Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #9

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Hi Kimster,
Well, there are daily court lists, which do list arrestees (for arrest court) --->
HTH :)

I did intend to have a lot of input into this thread in order to help with understanding some aspects of the process (i am a criminologist, btw), but whenever i think of something to write, somebody else has already beaten me to it (I'm looking at you, Hawkins, lol)!
I personally believe (IMO) that GBC knows what has happened, but i am not so sure he is entirely guilty...just a gut feeling. I think there is a lot more to this case than meets the eye and i think probably 80% of what has been discussed is likely to be incorrect. Incidentally, one of the first things any person entering a justice system profession is told is that the media is a completely untrustworthy source of information... i personally have disregarded about 50% of what has been reported as fact by the media :twocents:

Brilliant thread - thank you.
Just on the media however, and yes terribly inaccurate and manipulating, but my feeling on this case is that they have been farily accurate simply because of the frequeny of the Police updates and interviews which were generally televised. Most of what the media has reported and lets face it, hasn't been terribly much, has been reported in media conferences whereby Det Ainsworth spoke to the media. Then you would read the same thing the next day in the paper or online that day.

Care to elaborate on the 50% you have disregarded? Just curious...
Need to do my research this wkend on kilometers versus a mile, another thing that throws me for a loop, lol
If that piece of **** and I were alone in a room only one of us would walk out


I agree Greg, I hope that after the trial and the Morcombe's finally get closure that this piece of scum is subjected relentlessly to his fellow inmates and their justice system. Jeez I wish we still had the death penalty at times.
Wasn't the first time, apparently:

Scroll down until you locate Brett Peter Cohen (aka Brett Peter Cowan) Northern Territory-Darwin. Brisbane Queensland

Many of them are here - the sub-humans who give parents nightmares

MAKO Files Online - Listing Australian Paedophiles/Sex Offenders
Just was going to say BBQ spare ribs with rice and bok choy for for dinner but after reading that I am so bloody angry. How come that guy only got 3.5 yrs for the first conviction and only served .. What 14 mths.
Dark Shadow what are your views?
Mine is the system is farcked! Ps Aussie slang for forums when you want to say something else and cannot because of rules.

Pulling my hair out. Still to this day my heart goes out to Daniel's parents. They have recently been touring Qld talking to school kids about personal safety. Those people are gold!
Night all, may today be the day Allison gets the justice she deserves..
I've never heard the dropping the pants one! At least not in that context. Must be a QLD saying.

Aussie Expat Singapore must have been away too long (respectully AES) or the meaning has changed since he left. When I say drop my pants it generally means 'that person is trying to do me over for cash'
in fact just used it recently when a client owed me money and they wanted more stock from me before they paid their first bill.
"what do you want me to drop my pants as well"?
T I think perhaps we should briefly explain the Daniel Morcombe case. Here goes:

Daniel was 13 years of age, he lived in a small town called Woombye about 130 kilometres north of Brisbane.

He was the one of three sons, one of the other boys his twin. He set out on Sunday in early December to go Christmas Shopping. He waited on a busy road for a bus, the intended bus had broken down and took a while to get going. People recalled seeing a car on the other side of the road with a man leaning against it. The bus eventually arrived, but had been told not to pick up any passengers and if didn't stop for Daniel, another bus was following about 10 minutes behind. Daniel was never seen alive again.
Only last year a man was charged with his murder after a long police investigation, he now awaits trial.

Daniel parent's have been remarkable and have kept his name and the case in the publi eye since 2008?. The accused man was a known pedophile and Daniels parents were exposed to a side of life most of us find repulsive, in the search for there son.

A funeral still has not been held for Daniel, his body has still not been released to his parents.
I think it was 2003..its been nearly 10 years and he would be 21 now? his parents are incredible human beings, there are not many people that have shown such strength and dignity that I am aware of
Gosh Dark Shadow - I said the practically the same thing last night back on page 5 in that I thought GBC was not the actual killer and it was not well received - because it disagreed with the majority of posters who must know something more than I do about this case as they have more or less 'hung, drawn and quartered' GBC. Good on you for posting it. Obviously being a criminologist, has some pull over the forum here.
If that piece of **** and I were alone in a room only one of us would walk out


If I were in a room with him, Hitler and Joseph Kony, and I only had two bullets, I would shoot him TWICE
Aussie Expat Singapore must have been away too long (respectully AES) or the meaning has changed since he left. When I say drop my pants it generally means 'that person is trying to do me over for cash'
in fact just used it recently when a client owed me money and they wanted more stock from me before they paid their first bill.
"what do you want me to drop my pants as well"?

I didn't know it either...i just copied that meaning from a previous poster! Yeah...i've been away too long. Also never lived in QLD ....only NSW and WA. Sorry about that folks
T I think perhaps we should briefly explain the Daniel Morcombe case. Here goes:

Daniel was 13 years of age, he lived in a small town called Woombye about 130 kilometres north of Brisbane.

He was the one of three sons, one of the other boys his twin. He set out on Sunday in early December to go Christmas Shopping. He waited on a busy road for a bus, the intended bus had broken down and took a while to get going. People recalled seeing a car on the other side of the road with a man leaning against it. The bus eventually arrived, but had been told not to pick up any passengers and if didn't stop for Daniel, another bus was following about 10 minutes behind. Daniel was never seen alive again.
Only last year a man was charged with his murder after a long police investigation, he now awaits trial.

Daniel parent's have been remarkable and have kept his name and the case in the publi eye since 2008?. The accused man was a known pedophile and Daniels parents were exposed to a side of life most of us find repulsive, in the search for there son.

A funeral still has not been held for Daniel, his body has still not been released to his parents.
Don't forget to add that his remains were only found last year as well. Very sad case. I taught up there and had cross country running the week he had gone missing, teachers were dotted along the bushland track within eyeshot of two other teachers in order to make sure that no child was out of sight......scary time that.
I agree Greg, I hope that after the trial and the Morcombe's finally get closure that this piece of scum is subjected relentlessly to his fellow inmates and their justice system. Jeez I wish we still had the death penalty at times.

They're paedophiles. A 20 year study conducted in the UK, involving innumerable paedophiles, released its conclusions maybe a decade or so ago. Their conclusion was (and they were regretful) that paedophiles cannot be 'cured' by rehabilitation or anything else. In fact, the study concluded that rehabilitation itself was a fail. The researchers were of the opinion that only one thing prevents people from offending/reoffending, and that one thing is concern for themselves, i.e., if the potential offender/reoffender fears they will suffer as result of their actions, this has the power to modify their behaviour. So, if the offender might suffer from their acts, they'll think twice about it and may not do it. If they believe they will get away with it, they carry on

Paedophiles are sexually attracted to children, in the same way heterosexuals are attracted to adults of the opposite sex and gays are attracted to same sex

Paedophiles have a tremendous sex-drive. Studies have shown that even in their 7th and 8th decade, they are still sexually active

Paedophiles can't 'help' being sexually attracted to minors. It's the way they're wired. Castration, chemical or other, can't completely curb their sexual attraction to minor, if in fact it curbs it at all

So, we have in our society people who want to have sex with our children. For them, sex with children is 'normal'. They're not attracted to adults

I used to become sick with fear and rage re: paedophiles. But when you think about it, they can no more help their sexuality than they can help the colour of their eyes

So, would we want a prison full of inmates to brutally attack and rape someone based on the colour of their eyes? No, of course not

At the same time, can we afford to have paedophiles in our society? I believe we cannot and there must be legislation to put them to death. Humanely

Let them be God's problem. We have children to keep safe and raise - children who should be allowed to enjoy their childhood free of predatory paedophiles

T I think perhaps we should briefly explain the Daniel Morcombe case. Here goes:

Daniel was 13 years of age, he lived in a small town called Woombye about 130 kilometres north of Brisbane.

He was the one of three sons, one of the other boys his twin. He set out on Sunday in early December to go Christmas Shopping. He waited on a busy road for a bus, the intended bus had broken down and took a while to get going. People recalled seeing a car on the other side of the road with a man leaning against it. The bus eventually arrived, but had been told not to pick up any passengers and if didn't stop for Daniel, another bus was following about 10 minutes behind. Daniel was never seen alive again.
Only last year a man was charged with his murder after a long police investigation, he now awaits trial.

Daniel parent's have been remarkable and have kept his name and the case in the publi eye since 2008?. The accused man was a known pedophile and Daniels parents were exposed to a side of life most of us find repulsive, in the search for there son.

A funeral still has not been held for Daniel, his body has still not been released to his parents.

Poor Daniel, another example of truly dignified people. His parents are amazing,strong examples of decent people. I can not imagine how they coped. I walked for Daniel earlier this year in Ipswich and I bawled my eyes out the whole walk. I was just so overcome with emotion. I carry a few of the pens around everywhere I go. I agree, animals like that disgrace of a human should be put down like other wild animals.

I was quite young when Sian Kingi was abducted, I didn't realize at the time what really happened but I never,ever forgot her face. I saw her on the news and thought how pretty she was. Oh man, some people have serious problems, some should never reproduce. James Bulger, so sad that the list could go on and on. :maddening::maddening:
If the jungle drums are beating true and a confession has been made WHY has there not been an arrest?????? So frustrating. The kids are going to turn on me soon because I keep channel surfing trying to catch the news snippets
how can it be that of all the people in all the world, one truly awful, evil individual will happen upon another and together commit the most awful of crimes? As I understand it, there will often be a ringleader, and a follower and the follower may never go down this godawful path if not for the ringleader manipulating them? far out... do you think they actively seek out a 'puppet' to work on?

I initially skimmed by this comment, but now that I have reread it I think you touch on something that really disturbs me. It's safe to think that one person could be a lunatic or somehow deranged or lose thier temper and kill another person, but when you get into the arena of people killing together, it is quite disturbing.

How do you have that conversation?

I remember a case a few years ago in WA where 3 teenage girls were having a sleepover and two of them got to talking about how they would not feel bad about commiting murder and decided then and there that they would kill the third girl. They strangled her to death and buried her under the house. Just like that.

Another thing that really chills me is when there is a woman who is complicit in acquiring victims for a male partner to rape and kill, like Myra Hindley in the infamous moors murders.

How the f*ck do you get involved with that?

It's tragic and its sick and it's inexplicable to me. I can't even begin to imagine how someone would get mixed up with that.
As a parent now the Daniel morcome case has hit me harder then it did when it happened.
Wasn't the first time, apparently:

Scroll down until you locate Brett Peter Cohen (aka Brett Peter Cowan) Northern Territory-Darwin. Brisbane Queensland

Many of them are here - the sub-humans who give parents nightmares

MAKO Files Online - Listing Australian Paedophiles/Sex Offenders

I have a story to tell, along these girls were 6 and 3 when playing in a park next to my house at sunrise beach, a man who had been parked in the cul de sac for a while called them over and had his *&*%^% in his hand when they arrived at his car. My older daughter grabbed her sister and ran home. The police did nothing, even when we heard around town talk about it and were given a name. I think about this piece of sh## all the time and wonder what he may have gone on to do...he was only around 18 years old at the time
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