TH's emails shed light on Horman split

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But she did not take Kaine's child away in those other divorces. We have no way of knowing what she felt or knew about what might happen if she did this with Kaine. She already saw him able to keep custody of Kyron, when Desiree recovered, and none of us have any idea what the real story is there. Kaine might have indicated to Terri that taking the baby was not an option, as he did to Desiree. And Terri probably had plenty of skeletons still in her closet at that point, so that she knew she would never get custody if she went up against Kaine. Again, I am trying to think through her possibly abnormal brain, not defending any decision or choice she has ever made in her lifetime.

I'm pretty sure she took Kaine's child away in this divorce.
I have had the same suspicion as well. I also don't believe all those phony endorsements, either. I think she lies the way most people breathe.

where are you seeing the endorsements? I logged on to Linkedin and only saw one recommendation. Is that what you mean by endorsements, or did I miss something :)
If LE showed these emails to Kaine and Desiree, I believe...though others may differ...that they had an investigative reason.

Thinking outside the box, here.

What if LE had emails that they were not completely certain had actually come from TH?

TH apparently emailed Desiree regularly. Therefore, I would think she'd be a good person to ask whether emails from TH sounded authentic, or whether they might have been forgeries/written by someone else.
where are you seeing the endorsements? I logged on to Linkedin and only saw one recommendation. Is that what you mean by endorsements, or did I miss something :)

This is the part I am talking about. It does not specifically say they are endorsements, but I think she is implying it.

"Terri Horman’s Summary

I am seeking employment with elementary level grades, but while searching, I currently volunteer my reading specialist skills at Skyline Elementary in the Portland Public School System.

A certified teacher since 2000, I have taught "typicals" through college level, ADD, ADHD, ODD, OSC, YSC, Prader Willy, Down Syndrome and Medically Fragile.

I recently took some World Literature classes through Portland State University and renewed my certification.

Terri Horman’s Specialties:

Reading Specialist
Special Education OSC & YSC

You can't teach special ed unless you are a special ed endorsed teacher around here. Plus, she mentions taking some World Literature classes at PSU, and renewing her certificate. Why doesn't she mention her masters degree? Probably because she never really finished it. IMO>

ETA: I think I missed what you were asking. By endorsement, I mean certification. Teachers have to be endorsed on certain subjects, meaning they took additional education and testing to prove they are qualified in order to be specialists. Is that what you were asking about?
Thinking outside the box, here.

What if LE had emails that they were not completely certain had actually come from TH?

TH apparently emailed Desiree regularly. Therefore, I would think she'd be a good person to ask whether emails from TH sounded authentic, or whether they might have been forgeries/written by someone else.

I completely understand what you're saying...and agree that Desiree would more than likely "know" Terri's emails..mainly because that Was what the majority Of their "relationship" was based upon{i.e. via electronic communications}

But I do not believe LE was using Desiree as their way to tell if the emails were "authentic"{as in sent from Terri personally}..

First and foremost that would not be the case is that it would be more than unethical{not saying that LE cannot use unethical means..but with the victim's parents? ...NEVER} and above all else would be cruelty at its worst...

For LE not to be certain emails were "authentic" to involve the victim's parents{victims themselves}to be the "gauge" for validity of an email is just not a possibility..IMO..
Especially given the apparent nature of these emails...There is just no way that LE would inflict undue and COMPLETELY unnecessary pain and anguish on the parents by having them read the vicious nature and intense hatred that was detailed in the emails for their own son who has been missing for more than 6 mos...and for LE not to even know if they were actually sent from Terri...I'd say not only would there be heads on a chopping block at the LE station but an atty would have a hayday and open&shut case for a slam dunk lawsuit for such cruel and unjust treatment of victims.

And then secondly would be because it is not necessary to do so{have the parents be the "gauge" of validity}.. With FBI involved in this case from day one of Kyron "disappearing"..and have stated on more than one occasion that FBI agts as well as their resources were there to assist in any way they could the MCSO.. Our federal technology is more than capable of identifying EXACTLY WHO, WHEN, WHERE, HOW sent the emails along with a direct, detailed path that the emails made from the originating computer all the way to the emails and computers they were received at{every single last computer and user that received the email[whether read or NOT..EVEN if it was immediately deleted before even being read]}...the technology is such that with hardly any effort whatsoever it will give LE every detail they need{and even a bunch they don't even need}...thats just how detailed that electronic communications can be traced and/or tracked down..

So, IMO when LE chose to share these disturbing, frightening, and sickening posts to the parents...LE had PROOF POSITIVE THAT THEY CAME FROM TERRI, HERSELF....
From what Kaine said, he knew of the behavior itself, such as falling asleep at 7 on the couch, angry, staggering, etc - he didn't attribute it to alcoholism until others came forward with more information about Terri and about alcoholism, at which time he put it together and realized it was alcohol and not whatever she said it was (ppd, tiredness, sadness, etc). He now attributes the behavior he'd been dealing with as that of an alcoholic.

This is from Kaine's court document:

"6. It was common for Respondent to be visibly impaired from alcohol, i.e., slurring speech, staggering gait, etc. several nights a week. Often, Respondent would pass out on the couch around 7:00 or 8:00p.m. after drinking heavily and would wake up on and off for the rest of the night. Sometimes K would be up with Respondent rather than on a schedule. Respondent spent most nights sleeping on the living room couch with K. Respondent would typically be passed out from heavily drinking. K would be up past midnight playing and/or watching tv until I tried to intervene. Sometimes if I tried to help by putting K to bed, Respondent would become verbally combative and seem offended."

Seems to me he was well aware that she was drinking heavily. So again, I ask how he can supposedly just now be learning about Terri's supposed alcoholism. I totally understand his not wanting to tell Desiree about Terri's behavior, but I also completely support Desiree being pissed off about Kaine not telling her AND his refusal to let her have custody of Kyron. I want to know why he was opposed to his ex-wife taking Kyron when he was aware that his current wife had a drinking problem & wasn't taking good care of baby K (according to him).
This is from Kaine's court document:

"6. It was common for Respondent to be visibly impaired from alcohol, i.e., slurring speech, staggering gait, etc. several nights a week. Often, Respondent would pass out on the couch around 7:00 or 8:00p.m. after drinking heavily and would wake up on and off for the rest of the night. Sometimes K would be up with Respondent rather than on a schedule. Respondent spent most nights sleeping on the living room couch with K. Respondent would typically be passed out from heavily drinking. K would be up past midnight playing and/or watching tv until I tried to intervene. Sometimes if I tried to help by putting K to bed, Respondent would become verbally combative and seem offended."

Seems to me he was well aware that she was drinking heavily. So again, I ask how he can supposedly just now be learning about Terri's supposed alcoholism. I totally understand his not wanting to tell Desiree about Terri's behavior, but I also completely support Desiree being pissed off about Kaine not telling her AND his refusal to let her have custody of Kyron. I want to know why he was opposed to his ex-wife taking Kyron when he was aware that his current wife had a drinking problem & wasn't taking good care of baby K (according to him).

he knew she was impaired. He didn't know it was from alcohol. He said, at the time they were putting the affidavit together, it all clicked for him. It was alcohol, not whatever excuse TH gave...ppd meds, sleep aids, muscle relaxers, exhaustion, a combo of the above, whatever. He observed the symptoms, and put two and two together on the cause just recently.
Agreed. Alcoholics can be very cunning with their ability to hide their drinking. It does not surprise me in the least that he was unaware of the extent of her drinking problem.
Well, boo-hoo, cry me a river.

Lots of people have crappy marriages. Lots of people are married to overbearing people. Lots of people have ended up with a right [unusual person]. Lots of people have less money than they'd like.

None of that properly explains why a seven year old is missing.

It might explain a divorce.
This is from Kaine's court document:

"6. It was common for Respondent to be visibly impaired from alcohol, i.e., slurring speech, staggering gait, etc. several nights a week. Often, Respondent would pass out on the couch around 7:00 or 8:00p.m. after drinking heavily and would wake up on and off for the rest of the night. Sometimes K would be up with Respondent rather than on a schedule. Respondent spent most nights sleeping on the living room couch with K. Respondent would typically be passed out from heavily drinking. K would be up past midnight playing and/or watching tv until I tried to intervene. Sometimes if I tried to help by putting K to bed, Respondent would become verbally combative and seem offended."

Seems to me he was well aware that she was drinking heavily. So again, I ask how he can supposedly just now be learning about Terri's supposed alcoholism. I totally understand his not wanting to tell Desiree about Terri's behavior, but I also completely support Desiree being pissed off about Kaine not telling her AND his refusal to let her have custody of Kyron. I want to know why he was opposed to his ex-wife taking Kyron when he was aware that his current wife had a drinking problem & wasn't taking good care of baby K (according to him).

Hi Germaine, Alcohol smells, is noticeable to those near. And anyone who is repeatedly passing out has reached a certain stage in their drinking. He had to know she was a drinker but maybe didn't realize how seriously her mind had been affected.

We all make mistakes in life. I do feel for both Kaine and Desiree in having lost Kyron. But I also think they both let him down. Desiree for not exploring why Kyron begged to stay with her and not be sent back up to Portland. And Kaine. He simply gave this woman free reign in caring for the kids even though he has now completely downgraded her as a person and mother. He had to know all along what was inside her brain just listening to her before she'd pass out !

I don't think Kyron had a chance. IMO
Hi Germaine, Alcohol smells, is noticeable to those near. And anyone who is repeatedly passing out has reached a certain stage in their drinking. He had to know she was a drinker but maybe didn't realize how seriously her mind had been affected.

We all make mistakes in life. I do feel for both Kaine and Desiree in having lost Kyron. But I also think they both let him down. Desiree for not exploring why Kyron begged to stay with her and not be sent back up to Portland. And Kaine. He simply gave this woman free reign in caring for the kids even though he has now completely downgraded her as a person and mother. He had to know all along what was inside her brain just listening to her before she'd pass out !

I don't think Kyron had a chance. IMO

if he drank, too, he might not have noticed the smell. Or if his relationship with terri was not physical anymore, ditto. Or if she claimed to be on meds, one glass of wine might have accounted for it. Whatever. KH says he didn't know, and I believe him. But even if I thought he knew full well, that wouldn't change my opinion about who is at fault here.

Imo, terri needed a major downgrade well before she met Kaine. Her flaws aren't from anything he did...although his personality might have brought them to the forefront. Seems to me, he actually expected her to be the person she claimed to be, and didn't have enough of his own fatal flaws to blame himself when she wasn't. Imo, th followed the "peter priniciple". She upgraded her husbands until she got out of her own league and failed.

eta: if I take two tylenol pms and a glass of wine, I will slur and pass out. If I take two tylenol pms and don't drink at all, I will do the same. If I drink a bottle of wine and take no tylenol pm's I will do the same. In the first and last examples, I might smell like booze, but the cause of my behavior in the first instance would be the drugs, not the booze.
if he drank, too, he might not have noticed the smell. Or if his relationship with terri was not physical anymore, ditto. Or if she claimed to be on meds, one glass of wine might have accounted for it. Whatever. KH says he didn't know, and I believe him. But even if I thought he knew full well, that wouldn't change my opinion about who is at fault here.

Imo, terri needed a major downgrade well before she met Kaine. Her flaws aren't from anything he did...although his personality might have brought them to the forefront. Seems to me, he actually expected her to be the person she claimed to be, and didn't have enough of his own fatal flaws to blame himself when she wasn't. Imo, th followed the "peter priniciple". She upgraded her husbands until she got out of her own league and failed.

eta: if I take two tylenol pms and a glass of wine, I will slur and pass out. If I take two tylenol pms and don't drink at all, I will do the same. If I drink a bottle of wine and take no tylenol pm's I will do the same. In the first and last examples, I might smell like booze, but the cause of my behavior in the first instance would be the drugs, not the booze.

I agree with what you say having had 2 alcoholic husbands. I think she might be guilty like you do. But we don't know what life was really like in that home. I'm not defending her, just don't know if we have heard the whole story.

I guess what is really getting to me is all the info we have gotten from both of Kyron's parents that I think should never have been put out to the public before she is arrested. Not poor taste - poor judgement I think. IMO

PS: It also gets me a wondering what Houze is making of all this. Cause if she is guilty I don't want this 5 star lawyer getting her off !!!
I find that at this point, I am more inclined to believe Terri's reports of Kaine's actions in this email than Kaine's reports of Terri's actions in the documents he filed. She was writing and venting, with no agenda...can't say the same for him...JMO

I think Terri's email agenda was to garner sympathy for herself. Essentially, she villainized Kaine for her own benefit. Kaine's agenda was keeping his baby safe and alive. Of the two, I'm more supportive of someone who speaks out for the safety of their children than someone who speaks out to get sympathy for themselves.
Today, there is also the growing homeschool movement, where moms stay at home with their children--at all economic levels. For some it's a worthy sacrifice...JMO

I've also known many people who have had to give up homeschooling their kids in this economy. My cousin is one of them. I still say that in this economy, it's just not the ideal thing to be a SAHM.
This is another reason why the alleged MFH and Terri being involved in Kyron's disappearance don't add up for me--those are "last resort" actions.

So Terri wasn't at her wits end and at a "last resort?" This one email says the exact opposite to me. A a lot of things about this case say the exact opposite to me. She was the end of her rope and actions like these are exactly what a self centered, narcissistic person would do to get their way no matter what. IMO.
I find that at this point, I am more inclined to believe Terri's reports of Kaine's actions in this email than Kaine's reports of Terri's actions in the documents he filed. She was writing and venting, with no agenda...can't say the same for him...JMO

She completely had an agenda - to make Kaine look bad and garner sympathy for herself. Where the was the concern for the welfare of her children in that letter? They didn't get mentioned once.

Kaine has only wanted the truth and wanted his son back. Kaine has done nothing but campaign for his son and his baby daughter with NO THOUGHT to what is best for him.

I'm believing a person willing to fight for their kids over a person only willing to fight for themselves.
This is the part I am talking about. It does not specifically say they are endorsements, but I think she is implying it.

"Terri Horman’s Summary

I am seeking employment with elementary level grades, but while searching, I currently volunteer my reading specialist skills at Skyline Elementary in the Portland Public School System.

A certified teacher since 2000, I have taught "typicals" through college level, ADD, ADHD, ODD, OSC, YSC, Prader Willy, Down Syndrome and Medically Fragile.

I recently took some World Literature classes through Portland State University and renewed my certification.

Terri Horman’s Specialties:

Reading Specialist
Special Education OSC & YSC

You can't teach special ed unless you are a special ed endorsed teacher around here. Plus, she mentions taking some World Literature classes at PSU, and renewing her certificate. Why doesn't she mention her masters degree? Probably because she never really finished it. IMO>

ETA: I think I missed what you were asking. By endorsement, I mean certification. Teachers have to be endorsed on certain subjects, meaning they took additional education and testing to prove they are qualified in order to be specialists. Is that what you were asking about?

I agree that TH over stated her qualifications. Essentially she has a K-8 or 9 basic credential. This means she can teach multiple subjects in this area as all elementary teachers and some middle school teachers do.

It does appear that she has an ESL endorsement, but she is not an ESL teacher. Under No Child Left Behind, a special group of courses were designed to enable teachers to address the needs of ESL students in the REGULAR classroom.

Link to the Oregon State Teacher Licensing Commission. Type in her name and a copy of the credential will appear.
I don't see these emails as proof of anything. IF she is charged with murder, the court is going to need some strong physical evidence. These emails are NOT going to cut it. Sorry, but that's the bottom line. They have to PROVE that she did away with Kyron, and that's going to take a lot more than a few "whining, complaining" emails.
We don't know that TH took her rage out on an innocent child. We know that Kyron's parents believe this to be true, and that she is clearly a suspect.

This case is going to have to have a trial and a jury someday, God willing. I sure hope they can find a dozen people who have an open mind and are willing to listen for actual evidence.

The venom against TH scares me, in that she is an American citizen and has not been charged with any crime at this point. Across the internet, she has been damned, tarred and feathered. If she is guilty, she will pay, I believe that to be true. But as precarious as my position on the so-called fence has become, I am still clinging to it, just for the sake of hoping there are a dozen or more people in Oregon who will be able to render a fair verdict. I don't live there, so I won't be one of them.

Ok, but OJ was also an American citizen, so really that has nothing to do with it at all. If you commit a crime in this great country, it isnt immediate arrest if its intricate and tricky, and a case has to be built. I am more worried about the downplaying of the importance of Kyron Hormans life by trying to build up his step mom who was last seen with him who cant answer questions to the childs father about that last day, I mean jeez, oh, and she basically hated a LITTLE BOY, who hasn't been seen, and we wont really get into the pics of her genitals she was sending Kaines friend, I mean seriously, this woman has no redeeming qualities whatsoever, hopefully she will spare us a jury trial and just tell what she did, take her sentence and go thrive in the big house, thats what her lawyer should tell her to do.
Ok, but OJ was also an American citizen, so really that has nothing to do with it at all. If you commit a crime in this great country, it isnt immediate arrest if its intricate and tricky, and a case has to be built. I am more worried about the downplaying of the importance of Kyron Hormans life by trying to build up his step mom who was last seen with him who cant answer questions to the childs father about that last day, I mean jeez, oh, and she basically hated a LITTLE BOY, who hasn't been seen, and we wont really get into the pics of her genitals she was sending Kaines friend, I mean seriously, this woman has no redeeming qualities whatsoever, hopefully she will spare us a jury trial and just tell what she did, take her sentence and go thrive in the big house, thats what her lawyer should tell her to do.

THANK you. My thoughts exactly.
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