Why are you on the fence?

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Jun 28, 2010
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I posed this question in another thread, but someone suggested it's a good idea for a new thread. Please, be respectful, and if you're not on the fence, please don't use this thread to antagonize those who are.

For the fencesitters, why are you on the fence? What keeps you there?

Perhaps our reasons for being on the fence will provide insight.

Initially, I was not convinced of Terri's guilt, but now I think she may actually be innocent.

Her timeline is tight, IMHO. There is some fill-in that's required, but deducting reasonably based on what we know or can strongly infer (e.g. she went to the gym that day), her timeline is very solid. Even if she pinged off Suavie Island or went to another FM instead of Albertson's, her timeline is solid. If you believe she was doing something other than driving baby K around for that hour or hour and fifteen minutes, that's still not much time to do what was probably done to Kyron and to compose herself enough to go to the gym.

Also, regardless of if she left the school at 8:35 or 8:45, I don't think she had enough time to do anything before she stopped at the first FM. Based on LE photos tagged as POV from Terri's parking place, I believe she was where she said she was. If she was there, where was Kyron? Dead in the vehicle? She'd risk being caught with a dead child in her vehicle? An incapacitated child? Also, baby K was with her. She killed or incapacitated Kyron while baby K was with her?

IMHO, no one saw Kyron leave with her. IMHO, an accomplice materialized because an accomplice is the only way in which Terri can still be guilty. Dede's statements to People were interesting -- she said LE wanted her to tell them that Terri did it or has knowledge of it. IMHO, they don't have evidence she's directly involved, but they "know" she's guilty, so maybe her guilt is explained via an accomplice.

IMHO, it's become apparent to me that LE is letting theory drive the search for evidence as opposed to the discovery of evidence shaping the development of a theory.
In my opinion, we really don't know what LE is doing or what evidence they have. I don't see how I can commit to a theory without knowing all that they know. The fact that Kaine has been let in to the loop to some extent, and that what they know convinces him, sways me that direction. I don't think he would take such drastic measures (potentially permanently separating his daughter from her mother at a traumatic time) unless he was certain it was the right decision. But Occam's razor sways me in the other direction--how can all these odd coincidences really be only coincidences? The likelihood seems far too remote.
I'm kind of on the fence where Terri is concerned. I feel like she at the very least knows something she hasn't told. Whether that means she actually did something (or facilitated something being done) to Kyron or whether there's something else she doesn't want to fess up to, I don't know.

There certainly isn't enough factual evidence (that we know of, at least) to say she is guilty of harming Kyron. However, there is plenty of reason to suspect she at least knows something.

My reason for believing that is that I don't think the other parents would want to target her with lies about failing polys or not fully cooperating, etc.. They are sincerely convinced by what LE has told them and by their own observations. They want more than anything to find their boy. That they so powerfully believe she's involved, along with LE releasing flyers and such asking for info about TH and DDS, makes me at least suspicious, but until we know more, that's all I have...suspicions.

Not sure if that makes me a true fence sitter, but I'm open to going a totally different direction should the information take me there.
Thanks for starting this thread!

I am on the fence for several reasons.
1. There is no solid proof that Terri Horman was/wasn't the last person to see Kyron. Maybe LE has something, but there seems to be conflicting reports on whom saw Kyron last.
2. MFH plot came out of left field. I think someone was meddling, stirring the pot. I still have hope that humanity is just that - human, and if someone was approached with a MFH plot they would tell the police. Never happened, but they try to go in with wires months after the "attempt" to hire. That has ALWAYS sat odd with me. Always.
3. Did Terri leave at 8:45 AM that day, or was it 9:00? No one knows for certain, but what I feel is that it is very possible to make it to that first drug store going a certain MPH and leaving at a certain time. I think she might of rounded up in that email to a friend because at that point she wasn't being scrutinized by the police and the media. I think she finally got 8:45 AM down when she provided LE her receipts.
4. I too drove my child around in the car for them to fall asleep. Teething stages were the worst!! (So, I empathize there a bit.)
5. I don't see anything odd about the relationship with Dee Dee. We have all been brought information that Dee Dee was probably helped through her unemployment by friends, she most certainly didn't get that from the boyfriend. I think Dee Dee, as a friend, returned that support. "Pay it forward." The phones and how much they look alike do spook me a bit, but I think phones were just a "Doh!" moment.
6. I value my privacy quite a bit and could only imagine what it must feel like to have every move calculated and almost waited on. Living under a microscope doesn't sound fun, and having that contact with the outside world is important. Ask any prisoner that receives a letter or visit from their family. The phones could of been used like that (I just made a horrible analogy, but you get the idea.) I think this is the same reason Terri resorted to the Internet to try and prove herself as well.
7. I have always thought it was odd that Kaine told her to remain quite in the beginning.
8. I think it is odd that the pressers from the family are taped and broadcast at a certain time. I think it's even more strange that some affiliates are not allowed in.


I will probably add to this later on, this is all I can think of off the cuff but I believe it's enough.
I couldn't ever imagine being a juror. I don't think there is a lot of solid evidence, and I believe that LE was trying to solve this too quick. I wish on June 5th LE would of taken two steps back, instead they barrel rolled with the accusations.

JMO, of course.

Until I see solid evidence I probably won't ever "convict" Terri. I try and keep my emotions in check because hope for Kyron is all the remains, and it's all that is needed.
I won't waste anything else, positive or negative, on anyone else involved (or not.)
I am on the fence because I have not seen one single thing that would point to her being guilty; quite the opposite. Her timeline is tight, she apparently was where she said she was.

In the press conferences I watched it appeared to me that even Desiree and Kaine did not think her capable of outright killing Kyron. They seemed to be theorizing an accomplice would be necessary. IMO.

However, there is so much we don't know. If new information is release from LE that really points to her guilt I will be SO glad to climb off this fence. It's uncomfortable up here. My hiney is sore and I think I am getting splinters in hard-to-reach places.
I am on the fence because on one hand there is no solid evidence against Terri, but on the other her actions seem suspicious to me. If I had to guess it would be that there is something else she's hiding, that's not about Kyron & that Kyron was abducted by a stranger taking advantage of the larger groups of people at the school to take a child. I don't believe it was a coincidence that he was taken on the day of the science fair. It worries me that Terri is being convicted by the public with so little evidence: no motive, witnesses or much opportunity when you take in the time frame. I'm trying to keep an open mind & I believe only time will tell in this case.
I am on the fence because I have not seen one single thing that would point to her being guilty; quite the opposite. Her timeline is tight, she apparently was where she said she was.

In the press conferences I watched it appeared to me that even Desiree and Kaine did not think her capable of outright killing Kyron. They seemed to be theorizing an accomplice would be necessary. IMO.

However, there is so much we don't know. If new information is release from LE that really points to her guilt I will be SO glad to climb off this fence. It's uncomfortable up here. My hiney is sore and I think I am getting splinters in hard-to-reach places.

:floorlaugh: Poor baby! ::uploading Sitz bath and offset tweezers::
With some evidence, I have no problem jumping to the 'guilty' side of the court room. In this case, I climb from innocence, up to the fence, and back down again to innocence.

My first thoughts were that Terri was framed, set-up to be the perp of missing Kyron. Now I think it could be a set-up or a child predator responsible.

Most people accused of committing a crime have unusual events in their life preceding the crime and on the day of the crime. One might call these events, unfortunate coincidences!

..A guilty demeanor does not equal guilt!
..Failed lie detector tests are meaningless
..He said/she said as seen in the MFH plot is meaningless in a court of law.
..sexting is meaningless in a court of law
..having a friend stay for 10 days when you have had threats on your life and no access to a gun, may be the smart thing to do. Certainly is not a way to measure guilt.
..Being off by 15min or so in your time-line does not indicate guilt.

I can go on and on, but for now, I'm in the court of innocence. Bottom line is that there is no evidence pointing toward guilt. :yes:

My opinions only and all the other stuff.
With some evidence, I have no problem jumping to the 'guilty' side of the court room. In this case, I climb from innocence, up to the fence, and back down again to innocence.

My first thoughts were that Terri was framed, set-up to be the perp of missing Kyron. Now I think it could be a set-up or a child predator responsible.

Most people accused of committing a crime have unusual events in their life preceding the crime and on the day of the crime. One might call these events, unfortunate coincidences!

..A guilty demeanor does not equal guilt!
..Failed lie detector tests are meaningless
..He said/she said as seen in the MFH plot is meaningless in a court of law.
..sexting is meaningless in a court of law
..having a friend stay for 10 days when you have had threats on your life and no access to a gun, may be the smart thing to do. Certainly is not a way to measure guilt.
..Being off by 15min or so in your time-line does not indicate guilt.

I can go on and on, but for now, I'm in the court of innocence. Bottom line is that there is no evidence pointing toward guilt. :yes:

My opinions only and all the other stuff.

Because while I think Terri is unbelievably cold hearted....

I do not want to believe she hurt Kyron, including intentionally keeping him from his family.

Because while I think that Terri's behavior is absolutely appalling and likely means she is guilty...

I do not want to believe that and accept what it likely means for Kyron.

Because while I have tried to imagine the day when there is an arrest made...

I do not want to imagine what the charges would be and I simply can't picture it ever happening.

Because while I know the odds...I simply, cannot allow myself to believe that Kyron is anything but alive.

I refuse to accept anything less than that press conference with video of Kyron being reunited with his family.
I'm on the fence because there isn't any really solid evidence pointing to anyone in particular.

I think if I were accused of committing a crime and my entire past was exposed to a hostile public, I'd probably look suspicious as all get out. I have wondered since all this unsavoury stuff has come out if that isn't also the case with TMH.

A rebound affair? Um, I'm guilty of that one myself. Showing the rebound guy the RO? I've never done that (never had a restraining order) but it seems like a relatively minor mistake to make.

The MFH plot? So far, it looks like he said, she said. Without a chance to assess the credibility of the witness, it's really difficult to judge such allegations, particularly since they came 8-9 months after the fact and they came out only after the LS was contacted by LE. I assume LE has proof that they were sexting but that's not a crime except perhaps against good taste.

That TMH was apparently the last adult to admit to seeing Kyron? Maybe suspicious, maybe not. On the not side is the fact that she seems to have done much of the kid chauffering, so it was not unusual for her to be the parent to take Kyron to school if he didn't ride the bus.

Multiple relationships and cheating on a past spouse? If you believe DY (and I do on this point) KH is also guilty of the same actions.

As I believe that polygraphs are garbage, I place no credence in passing or failing all or part of one.

There are unaccounted for holes in TMH's timeline from that morning but that is not unusual. I'd bet that well over 90% of people would have uncorroborated holes in their timelines on non-work days and, for many people, even on work days.

The bat phones actually seem more of an indication of innocence to me rather than guilt. If TMH knows she is innocent, then it seems reasonable she'd want a phone number that was unknown to the media and one that she didn't feel anyone was listening in on because she would know she would have nothing to say that would help the search. I think if TMH were guilty, she'd be much more careful to avoid anything that gives such an impression of guilty knowledge.
Sudoku is a ritual at our house on hot, lazy Sunday afternoons. My husband and I both love the game and can wile away many hours filling in page after page of puzzles. Although I'm a skilled player, occassionally I lose focus and write a number in the wrong space, then merrily proceed to fill in the puzzle using faulty logic until finally I try to write a five in a block that already contains a five. Achhh!! Then comes the frustrating realization that the entire puzzle contains corrupt data, and it's nearly impossible to distinguish the correct answers from the incorrect. Any effort to make sense of it at that point is futile, so I erase the whole darn thing and start over.

That is how I feel about this case. Each aspect is filled with holes, questionable data, and conflicting information. The scant few facts we do have are mostly circumstantial and peripheral to Kyron's disappearance. The timeline is blurry, there is no clear means, no clear motive, and we can't even factually determine if indeed Terri was the person last seen with Kyron. My intuition says she's guilty and I can speculate, but that's it. Otherwise, I'm stuck in a corner, unable to proceed on a logical path in either direction toward a conclusion about Terri's guilt or innocence.

I joked in another thread about being on a teeter totter rather than a fence. With each tidbit that comes to light, and as I read the many insightful but varied opinions of other posters, my thoughts go back and forth and up and down.
Bessie!! I love Sudoku, too. And the more complicated they are, the better I like them.

I am sitting on the fence because of many of the same reasons listed above and I really can't add any reasons that are different. If I see some evidence that points to her being guilty, then I'll fall off that fence. Or very gingerly step down, rung by rung.
How tall is this fence anyway... anybody know?
I am not on a fence at all. I just don't see any solid evidence for what happened to Kyron, let alone who is responsible for his disappearance. Im very disturbed that he has not been found yet. I still pray and wonder constantly where could he be.

While thinking about this case, something struck me as very strange.
Why.............are Kaine and Terri both still wearing their wedding rings ?
What is up with that ? Last I read Kaine was still wearing his, and the other day I read that Terri was still wearing hers. I find it very odd, maybe even one of the oddest things yet. And something that definately gives me pause to become suspicious for the first time yet. I have always felt that so much in this case feels so scripted and yet there is nothing really for evidence.
My position on the fence is pretty solid. Teri's timeline and her reasoning is quite acceptable to me, especially the fact that she felt she had to go to 2 FM to get medicine for her daughter. All my local rx retailers are having problems with recalls by the mfgs not being replenished fast enough.

and I 100% believe in this by eyes4crime:

..A guilty demeanor does not equal guilt!
..Failed lie detector tests are meaningless
..He said/she said as seen in the MFH plot is meaningless in a court of law.
..sexting is meaningless in a court of law
..having a friend stay for 10 days when you have had threats on your life and no access to a gun, may be the smart thing to do. Certainly is not a way to measure guilt.
..Being off by 15min or so in your time-line does not indicate guilt.

I've connected the dots before but had help (Scott P with the anchor circles in his warehouse, Bruno Mahli shoes with OJ, Susan Smiths behavior, etc), I need more on this one.
Some days Im ON the fence and some days Im completely OFF. It changes based on what comes out in MSM and of course, our discussions.

My first intial instinct told me TH wasnt involved. This was back on day one when all we knew for sure was that she took him to school. As soon as I dug into the first pictures posted and saw the Easter baskets and trips etc it occurred to me that she was the picture taker and had real love for this boy.

Then...as info became available and she started acting SOOOOO guilty by all of the MFH and sexting and other odd behavior I changed my mind completely.

The clincher for me...or so I thought...was Kaine taking such immediate and drastic measures to remove her from his and baby K's life. Especially when intially he seemed so convinced of her innocence. All I could say to myself is "he must be really sure she's guilty to go to these lengths". Im still convinced he knows a lot more than we do.
The judge must have had some kind of reasonable evidence to allow the restraining order to stay in effect. And the fact the she hasnt contested it, especially with her inability to see Baby K, also implies her guilt.

Now with her timeline relatively tight it seems and no hard evidence that we know for certain of Im right back up on the fence.

Her silence speaks volumes to me and the fact that she retained this high price defense attorney and STILL has yet to seem broken up about him being gone strikes my heart but is not enuf to convict her.

My heart wants to believe that K is alive and well and being held somewhere for some reason I cannot possibly fathom and that we will see him reunited with his family someday.

My head however says something completely different.

My gut says she is culpable in some way and had accomplices to assist her but I have to think there was some concrete reason that an adult would aid in something so horrific as making a child disappear.

My husband (cynical) says we will never know what happened to him because if she hasnt talked yet she is either made of stone or has nothing to say.

So...I remain on the fence but leaning toward the falling off on the TH guilty side. I just cant believe that she killed him though...my heart of hearts says thats not the case and DEAR LORD I hope my heart is right!!!!!

I've connected the dots before

Respectfully snipped....

Connecting the dots would be SO MUCH EASIER if they weren't spread out all over the place and missing in key areas.........this is truthfully and wholeheartedly the most mind boggling of all the cases Ive followed over the years...it has more twists and turns and spins and angles than any amusement park ride ever made. Its truly the scariest, largest roller coaster of emotion and thought and reasoning any of us has ever ridden.

If its this horrific and heart wrenching for us, I cant even begin to imagine what LE and most importantly the family is enduring.
While I've been balancing up here on my fence all along, I, like Eyes4crime, could be easily convinced of guilt, if some evidence comes along. I just have not seen any yet.

I know some people, including my dear departed little sister, who would probably come off just as Terri is doing, in this same situation. She (my sister) had a lot of emotional issues, some substance abuse issues, possibly a personality disorder, defintely inapropriate responses, and yet she would have done whatever a lawyer told her to do, as far as not speaking, taking his advice, etc. So I tend to give Terri the benefit of the doubt about outward appearances, meaning what we see.

And Terri really does seem to have been pretty much where she claims for the intial, crucial period.

I may turn out to be vastly naive, but I am not seeing the Terri/Dede relationship as anything more than a normal friendship. And I can totally imagine how Terri may have said to the landscaper, "my husband is so mean, so whatever, I wish he was dead. Can you help me?" And if he balked, that was the end of it. I have my doubts whether anything other than maybe unspoken promises of a sexual relationship ever came into it. Or that a "plan" ever exsisted.
While I've been balancing up here on my fence all along, I, like Eyes4crime, could be easily convinced of guilt, if some evidence comes along. I just have not seen any yet.

I know some people, including my dear departed little sister, who would probably come off just as Terri is doing, in this same situation. She (my sister) had a lot of emotional issues, some substance abuse issues, possibly a personality disorder, defintely inapropriate responses, and yet she would have done whatever a lawyer told her to do, as far as not speaking, taking his advice, etc. So I tend to give Terri the benefit of the doubt about outward appearances, meaning what we see.

And Terri really does seem to have been pretty much where she claims for the intial, crucial period.

I may turn out to be vastly naive, but I am not seeing the Terri/Dede relationship as anything more than a normal friendship. And I can totally imagine how Terri may have said to the landscaper, "my husband is so mean, so whatever, I wish he was dead. Can you help me?" And if he balked, that was the end of it. I have my doubts whether anything other than maybe unspoken promises of a sexual relationship ever came into it. Or that a "plan" ever exsisted.

100% agree!!!!
The judge must have had some kind of reasonable evidence to allow the restraining order to stay in effect. And the fact the she hasnt contested it, especially with her inability to see Baby K, also implies her guilt.


The petition didn't present any evidence and the judge didn't see anything but the petition in granting the temporary restraining order.

The only reason the temporary restraining order became a long term one is because TMH chose not to challenge it. Had she chosen to challenge it by requesting a show-cause hearing, that is the point at which KH would have had to produce real evidence to back up the allegations in his petition.

As to why TMH chose not to challenge the RO, I do not know. My speculation is that her lawyer felt it was not in TMH's own best interests in the long term to challenge it in court, where anything TMH said could be used against her in a potential criminal case.

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