Penn State Sandusky scandal: AD arrested, Paterno, Spanier fired; coverup charged #7

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Mar 4, 2009
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Please continue discussion here on the Penn State/Sandusky/Second Mile case.

Links of interest:

[ame=""]Thread #1[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #2[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #3[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #4[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #5[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #6[/ame]

Grand jury presentment (.pdf)

Remember to show respect for others when engaging in thread dialogue; when replying to the
posts of others - attack the content of the post if need be, but never get personal and attack the poster.

Happy Holidays!
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How wonderful of all of these men that in all the testimony to the Grand Jury and at Friday's hearing, not one of them were asked about the boys involved.
Not Paterno, not Schultz, not Curley, did anyone ask them "What about the boys? Did you see if they were all right?" Sickening.
Someone on the last thread posted that Sarge was an elementary school teacher, but I can't find any more info on this. The only info that I can find on Sarge working outside her home is that she had a job on campus when she and Jerry were first married. Sandusky's putrid book stated this, but it didn't appear that she had a job teaching. Has anyone else found anything about Sarge's occupation (if she had one)? TIA (I am really hoping she didn't bring little boys to their home even if it was only for class picnics.)
"Not one thing was said to us," said Bradley P. Lunsford, a Centre County judge (a former prosecutor) who served on the Second Mile board between 2001 and 2005. "Not a damn thing.

Informed of Lunsford's comments, Dr. Raykovitz said, "He can feel anything he wants to feel."

Disturbingly, Dr. Raykovitz, CEO of The Second Mile for 28 years, likely applied that same strategy to Sandusky.
"Vsganim Sara Ganim
Joe Amendola told me Dottie and Jerry #Sandusky want to talk to Oprah, 60min, Rock Center or Barbara Walters after Jan.1!/sganim

I would much rather have the both of them talk to Dr. Phil. I would love to hear that exchange. "It's butt to the curb kicking time."
Not to belabor the point from yesterday :) but if you re-read these 2 articles you can pick up the conflicts of what the detective and child abuse worker say:

The detective says he and possibly Mr. Gricar decided not to prosecute the case because the child abuse worker said it didn't meet the definition of child abuse.

The child abuse worker says the detective didn't give him all the details of what he knew, so he closed his case when the DA closed theirs.

However both interviewed JS together on June 1 after the detective had the 2 sessions with the mother questioning JS at her house in May, with him listening.

There is no way I can believe these 2 men investigating this case did not discuss what they each knew about the case before that joint interview. It would be necessary to know what to ask JS. It is normal procedure to share all information in an investigation to know how to proceed correctly.

No need to get into a back and forth about the details on this again, just to explain why this decision in 1998 disturbs me so.

Sara Ganim says a mouth full here in her excellent summary of the case above:

These dates spanning 13 years share two common threads that run through the entire grand jury presentment. At each stage, boys voiced concern or pain or alarm at the conduct of Jerry Sandusky — or adults witnessed behavior they found troubling or alarming.

And at each stage, other adults dismissed, minimized or failed to act upon those concerns.

It remains to be seen whether any of these actions, or the statements behind them, are a matter for the courts. For now, only two things are certain:

Many of the accounts in this tragic and tangled history conflict with one another.

And everyone cannot be telling the truth.

At what cost was all this dodging and feinting to avoid facing the truth about JS done?

To the cost of a number of boys named in the GJ reports, and more I believe we may never know their mental, physical and emotional cost.

I can only hope that through the tortuous proceedings of the GJ and trial to come, these victims can find some vindication and healing...
Reader: It's like a circular firing squad with all of them blaming the others or hoping to push the responsibility onto someone else.

Unbelievable. :maddening:

ETA: And we talk about "power" in this case and who had it, well the police, the DA, and the social workers had the "power" to stop Sandusky and they made a conscious choice not to do it. I for one am happy to see them screeching and pointing and one another while on the hot seat. They could have helped all these children and they just didn't. Lame excuses just don't cut it - they have ruined lives.
Not to belabor the point from yesterday :) but if you re-read these 2 articles you can pick up the conflicts of what the detective and child abuse worker say:

The detective says he and possibly Mr. Gricar decided not to prosecute the case because the child abuse worker said it didn't meet the definition of child abuse.

The child abuse worker says the detective didn't give him all the details of what he knew, so he closed his case when the DA closed theirs.

However both interviewed JS together on June 1 after the detective had the 2 sessions with the mother questioning JS at her house in May, with him listening.

Well, the detective, never indicated that he told Lauro what Sandusky said, and I can understand that. Lauro was a potential witness in a criminal case, and it would be unlikely for the detective to tell one potential witness what another potential witness said. That actually seems like good criminal investigation.

According to Lauro, Gricar made his decision first, so it wasn't influenced by Lauro's decision. I'd like to see the actual grand jury testimony from the detective.

Lauro has already said that his decision was not based of Gricar's decision. It is entirely possible that Lauro and Gricar made exceedingly bad decisions. I would like to know which did it first. Lauro says it was Gricar, but he also said that his decision was not influenced by it.
Reader: It's like a circular firing squad with all of them blaming the others or hoping to push the responsibility onto someone else.

Unbelievable. :maddening:

ETA: And we talk about "power" in this case and who had it, well the police, the DA, and the social workers had the "power" to stop Sandusky and they made a conscious choice not to do it. I for one am happy to see them screeching and pointing and one another while on the hot seat. They could have helped all these children and they just didn't. Lame excuses just don't cut it - they have ruined lives.

Exactly...thank you!
Last night AOL reporting the Joe Paterno is out of the hospital.
Jerry Sandusky Case NBC Correspondent Arrested Courting Exclusive Interview

An NBC Correspondent was arrested last week after allegedly getting wasted at a party thrown by Jerry Sandusky's lawyer ... TMZ has learned.

The Correspondent -- Jay Gray -- was invited by attorney Joe Amendola to watch the New York Giants game at his house on December 11. Amendola invited reporters from other media outlets as well, all of whom were vying for an exclusive interview with Sandusky.

One source familiar with the party tells TMZ ... Gray got "really drunk" during the game. Sometime after midnight, Gray left the party and began driving. He was stopped by a Pennsylvania State Police officer for a traffic violation, which quickly turned into a DUI stop.

According to police records obtained by TMZ, "He [Gray] had been drinking and was arrested for DUI." The time of arrest was 1:45 AM on December 12.

We left messages for Gray but did not hear back. Ditto Amendola.

NBC had no comment.
In some respects, this case went from tragedy to farce very quickly.
Jerry Sandusky Case NBC Correspondent Arrested Courting Exclusive Interview

An NBC Correspondent was arrested last week after allegedly getting wasted at a party thrown by Jerry Sandusky's lawyer ... TMZ has learned.

The Correspondent -- Jay Gray -- was invited by attorney Joe Amendola to watch the New York Giants game at his house on December 11. Amendola invited reporters from other media outlets as well, all of whom were vying for an exclusive interview with Sandusky.

One source familiar with the party tells TMZ ... Gray got "really drunk" during the game. Sometime after midnight, Gray left the party and began driving. He was stopped by a Pennsylvania State Police officer for a traffic violation, which quickly turned into a DUI stop.

According to police records obtained by TMZ, "He [Gray] had been drinking and was arrested for DUI." The time of arrest was 1:45 AM on December 12.

We left messages for Gray but did not hear back. Ditto Amendola.

NBC had no comment.

Appears Mr. Amendola is trying to curry favor with the press. Strange ways Sandusky's lawyer operates. He creeps me out as much as Sandusky!
Legendary Columnist Bill Conlin Resigns Over Forthcoming Philly Inquirer Bombshell

The Philadelphia Inquirer's top investigative reporter, Nancy Phillips, has written a story containing what we're told are allegations of child molestation against sportswriter Bill Conlin, a longtime columnist at the rival Daily News. Conlin resigned just moments ago, according to a source at the Daily News.

Conlin, who turns 78 this May, won the Ford C. Frick J.G. Taylor Spink Award last May. The story supposedly will drop soon (the newspapers are published by the same company, sharing some resources and a website but otherwise competing for a number of the same readers). Conlin has hired an attorney to defend himself against the piece. We'll have more details on this. For now, we can tell you that Conlin is at his condo in Largo, Fla.
Legendary Columnist Bill Conlin Resigns Over Forthcoming Philly Inquirer Bombshell

The Philadelphia Inquirer's top investigative reporter, Nancy Phillips, has written a story containing what we're told are allegations of child molestation against sportswriter Bill Conlin, a longtime columnist at the rival Daily News. Conlin resigned just moments ago, according to a source at the Daily News.

Conlin, who turns 78 this May, won the Ford C. Frick J.G. Taylor Spink Award last May. The story supposedly will drop soon (the newspapers are published by the same company, sharing some resources and a website but otherwise competing for a number of the same readers). Conlin has hired an attorney to defend himself against the piece. We'll have more details on this. For now, we can tell you that Conlin is at his condo in Largo, Fla.

Somebody else I have never heard of. :)
Just did a new thread: [ame=""]PA - Top baseball writer resigns after child molestation accusations[/ame]

Bad year for sports in PA.

The rumored Philadelphia Inquirer story has just been published online, and it's a must-read - great journalism. I posted the link to it at the thread linked above.
McQueary story says a lot about us
Jason Whitlock

...........I bring all this up because I think I understand the situation Mike McQueary faced when he walked in on Jerry Sandusky allegedly raping a 10-year-old boy in 2002. I bring it up because I believe many of the people loudly and quietly crucifying McQueary for apparently doing next to nothing to stop Sandusky would make the same choice as McQueary.

David Brooks, the New York Times columnist, brilliantly argued this point in a column earlier this week. Citing the Holocaust, the Rwandan genocide and random American street violence, Brooks wrote that people "suffer from Motivated Blindness."

Not that I disagree with Brooks, but I believe he would’ve strengthened his column by referencing Motivated Blindne$$, America’s most powerful force when it comes to willfully ignoring lapses in ethics and adherence to law, common decency and morality.

Had McQueary walked in on Sandusky raping a child inside a YMCA locker room, the then-28-year-old McQueary very well may have beaten the then-58-year-old, weaponless Sandusky within inches of his life and rescued the young boy.

It was the workplace environment that ignited McQueary’s Motivated Blindne$$.

People, Americans in particular, are most cowardly when at work. For good reason.

More at link....
In some respects, this case went from tragedy to farce very quickly.

Well, may I disagree to an extent?

Some of the people associated with the case are farcical but the case concerning the abuse of the boys is not, to is still a tragedy for them and how it has affected their lives.
Well, may I disagree to an extent?

Some of the people associated with the case are farcical but the case concerning the abuse of the boys is not, to is still a tragedy for them and how it has affected their lives.

I agree. That's why I used the phrase "In some respects...." The case specifically is about those allegedly raped by Sandusky and will always be tragic, but its cultural presence has sadly spread out from there, first to the Penn State cover-up and now to many other aspects. One is reminded of the circles of Hell in Dante.
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