Found Deceased TX - Leanne Bearden, 33, Garden Ridge, 17 Jan 2014 #11

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FWIW the reward has been offered for a while.

On my personal FB page, on Feb 5 (date-stamped by FB) I shared it to alert those I know in that Austin-SA area to be on the lookout for her. It was full reward:

"We are offering a reward for information that helps us find Leanne. $10,000 reward for information that discloses exact location of Leanne. No further details need be given. Additional $10,000 for information that leads to the safe return of Leanne. If you have seen Leanne or have any pertinent inf..."
I'm a long-time larger/follower and this is my first post. Please bear with me.
I haven't read all the posts but have been thinking about the "thoroughness" of the search and two recent cases come to mind. I'm unsure of the names...though I am sure that other sleuthers can remember names,

The first case was the young lady in Sacramento who left a mental health facility on a lunch break (she was not an inpatient but was apparently attending daytime therapy sessions. This poor young girl was in the midst of some type off mental break - her first, and there was obviously concern about her safety and suicidality. There were searches with both dogs and search teams in a pretty clearly specified area, yet she was not found in those searches. It was several weeks later when the family was searching and her mother found the body - she had hanged herself. This was in Sacramento during the summer, with extreme temperatures and she was not found initially.

The second one that comes to mind was in Hawaii where a toung woman was found murdered and her boyfriend was missing, They were unsure if the BF was involved or if he was a victim, so searches were done. The BF was found many months later hanging in a tree near the site where his GF was found. He had left a suicide note admitting that he killed the GF, I'm sure they used dogs in the search and searched thoroughly, yet the body was not found unti someone stumbled across it many months later. These were both extremely warm and humid locations.

Sometimes it seems that something is so well hidden in the trees, the wind is blowing in the wrong direction, etc. We are all human and human/canine errors happen. So, I guess I'm just thinking that sometimes circumstances cause everything to not work out perfectly.

Of course, I admit that sometimes it is ALL human error/laziness, etc. (Lynne S Anderson comes to mind), so I guess we just hope the circumstances, etc. all come together and searches do work the way that they are supposed to!
Please excuse any typos. I'm on my I Pad and hating it,
I'm a long-time larger/follower and this is my first post. Please bear with me.
I haven't read all the posts but have been thinking about the "thoroughness" of the search and two recent cases come to mind. I'm unsure of the names...

RSBM. (Respectfully snipped by me)


Great 1st post!
RSBM. (Respectfully snipped by me)


Great 1st post!

I second that. Very good examples and so true. :seeya:

P.S. Typing on the iPad does get better. It drove me crazy for a long time. I found that it works better just typing with two fingers than all ten. :)
I've thought about this a while, even before L's suicide. I can't help but wonder about L's beautiful clothing and scarfs on her travels. I realize she purchased them cheaply, discarding items along the way, and she had a wonderful sense of dress, but having traveled/backpacked like this, I immediately wondered why she didn't just stay with a few items of clothing from home, which is what most backpackers do. Was L in her own way feeling insecure and trying to draw attention to herself?

I'm not a psychiatrist, and perhaps I am reaching, but I find it ironic that when she left the final day, L was wearing only a T-shirt, jeans, and hiking shoes - not at all the stylist look she presented while traveling.
Ultimately, who knows the details that led to this end. Even the family will be asking questions that they can never know. But in trying to make some sense of the senseless, each of us has to come to our own sense of it all, so here's what I have decided happened, for my own understanding, and I share it in case something in here might help someone else.

HER LEADUP TO THIS - I recognize that untreated bi-polar issues, drugs for the trip, clinical depression, psychotic episode, are all possible as lethal explanations, but the thing that speaks to me the most is the timing of the event.

I do think one factor was the natural emotional roller-coaster, the low lows that we get in our life after experiencing the high highs. We miss the high, and then we can't get it back.

And I also think she had been feeling lost as happens when we undergo MAJOR change in our life. The "live life on the road" life had ended, and she was in essence starting a new life, and I am guessing she felt trapped as she was being herded in that direction. Not comfortable, not at "home" with her life, a sense she was losing control and the road ahead was impossibly long.

In those contexts, in a tragic way, I see that afternoon as having been a crossroads for her, in her mind. That's because her in-laws were coming home in a few hours, having been gone a week, and then JB and LB were headed to Denver to restart life as they had left it. I don't think those looming "life deadlines" were coincidental to all of this, and in fact I think they were a huge part of the perhaps impulsive and very tragic choice.

THE DAY OF THE TRAGEDY - I think she left her front door with her mind troubled, but I don't believe she set out to do herself in. JMO That's because I believe that all the people, and the dogs, that said she went out to 3009 were not wrong. I think she took that walk before deciding to go another direction in her life.

Here's the route I think she took: goes down Teakwood and to 3009, as TT observes, and turns south. Gets down to the Trophy Oaks entrance, the area where the man reading the newspaper saw her. The dogs track her that far as well, before they were told to stop. She continues down 3009, then turns right (W) on Gloxinia (which would explain why she was not spotted at the busy intersection with light at 2252 and 3009), and gradually makes her way N on Sorrell to the W end of Sumac, in essence a big loop. [click for map] Arriving at Sumac and Sorrell, on far end of street from TT if that TT crew was still working, she went unseen.

There are other loops she could have taken after going that far down 3009, or side streets she could have walked down and back in the neighborhood, but this is the basic route that makes sense to me and fits the best.

I think as she walked, she pondered things and her frustration was building. The shortest version of that loop is about 2 miles long, so she could have gotten to Sumac and Sorrell after perhaps 35-45 minutes, returning home just like she had said when she left. Perhaps the walk was brisk, or perhaps she dawdled, looking and pondering.

And I think when she got to that corner, for whatever reason, she decided that she wasn't going back. At least not yet. Maybe she still had 20 or more minutes left, of her hour, and decided to walk and think some more. Or maybe she decided then and there she wasn't going back, I dunno. So for whatever reason at that moment, she didn't turn down Sumac, kept going straight, eventually walking around Fairview Circle until she spied a quiet hidden place where she could slip in and be unseen and undisturbed to think further, or whatever.

Did she keep going farther and farther back from the house (with a lot that big, she might have been able to be as far as perhaps 1000 feet back) through the thickness and then climb up in a big leafy oak or evergreen to think? Did she perhaps sit there, up in a tree with no one likely to come by, and write a note? Or ponder? Or did she select that spot to immediately end things? We'll never know, I suspect.

POSTSCRIPT - This tragedy is disturbing on so many levels, such a needless loss of life. Life is not always easy, but I am reminded that peace in troubling times "that surpasses all understanding" comes from the Prince of Peace, and I have to look to God to make sense of it all, to walk past this "shadow of death" that He promises He can lead us through. Even if I don't understand, I trust Him.
I hope this gets looked at. But I wonder if she wouldn't already have started experiencing these symptoms earlier on their trip. How could she have kept up that pace and published their blog while feeling depressed, etc?

JMO, but maybe the high of travel kept things balanced for a while. Constant external stimulation, only focused on what's around the next corner. Each day and week has its own set of goals - travel to here, cross the border, find food (which counts as a great accomplishment in some places), etc, so you're constantly accruing "quick wins" - contrast that to a normal work week when the number of times you actually do everything you tasked for yourself is probably very small, and the rewards for that are miniscule to none.

As far as the malaria medication goes, I only know first hand what my doctor told me, which made it sound as if you wouldn't ease in to depression, but you'd pretty much get to a very bad place very quickly. To me that doesn't sound like something that would happen 2 years later. But, you know, JMO. It might.

In the same statement, they said they were uncertain about her physical or mental health. So it did sound like maybe they felt something was wrong.

You know I always took that statement to mean "Since normal-Leanne would never walk away from her life without contacting family - but it appears this actually might have happened - then the only explanation that reconciles these two things is that she's not normal-Leanne, and therefore she must be experiencing something significant mentally/emotionally." -- that's kind of how I interpreted that statement against the backdrop of friends and family sharing Leanne stories that show their image of her as a positive, upbeat, strong, funny, completely attached to friends/family sort of woman. IF she did walk away, it MUST be because she's not herself, and therefore vulnerable.

And in a way that was what happened.
first post here (be gentle):

did anyone else notice in the article linked below that the homeowner called LE the day after the $20,000 reward was posted? Coincidence?

Leave no stone unturned:

Deepest sorrow on the loss of a beautiful spirit. Deepest respects to those who will miss her the rest of their lives.

If the reward offer had people go out and search (though I'm not sure that's what happened in this case) then I'm glad it did, because that's what the reward is meant for and in fact she was found. I donated as hefty a contribution as I could to their reward fund and I'd be beyond satisfied if the reward helped keep people aware enough of the ongoing search to look. I'd call that a huge success.

I've thought about this a while, even before L's suicide. I can't help but wonder about L's beautiful clothing and scarfs on her travels. I realize she purchased them cheaply, discarding items along the way, and she had a wonderful sense of dress, but having traveled/backpacked like this, I immediately wondered why she didn't just stay with a few items of clothing from home, which is what most backpackers do. Was L in her own way feeling insecure and trying to draw attention to herself?

I'm not a psychiatrist, and perhaps I am reaching, but I find it ironic that when she left the final day, L was wearing only a T-shirt, jeans, and hiking shoes - not at all the stylist look she presented while traveling.

I backpacked for a year(ish) and I think the only things I returned home with that I started out with were a pair of jeans I never wore again and a sundress that held up particularly well. And a pair of boots. Hand/bucket washing tore all my t-shirts apart after 6 months or so, as they had to be in the rotation constantly and washed constantly.

It's not expensive in most places to buy replacement clothes and it helps you to fit in more, wearing whatever colors and styles people wear there. Where I was, women wore skirts and dresses more and that's what was on offer in the market to buy. It made for great souvenirs to bring home, and it was fun to wear and made sense in a practical way (sorry, TMI: skirts work better with squat toilets - 'nuff said). But back home in new england I wouldn't have fit in wearing harem pants and bright skirts.
I'm a long-time larger/follower and this is my first post. Please bear with me.
I haven't read all the posts but have been thinking about the "thoroughness" of the search and two recent cases come to mind. I'm unsure of the names...though I am sure that other sleuthers can remember names,

The first case was the young lady in Sacramento who left a mental health facility on a lunch break (she was not an inpatient but was apparently attending daytime therapy sessions. This poor young girl was in the midst of some type off mental break - her first, and there was obviously concern about her safety and suicidality. There were searches with both dogs and search teams in a pretty clearly specified area, yet she was not found in those searches. It was several weeks later when the family was searching and her mother found the body - she had hanged herself. This was in Sacramento during the summer, with extreme temperatures and she was not found initially.

The second one that comes to mind was in Hawaii where a toung woman was found murdered and her boyfriend was missing, They were unsure if the BF was involved or if he was a victim, so searches were done. The BF was found many months later hanging in a tree near the site where his GF was found. He had left a suicide note admitting that he killed the GF, I'm sure they used dogs in the search and searched thoroughly, yet the body was not found unti someone stumbled across it many months later. These were both extremely warm and humid locations.

Sometimes it seems that something is so well hidden in the trees, the wind is blowing in the wrong direction, etc. We are all human and human/canine errors happen. So, I guess I'm just thinking that sometimes circumstances cause everything to not work out perfectly.

Of course, I admit that sometimes it is ALL human error/laziness, etc. (Lynne S Anderson comes to mind), so I guess we just hope the circumstances, etc. all come together and searches do work the way that they are supposed to!
Please excuse any typos. I'm on my I Pad and hating it,

Linnea Lomax:

The second case is Brittany-Jane Royal:

murdered by Boaz Johnson:
My condolences to all the family, friends and WSers who care so deeply.

There are so many questions to which we will never have answers. I thought it was interesting that LB and JB seemed to be always together in GR. He said she never went for a walk like that alone before; they would go on long walks together or go to the gym. After 22 months of total togetherness on the road, and almost another month of togetherness back in the states, they were about to end that togetherness.

Like they had a deal to do the two year travel thing and then they were coming home. And she did all the things she was supposed to - he cut her hair, she cut her hair - they started looking for jobs. She had that banner on her fb page and an interview scheduled.

This is in the 2012-12-30 blog post: "We always say, 'Do what makes you happy.' For us, traveling the world makes us happy. "

They looked like best pals and they had a plan to roam for a couple years and then return to Denver. But maybe what made her happy now was the same thing that made her happy at the end of 2012. But it wasn't traveling the world by herself it was with him. So she was giving it her best shot but, as someone said already, faced with having to tell someone "Yes, I want your job" made her think there was no more chance at her version of happiness. That dream was over and she may come to feel she couldn't go forward with the plan anymore.

I will be interested to see if she took the malaria medication with the bad side effects although I don't know if we will ever find that out.

If she killed herself, and I must believe LE knows what they are doing, I think it is somewhat comforting (to me, at least), that she took his backpack with her - to have some part of him and their trip with her at the end.
That's beautifully said. Your very touching post made me choke up
I really can imagine that Leanne may not have been happy with the prospect of "settling down" after their exciting world travels. I do wonder if she voiced her concerns to Josh and/or her family.

Then again, reading about the side-effects of the drugs she may have taken for their seems quite possible there was a connection to her decision to end her life.

What a tragic situation. I can only hope Leanne will RIP and my heart goes out to those left behind.

In an earlier post I threw out " could she have picked up some bug during her travels"? It never entered my mind that maybe it was something she took to prevent a bug. It may not have contributed to her death, but why didn't I ( we ) think of this?
About the malaria drug:

Mefloquine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Neuropsychiatric effects are reported with mefloquine use.[2] The FDA product guide states it can cause mental health problems, including anxiety, hallucinations, depression, unusual behavior, and suicidal ideations, among others.[7] Some have reported severe central nervous system events requiring hospitalization in about one in 10,000 people taking mefloquine for malaria prevention, with milder events (e.g., dizziness, headache, insomnia, and vivid dreams) in up to 25%.[8] When some measure of subjective severity is applied to the rating of adverse events, about 11-17% of travelers are incapacitated to some degree.[4]

In July 2013, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a boxed warning regarding neurologic and psychiatric side effects.[9]

Neurologic side effects of mefloquine can include dizziness, loss of balance, ringing in the ears, convulsions, and insomnia.[10] These effects can occur at any time during drug use, and can last for months to years after the drug is stopped or can be permanent.[9]

Psychiatric side effects can include anxiety, feelings of mistrust towards others (paranoia), seeing or hearing things that are not there (hallucinations), depression, restlessness, confusion, and behavior that is unusual.[10] These psychiatric problems may last for years after the patient stops taking the drug.[1] Mefloquine has been found to act as an agonist at 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptors, which are the targets of psychedelic drugs such as LSD, and it has been suggested this may be partly responsible for the neuropsychiatric side effects.[11]
we don't know why the homeowner picked Feb 13 to "search". We don't even know the reason he went to the back part of his property and whether it constituted a search.

Some are perhaps assuming he went to search.

if I have learned anything on this site, it's not to assume.

I understand that, per the first article I linked, the cause of death is suicide, manner is asphyxiation, pending toxicology reports. It is unclear to me, as of this hour 1 am ET, if those reports are complete.

I would expect they can determine if this was an unassisted suicide, or an involuntary hanging. In either case I can accept their findings and my wholehearted sympathy for the family remains. It is, either way, a hard hard thing to bear.

Of course I'm assuming. But yesterday was the first day that it really started to warm up here and in SA. THAT maybe why they were out and about. Just a theory of course.

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The homeowner did not speak on camera, but in this video the reporter talks about what the owner told him about the discovery. He reports that the owner said they did not receive the reverse 911 phone call. This week he decided to inspect a stand of bamboo he had not looked at for a few years, according to the reporter.

I live on about 2-1/2 wooded acres with rhododendrons and bamboo, and have not been to the back area of our property forever. Snakes in the summer, bears and coyotes in most of the remaining months. But sometimes we do take a look after heavy rains, a snowstorm, etc. Or just to be sure all is well.

Did she go straight there, or did she first contemplate leaving, and then go back to the area close to her in-laws' home after making a decision? I ask myself if she assumed it wouldn't take long to be found if she were nearby, or if that didn't play into the decision. No matter what, it does seem that the dogs should have picked up her scent.

Such a sad ending. Like others, I hoped she had left, but as time went by that scenario became more and more unlikely. It does seem that LE and the family were not shocked by this outcome. The reasons for her decision? None of our business.

Just so very sad.
I've thought about this a while, even before L's suicide. I can't help but wonder about L's beautiful clothing and scarfs on her travels. I realize she purchased them cheaply, discarding items along the way, and she had a wonderful sense of dress, but having traveled/backpacked like this, I immediately wondered why she didn't just stay with a few items of clothing from home, which is what most backpackers do. Was L in her own way feeling insecure and trying to draw attention to herself?

I'm not a psychiatrist, and perhaps I am reaching, but I find it ironic that when she left the final day, L was wearing only a T-shirt, jeans, and hiking shoes - not at all the stylist look she presented while traveling.

Regarding her clothing, in the blog it states that their clothes became tattered and worn on their travel. The way she did it was go to second hand stores and find items she liked, and replace the old ones with those.

I can imagine washing clothes by hand in some of the dirtiest water around can and will wear the fibers. Not to mention being stuffed in bags and taken in and out constantly.

There were many pictures from their blog where she is just wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I don't find that strange at all.

I personally didn't see her "fashion" on the road as a way to draw attention, but that's just me. I actually thought it was a smart idea. And it probably did make her feel somewhat whole, or home?? Maybe I'm not using the right words...

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Such sad news. I was intending to catch up on this case over the weekend. Regrettably, I have not had the chance. RIP.

Based on the tidbits I read, my initial thoughts were possible foul play. But now, that apparent suicide is reported. Unfortunately, I can see the travel blog serving as a "suicide note":

A "good bye loved ones" docu-blog left to her friends and family,

A diary of her "having the time of her life!",

A "life couldn't get better than this!" blog, if you will.

The travel blog documents great memories for her husband. Many of their adventure pictures (mountain biking) show courage, determination and triumph which they accomplished together. They trekked around the world...from one corner to another as companions. I envy this!

If Leanne purposefully planned to leave this earthly world, then in hindsight many photos make sense to me.

I don't know who or what prompted this trip around the world.
I don't know who planned or timed the events.

But, sharing in the day of the dead celebration strikes a chord with me. That culture views death and transition very differently than here in the US. IMO, that view can be comforting when mourning a loss. I've have leaned on that experience myself in times of grief. Perhaps, that experience was intended to serve as a remembrance for her dear husband to recall. Most especially in his times of despair and grief?

"Sweetheart, remember Día de Muertos. It applies here". Most likely she shared her ideologies and philosophies on life and living with him. There may be little messages left throughout the entire record.

From my perspective, she looked vibrant and happy. If she did take her own life, perhaps she felt the blog would be comforting to those who knew her best.

That being said....

The Leanne in those travel photos and the Leanne with the fresh hair cut look like two entirely different people-inside and out. IMO. Most especially in the eyes coupled with the haircut which is often symbolic. The change I feel in her eyes begrudgingly allow my heart to accept suicide, as a possibility.

Please know my words are based on my own feelings and thoughts in reaction to Leanne's recovery. No disrespect is intended to her nor her family.

Prayers go up for Leanne and all who loved her.
It's possible there was a drug contribution, but mefloquine isn't the only malaria drug, and most people don't take t after reading about the side effects.

I do know, however, two people very closely who suffered severe mental health issues due to mefloquine.
About the malaria drug:

Mefloquine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Neuropsychiatric effects are reported with mefloquine use.[2] The FDA product guide states it can cause mental health problems, including anxiety, hallucinations, depression, unusual behavior, and suicidal ideations, among others.[7] Some have reported severe central nervous system events requiring hospitalization in about one in 10,000 people taking mefloquine for malaria prevention, with milder events (e.g., dizziness, headache, insomnia, and vivid dreams) in up to 25%.[8] When some measure of subjective severity is applied to the rating of adverse events, about 11-17% of travelers are incapacitated to some degree.[4]

In July 2013, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a boxed warning regarding neurologic and psychiatric side effects.[9]

Neurologic side effects of mefloquine can include dizziness, loss of balance, ringing in the ears, convulsions, and insomnia.[10] These effects can occur at any time during drug use, and can last for months to years after the drug is stopped or can be permanent.[9]

Psychiatric side effects can include anxiety, feelings of mistrust towards others (paranoia), seeing or hearing things that are not there (hallucinations), depression, restlessness, confusion, and behavior that is unusual.[10] These psychiatric problems may last for years after the patient stops taking the drug.[1] Mefloquine has been found to act as an agonist at 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptors, which are the targets of psychedelic drugs such as LSD, and it has been suggested this may be partly responsible for the neuropsychiatric side effects.[11]

Interesting! I wasn't aware of that at all. I now feel really weird for having taken it so long, though again I ran into so many people who chose that particular drug because it was convenient & deemed most effective in the region we were in, and I didn't know of any who personally experienced more than just a few vivid dreams. Reading the potential side effects suddenly makes it seem much more of a gamble. But that's probably true of reading the potential side effects of a lot of things I use (aspartame comes to mind...)
The 'Friends of' Facebook page seems to have been removed, unless it's just my system.

I understand why they would feel that's the best decision now that the search has come to an end. There's no need for friends and family to monitor and deal with hateful comments.

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