Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes Are Divorcing

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Wow. Was there a murder investigation? I mean, clearly someone can't shoot themselves three times in the chest before shooting themselves in the head! And has anyone brought Shelly Miscavige's disappearance to the
authorities' attention?

i dont think this has been linked yet...but here it is the whole thing...pretty interesting....

FB looking for her

Do a "find" for "shelly" on this page and look at the comments about her

guess this blogger has been blogging about this for awhile....

sounds like the church of celebrity is going to do a ton of damage control.....
Well if this is accurate reporting the shizz is going to HIT the fan.

she's playing hard b-a-l-l. Dang.

The 33-year-old actress' - who began divorce proceedings against estranged husband Tom Cruise last week - requested an 'emergent application' in New York City court yesterday (03.07.12) to determine immediate custody and child support issues over the couple's six-year-old daughter, Suri.

Happy Birthday Tom. yikes.
Well if this is accurate reporting the shizz is going to HIT the fan.

she's playing hard b-a-l-l. Dang.

Happy Birthday Tom. yikes.

i have not been in a child custody can someone who is in the know explain what an "emergent application" is....and does that mean she fears her daughter is in danger?

i guess i could google it all, but i like hearing members thoughts...

ETA....i posted that ^^ before fully reading article.

'It's unlikely for a celebrity to file an emergency hearing, because most celebrities settle out of court because they don't want the media involved in their case. Katie and Tom are now going to have an open court room, which means that anyone can walk in and see what's happening. Plus, they are putting their case in the hands of a judge who is going to determine what happens next. Most public figures don't want that - it's a last resort. It's super-aggressive for Katie to have taken these steps. It suggests that there's going to be a contentious divorce battle to come.'

alright who is up for a trip to NY to sit in on that open court? lol
In one of the previously linked videos there is a woman (ex-scientologist) that has information on Tom. It seems that Tom wanted to sign onto the SeaOrg himself however since he has a history of drug use he was not qualified to do so. Of course the "church" and people speaking on Tom's behalf deny this. Now, if Tom really had the desire to be a part of SeaOrg and sign the billion year contract himself is it really a stretch to see him pushing Suri to join SeaOrg?

I hope that Katie has kept notes on things that she and Tom have done all in the name of Scientology over the years. I hope that she has proof such as e-mails or any type of corospondence (sp?) dealing with the "church". Hopefully between her divorce lawyer and her father they are making sure that Katie is well prepared to fight not only Tom but also the "church".
I'm almost expecting to wake up to some headlines

"Katie commits suicide"

Her death would probably solve a lot of problems for a lot of powerful people, right about now.

No wonder she's been looking so deathly ill - she's probably finally realising what she's up against.
i have not been in a child custody can someone who is in the know explain what an "emergent application" is....and does that mean she fears her daughter is in danger?

i guess i could google it all, but i like hearing members thoughts...

ETA....i posted that ^^ before fully reading article.

alright who is up for a trip to NY to sit in on that open court? lol

haha you made me giggle! :D
Ot,but didn't Presilla & lisa Presley leave scienlogy a long time ago? Did they ever mention anything? Do these people sell their souls for fame? What is in it for them to belong? Wierd.

As of May 2012 Lisa Marie is rumored to have left the church. Priscilla is apparently still a member though. So how would that work for them? Since Lisa Marie left can Priscilla have contact with her or not?

Per Scientology it's "up to the remaining family members to decide for themselves." However, a bunch of Scientology guys show up with the remaining Scientologists when they "freely tell" their SP's that they don't want to see them again. One member had her daughter tell her over the phone she didn't want to see her mom because she'd left the church. She did this while in tears.

Kinda OT, but not really. David Micavige (sp?) wife Shelly has not been seen since her father's funeral in 07. That's a big problem.

But more of a problem is the reported suicide of Micavige's MIL, who was apparently quite determined to complete the act of killing herself...shooting herself three times in the chest, and then, because that didn't seem to do it, shooting herself in the head.

And yet apparently there were 5 casings found at the scene...but only 4 shots to her body (claimed by her own hand).

So, the head of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, has lost his MIL to suicide, and then just lost his wife to...what?

This is stuff worth digging farther into, I think. If my MIL shot herself 4 times with a rifle, and then later my husband disappeared as well...seems to me that I'd be looked at pretty fast and hard (and rightly so).

I'm wondering...wondering...wondering. I will look around later and see if I can't find a coroner's report, or some other information on "Flo Barnett" or "Flo Barrett" (variant spellings) and her death...seems to just be kind of strange.

Like I said, OT, but not really.

Herding Cats

That's what worries me. IMO, Miscavige is a pyschopath.

Psychopathy (/saɪˈkɒpəθi/[1][2] from the Ancient Greek ψυχή "psyche", -soul, mind and πάθος, "pathos" -suffering, disease, condition[3][4]) is a personality disorder that has been variously described as characterized by shallow emotions (in particular reduced fear), stress tolerance, lacking empathy, coldheartedness, lacking guilt, egocentricity, superficial charm, manipulativeness, irresponsibility, nonplanfulness, impulsivity, and antisocial behaviors such as parasitic lifestyle and criminality. There is no consensus about the symptom criteria and there are ongoing debates regarding issues such as essential features, causes, and the possibility of treatment.[5]...

[ame=""]Psychopathy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

It seems that as a psychopath's narcissism is rewarded more and more. They become bolder. It appears that Miscavige has gotten away with, most likely IMO, ordering minions to kill his MIL and make his wife disappear. Up til now it seems that he has suffered no consequences from his actions. Because of that I can see him getting bolder and bolder.

I could easily see a video made of Suri saying that she doesn't want to see her mother anymore because she beats her, starves her and any other bad parenting they can make up. Then put her on a Seaorg boat and sent off.

I have no problem that TC could believe that the horrible Seaorg conditions are there to help people start to "clear" themselves and that stiff punishments are necessary. IMO, he could easily see this as being a good father to her.

The church is very good at muddying the waters for court cases. In France 3 years of documents from a Scientology lawsuit, that hurt Scientology, "disappeared", but were found again by the judge when the plaintiffs lawyers started applying pressure. The judge said she dropped the case because she'd received letters from the plaintiffs saying they no longer wished to sue the church. All of the plaintiffs deny ever having written such letters. Also interesting is that none of the documents favorable to Scientology were ever lost.

Katies attempts to get her daughter back could face years and years of litigation and by the time she gets to see Suri, the kid will tell everyone what she's been brainwashed to say. Katie will also have everything negative that she said during auditing sessions made public and depending on what they are, used against her in a child custody battle.

If anyone was listening to Websleuths Radio a few weeks ago. I asked a question of a guest about psychopathy. She said they did an experiment where people were told to walk through a maze and they punished them for making the wrong decisions. Then they ran it with giving rewards for the right answer only. Psychopaths in the test weren't bothered by the punishments, but really perked up when a reward was offered.

To sum up. If the cops can prove that his MIL was murdered they will be going up against a solid wall of people who don't talk to wogs (a wog is a non Scientologist) and have been trained on how to lie in court. JMO

Any attempts to infiltrate the church will be met with stone walling and lies. There will be several witness' for Scientology that are all trained to give the same info. Witness' on the other side will be intimidated into not cooperating. This will be made much easier if they have family members still in the cult.

All just my own opinion.
Well if this is accurate reporting the shizz is going to HIT the fan.

she's playing hard b-a-l-l. Dang.

Happy Birthday Tom. yikes.

Since it appears that the case is going to be tried in NYS I hope Katie pulls a Tony Soprano. In one episode of the Sopranos Tony and Carmella are talking about having a divorce. Tony goes to every high profile divorce attorney in the area and just discusses his case a little with them. This blocked Carmella from hiring any of them because they had already discussed the case with Tony.

I'm almost expecting to wake up to some headlines

"Katie commits suicide"

Her death would probably solve a lot of problems for a lot of powerful people, right about now.

No wonder she's been looking so deathly ill - she's probably finally realising what she's up against.


This would probably be in the article; Ms. Holmes, who was trying to divorce Mr. Cruise was found dead in her apartment of 24 self inflicted axe wounds to her skull.

The other option is to just make her disappear. Getting anyone in Scientology to talk about it would be akin to attempting to move the Great Wall of China with a toothpick. JMO
Well if this is accurate reporting the shizz is going to HIT the fan.

she's playing hard b-a-l-l. Dang.

Happy Birthday Tom. yikes.

i have not been in a child custody can someone who is in the know explain what an "emergent application" is....and does that mean she fears her daughter is in danger?

i guess i could google it all, but i like hearing members thoughts...

ETA....i posted that ^^ before fully reading article.

alright who is up for a trip to NY to sit in on that open court? lol

If true, here's what it means: It means that immediate court orders as to child custody and support are necessary to avoid detriment to the child and that some sort of imminent harm will occur without them. It means that the parent filing alleges that waiting for a regular, noticed hearing, which usually occurs no less than 30 days after the other parent is served with the declarations and paperwork stating what the filing spouse wants and why, would be detrimental to the child.

In CA, child support cannot be determined via an emergency hearing. Not sure about NY. Child custody orders can be and are in both states.

I agree with the article that it indicates the filing party feels there will be no settlement but I disagree that it means there can be no settlement, That's just false. The parties can have their lawyers negotiate or they can talk and settle, at any stage of the litigation.

It is also not true that this has to occur in open court. Many high profile people petition for sealed proceedings and win the right to such when minor children are involved.

I could easily see a video made of Suri saying that she doesn't want to see her mother anymore because she beats her, starves her and any other bad parenting they can make up.Then put her on a Seaorg boat and sent off.
I have no problem that TC could believe that the horrible Seaorg conditions are there to help people start to "clear" themselves and that stiff punishments are necessary. IMO, he could easily see this as being a good father to her.

The church is very good at muddying the waters for court cases. In France 3 years of documents from a Scientology lawsuit, that hurt Scientology, "disappeared", but were found again by the judge when the plaintiffs lawyers started applying pressure. The judge said she dropped the case because she'd received letters from the plaintiffs saying they no longer wished to sue the church. All of the plaintiffs deny ever having written such letters. Also interesting is that none of the documents favorable to Scientology were ever lost.

Katies attempts to get her daughter back could face years and years of litigation and by the time she gets to see Suri, the kid will tell everyone what she's been brainwashed to say. Katie will also have everything negative that she said during auditing sessions made public and depending on what they are, used against her in a child custody battle.

All just my own opinion.

Respectfully snipped for space and BBM. As a family law attorney I can tell you that the bolded parts will not occur.

No family court judge is going to allow one parent to ship off their child and then be tied up in litigation for years before seeing their child. It just will not happen.

First of all, you can't take your kid out of the jurisdiction without a court order, during the pendency of a court case. Second, interim court orders as to child custody are issued quickly in dissolution cases and unless absolute proof of abuse can be shown, each parent will get consistent and regularly occurring time with their child.

A tape of Suri saying how horrid her mom is would not be enough to prove any abuse on the part of the mother. To most family court judges, it would prove alienation on the part of the father and his rights would likely be curtailed.

Katie could ask the court to disregard reports on confidential auditing sessions or any other church info, and the court would definitely be inclined to grant such a request as such are considered privileged, religious confessions.

Further, even if the court did, for some reason, get wind of things Katie has divulged privately, (which happens every day in child custody cases as spouses turn on each other), unless those confessions were very recent and include confessions about drug abuse, child abuse, alcohol abuse, threats to harm herself or her child or violence against her husband, they will be highly unlikely to preclude child custody at this time.

Finally, even if the court found merit in bizarre allegations on the part of TC, Katie would not go months or years tied up in litigation before seeing her kid. She would have, at a very minimum, supervised visits on a regular basis. And there is no way in he!! that the court would grant a request that a 6 year old child in the middle of a custody battle, be put on a boat for months or years or even weeks. It is just not going to happen.

The only custody cases that involve a scenario remotely close to what you you are describing are those involving international child abduction cases like Sean Goldmans', in nations that are paying lip service to the Hague Convention.

For the reasons I listed previously, TC is not going to abduct Suri.

I can only give you my professional opinion based on my experience as a family law attorney. You can choose to trust me, or not.

Katie is going to be granted custody of Suri. TC will be granted joint custody or very, very liberal visitation rights.

It is unlikely that any significant restrictions on Suri's ability to participate in church activities will be ordered, unless Katie can prove harm has already been occurring as a result of such activities, though she may be able to try in the future if she can laetr prove such harm is occurring.

If Katie does not fight hard enough and long enough or if she lacks the resources to continue on, there is a good chance that TC could slowly alienate Suri over time from her mother and cause her to want to spend less time with her mother and more with the church and TC. Court orders will prevent even an alienated Suri from joining Sea Org. until she is 18 or emancipates, but in a few years, she could be sufficiently alienated that we see an Alec Baldwin type situation where Suri refuses to see much of her mother and the courts indulge her wishes via matching court orders.

Katie then would need to mount a huge attack against Scientology and it's affects and prove harm to her daughter and her relationship with her has been occurring as a result of the church.

This will be very costly and very hard to do and if Suri is sufficiently alienated, she still may fail at primary custody or much visitation because the court can deem it to be too much of a risk of further detriment to an alienated child to force contact.

But remember this, if Katie lacks the funds to pay for this level of litigation, while TC does, he will have to contribute to her fees. :twocents:
When the news first broke, the media reported that TC's and NK's children address NK, as "N" and call KH, Mom.

This is so absurd and is so disrepectful to N. So what will these children call K now?

Your mom is your mom, regardless of whom your parents are married to.

I can only imagine whose idea this was.

Since it appears that the case is going to be tried in NYS I hope Katie pulls a Tony Soprano. In one episode of the Sopranos Tony and Carmella are talking about having a divorce. Tony goes to every high profile divorce attorney in the area and just discusses his case a little with them. This blocked Carmella from hiring any of them because they had already discussed the case with Tony.


This would probably be in the article; Ms. Holmes, who was trying to divorce Mr. Cruise was found dead in her apartment of 24 self inflicted axe wounds to her skull.

The other option is to just make her disappear. Getting anyone in Scientology to talk about it would be akin to attempting to move the Great Wall of China with a toothpick. JMO

No kidding. $cieno$ are a super skeery bunch. People seem to end up real bad dead when they cross them. :(
Since it appears that the case is going to be tried in NYS I hope Katie pulls a Tony Soprano. In one episode of the Sopranos Tony and Carmella are talking about having a divorce. Tony goes to every high profile divorce attorney in the area and just discusses his case a little with them. This blocked Carmella from hiring any of them because they had already discussed the case with Tony. Totally smart idea!!!


This would probably be in the article; Ms. Holmes, who was trying to divorce Mr. Cruise was found dead in her apartment of 24 self inflicted axe wounds to her skull. LOL!!

The other option is to just make her disappear. Getting anyone in Scientology to talk about it would be akin to attempting to move the Great Wall of China with a toothpick. JMO

My comments in purple.
That's right. But I addressed why such a thing would be highly unlikely to happen. How do you feel about my rationale? Do you think there would be no worldwide outcry? No super-intensive investigation? No onslaught of publicity so fatal to the group that it would lead to the loss of billions in revenue from people leaving the group and people failing to join?

Right now, besides high-profile celeb involvement, Scientology is not that well known to many and thus, when approached about it, millions are still likely to be open-minded and take the personality test or try auditing as a means of trying something new to fix whatever problems they have.

Katie Holmes having an "accident" would surely prevent many of those people from ever giving this org a chance.

Again, this is, primarily, a money-making business. They make critical decisions based on the economic benefit to the org, IMO. What's your opinion about that? Do you agree? Disagree?

I do agree, gitana - and I hope we're right!

It is also because of this I believe TC will be strongly encouraged to get this matter settled as quickly and quietly as possible. Just consider how much we've learned about scientology in the few short days since news of the divorce hit the media. The "church" doesn't want this kind of scrutiny.

You gotta wonder, with Tom facing divorce #3, does it occur to him that perhaps this "religion" isn't really working for him?
If true, here's what it means: It means that immediate court orders as to child custody and support are necessary to avoid detriment to the child and that some sort of imminent harm will occur without them. It means that the parent filing alleges that waiting for a regular, noticed hearing, which usually occurs no less than 30 days after the other parent is served with the declarations and paperwork stating what the filing spouse wants and why, would be detrimental to the child.

In CA, child support cannot be determined via an emergency hearing. Not sure about NY. Child custody orders can be and are in both states.

I agree with the article that it indicates the filing party feels there will be no settlement but I disagree that it means there can be no settlement, That's just false. The parties can have their lawyers negotiate or they can talk and settle, at any stage of the litigation.

It is also not true that this has to occur in open court. Many high profile people petition for sealed proceedings and win the right to such when minor children are involved.



thanks much for your insight....see, much better than the ol' google!
If true, here's what it means: It means that immediate court orders as to child custody and support are necessary to avoid detriment to the child and that some sort of imminent harm will occur without them. It means that the parent filing alleges that waiting for a regular, noticed hearing, which usually occurs no less than 30 days after the other parent is served with the declarations and paperwork stating what the filing spouse wants and why, would be detrimental to the child.

In CA, child support cannot be determined via an emergency hearing. Not sure about NY. Child custody orders can be and are in both states.

I agree with the article that it indicates the filing party feels there will be no settlement but I disagree that it means there can be no settlement, That's just false. The parties can have their lawyers negotiate or they can talk and settle, at any stage of the litigation.

It is also not true that this has to occur in open court. Many high profile people petition for sealed proceedings and win the right to such when minor children are involved.

Respectfully snipped for space and BBM. As a family law attorney I can tell you that the bolded parts will not occur.

No family court judge is going to allow one parent to ship off their child and then be tied up in litigation for years before seeing their child. It just will not happen.

First of all, you can't take your kid out of the jurisdiction without a court order, during the pendency of a court case. Second, interim court orders as to child custody are issued quickly in dissolution cases and unless absolute proof of abuse can be shown, each parent will get consistent and regularly occurring time with their child.

A tape of Suri saying how horrid her mom is would not be enough to prove any abuse on the part of the mother. To most family court judges, it would prove alienation on the part of the father and his rights would likely be curtailed.

Katie could ask the court to disregard reports on confidential auditing sessions or any other church info, and the court would definitely be inclined to grant such a request as such are considered privileged, religious confessions.

Further, even if the court did, for some reason, get wind of things Katie has divulged privately, (which happens every day in child custody cases as spouses turn on each other), unless those confessions were very recent and include confessions about drug abuse, child abuse, alcohol abuse, threats to harm herself or her child or violence against her husband, they will be highly unlikely to preclude child custody at this time.

Finally, even if the court found merit in bizarre allegations on the part of TC, Katie would not go months or years tied up in litigation before seeing her kid. She would have, at a very minimum, supervised visits on a regular basis. And there is no way in he!! that the court would grant a request that a 6 year old child in the middle of a custody battle, be put on a boat for months or years or even weeks. It is just not going to happen.

The only custody cases that involve a scenario remotely close to what you you are describing are those involving international child abduction cases like Sean Goldmans', in nations that are paying lip service to the Hague Convention.

For the reasons I listed previously, TC is not going to abduct Suri.

I can only give you my professional opinion based on my experience as a family law attorney. You can choose to trust me, or not.

Katie is going to be granted custody of Suri. TC will be granted joint custody or very, very liberal visitation rights.

It is unlikely that any significant restrictions on Suri's ability to participate in church activities will be ordered, unless Katie can prove harm has already been occurring as a result of such activities, though she may be able to try in the future if she can laetr prove such harm is occurring.

If Katie does not fight hard enough and long enough or if she lacks the resources to continue on, there is a good chance that TC could slowly alienate Suri over time from her mother and cause her to want to spend less time with her mother and more with the church and TC. Court orders will prevent even an alienated Suri from joining Sea Org. until she is 18 or emancipates, but in a few years, she could be sufficiently alienated that we see an Alec Baldwin type situation where Suri refuses to see much of her mother and the courts indulge her wishes via matching court orders.

Katie then would need to mount a huge attack against Scientology and it's affects and prove harm to her daughter and her relationship with her has been occurring as a result of the church.

This will be very costly and very hard to do and if Suri is sufficiently alienated, she still may fail at primary custody or much visitation because the court can deem it to be too much of a risk of further detriment to an alienated child to force contact.

But remember this, if Katie lacks the funds to pay for this level of litigation, while TC does, he will have to contribute to her fees. :twocents:

You definitely know more about the law than I do and I respect your opinions on that. My point is that Scientologists don't obey the law. I'd imagine that right now Miscavige believes he's above the law due to his MIL's death and his wife's disappearance. LRH's son said that thing that makes Scientology different from other cults is that it claims to create Gods. If TC thinks he's a God, and that's not out of the question, then he probably believes he can get away with anything. I don't think Katie would be killed, but I don't doubt for one second that they could give a rat's :butthead: about the law. JMO
To add to my above post.

What would happen if during a trip to visit her father she was placed on a Seaorg ship and sailed away? With TC's wealth and power what do you believe would happen to him?

I'm not trying to be a wiseguy. I really want to know what consequences he would face.
To add to my above post.

What would happen if during a trip to visit her father she was placed on a Seaorg ship and sailed away? With TC's wealth and power what do you believe would happen to him?

I'm not trying to be a wiseguy. I really want to know what consequences he would face.

Contempt of court, kidnapping charges, jail time and the total loss of his career.

I have not known celebrity to affect how judges rule in family law cases in the last few decades. Judges in such cases know there is intense scrutiny and go by the book.

Also, the international uproar if the police failed to arrest, if the DA failed to indict, if the judge failed to hold TC in contempt or failed to sentence to jail or prison time if he kidnapped and held his world-famous child from her world-famous mother, would be deafening. No judge would ignore that. And I know you know that!

Celebrities who act out of order when it comes to their kids often lose rights. Did all of Britney Spears fame, money and power prevent a judge from awarding sole custody to her two-bit dancer ex husband? How about Charlie Sheen? Did all his money, fame and power prevent him from losing custody of his twin boys?

What about Alec Baldwin? Would you say he is more famous and more powerful than Kim Basinger? But he had his rights to his child severely curtailed after calling her a pig.

And Sharon Stone? Who was more famous, her or her newspaper exec husband? She lost custody to him. Most people probably can't even name him.

No, scientologists may be able to out litigate most people or organizations because they have more money. But TC will have to pay Katie's attorney's fees if she can't afford to keep up, because he earns more.

And scientology will not be a party to this case.

Finally, and once again, the incredible negative publicity that such a tactic would cause the church is something that, no matter how crazy, how psychopathic and evil they are, they would seek to prevent, due to the fact that it is a money-making organization and no scientology official is too crazy or fanatical to forget that or risk that.

Does that mean TC will be encouraged by the church to give Katie everything she wants? Maybe, but I doubt it. Instead, they would press for sealing of the case so more negative press doesn't come out. Also, TC seems way too fanatical to give up rights to indoctrinate his kid. He did it to the older two and he'll do it to this one if he can. He absolutely and fanatically believes in his cause. He will fight, but if he breaks the law while doing so, he will be prosecuted and if it is obvious that he did the crime, like kidnapping the child and refusing to return her, he will go to jail.
Contempt of court, kidnapping charges, jail time and the total loss of his career.

I have not known celebrity to affect who judges rule in family law cases in the last few decades. Judges in such cases know there is intense scrutiny and go by the book.

Also, the international uproar if the police failed to arrest, if the DA failed to indict, if the judge failed to hold TC in contempt or failed to sentence to jail or prison time if he kidnapped and held his world-famous child from her world-famous mother, would be deafening. No judge would ignore that. And I know you know that!

Celebrities who act out of order when it comes to their kids often lose rights. Did all of Britney Spears fame, money and power prevent a judge from awarding sole custody to her two-bit dancer ex husband? How about Charlie Sheen? Did all his money, fame and power prevent him from losing custody of his twin boys?

What about Alec Baldwin? Would you say he is more famous and more powerful than Kim Basinger? But he had his rights to his child severely curtailed after calling her a pig.

And Sharon Stone? Who was more famous, her or her newspaper exec husband? She lost custody to him. Most people probably can't even name him.

No, scientologists may be able to out litigate most people or organizations because they have more money. But TC will have to pay Katie's attorney's fees if she can't afford to keep up, because he earns more.

And scientology will not be a party to this case.

Finally, and once again, the incredible negative publicity that such a tactic would cause the church is something that, no matter how crazy, how psychopathic and evil they are, they would seek to prevent, due to the fact that it is a money-making organization and no scientology official is to crazy or fanatical to forget that or risk that.

Does that mean TC will be encouraged by the church to give Katie everything she wants? Maybe, but I doubt it. Instead, they would press for sealing of the case so more negative press doesn't come out. Also, TC seems way too fanatical to give up rights to indoctrinate his kid. He did it to the older two and he'll do it to this one if he can. He absolutely and fanatically believes in his cause. He will fight, but if he breaks the law while doing so, he will be prosecuted and if it is obvious that he did the crime, like kidnapping the child and refusing to return her, he will go to jail.

I agree with all of that, but how long could TC stall things? Kim Basinger was keeping her kid from talking to her father which is what triggered the infamous phone call. He was mad a Kim's manipulation of their daughter and she goaded him into getting exactly what she wanted. Something to use against him.

In the Scientologist videos it shows that Scientologists are trained on how to get someone's goat. (I don't think KB is a Scientologist) However, it seems they may be able to get to her. Maybe they're smart enough to keep everything above board, but I have doubts.

As one article writer linked in this thread suggested. TC should keep low and give Katie everything she wants because if Scientology becomes a key issue it will only hurt the church and TC.

I guess what I'm saying is that a totally sane human would behave the way you suggest. I feel TC is insane. JMO
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