Forensic Astrology - Haliegh Cummings #3

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Well, if I this is true, it certainly casts a dark shadow over the people who were supposed to be Haleigh's staunchest allies. By not fessing up, they are choosing themselves over that poor innocent child. We've known from the beginning they were holding back, Ron seemed to know who had Haleigh the night of the 911 call and Misty isn't telling the whole truth and neither is Ron. There are no words..............
Here is a bad astrological pun that just occurred to me...

If Haliegh was carried off over water, while Neptune was in hard aspect to her Sun, Venus, and Saturn on the 10th, by drug runners... perhaps it was one of those "cigarette boats".

Send me to bed before I think up any more of these.
If Anna Fl's thread has been moved to the parking lot, should we delete the posts copied and pasted from the thread?

I have to head for bed, but maybe Fifth will see my post, and ask Tricia if she wants them deleted. If so, Fifth or Tricia can delete them, if they think it important to do so.

I have a few ideas/opinions floating around in my head, but think it wise to sleep on them. Will be on as soon as I get my morning duties taken care of, and they do take awhile, as some of you understand.
it has been moved back onto the general thread per Tricia. Hope you got some good sleep ;-)
okay fifth! It seemed to go back and forth with that decision... hope the info was helpful tho ;-) (that was pasted)
The AnnaFL thread has been moved back and forth between the Main forum and the Parking Lot. As a cautious measure, quotes copied from that thread will be removed.

IF you find something of importance on the main forum and wish to bring it to our attention, simply post the LINK-no need to write about it. In order for us to do charts, keep in mind we need dates, locations, times, birth date of a party in question, dates,time & location of events or incidents.

Appreciate your understanding.
Ordinarily, a Full Moon on native's Mercury is not a big flashing signal but this same Mercury in Haleigh's chart suffered the transit of Saturn on disappearance night. We began the present astro-period with a New Moon on Haleigh's Mars. That should bring results on Tuesday, March 10.

As you know, the Mercury is identified to caretaker Misty. And you know why: House 6 is Virgo, ruled by Mercury. House 6 is caretaking and caretakers. Later in March, we have a New Moon on the original Venus from the night of the disappearance. Matters seem to be moving slowly with too many suspects but matters are moving!
Thank you housemouse for all your very informative posts... you are very Gifted, that's for sure.
I'm in amazement of you here, really. I am trying to study and learn in my spare time. I bought an old book, (a very old book...copywright 1923) at a used book store the other day entitled, Raphel's Famous Key to Astrology . Are you familiar with it?
Thank you for all of the hard work and your time it entails to do all you do here!
I am not familiar with that book, but it might be valuable some day. Do you like it, and is it helpful?
I am not familiar with that book, but it might be valuable some day. Do you like it, and is it helpful?
Yes, It is very informative and helpful. Of course I may need a remedial book on this subject actually! LOL!
The dedication in the front of the book says it is dedicated to the memory of Robert Cross, whose untimely death in 1923 deprived the astrological world of that one who first sought to make horoscopic methods available for the general public. And Robert Cross is referred to many times in the book.
Ordinarily, a Full Moon on native's Mercury is not a big flashing signal but this same Mercury in Haleigh's chart suffered the transit of Saturn on disappearance night. We began the present astro-period with a New Moon on Haleigh's Mars. That should bring results on Tuesday, March 10.

As you know, the Mercury is identified to caretaker Misty. And you know why: House 6 is Virgo, ruled by Mercury. House 6 is caretaking and caretakers. Later in March, we have a New Moon on the original Venus from the night of the disappearance. Matters seem to be moving slowly with too many suspects but matters are moving!

Good catch, Tuba. The full Moon on the tenth is in hard aspect to Haliegh's Mercury, according to the graphic ephemeris for her chart.

Mercury is opposing her Venus and Sun tomorrow, (Mar 4th) and is sesquiquadrate her Saturn also.

On the 6th, Mars will oppose her Venus, and on the 7th, her Sun, then sesquiquadrates her Saturn. Mercury is opposing her Jupiter on the 7th.

On the 9th, Mercury will oppose her Uranus.

Watching these transits will keep us busy listening to the news to see if any developments are released to the public. Mercury moves very quickly as some of you might notice, but it also rules the news, the neighborhood, information.

I am thinking the 6th because of the Mars transit, but wonder what the rest of you think.

Will post the transits for later on in March, since these are enough to work with for now.
Clearing cobwebs from my mind….

Yes, Tuba & HM, I also think the full moon on the 10th unleashes a torrent of info shedding light on the details of Haleigh’s disappearance. It attends the arrival of Mercury at 01 Pisces conjunct Haleigh’s natal Uranus (shocking news). Mercury will join contentious Mars at 07 Pisces later that week. Sounds like show down time.

On high notice is Saturday, the 7th: the transiting Mars at 24 Aquarius opposition to her Sun at 24 Leo is exactly square her fated Nodal axis 24 Taurus/Scorpio - making this an intense, fateful, fixed grand cross!
Clearing cobwebs from my mind….

Yes, Tuba & HM, I also think the full moon on the 10th unleashes a torrent of info shedding light on the details of Haleigh’s disappearance. It attends the arrival of Mercury at 01 Pisces conjunct Haleigh’s natal Uranus (shocking news). Mercury will join contentious Mars at 07 Pisces later that week. Sounds like show down time.

On high notice is Saturday, the 7th: the transiting Mars at 24 Aquarius opposition to her Sun at 24 Leo is exactly square her fated Nodal axis 24 Taurus/Scorpio - making this an intense, fateful, fixed grand cross!

Excellent insights, Kaitland, Tuba, and Housemouse.

Another testimony promising an event: MERCURY at 01 Pisces on the 10th is partile opposite MOON's position 01 Virgo in the 911 Call Chart: news/information (MERCURY) exposed (opposition 911 Call MOON).

Take a look at the same transit period to the 911 call:

Transiting Mars in Aquarius has been crossing the intercepted and loaded second house of the 911 call and at 24 degrees will start moving away from Neptune……more aggressive tactics can part the clouds of Neptune’s illusion.

And, the arrival of Mercury at 01 Pisces (Haleigh’s Uranus), it exactly opposes the 911 call’s Moon in Virgo (caretaker)

And what else gets illuminated? See the 20:39 Pisces/Virgo full moon falls exactly, and oh so stressfully across the 3rd/9th house axis of news media hitting by degree the Saturn/Uranus opposition.
I hope we are all on target, but it is important to remember that we do not know exactly what will happen with these transits, and, if LE continues to keep their cards so close to their chests, we may not hear about it until much later.

I am slowly slogging my way through the Anna Fl thread. About the time I get one page finished, there are two more popping up at the end.
Take a look at Ronald & Misty:

The FM hits Ronald’s Virgo Mars 18:05 and Venus 19:04. Mercury at 01 Pisces squares off his wounded Chiron at 01:37 Gemini opposition to Uranus (upheaval) at 07:22 Sag.

The FM will form a t-square to Misty’s Sagittarius Mercury 14:45 and Sun 16:56 square her Jupiter 13:54 Virgo. Will this trigger some clarity?

Important about this full moon also is that it is tightly connected to the long lived and obnoxious Saturn in Virgo- Uranus in Pisces opposition, now at 18 and 22 degrees respectively. Moon on that Saturn is sure to bring tears with the Sun’s glare touching off Uranus.
March 7-11 also bring a Super Moon at 90% perigee to Putnam County. Big light shed on this at last.
RE: D. Snodgrass
I have been reviewing & re-reviewing his chart and comparing with the LAST SEEN BY G-GMA and the 911 Call Chart.

First, as both I and Housemouse have pointed out a few posts above, his natal connections with Haleigh are very nasty, no doubt.

This is a person who uses, hurts and abuses without thinking twice about it (as evidenced by his "rap" sheet). The sexual component is partly shown by natal EROS (sexual interests, compulsion, "turn-ons"). His natal EROS is semisextile his natal MARS/TORO conjunction (aggressive/brutal action), semisquare his natal URANUS (sudden aggression; easily set-off and reactionary; blows up without thinking), semisquare his natal NEPTUNE (gets worked up over his fantasies) and opposite natal (Sunrise) MOON. Very nasty indeed.

His natal MARS semisquare PLUTO is a marker for violence and abuse, and his natal MOON sesquiquadrate both URANUS and NEPTUNE gives more emphasis to emotional instability and a sudden, explosive nature set off by emotions (a "loose cannon" aspect).

HOWEVER........... the Event Charts don't seem to "trigger" anything into action. Maybe I've missed something here, so I would appreciate Tuba's input, and perhaps if Kaitland is feeling well enough to look at Snodg's secondary progressions, she could comment.

For now, I'm going to back off on Snodg. I don't think he was the one that took Haleigh.


Yes, the interactions with her chart are very, very nasty. Don't like this guy at all. I'm still coming out of the fog here, but I think I read that he was at the house with Misty on the day of the abduction? Possibly at the same time as the A/C man? Can someone clarify this for me?

Also read that the children were outside playing I mentioned was a possibility in the "Visitors" chart analysis. Who was watching them?
Take a look at Ronald & Misty:

The FM hits Ronald’s Virgo Mars 18:05 and Venus 19:04. Mercury at 01 Pisces squares off his wounded Chiron at 01:37 Gemini opposition to Uranus (upheaval) at 07:22 Sag.

The FM will form a t-square to Misty’s Sagittarius Mercury 14:45 and Sun 16:56 square her Jupiter 13:54 Virgo. Will this trigger some clarity?

Important about this full moon also is that it is tightly connected to the long lived and obnoxious Saturn in Virgo- Uranus in Pisces opposition, now at 18 and 22 degrees respectively. Moon on that Saturn is sure to bring tears with the Sun’s glare touching off Uranus.

Guys I am so very intrested in astrology, but I am having a really hard time following what is being said. Does anyone happen to have a book or something they could recommened to help me make since of this?

In the above post that I quoted are you saying that Ronald and Misty are involved? Or are you saying that the news will be a shock and cause tears for Ronald and Misty?

Sorry I am astrologically challenged but I am trying.
butterfly, it someone has a planet that is hit exactly, it signals that this person will be affected. It does not mean the person is or is not involved in a guilty manner. Since we do not have birth times, we do not have real wheels for the people in the case but we do have real wheels for an event like the 911 emergency call. When you have a real wheel, you can see who is an active and who is a passive participant.
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