Geraldo At Large - 08.23.08

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I understand your point.
I just feel they're not being completely open, nor do I fell they have to be.
There is a lot they know we won't be privy to until the time comes.

I also don't think the dogs made a mistake, or that the law enforcement officer was willing to purger himself in court to say he smelled decomp.

but hey, thats just me...
Isn't debate wonderful?

Yes it is.

I don't think he perjured himself, I think he was wrong. He gave his professional opinion and it needs to be backed up with solid evidence.
what I know...she played with LE folk, no?

I did too at younger age. I lived shortly with a LE dude, but when I became a states witness, he ran. Quit his job.

I showed them where guns were, in a creek. Rusted.

This I know as fact, it's crazy and my life at one point was this---crazy!

This fella took me for a ride (policeofficer) and shot off his gun willy-nilly and scared me to no end.

State took me (Texas Rangers) they didn't care about any stolen chit.
Yes it is.

I don't think he perjured himself, I think he was wrong. He gave his professional opinion and it needs to be backed up with solid evidence.

You're right. Wonder how long before we know FOR SURE what's what in this crazy case?
Didn't Padillo mention names? Amy, Tony and a few others and then say they had 5 days to bring her back? It all happened so fast, I was shocked as well as the other people on the show, evidently, did you see Greraldo's ouzzled look right before it went off?

What an incredible show it was and yes, Leonard did start spouting off names of people who were around casey during the "critical pings".....he named Ricardo, Amy, Chatt, Anthony and I forget the last one. I'm sure all these people are thrilled that he appeared to implicate them.

This may be the reason Geraldo ended the show so abrubtly.

I too was amazed at how fast Kim and Jeanine flipped on their opinions. This case is unlike any I have ever posted on, everyday something strange.

Stay tuned!!
Okay, I just watched this on YouTube (thank you to whomever is putting it up!!!) and did anyone else catch this???

Did JB ACTUALLY have the nerve to say that, unlike LE, they weren't going to take a passive stance on the investigation and wait for tips to come in, that they were going to be actively looking for Caylee? Did he ACTUALLY have the nerve to say, "We aren't going to wait a month before we follow up on a tip." ???

Is he high? I cannot believe he would use the words "We aren't going to wait a month..." with this client. Why not just take out an ad reminding the jury pool of why we think she's guilty???

What a moron.
Okay, I just watched this on YouTube (thank you to whomever is putting it up!!!) and did anyone else catch this???

Did JB ACTUALLY have the nerve to say that, unlike LE, they weren't going to take a passive stance on the investigation and wait for tips to come in, that they were going to be actively looking for Caylee? Did he ACTUALLY have the nerve to say, "We aren't going to wait a month before we follow up on a tip." ???

Is he high? I cannot believe he would use the words "We aren't going to wait a month..." with this client. Why not just take out an ad reminding the jury pool of why we think she's guilty???

What a moron.

Yes, JB did say this. It's completely unreal, shifting blame on LE meanwhile look at his client. This is getting sicker by the moment.

Also, why did the woman change their opinions so fast? That was weird too. I could be looking too far into it who knows.

I sure don't think it was very smart of JB to use "a month" when he was talking about how long LE waited to follow up leads. Geez, who waited a month to report...oh, whatever. This defense attorney is a pretty dim bulb.
I was agreeing with you angelmom...
Padilla is saying Casey knows who she VOLUNTARILY passed Caylee off to and that these people aren't holding Caylee against Casey's will. He's giving Casey 5 days to tell who these people are or he (Padilla) is going to do his own investigation to find Caylee.

I think that's what I heard - Geraldo kept interrupting him.


IMO Casey is telling yet more bogus lies and stories to Baez,somehow LP got wind, and this is in order to keep everyone's faith in her family wise etc. God only knows what kinds of yarns that she is spinning!

Eventually they will all catch on and face reality. IMO sooner rather than later. I also think thst LE is up to something, maybe even attempting to earn Casy/Baez trust?

We shall see. LP< Baez, Cindy, George, Lee and of course CASEY all anger the bejeezes out of me. Pointing fingers at LE! Arggghhhhhhhh, interfering with LE/FBI investigation into Caylee's disappearance & investigation into by running there own which of course is only to attempt to make up/further a Casey defense strategy! :(
UNREAL.... and then said they were going to pursue the lead without the resources that LE has.... WHY not give the info to LE????
I sure don't think it was very smart of JB to use "a month" when he was talking about how long LE waited to follow up leads. Geez, who waited a month to report...oh, whatever. This defense attorney is a pretty dim bulb.

I actually think he gave away the farm with that comment. He is telling us that when LE announces new info or a new witness, and I do believe there is new momemtum we will see this week, that is what he is speaking in reference too. I will be anxious to see when her charges are upgraded and he asks for change of venue and gag order, what the judge's decision will be.. I used to think it would be automatic for change of venue, 50/50
on the gag if the state fights it.. Given the amount of publicity the defense; et al, has actively generated and participated in, I no longer think it will be that easy. And frankly, he is going to need that, badly.
What's interesting about the decomp smell is that no one thought much of it the first 24-48 hours. It was reported in the 911 call but not thoroughly investigated. I just can't quite figure that out.
Even in the bond hearing the officer reported that they checked out all casey's stories and then he remembered someone saying something about a smell in the car. THEN he checked it out. IIRC,he asked George if he could take the car and George said yes.
So what I don't understand is why this decomp smell was not immediately investigated?

I have to remind everyone that the unfortunate truth is police investigations do not go the way they look on TV programs. My mother-in-law was murdered 4 years ago. The police bungled the investigation like you wouldn't believe. It took them days or weeks to get around to investigating, impounding, confinscating really important evidence, even though this things were being pointed out to them. Often times said evidence had already been destroyed or contaminated by the time they got to it. I've often thought what a shame it is that more homicide investigators are not women. Love men, but lets face it, they think very differently than women and can be really dense. anyone that lives with one knows!!! The only reason we found my mother-in-laws body after we had sent male police to the home with NO RESULTS, we finally got hold of a female officer who "got it", went back to the home and found her body hidden. So not surprising to me that these guys forgot to look at the car for a couple of days.
Going by to the the NEW YORK comment made by LP does anyone remember the guy who came to visit Casey in jail ...well he made a comment about I think his name was Mike and on Casey's my space page Mike had gone to New York we had a discussion about this on a much earlier thread ...does LP think Caylee is in NY?????
Going by to the the NEW YORK comment made by LP does anyone remember the guy who came to visit Casey in jail ...well he made a comment about I think his name was Mike and on Casey's my space page Mike had gone to New York we had a discussion about this on a much earlier thread ...does LP think Caylee is in NY?????
Frank B.
I never heard LP mention New York when he was cut off my Geraldo. It sounded more like the tale end of "ward" and in reward.

Looked at Geraldo's show again as I taped it and even put the closed caption on and LP said" five days to bring her back and claim the reward."
Ok i'm going to go back and listen again but it sounded like New York to me ...but i could be wrong
I went back and listened he says New York can listen for yourself around 7:34 minutes into the tape..if you can get thru it...must be a lot of people viewing the video it is real slow
Sleuthmommy is transcribing the interview over on the general thread...she is doing it bit by bit.
From a BLOG this morning. NEWS NETWORK

Posted on August 24th, 2008
by Simon Barrett in Op-ed
Read 207 times.

The story surrounding the missing three year old Caylee Anthony gets more confusing by the minute. I know that the convoluted and knotted tale will eventually unfold. And I for one am still willing to bet a buck that Casey knows way more than she is fessing up to.

While the Anthony family are putting up a solid wall of silence and stupidity, there are aspects that can be deduced from what they do and don’t, do and say.

Few people work for free, so lets examine the possible motives and reasons why these seemingly unconnected people have a connection.

Lets start with Geraldo Rivera, he is a well known, though slightly soiled TV figure. Could this case be his big come back? After all Fox News seem to be the only folks that have been inside Leonard Padilla’s ‘High Tech’ RV that is parked outside the senior Anthony’s house. Oh, and apparently Padilla’s idea of high tech is a Taser (standard Dog Chapman stuff), a Laptop computer, and a printer! This is not high tech in my opinion. Geraldo himself has a pretty checkered background, he oscillates from popular to unknown faster than a Motel 6 vibrating bed. He went from hot to zero with an Iraq story that threatened troop safety.

Geraldo didn’t want to sling burgers at the local fast food outlet so he reinvented himself on Fox.

It is interesting that Fox News seem to have dropped the Caylee story like a hot brick, my cynical nature screams, exclusive! I mentioned in an earlier article that Padilla had to have an angle, but I could not see National Geographic being the likely customer. Bounty Hunters work for money, not largess. Right now he, and his money men have $500k wrapped up in the bond to spring Casey, plus they their ‘High Tech’ RV and who knows how many people all ensconced in Florida. This costs money. I’ll bet the Starbucks bill alone would make us mere mortals weep. If Padilla was to score a marketing deal with a perfume manufacturer I have no doubt that they would call it ‘Sleaze.’

That brings us to Jose Baez. Who is he? What can he bring to the table? When it comes to law suits Jose seems to like the ‘bottom feeding’ fish. His resume is splendid. A short excerpt reveals all:

Baez represented Kissimmee Mayor George Gant at trial in 2007.

Gant got booted from office and was forced to resign as a doctor when two patients accused him of touching them in a sexual way during gynecology exams.
The prosecution’s main witness refused to testify against Gant and the former mayor was cleared of sex charges.
One has to wonder why the main witness refused to testify?

I would say something acerbic about Casey, but it has all been said before. Her and her family represent all that is wrong with todays society. At best, she is the worlds worst mother, who else would wait 30 days to report that her then 2 year old daughter was missing? My wife would report me missing if I went o the bar for a couple of hours!

Her actions since being bailed out by Padilla are telling. She wanted a hot shower and a Pizza. My wife summed it up nicely, “if it was my child I would not being calling Dominoes, and it would not matter about the hot shower, I’d be searching for my child”.

My take on this nonsense is that someone is set to make money at the cost of a young life.

If indeed it is Fox that is bankrolling this story, they need to really rethink their news policy.

Maybe Casey did not kill her young daughter Caylee, but she is certainly still guilty of extreme stupidity. I have yet so hear Casey say that she would be willing to take a polygraph.

Simon Barrett

From a BLOG this morning. NEWS NETWORK

Posted on August 24th, 2008
by Simon Barrett in Op-ed
Read 207 times.

The story surrounding the missing three year old Caylee Anthony gets more confusing by the minute. I know that the convoluted and knotted tale will eventually unfold. And I for one am still willing to bet a buck that Casey knows way more than she is fessing up to.

While the Anthony family are putting up a solid wall of silence and stupidity, there are aspects that can be deduced from what they do and don’t, do and say.

Few people work for free, so lets examine the possible motives and reasons why these seemingly unconnected people have a connection.

Lets start with Geraldo Rivera, he is a well known, though slightly soiled TV figure. Could this case be his big come back? After all Fox News seem to be the only folks that have been inside Leonard Padilla’s ‘High Tech’ RV that is parked outside the senior Anthony’s house. Oh, and apparently Padilla’s idea of high tech is a Taser (standard Dog Chapman stuff), a Laptop computer, and a printer! This is not high tech in my opinion. Geraldo himself has a pretty checkered background, he oscillates from popular to unknown faster than a Motel 6 vibrating bed. He went from hot to zero with an Iraq story that threatened troop safety.

Geraldo didn’t want to sling burgers at the local fast food outlet so he reinvented himself on Fox.

It is interesting that Fox News seem to have dropped the Caylee story like a hot brick, my cynical nature screams, exclusive! I mentioned in an earlier article that Padilla had to have an angle, but I could not see National Geographic being the likely customer. Bounty Hunters work for money, not largess. Right now he, and his money men have $500k wrapped up in the bond to spring Casey, plus they their ‘High Tech’ RV and who knows how many people all ensconced in Florida. This costs money. I’ll bet the Starbucks bill alone would make us mere mortals weep. If Padilla was to score a marketing deal with a perfume manufacturer I have no doubt that they would call it ‘Sleaze.’

That brings us to Jose Baez. Who is he? What can he bring to the table? When it comes to law suits Jose seems to like the ‘bottom feeding’ fish. His resume is splendid. A short excerpt reveals all:

Baez represented Kissimmee Mayor George Gant at trial in 2007.

Gant got booted from office and was forced to resign as a doctor when two patients accused him of touching them in a sexual way during gynecology exams.
The prosecution’s main witness refused to testify against Gant and the former mayor was cleared of sex charges.
One has to wonder why the main witness refused to testify?

I would say something acerbic about Casey, but it has all been said before. Her and her family represent all that is wrong with todays society. At best, she is the worlds worst mother, who else would wait 30 days to report that her then 2 year old daughter was missing? My wife would report me missing if I went o the bar for a couple of hours!

Her actions since being bailed out by Padilla are telling. She wanted a hot shower and a Pizza. My wife summed it up nicely, “if it was my child I would not being calling Dominoes, and it would not matter about the hot shower, I’d be searching for my child”.

My take on this nonsense is that someone is set to make money at the cost of a young life.

If indeed it is Fox that is bankrolling this story, they need to really rethink their news policy.

Maybe Casey did not kill her young daughter Caylee, but she is certainly still guilty of extreme stupidity. I have yet so hear Casey say that she would be willing to take a polygraph.

Simon Barrett


Stupidity and selfishness, yes! Murder, I think not!
I am sticking to my belief that there is a strong connection between Casey, Caylee, Amy, Chatt and Puerto Rico. I'll change that when I see it differently.

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