George Makes Debut As Kidfinder's Spokesman

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I saw both the video of George at the Haleigh search site and his appearance on the Geraldo show last night, lawyered up with BC in tow. Both events were painful to watch. He reeks of insincerity. I hope that the media whirlwind is not about to start again. His reputation is too damaged for him to be presenting himself on any forum and as a spokesman for any cause, especially one involving the search for a missing child. He needs to get himself a little part time job, maybe as a used car salesman which he has experience in, stay out of the limelight and in his free time write letters to the demon in jail. I am sure she would love to hear from him. Yuk.
The main problem I have with this is Caylee was never missing! Someone in her family, her mother, killed her and dumped her.

I guess you could argue that Caylee was *missing* to George.
I really feel for George. Im sure he's trying to change the outcome of this, Meaning, his granddaughter never had anyone trying to find her because they didnt know she was missing at the time.
I just want to note that in regards to my previous post, that we are not always consciously aware of our emotional agendas, even those of us who know ourselves well. With someone like George, who does not seem to know himself well, and who also seems to be easily influenced in his thinking and actions, I think his emotional agendas are not in his consciousness.

With that in mind, I have no doubts that George feels he is doing the right thing by going to Haleigh's family, and I think he feels he is doing the right thing in the things he said in the referenced interview.

I just think, as I said, that he doesn't know himself well, and is easily influenced by others (in this case Milstead and Cindy).

I don't actually think very badly of George. Having poured over his LE and FBI interviews, as well as his other interviews, he has never struck me as a manipulative or self-seeking or nefarious person. Just a person not strong enough to 'do the right thing' for his granddaughter, because of the influence of people around him. He is not strong and sure of himself. He has convictions, but does not stick with them. Many people are like that. We are all like that, at times, to some extent. We are all human. I don't see it as bad, so much as that it 'just is'.

I think he went to Haleigh's family and spoke out with, *consciously*, good intentions.

None of that changes my concerns about him getting involved with families in these situations, and influencing them to act in a way that is not in the best interests of the child victim. My heart and conscience always leads me to think about the end result of these situations and how the child victim's best interests may or may not be served.

Getting involved with these families may be a help to George in his healing - but George is an adult, and can get help in his healing in many other ways that don't hold a risk to costing a child victim. His own granddaughter, Caylee, continues to not be well served by him, in that he doesn't seek to find out the truth of what happened to her in her murder, and to assist LE with doing the same. That can not be ignored when he goes to other families in these similar situations.

I wish George well. I wish him healing, peace of heart and mind, and that his suffering eases. I feel deeply for the man.

I apologise for my incessant rambling posts. I'm awfully tired these days.

BeanE, what a wonderful post! It neither whitewashes nor condemns George. I, too, think he means well, but I also think he has a weak character and poor judgment. Those two traits sabotage him at every turn, and they will also sabotage any future traumatized families who trust in his help.

I cannot, for the life of me, understand why GA doesn't realize that his poor public image will harm, not help, any victim's family who gets involved with him right now. And I also cannot, cannot fathom why he, a former police officer/detective, doesn't object to the criminal background and current accusations aimed at the unsavory founder of KFN (Sorry--can't remember the guy's name.)

What I am about to say contains no malice, but I've thought it often: If George hadn't qualified to be a police officer, I would truly believe he is simply a gullible man of below-average intelligence.
Snipped and bolded by me:

"They need to eat, they need to sleep, they need the community support. They do not need to be judged, they do not need to be scrutinized,..."

Re bold: And within 1 minute--with that 1 sentence, he managed to antagonize me. I instantly thought, "Why the h*ll do the As think they have the right to lecture others on how to think and behave?!"

Antagonizing people is not the sort of "help" Haleigh's poor family needs.
Does anyone find it odd that Geraldo asked G.A. if he regretted telling the truth to LE as it hurt his daughter by doing so. G.A. asked that his attorney answer the question. I am still not sure that G.A. has told the truth????? Why would G.A. not answer that question.
Does anyone find it odd that Geraldo asked G.A. if he regretted telling the truth to LE as it hurt his daughter by doing so. G.A. asked that his attorney answer the question. I am still not sure that G.A. has told the truth????? Why would G.A. not answer that question.

And George is being paid to be a spokesperson for missing children but he can't even answer a simple question regarding his OWN GRANDAUGHTER without having his lawyer take over.

GA - They need to eat, they need to sleep, they need the community support. They do not need to be judged, they do not need to be scrutinized, they need your help. The community needs to come together to help this family to bring this beautiful little girl home. I understand it. Some of you might not, but I understand it. So please help them.


How can GA, a former LEO, state in public that the family of a missing child does not need to be scrutinized ? IMO, GA should stay out of the public until after his daughter's conviction.
And George is being paid to be a spokesperson for missing children but he can't even answer a simple question regarding his OWN GRANDAUGHTER without having his lawyer take over.

I thought it was great when Kimberly Guilfoyle remarked that a huge difference is that these people (Haliegh's family) reported the child missing right away (not 31 days!) She wasn't tip-toeing around George's feelings. George's situation has no bearing and no resemblance to the Cumming's, and none of this is about "helping George to heal" FGS.
How can GA, a former LEO, state in public that the family of a missing child does not need to be scrutinized ? IMO, GA should stay out of the public until after his daughter's conviction.

This is my problem too. While someday, George's experiences, interests and his heart might lead him into service of missing children and their families, before that can happen in any effective way, he needs to deal with his own situation. He's still in the middle of stuff. He seems to want too come out too soon, too quickly after his own desperate hours, before the trial of his daughter who almost certainly murdered his grandaughter. He needs to get his own house in order and slog all the way thru his own mud before he wades into that of others. God bless him, but he needs to get his own situation finished and faced up to before he heads out to help. When the trial is over and Caylee's case resolved, he may very well have a LOT to offer various families involved in situations like his own, as well as others. Right now though, not so much, because he hasn't had enough time or space or resolution to process his own tragedy.
Caylee was NEVER missing. That's the real strange thing in this whole saga. He never had a granddaughter that was missing. The child was deceased all along.

Only because we didn't have the answers, she was 'missing'. But the REAL result is - none of the A's know anything about missing children. They never experienced a child that 'suddenly' without any answer -- went missing!!!

Goodness me oh my oh my. Where is his psychologist? THIS MAN is using 'diversion' as a way to remain 'stable' and 'healthy'. Isn't THAT a warning sign in itself that the world will again come crashing down on this man someday soon?

Great post, PattyCake. I agree!
I consider it sickening that George is using someone else's tragedy as therapy for himself. He needs to stay home and figure out how to push his daughter into telling the truth. And work with his lawyer on the testimony he will give in court. jmo
Does anyone find it odd that Geraldo asked G.A. if he regretted telling the truth to LE as it hurt his daughter by doing so. G.A. asked that his attorney answer the question. I am still not sure that G.A. has told the truth????? Why would G.A. not answer that question.

I thought the whole thing on Geraldo last night was odd. GA looked so out of place. When the bio mom starting crying and begging for her daughter to be brought back.....wonder how GA felt then....his daughter never did any of that. They never did any of this for Caylee. GA just doesn't need to be makes him look real bad...IMO
I thought it was great when Kimberly Guilfoyle remarked that a huge difference is that these people (Haliegh's family) reported the child missing right away (not 31 days!) She wasn't tip-toeing around George's feelings. George's situation has no bearing and no resemblance to the Cumming's, and none of this is about "helping George to heal" FGS.

I LOVE IT WHEN SHE IS ON.....she never plays around...always right to the point...I sure hope GA heard this loud and clear.
I really feel for George. Im sure he's trying to change the outcome of this, Meaning, his granddaughter never had anyone trying to find her because they didnt know she was missing at the time.

His grandaughter was DEAD at the time. George needs to go home, get a job, and leave people alone. Neither Geroge, nor the rest of the Anthonys have anything to offer anyone, in my opinion.
BeanE, what a wonderful post! It neither whitewashes nor condemns George. I, too, think he means well, but I also think he has a weak character and poor judgment. Those two traits sabotage him at every turn, and they will also sabotage any future traumatized families who trust in his help.

I cannot, for the life of me, understand why GA doesn't realize that his poor public image will harm, not help, any victim's family who gets involved with him right now. And I also cannot, cannot fathom why he, a former police officer/detective, doesn't object to the criminal background and current accusations aimed at the unsavory founder of KFN (Sorry--can't remember the guy's name.)

What I am about to say contains no malice, but I've thought it often: If George hadn't qualified to be a police officer, I would truly believe he is simply a gullible man of below-average intelligence.

I KNOW one "police officer" who appears to be borderline retarded. He got fired from his job (I was there when it happened) for throwing a pitch fork in a fit of anger. He married a woman, with kids, he met over the internet, and has cut all ties with his family who only meant him well. He got no recommendations from the job he was terminated from - yet, he managed to get on the force. GOD SAVE US ALL!

My opinion only
My husband was a police detective in a large city in Connecticut. LE gets a lot of respect and very often come under criticism. But for the most part police officers are in that profession because they want to be of service to people and they enjoy the excitement they often experience, some of it good...most not so good. My husband left after 10 years as he felt he had lost that edge needed to continue but he always would say, "You can take the man out of the cop, but you can't take the cop out of the man." George wants that recognition, wants to be respected because he has not had that in his life for a very long time given the information coming out of the household regarding how he has been treated by all of them. George is trying to juggle too much right now and is being driven by a very controlling force in that household. He stays with Kidfinders I think because they show him respect. Unless CA changes, he will never find his true self. What is really sad is how KC was "buttering him up" in that jailhouse video because she knows he will cooperate with LE because they showed him some of that respect in his interview. How sad because he can't see KC for what she is!!!
Lord only knows! Maybe ga drank the wrong kool-aid!

I keep wondering because Caylee wasn't abducted/kidnapped or even missing. IMO just what ga is doing there. IMO (again) he knows nothing about searching nor 'bout much else.
I wish local LE would ask him to kindly stay away. :cow:

(Bold mine.) I do believe they've got their eye on him. In the news clip where George was talking to the media at the command post, there was a sheriff standing behind him with his hands on his hips. He didn't look happy.
The main problem I have with this is Caylee was never missing! Someone in her family, her mother, killed her and dumped her.

I guess you could argue that Caylee was *missing* to George.

All he had to do was ask his "beautiful" "sweetheart" where she left her.

You are right, Caylee was never missing.
BeanE, what a wonderful post! It neither whitewashes nor condemns George. I, too, think he means well, but I also think he has a weak character and poor judgment. Those two traits sabotage him at every turn, and they will also sabotage any future traumatized families who trust in his help.

I cannot, for the life of me, understand why GA doesn't realize that his poor public image will harm, not help, any victim's family who gets involved with him right now. And I also cannot, cannot fathom why he, a former police officer/detective, doesn't object to the criminal background and current accusations aimed at the unsavory founder of KFN (Sorry--can't remember the guy's name.)

What I am about to say contains no malice, but I've thought it often: If George hadn't qualified to be a police officer, I would truly believe he is simply a gullible man of below-average intelligence.

Bold mine.
I am sitting here, cracking up over the bold above. I typed those EXACT words at least 500 times but chickened out at the last moment before posting. Friday, thank you so much for writing what I couldn't.
I have scratched my head repeatedly, and asked myself if someone with LE experience can truly be so ignorant that they fall for the Nigerian email scam, or can make themself believe that human decomposition smellls just like pizza. It boggles the mind...............

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