DA's objectivity

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Jun 28, 2006
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Folks, lately I've been hammering the fact that the previous DA's judgment is not to be trusted, but I haven't really gotten anywhere. Finally, I realized the only recourse left to me was to lay it out in black and white. This should, ideally, serve as a reminder for newbies and veterans alike.

Here we go. Listening to some, you'd get the idea that the DA's office has been a paragon of objectivity and legal restraint. Well, I guess it's best to make up your own minds. I quote from chapter seven in the book:

The McReynolds's were cleared early on by the police, but the DA's office was convinced he was their best bet. Mary Lacy had wanted to go after "Santa" Bill McReynolds from day one. She was biased in the favor of the Ramseys because of their status. She has so much as said so. Lacy is known as a radical feminist who lets her belief in women's innocence cloud her reason.

Before anyone accuses me of making that up, that bit of information comes from Boulder news columnist Frank Coffman, who worked for Lacy's campaign in 2000 until he realized just what kind of person she was. According to his conversations with her, she felt from the beginning that because PR did not fit the "profile" of a killer mom, she couldn't be it.

It got WORSE from there:

According to Coffman, she actually chastised Tom Haney for being too tough on Patsy during the '98 interviews. WHAT?! Number one, Haney was using by-the-book techniques. Two, if you look at the tape, he's being perfectly calm! No threats, no intimidation. He's very calmly giving her a chance to explain the evidence. Patsy is the one cursing and jumping around and acting like she's got a scorpion in her panties! What was LACY watching?! Tom Haney is one of the finest homicide detectives in the entire Rocky Mountain area, if not the country. His record speaks for itself. And here's this assistant DA, who at that time I don't think had ever tried a murder case in her entire career, and to my knowledge still hasn't, telling him he was too tough for using absolutely STANDARD interrogation techniques that the greenest rookie on the beat would know! Haney's general feeling was, "who the h*** does she think SHE is?"

As Det. Thomas wrote in his book, later on, she had the unmitigated gall to tell the cops that because they were men, they couldn't understand a woman's mindset. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! That may or may not be true, but it's a hell of a way to decide guilt or innocence!

Her major contribution to the case came after Patsy Ramsey's funeral, which she attended, in a shocking display of unprofessionalism. In August of 2006, Mary Lacy announced that the killer of JonBenet had been found. His name was John Mark Karr. By the time he was back in the US, his relatives had established he was nowhere near Boulder, his story had collapsed, and Mary Lacy was on the defensive. She shouldn't have been, because this should not have happened. Her conduct violated the most basic elements of procedure that a first-year law student would know. It was clear to many that she was a pro-Ramsey partisan and was trying to give them a gift. There should have been a recall election. She should have been forced to resign. The case should have been taken over by capable professionals. But none of that happened, because after ten years nobody cared. Journalist Jeff Shapiro writes, "It's no secret that in 1997, when Lacy was a sex-assault prosecutor under then-DA Alex Hunter, she was furious when he did not appoint her to work on the case. Because Hunter and the police shied away from the intruder theory, many law enforcement officials often wonder if Lacy's attempts to prove them wrong are driven more by her personal feelings than by the actual pursuit of justice."

Skipping over how she wound up with the case, which deserves a thread in its own right, once she had it, she made absolutely no attempt to even contact any of the original investigators, she brought in a whole new team consisting of people totally loyal to her point of view, including private investigators paid by the Ramseys, not to find the killer, but, as John admitted in his court deposition, to build a defense and keep him and Patsy out of jail. Alex Hunter was a lousy DA, but at least he'd hear all sides. Lacy refuses to even talk to people who think the Ramseys might have been involved. That kind of "investigation" may fly in places like the Soviet Union or Zimbabwe or North Korea, but this is America, and we're supposed to be better than that. Mary Lacy reminds me of that line from Paul Simon's song "The Boxer," the one about how the man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest. Former Grand Jury prosecutor Michael Kane has publicly questioned Lacy's knowledge of the case, saying that he isn't sure she's even read the case file.

THIS is why I keep reminding people not to take the clearing of the Rs at face value.

If ANYONE would like to try and defend this, be my guest.
Hadn't come across her comments about the police not understanding the female mindset. It is possibly the most absurd statement to be made in the history of criminal justice. If she says that, she simply has to admit the corollary - that women don't understand men and once she admits that, she has to question her approach to JMK and her clearing John.
Before we go any further (and there are some specific folks I'm waiting on), let me make one thing very clear: everything I said in those excerpts has already been said by someone inside the case. Just wanted to get that right out there.
Hadn't come across her comments about the police not understanding the female mindset. It is possibly the most absurd statement to be made in the history of criminal justice. If she says that, she simply has to admit the corollary - that women don't understand men and once she admits that, she has to question her approach to JMK and her clearing John.

Mary Lacy knew the evidence........some of those comments from the insiders were made by the all male chauvinistic police. Steve Thomas had definite bias against southern women and hatred of the DA's office. The police were embarrassed early on in the media, and that's when they started circling the wagons--I don't think it mattered that they were on the wrong track. They wanted to justify why they screwed up---and accuse the Ramsey's of fooling them. The police had baggage with the DA's office. Frank Coffman (aka masked man) swung both ways on Ramsey guilt.

After all the injustices done to the Ramseys by the BPD, Mary Lacy's statement was the right thing to do. It put it on the record where the DA's office stood and why.
As to Karr, Mary Lacy had no choice to pursue him. There were emails between Karr and Tracey. He had international attention. If he would have killed a child, Lacy would have been criticized for taking no action. They needed to get him back in the US and figure out what the guy was all about.
Mary Lacy knew the evidence........some of those comments from the insiders were made by the all male chauvinistic police. Steve Thomas had definite bias against southern women and hatred of the DA's office. The police were embarrassed early on in the media, and that's when they started circling the wagons--I don't think it mattered that they were on the wrong track. They wanted to justify why they screwed up---and accuse the Ramsey's of fooling them. The police had baggage with the DA's office. Frank Coffman (aka masked man) swung both ways on Ramsey guilt.

After all the injustices done to the Ramseys by the BPD, Mary Lacy's statement was the right thing to do. It put it on the record where the DA's office stood and why.

:confused::waitasec: @ underlined
As to Karr, Mary Lacy had no choice to pursue him. There were emails between Karr and Tracey. He had international attention. If he would have killed a child, Lacy would have been criticized for taking no action. They needed to get him back in the US and figure out what the guy was all about.

No ,what she needed was an intruder,didn;t matter who it was she pointed the finger at and if his dna would match or not. IMO
And IMO she had LOTS of choices.But she used JMK just like Tracey did.
Uh, earth to "Maikai" (???): the Boulder police are not now and were not then "all male chauvinistic police"--did you get your womens' studies degree in 1974?
Detective Linda Anrdt was a rape victim specialist. She was most certainly NOT anti-women. If anything, she viewed PR as a victim also, turning her suspicions to JR from the start.

ST has NO bias against women, Southern or otherwise.
He DOES, however, have bias against Southern women who kill their children and make it look like someone else murdered her.
I believe Thomas is from Tx himself..on what basis do you claim he has bias against southern women??Is it based on the fact the evidence led to Patsy and he made no bones about it,and Patsy was from the south??
Mary Lacy knew the evidence

Yeah, right, I'm sure.

some of those comments from the insiders were made by the all male chauvinistic police.

That stuff is totally wasted on me.

Steve Thomas had definite bias against southern women

So is that.

and hatred of the DA's office.

Can't think why!

The police were embarrassed early on in the media, and that's when they started circling the wagons--I don't think it mattered that they were on the wrong track. They wanted to justify why they screwed up---and accuse the Ramsey's of fooling them.

You're wasting my time with that.

The police had baggage with the DA's office. Frank Coffman (aka masked man) swung both ways on Ramsey guilt.

Yes, I know. But he wasn't addressing their guilt. He was addressing Lacy's unprofessionalism.

After all the injustices done to the Ramseys by the BPD,

That's a laugh. Injustices, my eye. JB is the one who was done dirt. SHE's the one I care about.

Mary Lacy's statement was the right thing to do. It put it on the record where the DA's office stood and why.

We know why. That's one reason why I decided to write the book in the first place.
I believe Thomas is from Tx himself..on what basis do you claim he has bias against southern women??Is it based on the fact the evidence led to Patsy and he made no bones about it,and Patsy was from the south??

Arkansas, actually.
Awesome thread guy's :clap:

As a newbie I get so lost in all the players and names and what their status/role was in the investigation was and SD's crib notes is absolutely FANTASTIC!!!!! :blowkiss: May I please request a new one of those everyday :crazy:.

Please forgive me this is such a newbie question and thank you in advance for your time and patience with me,

Why do you guy's say that JMK was a gift form Lacy to JR????

I cannot remember how I first heard about JMK I know that I saw a press conference here given by the DA but had the story already broke before that? Was the DA basically getting the Jump on Tracy before he broke the story?

Again sorry for the newb ????
That's a laugh. Injustices, my eye. JB is the one who was done dirt. SHE's the one I care about.

I think that this statement is one of the most profound one's I have seen in a long time. Speaks volumes in so few words!!!! BRAVO SIR :clap:
Awesome thread guy's :clap:

As a newbie I get so lost in all the players and names and what their status/role was in the investigation was and SD's crib notes is absolutely FANTASTIC!!!!! :blowkiss: May I please request a new one of those everyday :crazy:.

Please forgive me this is such a newbie question and thank you in advance for your time and patience with me,

Why do you guy's say that JMK was a gift form Lacy to JR????

I cannot remember how I first heard about JMK I know that I saw a press conference here given by the DA but had the story already broke before that? Was the DA basically getting the Jump on Tracy before he broke the story?

Again sorry for the newb ????

The reason JMK was a gift from Lacy to JR was this:

Lacy swore to publicly exonerate the Ramseys before she left office.
Lacy, despite admitting she NEVER saw all the evidence in the case against the Rs, was convinced of their innocence simply because she felt people like them wouldn't do this. That is one of the biggest flaws a prosecutor can possess. ANY person can be viewed as being capable of committing ANY crime, especially when they were present at the time it was committed.

Now along comes JMK- a known pedophile with a love/sex/fantasy for JBR. Not only that, JMK makes his sicko fantasies PUBLIC by putting them in writing. AND "confessing" to this crime so that he will be linked forever to JB and her murder in the public mind.
This was Christmas in Boulder for Lacy, Smit, and the RST.
They pounced on him like a starving dog in a butcher shop.
But there was NO physical evidence linking him to the crime, the body, the house, or to Boulder on the date of the crime.
That is why it was a gift. Lacy needed a perp. She didn't like the choices she had. So now she had a perp who WANTED the job. But, like all make-believe, this one fell apart under scrutiny. NOTHING linked JMK to the crime at all except in his sick mind.
Thank You DeeDee :blowkiss: your answer makes me feel a little sick to my stomach, and has left me in shock and frankly speechless :eek:.
Thank You DeeDee :blowkiss: your answer makes me feel a little sick to my stomach, and has left me in shock and frankly speechless :eek:.

This whole crime leaves us sick to our stomachs and speechless. Shock? Nothing shocks me. Wealthy powerful people buy their way out of crimes all the time. DAs, LE, judges and medical examiners can be threatened or bought. (I am not making any specific accusations in this case, merely stating generalities).

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