Stolen Babies

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Aug 13, 2003
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This is such a sad story. While I have empathy for the natural mother from Guatamala and understand her wanting her son, the boy is now 5 yr old, cannot speak her language, knows only US culture, and has two loving parents who in good faith adopted him. My guess is the courts are going to return this child to her, and he, along with the mother, will be returned to Guatamala.

There are 5100 children in 22 states that could be in such adoption limbo.
are you a parent? I could not imagine my kids being taken from me and adopted out to someone, while I feel for the adoptive parents, he is not their son. It wasn't like she gave him up on her own accord.
IN THE INTEREST OF THIS CHILD - the ideal situation would be for both, the adoptive parents and natural mother to be actively involved in the continued parenting of this child. I pray they can all work something out for the best benefit of this child. JMO~
I don't think it's fair that her rights as a parent were terminated. I don't understand how her child can be taken from her and this is considered legal.

However, in the best interest of the child, I don't think he should be removed from the home he has grown up in and with the people he considers his parents. It would detrimental to him and could have serious repurcussions. That is something he may never recover from emotionally. The feeling of abandonment can change a child forever, even if the parents didn't do it of their own free will.

Maybe his biological mother shouldn't have come here illegally, then this never would have happened. When you're a parent, you need to put your children first. If you commit a crime, you have to suffer the consequences. I do feel for her but she put herself in this position.
but how do we know it will be detrimental?

I think they both should be involved and over time, then be back with his bio mother.
but I am guessing, if they have the means to adopt and since she came here illegally, who will have the better lawyer....
but how do we know it will be detrimental?

I think they both should be involved and over time, then be back with his bio mother.

You don't think that taking a child away from his parents, the ones who have raised him for five years, could scar a child?? Seriously??
I'm not sure I understand all the details of this story, so maybe I'm misinterpreting.

It sounds like the identity theft charges stem from the illegal immigrant thing, like she used someone's SS# or something to work. Why would our government, who is supposed to be getting rid of the illegal immigrants, want to lock them up and support them in prison over something this stupid? Mother and son should have been immediately deported back to their home country.

But what's done is done, and IMO the only way to work this out for the best interest of the child is to grant the mother legal status and give joint custody to her and the adopted parents. Fair or not, it is not in the best interest of the child to take him from the only family he has ever really known and give him to what to him is essentially a stranger.
You don't think that taking a child away from his parents, the ones who have raised him for five years, could scar a child?? Seriously??

seriously? if you rip him from their arms - of course, but if it was something gradual that happened over time with both parties being involved......

now it seems there is much more to this story - the media seemed to gloss over all the gory details.
seriously? if you rip him from their arms - of course, but if it was something gradual that happened over time with both parties being involved......

now it seems there is much more to this story - the media seemed to gloss over all the gory details.

But why should the adoptive parents have to suffer because of the criminal act the bio mom committed? If she wouldn't have done what she did, she wouldn't be dealing with any of this right now.

ETA: If you commit a crime, you run the risk of losing your children. She should have considered that fact.
There is a lot of not so subtle racism and classism in that article. Insinuations that the child would automatically be better off here in the US than in Guatemala, etc.

Being undocumented doesn't make one an unfit parent. This woman was working what sounds like a not very pleasant job, to provide for herself and her child, when she was arrested. Then separated from that child by an unmerciful government for no good reason at all.

I don't know how to solve a mess like this. This child is now bonded with the adoptive parents, but that should not mean that his mother has no rights at all, but what will happen to him if he is taken from the only family he has ever known? A gradual turnover to the mother seems the best way to handle it. What a horrendous thing done to this poor woman and child.
Why? Can you explain this remark a little more?

I would be glad if they had the better lawyer because then they would be more likely to win. I feel that the child should stay with the adoptive parents.
I really wish that both the adoptive parents and the biological mother could work something out that would be best for the little boy? Like him staying with the adoptive parents here in the United States with the promise that the adoptive parents would bring the boy to Guatamala to see his family and connect with his culture?

If that cannot be done, I don't really believe that there is any question? The boy should be given back to the biological mother? I don't care if the mother was here illegally, you cannot just take someones child from them like that? I cannot believe it is even legal? Why weren't family in Guatamala not called in to take the child while they detained the mother? They just stripped her of all her parental rights and placed the boy up for adoption? Horrible!

I feel awful for the adoptive parents, but unless they can work something out, the boy should be given back to his biological mother and returned to Guatamala. No question.
are you a parent? I could not imagine my kids being taken from me and adopted out to someone, while I feel for the adoptive parents, he is not their son. It wasn't like she gave him up on her own accord.

Yes. I am a parent - of two successful college educated sons with whom I have a great relationship. I spent a lot of time raising them, as did my husband.

This 5 yr old child was adopted as a baby and knows no other parent. He speaks only English. His bio mother says she wants to take him back to Guatamala. (Or is she seeking to stay here?)Why kind of life will he have there? WHERE IS THE FATHER? Who has been raising her other two children in Guatamala?

IMO there is more to this story than we know - see comment from Hopeful One. This woman has two other children in Guatamala who she admits she will not see if allowed to stay in the US.

There is also another story in today's online news on the same subject. WHERE IS THE FATHER in this story? If the kids were with the father when she was arrested (today's story), why are they now in foster care, awaiting adoption? The media isn't telling everything.
What does the father have to do with it? Whether there is a father in the picture or not, it's still her child.

I hope we're not back to a point in his country where we stigmatize single mothers, to the point where we would say a child is better off taken away from its single bio mom?!
Was the little boy born in Guatemala or America? If he was born in Guatemala he should have never been put up for adoption here in America. What rights did we have to him? None! Family in Guatemala should have been contacted and the boy should have been returned to them in his home country while his mother was detained here. If he had no family that would take him, the government should have simply deported him and his mother back to Guatemala.

Now, if he was born in America... it could be a different story, but not enough to strip this mothers parental rights and place the boy up for adoption.
It seems that the little boy was born an American citizen? That makes it a little different, but not different enough to strip the mothers parental rights. There are a lot of American born mothers who do a lot worse and their parental rights are not taken from them?

Maybe they shouldn't detain illegal immigrant "mothers" for so long? Maybe when they do catch them, no matter the children being American born, should all be sent back to the original country of the mother? The children would maintain their American citizenship and when they got older, and they wanted to return to America, they could? If they wanted to stay in the country of their mothers, they could? They did this for Elian Gonzalez because when he landed on American soil, he was deemed an American citizen. From all accounts, Elian has had a good life in Cuba despite the outcry when he was sent back? From all accounts, he has not returned to America?

As much as people want to say how hard it will be on the little boy if he is sent back with his mother, what happens if he completely resents the fact that he was not given back to his mother later on in life despite the home these adoptive parents gave him?

It's a bad situation all around. The boy should have never been placed up for adoption at all!
As a parent, I think this story is just awful. However, I can not understand trading one child for another....she is fine with leaving her kids in Guatemala....she is apparently not interested in reconnecting with them, and them all being one big happy family.However, she is ok with jerking her American son away from the family who has loved him fed him, took care of him when he was ill. What truly makes one a it giving birth, or is it changing diapers, making bottles, kissing away boo-boo's, sitting up when they are ill, clothing them, feeding them...I could go on and on. If I read the above posts correctly...she was given visitation, but has declined to participate in that? That is not a mother, a real mother would be there every chance she had, she'd consider her child first, above herself, and know that it would be very traumatic at his age to be taken by a stranger. She agrees to never see her children in Guatemala again if she can just have this child back. Anchor babies, I believe is the term they use for babies born in America to parents illegally in our country. The child assures the parents can remain here. I feel horrible she lost her baby, but the parents who have loved and raised that child, are in his little heart his true parents. Her actions make me wonder if getting him back would just lead to another tragedy. A mother who can flee a country and leave her children behind.....agree to never see them again....what kind of a mother would she be to this little boy, I have to ask myself.......I can't in anyway see how she could be "in the best interest of a child".
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