highly useful addition to the horary astrologer's reference library. Ms. Houlding, an amazingly prolific astrologer, gives an excellent and thorough examination of the 12 houses, including their main rulerships, and their uses in Horary as well as Mundane astrology.

Free horary lessons are available at her web site,

The Astrology of Death by Richard Houck (1947 - 2001)

Not for the faint-hearted and definitely not for beginners. Pluto people will love it. A technical and brilliant analysis of every type of death, both expected and unexpected. Houck's work combines both the Hindu (Vedic) and Western systems of astrology.

Hi All - just checking in here to share: I ordered several of the books Soulscape recommended. I ordered many of them USED from Amazon and got very good prices. I have received the first one, which of course is one of the harder ones and I have no idea what it is telling me :) but I'm working on that :)

Also, I have been spending a bit of time at the astro websites and finding many of them to be very informative.

I have not seen this posted here:

She uses horay and birth charts for missing people and unsolved murders. She has done everyone from Stacey Peterson to Madeline McCann to Caylee Anthony. Her archives are pretty extensive and it is fun to look at. She also takes request. She has actually done charts for a couple I emailed her about which was nice.
Hi everyone,

I wanted to say that anything written by Robert Hand or translated by him through ARHAT is guaranteed not only to be based on fine scholarship but also to be eminently readable. He's a good writer and has excellent deep roots in the ancient literature. He did my first chart for me back in the 1980s, when you still had to send away to get an accurate birth chart instead of being able to go to and get one instantaneously. I personally couldn't do without Rob's Planets in Transit.

Also, for planetary relationships within a chart, Robert Pelletier's Planets in Aspect is pretty solid. These both are good for mundane astrology, which I think is where people need to start. I think you really need to have internalized a lot of the basics before branching into Horary and other specialties. There's a really good comprehensive list here, as well:

A caution from my personal opinion is this: Avoid Nicholas de Vore like the plague. I saw his encyclopedia in this thread above, which caused me to come out of lurking, and his encyclopedia is also on the astroamerica list whose link I just posted. However, you have no idea what a dark soul this man is. He believes he is a dragon, he waxes poetic about the beneficial effects of drinking the menstrual blood of young maidens, he is deep deep deep into being descended from aristocracy and therefore being genetically superior to mere mortals. I'll never spend a dime of my money on any work by that man, that's for sure.

If an astrology thread gets going on those two poor girls gunned down near Waleetka, Oklahoma, I will want to participate in that. That one gnaws at me.

Love & blessings
LAWLADY84 wrote ( this has been transferred from the duplicate thread)
Hello- there are some of us who find this fascinating, but know NOTHING about forensic astrology, or astrology in general. I was wondering if any of you knew of any basic "intro to astrology" type websites where some of us who have an interest but no background could read up, and hopefully understand more of what's being posted?

I tried googling, but I don't want to bark up the wrong tree. Maybe if the Astrologists here could if they have a minute post a link to a clear website they think might be helpful? Any link/insight would be much appreciated.

the truth is rarely pure and never simple. - oscar wilde.

BECKAROOZIE wrote on 1/17/09 ( this has been transferred from the duplicate thread)
Free astrology software:

A couple of sites they recomened:
Beginner's Astrology

Horoscopes and Astrology by Astrodienst:

Horary Astrology:

Skyscript: Horay Astrology Pages:
KC found her pot of gold in others pockets.
Hi FifthEssence,

Here's another for that list. I've got this
How to Interpret a Horoscope
that my friend Greg wrote, with sections on Signs, Planets, Houses and Aspects. It's a pretty good little primer.

Can our experts PM me with links or other contact info to reputable horary chart interpreters, please? I have googled, but don't want to get involved in a scam. I am NOT looking for a personal reading from any of all...whatsoever. I'm genuinely only looking for a referral or two. If you don't know anyone to refer me to, maybe you know of a reputable organization I can contact to begin the process of finding a reader? Thanks in advance.
Can our experts PM me with links or other contact info to reputable horary chart interpreters, please? I have googled, but don't want to get involved in a scam. I am NOT looking for a personal reading from any of all...whatsoever. I'm genuinely only looking for a referral or two. If you don't know anyone to refer me to, maybe you know of a reputable organization I can contact to begin the process of finding a reader? Thanks in advance.

You might head over to The American Federation of Astrologers. Many resources are provided including links to professional associates of the organization.
Hi Tea,

I totally agree with you!!! Martha's Mechanics of the Future: Asteroids sits on my computer desk for easy access. I refer to her often. She is absolutely brilliant!

Thanks for calling her work to our attention.

Hi Soulscape!

Mechanics is probably my favorite book to use. I guess it's because with the asteroids you have maybe a few keywords and phrases, whereas with the planets you have hundreds.

Found the links & some of the posts that I use for reference! I hope this helps some that may have missed these from Thread#1-#7! I will be going through all of the astro threads to add any helpful info here! A special Thank You to housemouse for the tips & I hope you don't mind I carried them over to here.:blowkiss:

Fifth I hope you don't mind I post this here! The books to order from this link you already added my post to the astro LIBRARY thread for me! Which I think I forgot to thank you for! Better late then never Thank you Fifth!

Beginner's Astrology
The astrological glyphs or symbols tell a story all their own, one worth hearing. Let&#8217;s take the time to go through some of the main symbols and make brief comments.
Symbols and Glyphs:
The Planets
Incleded in the link....Astrology Symbols: The Signs
Thank You housemouse for the link that led me to these links!

Message posted from housemouse: Perhaps a "legend" would be helpful to those of you who are not familiar with the "shorthand symbols" astrologers use.
Link to single post:

Found some other helpful post from housemouse!

Amateur Astrological Info on Casey and Caylee Thread #1
<snipped but with respect to housemouse>
In the event some of you are curious about the keywords I use in trying to figure out "forensic" charts, here they are. Please, if you are looking at your own natal charts, do not apply these to yourselves, for these are only used in charts like Casey's, when there is a crime, or a missing person.

Sun: men, authority figures, self, day of the event.
Moon: Female emotions, family
Mercury: the mind, communication, thief, children, neighborhood
Venus: women, attraction/lust, money,
Mars: anger, cruelty, fighting, violence, sex, brutal attacks
Jupiter: increases, excess, male figures
Saturn: isolation, separation, restriction, control, loss
Uranus: sudden, unusual, strange, explosion, accident, extraordinary
Neptune: mysteries, missing individuals, drugs, alcohol, drowning, suicide, water, chemicals/drugs
Pluto: murder, abduction, death, rape, abuse of power, ruthless use of force

Link to single post from housemouse:

More info on Mars:
Also associated with the police, military, anger, violence, cruelty, murder, fighting, sharp objects like knives and scalpels, surgeons, perjury, projectiles, rage, tattoos, temper, and sudden deaths.

Sun and Mercury opposing Neptune. Mercury inconjunct Uranus
Reinforces the Neptune issues.
the above also reflects the mystery of her unknown father, and the possible lying about the same. Also unusual sudden events

Mercury and Saturn squaring Mars while Venus and Pluto both sesquiquadrate Mars, Venus squares Pluto. Moon inconjunct Mars
This is a horrible set of aspects.
suffering, separation caused by disputes, arguments, by force.
brutal and coarse expression of feeling, hastiness, premature action.

Now, the above words come straight from Ebertin's Combination of Stellar Inluences.

In the event some of you are curious about the keywords housemouse uses in trying to figure out "forensic" charts, here they are. Please, if you are looking at your own natal charts, do not apply these to yourselves, for these are only used in charts like Casey's, when there is a crime, or a missing person.
Sun: men, authority figures, self, day of the event.
Moon: Female emotions, family
Mercury: the mind, communication, thief, children, neighborhood
Venus: women, attraction/lust, money,
Mars: anger, cruelty, fighting, violence, sex, brutal attacks
Jupiter: increases, excess, male figures
Saturn: isolation, separation, restriction, control, loss
Uranus: sudden, unusual, strange, explosion, accident, extraordinary
Neptune: mysteries, missing individuals, drugs, alcohol, drowning, suicide, water, chemicals/drugs
Pluto: murder, abduction, death, rape, abuse of power, ruthless use of force

Link to single posts from housemouse:

housemouse's Photobucket To Her Charts:

An Astrological Profile for Caylee:
The Natal Promise For Caylee:

Aries Point (0 degrees Aries in the horoscope or zodiac circle, the beginning) for Casey:

This post is for those of you just beginning to learn more about astrology:

Explanation of how midpoints work from housemouse:
Midpoints just give additional information about how the planets "interact" with one another. The way they are calculated is to find the midpoint between two planets.
An example of midpoints:

Midpoints that are interesting:
Saturn = Sun/Uranus
sudden separation, sudden loss, separation from another carried out in haste
Pluto = Sun/Moon
critical phases in life, separation from others
Uranus = Ascendant/Midheaven,
sudden experiences, quick determination, spoiling of one's plans
Uranus = Mars/ Saturn
sudden accident, separation, case of death

A post from Soulscape explaining different techniques of astrology:

Here is an excellent collection of articles by astrologer Hank Friedman that can help you get started:
A Tutorial in Western Astrology

Io Edition: State-of-the-Art charting for your Macintosh:

Recomended Books for new astrologers:
The Twelve Houses by Howard Sasportas
Rulers of the Horoscope by Alan Oken

Financial Astrology Merriman Market Analyst
FYI: For those interested in learning or improving your understanding of astrology, please note that a fantastic conference in Astrology is going to take place August 19-24, 2009, at the luxurious Oakbrook Hills Marriot Resort, just outside of Chicago (not far from O&#8217;Hare Airport). This will be the ISAR (International Society for Astrological Research) 2009 conference, featuring over 80 professional astrologers from all over the world.,-2008/
And, in case any of you need a "heads up" about the years ahead, please know that Pluto is moving into Capricorn.
So, what does that mean? Read this, download it, and ponder it. The world we think we know is going to change. Smart people pay attention, and adjust their sails accordingly

Thank You housemouse & everyone else with so many posts of tips, references to books, software, and so much more..... for all of us wanting to learn astrology!
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