Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #4

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Well - what do you think. Doesn't that Nanny look like KC's description of the Nanny? Brown curly hair that has been straightened, 5'7", about 135-140 pounds and she has a lot of money...!!!????


I'll admit I wondered whether we were making too big a deal of these computer searches. After all, there were only two searches found on KC’s computer: one two days before her 22nd birthday, one two days after. The first search only lasted about 12 minutes. The second search another 12 minutes. Can we really deduce these two searches totaling approximately 25 minutes, disturbing as their content was, “prove” KC was premeditating murder?

Let’s look at the insights provided by the Stars:

Chart 1: Computer Search on 3/17/08, 1:43 pm, Orlando, FL

At first glance the chart appears innocuous. Cancer rises. Mom, home, apple pie, all things domestic. Ruler Moon (KC) in 1st House. She’s exactly where she wants to be, at home (Cancer), entertaining herself (Moon in Leo), perhaps “educating” herself (Sun in 9th House of Higher Education) by running web searches on her computer (Uranus of computers in 9th House) about something that’s caught her fancy (Sun in imaginative Pisces), maybe something she’s seen on television (9th House of Mass Communication/ broadcasting/ television with Uranus of televisions within). After all, with Ascendant at 25:15 Cancer, the Sabian Symbol (26 Cancer because we always round up to the next degree) is “People Reading on Sofas” which connotes recreation, relaxation and enjoying one’s favorite pleasure.

(Did you catch that, Jose? There’s your defense in a nutshell…)

A deeper look, however, is much more disturbing.

The Transneptunian VULCANUS at 24:07 Cancer closely conjuncts the Ascendant from the 12th House. This suggests emotional (Cancer) eruption (Vulcanus) and that KC’s condition is that of a “loose cannon.”

KC’s ruler MOON, located in the 1st House, is tightly conjunct the Part of Deceit at 8:12 Leo and opposite the Part of Death at 7:14 Aquarius. MOON (KC) is in crisis degree (9 Fixed), as is MERCURY, ruler of her 3rd House of Mindset, at 4 Mutable. Sickeningly, the Part of Child, Female is located between Chiron (wounding/damage) and Neptune (drugs), also in crisis degree, 21 Fixed.

In a forensic Horary chart, the Lights (Sun & Moon) give additional information about the 1st House person. I discussed above how KC may be seen as “educating” herself by running web searches about something that piqued her interest /caught her fancy which is shown by the SUN in Pisces (imagination, whims, fancy) in the 9th House of mass communications/ broadcasting/television. In looking deeper, we see SUN (representing KC) is in Fateful Degree --- same degree as the Nodes. This always points to a catastrophe, a tragedy or death. Additionally, the Part of Rage/Murder2 at 27:38 Pisces exactly conjuncts the SUN.

Things certainly do appear to be getting darker…

The 3rd House shows a person’s motivation/mindset. In this Chart, Virgo is on the 3rd House cusp making MERCURY the ruler of KC’s mindset.

MERCURY is peregrine (aimless wandering), in Fall, in Detriment, in critical degree (4 Mutable), in imaginative, fantasy-prone Pisces in the 8th House of Death, closely conjunct VENUS, natural significator of a young girl. Furthermore, MERCURY (KC’s thought process) conjunct VENUS (Caylee) is opposite the malefic South Node conjunct Saturn in the 2nd House of the Near Future, suggesting KC was in fact thinking about Caylee’s demise as she performed her disturbing web searches.

Thoughts of death by drugs (chloroform, etc.) seem likely with NEPTUNE (drugs) just inside the the 8th House cusp, and, as mentioned above, conjunct both the Part of Child, Female and Chiron (wounding/ damage). Also, the asteroid REQUIEM (death) is posited within KC’s 3rd House of Mental Processes/ Thinking and at 05:53 Libra, it closely conjuncts Caylee’s natal MOON at 4 Libra.

In addition to analyzing VENUS as Caylee’s significator (VENUS as a young girl), in this Chart, since KC is the 1st House, her child is actually represented by the 5th House of Children, Scorpio which makes MARS the main significator of Caylee. Here, MARS (Caylee) is located in the radix 12th House / and her own turned 8th of Death. MARS (Caylee) at 4:46 Cancer is disposited by the MOON (KC) showing that little Caylee is completely in KC’s power. The appearance of the malefic South Node conjunct Saturn (death) in the 2nd House of the Near Future opposite KC’s mindset ruler MERCURY conjunct VENUS (natural significator of a young girl) in the radix 8th House of Death clinches what is on KC’s mind: death of her child by drugs (MERCURY & VENUS in Death’s House with NEPTUNE (drugs) on the 8th House Cusp conjunct the Part of Child, Female).

I will discuss the second search chart in a later post.

So sadly fascinating, Soulscape. I use to be on the fence about accident/intentional (usually leaning more toward the latter.) However, THIS chart knock me off that fence.
Wow Soulscape! So what was happening in March that set KC loose? Everyone talks about the "family secret." Could it be that KC tried to harm Caylee prior to the June incident and the family knows this and that is why they are acting as they are? It seems to me that KC did harm to Caylee prior to June. Maybe that is what really sent CA to the therapist? Just some thoughts, but knowing that KC tends to act implusively and without thinking things through, it does not seem like she would have had the patience to wait another 3 months before acting on her thoughts?

Wow -- amazing insight Soulscape. Thank you!
Thank you, Soulscape. Just when I think I can't be saddened anymore, this did the trick. I never quite bought into the accident theory but always hoped it wasn't deliberate, even though all signs were pointing that way (in my mind): not reporting her missing, no 911 calls, decomposition in the trunk, her fun and games while Caylee was missing, so many things. I think I'm speechless!

Many thanks to you, Soulscape.

Daylight savings time was already in place by the time of this chart. 12Cancer23 rises during a Mercury hour. I wouldn't be surprised if George did at at least part of these searches. His Sun (identity) is 12Virgo, fitting the 12* ascendant and his 12*Jupiter dispositing Mercury ruling the hour. His sunrise Moon is antiscion the 9th cusp. Moon degree is 9 just like the nodes. It's also his Mercury opposition, near exact. I see many more connections to his nativity than to Casey's. He's an ex homicide detective, not strange at all. The only hint I see that it is Casey is the part of identity (asc=Sa-Mo) is at 6Leo31, disposited by the Sun which is quite close, but not the same degree as Casey's. Actually, regarding death, I see more connections to potential suicide than murder directed toward another. I have to wonder how depressed GA was at this time.

What is the seeker thinking? Mercury rules the 3rd very appropriately. He is fallen, as well as Mars. Mars does have some natural dignity though because Mars rules water day and night. Moon has authority over and receives Mars, the child, showing the seeker has a position of authority over the child in some capacity. I would say though, with Mars also ruling the 10th, there is some sort of psychological connection to the seeker's own parent. Now, the most recent activity is Mercury opposing Saturn (possible deep depression) next applying a trine to Mars in the house of suicide or jail. Mercury would also represent Lee, the sibling, IF the seeker is Casey, or it would represent Casey if the seeker were Lee somehow. Mercury is between a rock and a hard place, beseiged between the two malefics. Now, if the seeker were George then Mars might represent Lee and Saturn would represent Casey, the 2nd child.

I don't think it is perfectly clear that the ascendant represents Casey. Moon is focused on skill and money, being in the 2nd. Mercury is focused on information fitting chloroform as a gas. It think it is interesting that chlorine is the most important ingredient missing. Chloroform is made up of CHCl3 needing 3 parts chlorine. Hydrogen was represented by alchemists with the Sun glyph. I wish I could find one for carbon and chlorine.
I'm copying this Quote over from the Updates thread, looks like the Murder trial will be delayed.

Casey Defense Team Member Predicts Trial Delay
Tuesday, December 2, 2008 – updated: 7:59 am EST December 2, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- A member of Casey Anthony's defense team says he predicts that her trial will be delayed. Doctor Lawrence Kobilinsky talked about a possible delay Monday night on CNN's Nancy Grace show


I discussed this likelihood on 10/28, click below if you want to review the post:

Soulscape, thanks for all of this hard work. It is very dark news. I had hoped this was all an accident. It appears not to have been. :(
I'm copying this Quote over from the Updates thread, looks like the Murder trial will be delayed.

I discussed this likelihood on 10/28, click below if you want to review the post:


Thanks so much for your indepth analysis which have proven CORRECT time and time again...As the querrant in your charts, I am sure that the answers that you have gleaned have been guided by the stars, and, I am happy to once again point out, they have appeared accurate every single time...My upmost respect and admiration are with you in this endeavor and your thinking is MOST clear and insightful...Blessings in your visions...
Soulscape thank you. That shows that KC had murder on her mind and her mind on murdering Caylee. The dreams I have had showed her in death but one of the last ones showed me KC watching Caylee 'wasting' away and poking her finger on her head like you were nudging someone to see if they would move and Caylee's arm moved when she poked her. I got the feeling from this dream that there is a possibility that KC may have not killed her the first time and used another method to finish her off. Or if an accident waited for her to die instead of seeking help. I know dreams have many influences but this was a little different than others I had that just showed Caylee dead. I myself think KC invented her own accident so others would think that. Do any of the charts hint to her using more than one method because first one did not get the results KC wanted or that she may have actually watched or waited for her to die?
I believe this: if there WERE an accident, then the EVIDENCE would have supported THAT and Casey could EASILY have admitted there was an accident early on and the evidence would have been there to back up her story. Why did she not admit the accidental death scenario then? I believe it is because Caylee's body did not hold the evidence to back up her story, but rather, displayed the guilt of her mother in all its glory. I believe she ABSOLUTELY did and does not want Caylee's body ever found because she knew and knows that is it is found then it will be the needle for HER because the remains will SHOW what she has done...Hair will retain evidence of drugging, especially if one dies from the drugs, so in Caylee's hair MAY just be all the evidence that would ever be needed, and who knows THAT better than the one who put the drugs in her?
I was thinking back over Tuba's possible body location chart which said that the body was likely 4.75 mi WNW from the A's house. I was using the mileage ruler on Google Earth and ran across something that kinda startled me. Give it a look and let me know what you think. San Juan Blvd & Teatro Blvd.

1. It's 4.75 miles from A's house in a WNW direction.
2. There's a park there
3. It's pretty secluded and there is drive up (or close to) water access.
4. There are woods there, and an open ground in the middle of the woods.
It's a park, but not...don't know about flowers (see pic below and you decide). It appears to me that the green clumps in the lake itself may be lillipads too??
5. There's a recreational area (Tennis court & Basketball Court)
6. There's a wooden bridge there. See it to the right of South end of lake
zoom in.
7. If she were there KC's pings would still hit on the familiar towers. (Lake Underhill & S Semoran below 408 near airport)
8. It's very close to the airport.
9. Could tie in with the 'Puerto Rico' theory that CA has been given by KC
since most of the streets are Spanish and in particular there is a San
Juan Blvd. Maybe Caylee really is in Puerto Rico in KC's backward way
of giving clues?

Here are a few images:





Just a thought -- let me know what you guys think.
Thank you for the good research, Beck. Strange about that yellow flower & the tree. The pings-airport connection is a good one. I wish I knew the Orlando area.
Thank you for the good research, Beck. Strange about that yellow flower & the tree. The pings-airport connection is a good one. I wish I knew the Orlando area.

Me too! It's frustrating sometimes not knowing. Wish I knew the name of that subdivision and park.


I looked up area on MapQuest and saw that subdivision is on the West side of the intersection of S. Semoran and Lake Underhill -- just below the 408. Very interesting location!!
Ok, I'm sorry to have pointed that out.

AE - your input here is valuable. It is obvious that your theory of what happened differs from what most of the rest of us think and that is a good thing. It is very important that we approach this with an open mind. There are still so many questions.

Soulscape, Tuba, Housemouse, Aksleuth, Kaitland and a few others have been tracking this case through the stars for many moons now (pun intended :)) and have contributed much hard work and many long hours with, in my opinion, startling and accurate results, which I appreciate very much. This is my favorite thread even though I know little of astrology.

I do believe it is important that variations be pointed out and your analysis, based on a different time standard, is very interesting. It would also lead me to ask questions about what was happening with GA at this time in March? Was he working? Was he at a dark point? Very difficult to say. It was reported that he started a new job in July, but I'm not sure we know how long he actually worked at his last job. Was it for more than 3 or 4 months? Was he fired? Did he quit because of personnel issues? Was the whole thing with KC and the stealing/lieing just getting him down?

I would gently say though, that I think the physical evidence correlates with Soulscape's use of the EDT time frame. We know that cholorform was found in KC's car. So if GA did the searches and put cholorform together did KC steal it from GA? Or if GA did the searches, did KC see them and snoop around to see what GA was doing, which gave her ideas?

Anyway, interesting overall and food for thought,

At the hour of the pre-trial, there is a Mutable T-Square that falls out close to Cusp 6 because the Moon, grave, serious, climactic, has not reached that point. At the impending Full Moon, it will. What will the Moon illuminate then but the past, the prisoner, her secrets! The tell tale Mercury who tattles from H. 12 and the ruler of H. 12 now in an angle were subject to earlier analysis.

The chart gives three testimonies that more evidence pertaining to what really occurred in June will surface now. Damning evidence of culpability. Interesting that the harmonizing component here is Neptune, bearing witness. House 3 governs witness(es). Unreliable as an oral witness designated by Neptune may be, Neptune may serve well when it represents photographs, chemistry, screen shots, flooding. This may be the discovery Defense is demanding. Saturn in Virgo tells of the Defense lack or need and the experts waiting to analyse it. Defense has much of it but rightly, wants all of it.

The Moon in crisis (4° Mutable), in the past has neglected opportunities to face the court authority, inconjunct Pluto, unconcerned with how her refusal & reclusiveness might appear to her prejudice. Where is this going? The Moon will conjoin the Part of Fortune at 29° II opposite Mercury. At a desperate moment, the prisoner will confront the testimony of the tell tale witness. Her lawyer will exert some measure of cleverness (36°) in dealing with that account of the matter. But that occasion postdates the pre-trial hearing. And the Full Moon on December 12, which has her up the wall. :behindbar

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