Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets In California

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last night on the news (cnn)it was saying she did not have 8 implanted...she had far less but they divided (as in twins) and became 8....they had a dr. on there stating it was possible that happened...very rare but it does happen
she also was not trying for 8 babies! so if the above is true it wold have been normal for the dr. to implant 3 or 4 embryos at one time.
look at jon and kate plus 8...they had a set of twins, Kate wanted just one more...and they got sextuplets!

It is more than rare for such a thing to happen...it is close to impossible...and it has obviously NEVER, EVER happened before! If there were any sets of identical twins, the delivery team would probably have mentioned that in their press conference.

As far as the Jon and Kate situation....they have a stable home, two parents, at least ONE job, health insurance and many other positive factors that are obviously absent in this woman's situation. Not to mention a fraudulent use of money to finance her plan, or the use of the embryos without the biological father's permission.
If Nadya (sp) had been injured on the job and receiving compensation, how in the hell was she physically able to count on her body taking her through any pregnancy (let alone a pregnancy of several embryos)?

This situation is so odd to me!

That is a very good question! I think the woman is a con artist, conning being disabled on the job, using money from that and school loans to pay for her 8 eggs she had left to be fertilitzed. Conning her parents into taking care of her children while she goes back to school, having 8 more children knowingly so that she can make $$$ off them and the talk show circuit, book deals, etc. :furious:

(2 page article)

"There’s a sense of being given back to by your children,” says Dr. Jennifer Hartstein, a New York-based psychologist who has not treated Suleman. “They give back so much love, attention and caring. And if she’s not feeling she’s gotten that anyplace else, that could be the primary reason.”
Certainly the sketchy details of Suleman’s relationship background leave the impression of loneliness. Her mother has said all 14 kids were conceived with sperm from the same donor, but wouldn’t identify him. Over the past few days, however, a new picture of Nadya Suleman has come forth.

Though still confined to her hospital bed, she has retained the public relations firm Killeen Furtney Group and is reportedly pursuing television specials and book and endorsement deals that could net her millions.

Suleman’s attention-seeking raises a disturbing question. In the age of “Jon & Kate Plus 8,” the Duggar family’s “17 Kids and Counting” and the globetrotting Jolie-Pitts, is phenomenal fertility just another bid for fame?

“If you want to find a way to be famous and to be, in your mind, a celebrity, there’s lots of ways to go about it,” says Cooper Lawrence, author of “The Cult of Celebrity.”

“If you’re not a good singer and you can’t write books,” said Lawrence, “go have babies.”

This is all about money and fame to the woman. If it were about just children, then she would and should be focused on the 6 children she already has.
If the media has any ethics they should not pay this woman any money for interviews, books, pics or anything. She should not financially profit from being this irresponsible with life.
If the media has any ethics they should not pay this woman any money for interviews, books, pics or anything. She should not financially profit from being this irresponsible with life.

I agree!
If the media has any ethics they should not pay this woman any money for interviews, books, pics or anything. She should not financially profit from being this irresponsible with life.

I don't know if it's an ethics consideration, IMHO. I would love to hear what this woman has to say and don't care if she gets money to say it if it helps raise those kids - the money is going to have to come from somewhere!
If the media has any ethics they should not pay this woman any money for interviews, books, pics or anything. She should not financially profit from being this irresponsible with life.

Unfortunately most all the media lacks ethics and it's all about money. So if the people actually want to here about this woman, watch her, read her books then the media will be on it.
So many times we read about people in trouble for taking lives, "playing God", in this case the woman "played God" very irresponsibly.
The only thing i would love to read about her is a full psychiatric evaluation.
She took a special gift doctors had created for couple who had problems having children and turned it into a sideshow media circus.
In my very humble opinion, this woman as well as whomever provided this IVF procedure to her did a disservice to many women with fertility issues as well as those men involved (SO, husbands, whomever).

This woman already has 6 children. I cannot help, but question ***any*** certified GYN-OB specialist that would intentionally impregnate her with 8 embyros. That is nowhere near normal nor ethically correct. I honestly believe this young woman has some kind of "issue".

FWIW, I will repeat what I have posted before. I have had friends and family members go through this procedure many times. I do not, on any possible level, have an issue with this type of medical procedure. That said, I do have an issue with irresponsibility when it comes to medical health and safety for all. That absolutely includes the infants that are put to risk due to adult decisions. Who are we thinking of here? The children or the the so called adult making a chioce that could cost them (children) a healthy,either physically and/or emotionally, life?

This disturbs me on every level. I know this is going to have a huge impact on women trying to go through this procedure. Just wait. It will not be long. Medical community as well as health insurance. Good people will feel/suffer because of this "historic" story.
I am mortified at what this woman did and the fertility DR. that implanted 8 embryos should lose his infertility certification and they should re-think his medical license. What he did was totally unethical.

I feel so sorry for this woman's mother because you know she has the burden of also taking care of this woman's kids. I am wondering if this woman did this for publicity and a meal ticket. It is so selfish to continue having kids when you cannot take care of the ones you have on your own. I am so glad I do not live in CA-imagine the millions of dollars in medical bills this family is racking up and you know this woman is going to need some sort of government assistance-unless she sells her story.

I am sure she is taking offers for the first picture of the octuplets. That is just wrong. What this Dr did was not right and the AMA needs to send a message out to Dr's thinking of doing something so ridiculous.
If the media has any ethics they should not pay this woman any money for interviews, books, pics or anything. She should not financially profit from being this irresponsible with life.

The only thing I can figure is indirectly we (the public) pay to help her either way:

She either gets assistance via the federal and state governments to raise her children... OR she inks a deal and the only way it's profitable is if we buy the product (television show, books, etc...).

Is my logic off?

(2 page article)

"There’s a sense of being given back to by your children,” says Dr. Jennifer Hartstein, a New York-based psychologist who has not treated Suleman. “They give back so much love, attention and caring. And if she’s not feeling she’s gotten that anyplace else, that could be the primary reason.”
Certainly the sketchy details of Suleman’s relationship background leave the impression of loneliness. Her mother has said all 14 kids were conceived with sperm from the same donor, but wouldn’t identify him. Over the past few days, however, a new picture of Nadya Suleman has come forth.

Though still confined to her hospital bed, she has retained the public relations firm Killeen Furtney Group and is reportedly pursuing television specials and book and endorsement deals that could net her millions.

Suleman’s attention-seeking raises a disturbing question. In the age of “Jon & Kate Plus 8,” the Duggar family’s “17 Kids and Counting” and the globetrotting Jolie-Pitts, is phenomenal fertility just another bid for fame?

“If you want to find a way to be famous and to be, in your mind, a celebrity, there’s lots of ways to go about it,” says Cooper Lawrence, author of “The Cult of Celebrity.”

“If you’re not a good singer and you can’t write books,” said Lawrence, “go have babies.”

This is all about money and fame to the woman. If it were about just children, then she would and should be focused on the 6 children she already has.
The major differences are that Angelina Jolie was already famous in her own right, not for motherhood, she can easily afford all her children, has a husband/father for her children to help her, and some of hers are adopted! They have no business comparing her to Angelina Jolie!:mad::mad::mad:
The major differences are that Angelina Jolie was already famous in her own right, not for motherhood, she can easily afford all her children, has a husband/father for her children to help her, and some of hers are adopted! They have no business comparing her to Angelina Jolie!:mad::mad::mad:

I agree. I think it's very unfair and inaccurate to compare this woman to any other family. Though I do not feel comfortable with the Dugger's and their huge family (I would have had 6, but 18??? ~Shudder~), this one particular case cannot be compared to any other large family on any level. I do not understand what anyone was thinking!
This disturbs me on every level. I know this is going to have a huge impact on women trying to go through this procedure. Just wait. It will not be long. Medical community as well as health insurance. Good people will feel/suffer because of this "historic" story.

I am just snipping your post down. But I totally agree with all that you said, Ordinary Life, especially that last part. I have the exact same fear that this will have negative repurcussions for people who truly need and try to pursue IVF in the future. I fear that they will take extreme measures to make sure this doesn't happen again and possibly make IVF even harder to obtain than it is now. She is like the bad seed ruining it for everyone else.

I also don't believe that she was ever infertile in the first place and clearly she must have lied to get to this point. What proof did she have that she was infertile if she hadn't even been trying with a mate? It's total bs.

I feel that if she does end up making any fame-related income it needs to be used to pay towards all the fraudulent things she did to obtain this "miracle". I have heard two different stories, one that she used her student loans and the other that she used disability benefits to pay for the IVF. Either way, that is fraud! The woman is obviously not disabled if she was able to go through this many complicated pregnancies. And it is possible that she took out "excess" financial aid, but that is supposed to be done only to pay for school-related things such as books, etc. not IVF! It's like she doesn't even care or realize that she was pulling all these fraudulent schemes as long as she got her babies!
"The news that she is a single mother with six other children — and that all 14 were conceived by having embryos implanted — seems to have turned off many people, and companies are not exactly rushing to get publicity by piling on the freebies.

A veteran Hollywood publicist said Suleman’s handlers have their work cut out for them in trying to win public sympathy for her.

Conservative radio talk show host Bill Handel in Los Angeles, who has branded the births “freakish,” said on the air Tuesday that people are ready to boycott any corporations that help the octuplets or their mother.

Suleman’s spokesman Mike Furtney said that he has received some “fairly negative” comments from the public but that offers to help with the babies have come in from nurses, and some baby stores have stepped forward to volunteer their support.

“I don’t remember the brand name, but one major disposable diaper company sent some diapers,” he said. Furtney said he was confident that once Suleman tells her story, many of her critics will “readjust their thinking a little.”

TLC President Eileen O’Neill said production companies that work with TLC have already made offers to Suleman’s family, but the network is waiting to see how TV-friendly the family is. "

"The news that she is a single mother with six other children — and that all 14 were conceived by having embryos implanted — seems to have turned off many people, and companies are not exactly rushing to get publicity by piling on the freebies.

A veteran Hollywood publicist said Suleman’s handlers have their work cut out for them in trying to win public sympathy for her.

Conservative radio talk show host Bill Handel in Los Angeles, who has branded the births “freakish,” said on the air Tuesday that people are ready to boycott any corporations that help the octuplets or their mother.

Suleman’s spokesman Mike Furtney said that he has received some “fairly negative” comments from the public but that offers to help with the babies have come in from nurses, and some baby stores have stepped forward to volunteer their support.

“I don’t remember the brand name, but one major disposable diaper company sent some diapers,” he said. Furtney said he was confident that once Suleman tells her story, many of her critics will “readjust their thinking a little.”

TLC President Eileen O’Neill said production companies that work with TLC have already made offers to Suleman’s family, but the network is waiting to see how TV-friendly the family is. "


Does this mean the offers are contingent with how the public reacts? (If that's the case, it doesn't sound too favorable to me.) I do feel bad being a "critic", but this story has just rubbed me the wrong way.

That being said, thanks for all the updates you all!:blowkiss:
I also don't believe that she was ever infertile in the first place and clearly she must have lied to get to this point. What proof did she have that she was infertile if she hadn't even been trying with a mate? It's total bs.

The story was that she had blocked tubes. That would make you a candidate for IVF even if you had normal ovaries. It would also lead to the ability to create viable embryos in the double digits with even one attempt.
Boyz Mum brings up a good point - I would rather have GMA, Oprah, etc. pay her a few million so she can properly care for those children, then have them wind up on the tax payer dole. I hope she gets enough to pay the hospital back as well.
mostly a lurker, rarely a poster but here goes.

Not just what doctor would do this but what doctor would do this (even if it were less embryos) considering she has given birth to six children in the last seven years. That alone takes a serious toll on a woman's body. I'm sure there is more to this story.

I absolutely do not agree with her choice to have 14 kids for a gamut of reasons but it still seems hard to assume that she does not have medical insurance (for herself or her children) or that she had them fraudulently. Student loans are just that, loans. If she used student loans to get pregnant, she still has to pay them back. In all technical senses they are for living expenses and educational costs while in school but I many people use them for vacation over spring break, to foot the cost of a nicer car, to go out drinking. I don't think it really constitutes fraud but I could be wrong.

I do agree that her children will suffer for her neglectful choices though.
Our news is reporting that she defintiely had this done in the US.
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