Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes Are Divorcing

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I hope this sky rockets KH's career-she is going to be known as one girl who helped bring COS to its knees!!

I think Misg is going to be only left with TC in the end-His father is gone,brother is gone,niece gone,secretary gone
& his wife is missing-that many people leaving should tell him something
I believe that disconnect was applied, and the only/fastest/best way for that to happen was to sign whatever Katie wanted him to sign, and move off and fast.

I am soooo in awe of Katie. She took on TC, the "church of scientology," and all it's rabid members (not, in respect to Pax, all practitioners of scientology, just those hard core 'radical fundamentalists'). She plotted, planned, got help, and got out...with her daughter.

Rock on, Katie...rock on.

Now, to just dismantle the rest of the radical fundies of CoS...because to me, it's a dangerous, violent cult which is not focused on God or eternity, but on money and brainwashing.

Herding Cats
I wonder how TC & DM feel now that the tables have turned on them as Katie gets to keep Suri away from the *church*as in disconnect!!
I am with Herding Cats-Rock on Katie!!!
I believe that disconnect was applied, and the only/fastest/best way for that to happen was to sign whatever Katie wanted him to sign, and move off and fast.

I am soooo in awe of Katie. She took on TC, the "church of scientology," and all it's rabid members (not, in respect to Pax, all practitioners of scientology, just those hard core 'radical fundamentalists'). She plotted, planned, got help, and got out...with her daughter.

Rock on, Katie...rock on.

Now, to just dismantle the rest of the radical fundies of CoS...because to me, it's a dangerous, violent cult which is not focused on God or eternity, but on money and brainwashing.

Herding Cats

I think what Katie did to TC and the COS is called a good :butthead: whoopin! I agree totally. She rocks. Even if she never makes another movie she'll go down in history for what she did here. She pulled off the world's fastest divorce settlement and sent them all away to hide in their corners like the financial vampires they are. JMO
I just wish I could be as positive about it as you guys. I think KH needs to keep herself and Suri as public as possible, for the rest of their lives.

I doubt DM and TC, et. al., are going to just take not being in total control laying down. There is an army of followers out there to do any bidding.

Sorry to say, I am a negative person. I am far from "clear", "one with all", or any other terms you would like to apply. Lol. Hey wait, I think I fall into conspiracy theorist... :giggle:
"“The second that [Nicole Kidman] was free, she exploded... now she is one of the golden actresses of our time. If Katie can realize that this is the beginning of her life as a legitimate actress and she chooses her roles incredibly carefully, she will go in that same vein.”

- Hollywood casting director Doron Ofir"

This article seems to think KH will do quite well now. I especially like the advice in the "love" section about choosing a different kind of man, even though I don't think she chose TC. I think she had a little girl crush on him and the Church chose her for that reason. (The poster in her room thing.) So off to Princess fairytale land she was carted, at a price.
21Mer, I agree. She will be in danger for a while. Like others who've "left" or "damaged" the "church" in some way, they will be coming after her, over time, and there will be a solid attack on her at some point.

BUT: I think that we, as a society, now being more aware of the insanely radical aspect of the "church", will begin to put more pressure. I'm not sure KH and Suri will be good targets - they're too public, too paparazzi'd.

There is NO way that KH or Suri could be 'disappeared' for 7 years like Miscavige's wife Shelley...not without a huge uproar and Mr. Holmes mounting a serious investigation...not 7 years after the fact. 7 minutes, if KH and S go missing...and I bet a nickel that won't happen.

Yes, KH will be a target. She will be "black PR'd." She will probably be involved in some sort of scandal within a few years. She must be careful of all that.

Still. And still. This "little girl" KH was seen as is no longer in existence. She has accomplished a whole heck of a lot - in a very short time period - and that is not to be ignored.

And frankly, I think that TC is so weird and so many people didn't understand what KH saw in him in the first place, that we are all on her side and NONE are siding with TC - especially after all this stuff has come out.

Public opinion is CoS's radical element's biggest enemy. People who had NO idea that Gold existed, or what a disconnect was, or what an e-meter are aware. And that doesn't go down well with a whole lot of folks.

In my most wildest imagination, I dream that KH's action was able to somehow spark an IRS investigation on the radical elements. And that, somehow, CoS loses their tax exempt status (at least in part).

My opinions have NOTHING to do with the tenents of CoS's beliefs. It has everything to do with Lisa McP, Shelley Miscavige, the MIL of DM suicide, the "Hole", Gold, and everything else that's horrifically abusive and destructive.

And while some will argue that all religion is destructive and abusive, the church that I've gone to (sporadically) for more than 15 years doesn't have a Lisa McP., hasn't disappeared the pastor's wife, pastor's MIL has not suicided with 4 or 5 gunshots, and there is no 'disconnect' at all for anyone. And it's free to attend...because I haven't tithed, and not one person has ever asked me for tithing directly, or pressured me to put money into the church for classes.

It's those elements which have come out in recent days (shoot, not even 2 weeks) that make the case for removing the tax exempt status...and "undeclaring" this as a religious institution, at least in part (the radical aspects of it).

As always, MOO, imho, and all that.

Herding Cats
I for one do not believe that katie just up and wanted out, and in a week(10 days) snap it was done. She knows something. She found out something. Something. jmo
I find it amusing/hypocritical that Scientology is so anti psychiatry since psycho therapy is what they do/are - minus the important sacredness of therapy sessions that psychiatry offers. I have no issue with addressing stressors in life and seeking emotional/mental peace - all for it. But the people who guide you should truly know what they're doing so they don't do more harm then good, and all that should be protected whether you remain in treatment or not. I don't even object to paying for "treatment" as long as those fees are reasonable.

Do you have any input on your auditor? I mean the relationship between a Dr/therapist and their patient contributes greatly to the success of the therapy.

I can also see the lure - as someone who has been through therapy (not scientology) I loved it! When you're struggling emotionally, there is nothing better then letting those feelings out and working through them. I'd get up in the morning on therapy days really eager and come out of it feeling so rejuvanated.

The concept of emotional/mental freedom is a good one, just easily abused. Has Miscavige made scientology "worse" - absolutely. But I will not give Hubbard a free ride - I think his base motivation was himself, not the liberation of humanity.

And I'm sorry, but any lifestyle that makes you cut off family and loved ones only because they don't follow your "religion" is simply wrong regardless of their good points. Maybe if those people were bad people by generally accepted moral/legal standards but simply because they walk away from scientology? That's just wrong and you can't justify or explain it to where I would accept it. It's no different then racism. In fact on the history channel right now is something about someone who made the same demands on his followers - a guy named Hitler.
This is in no way a defense of CO$ or it's minions, but I do think that it important not to gauge a religious group based on the actions of a few. Not every person who subscribes to a particular faith makes the best spokesperson for that faith.

I had a friend who served with her family as a Christian missionary overseas for a number of years. She was strong in her faith and was always rushing to and fro, working to help others and minister to them.

One lady who worked with my friend but was not a Christian asked her one day "Do you truly believe Heaven is waiting for you when you die?" and "Does your love of your Jesus really wash away the sin from your heart?".

My friend enthusiastically replied "Yes!" to both questions, thinking she had opened up an opportunity to witness.

The lady then said with a puzzled look, "If I believed these things, I would smile more than you do."

IOW, sometimes people become so wrapped up in the religion, that they miss out on the spirituality. It doesn't make them fakes, just people who lost sight of WHY they believe.

That said, I think the CO$ is a dangerous cult, but I do think perhaps there are many members who are there for pure (however misguided) reasons, even if they appear stressed or "weird".

Ultimately, though, when a religion quashes one's spirituality then it is IMO, time to get OUT!
Off Topic:

I've gone back and looked at a lot of pictures of Suri from the past couple of weeks. Because I noticed something about her. I had not really paid attention to TC and KH or their collective family. I don't remember seeing that many pictures of Suri herself.

I am beginning to wonder if Suri may not have some issues (cognitive or otherwise) that KH wants to have treated by the medical community (because I'm under the impression that Scientology doesn't support that avenue).

I know that you can't tell by looking at pictures who someone is, how they interact with people or their family....etc....

I don't want to get blased but something keeps tickling at the back of my head that perhaps Suri might have some sensory integration issues or perhaps fall on the autism spectrum? Or something along those lines?

If so, I applaud KH for seeking to remove her daughter in order to find the best theraputic situation for her. (think about Jett Travolta and his experience and theraputic treatments or lack thereof caused by his parents religious beliefs).

Sorry for the off topic, I've just been contemplating this a bit today.
Why would this not have to be filed in the court? Is it because they came to their own agreement?

Mindel said the next step would be for Holmes or Cruise to file to have their status changed to divorced, but that the actual financial and child custody details won't get filed in court unless there's some later dispute.

I found that to be strange statement. A settlement agreement would absolutely be filed in court as a judgment. It's just that in NY, the settlement agreement can be sealed and kept private from the public. Actually, one can petition to have a sealed case in CA too, but it's not as easy. I'm not sure why the attorney said it wouldn't be "filed" in court unless there is a later dispute. I have never heard of that. None of the terms of the settlement have the force of law and are enforceable without it being a signed (and filed ) court order. That means that if something happened over a holiday or weekend, one party could not call the cops to enforce the parenting arrangement unless it was officially filed.

I think that is a misquote.

The purification process involves taking about 30 times the regular dose of NIACIN and other B vitamins as they believe this cleans your system out, often you can see those who are going through this process as the heavy doses of niacin will cause them to break out with herpes like sores on their lips and face, take a look back and when TC and KH first got married she was all broke out with herpes like sores on her face and lips that is when she was going through the purification rundown, I am sure you can google that and find the pics I seen them back when it was going on and seen it in a lot of people I know who did the rundown including myself back in college, it is quite the interesting experience to say the least. You sit in steamrooms and saunas for up to 8 hours a day during this ritual and then run for another 2 to 3 hours and you eat very little just basically some fruit and oatmeal for about 2 months and lots of water.

Here is one example of Katie at the time she was doing the detox rundown, you can see the rash and herpes like sores on her lips which are a side effect of niacin overdose and vitamin toxicity:


Here's some articles, video and photos of katie with purple hands she had to deal with due to the detox regimen:
[ame=""]Katie Holmes and her purple hands - YouTube[/ame]

Being reported on Today Show that it is OVER a deal has been reached and there will be no court or anything further from here on out, it seems TC, the COS and DM have lost a lot of their luster and a good old boy lawyer from Toledo Ohio outsmarted them all and saved his daughter and grand daughter from a living hell, TC and DM walked away with tail between their legs and this is yet more evidence that it is an organization in great decline and DM is losing control fast the ship is sinking and the rats are scattering.

I hope you are right!

I believe that disconnect was applied, and the only/fastest/best way for that to happen was to sign whatever Katie wanted him to sign, and move off and fast.

I am soooo in awe of Katie. She took on TC, the "church of scientology," and all it's rabid members (not, in respect to Pax, all practitioners of scientology, just those hard core 'radical fundamentalists'). She plotted, planned, got help, and got out...with her daughter.

Rock on, Katie...rock on.

Now, to just dismantle the rest of the radical fundies of CoS...because to me, it's a dangerous, violent cult which is not focused on God or eternity, but on money and brainwashing.

Herding Cats

I agree! I'm so in awe of her as well. I mean, really. She is one tough cookie. Who would have known?

Off Topic:

I've gone back and looked at a lot of pictures of Suri from the past couple of weeks. Because I noticed something about her. I had not really paid attention to TC and KH or their collective family. I don't remember seeing that many pictures of Suri herself.

I am beginning to wonder if Suri may not have some issues (cognitive or otherwise) that KH wants to have treated by the medical community (because I'm under the impression that Scientology doesn't support that avenue).

I know that you can't tell by looking at pictures who someone is, how they interact with people or their family....etc....

I don't want to get blased but something keeps tickling at the back of my head that perhaps Suri might have some sensory integration issues or perhaps fall on the autism spectrum? Or something along those lines?

If so, I applaud KH for seeking to remove her daughter in order to find the best theraputic situation for her. (think about Jett Travolta and his experience and theraputic treatments or lack thereof caused by his parents religious beliefs).

Sorry for the off topic, I've just been contemplating this a bit today.

I would have sensory integration issues too if a da&n camera was in my face every second since birth. Poor kid seems overwhelmed with the constant media presence which may cause her to want the comfort and security of a blankie or stuffed animal or to be held by her parents.

Can you imagine how strange that would be to be "watched" all the time by strangers, if you were a kid?

Really, the parents choose this but the kids don't. I think the harassment of celebs' kids should be illegal. They should be forced to blur the faces and not allowed to get within a certain amount of feet of them when carrying a recording device of any kind.

Whatever happened to common decency? They are just kids. This carp didn't happen in the 50's. Why don't they just leave those poor kids alone? (I sound like Pink Floyd!).

In other news, I believe Katie came out on top. She got sole custody, Suri will reside primarily in NY and she likely got the power to make most decisions. But, I disagree that Suri will only see her dad under heavily supervised conditions a mere couple times per year for photo ops.

He is going to have significant time with her.

I just hope whatever safeguards Katie put in place will be enough to protect her daughter from alienation and indoctrination.
Ex-Scientologist on divorce and Suri, takes a minute to load, at least it did here: ETA: Looks like clicking the top title in the video screen below works, not clicking the play button below. Just click on the words Ex-Scien.......

[ame=""]Ex-Scientologist on Holmes/Cruise divorce - CBS News Video[/ame]
This was Dec. 2010, some people were trying to have tax exemption repealed due to Gold Base issues. If you don't have speakers, it is typed out beneath the screen. I don't know what happened with all of this stuff, there are more links on the side at youtube and just google Scientology Gold Base for more:

[ame=""]Scientology: Dec. 7, 2010 Torture at Gold Base - YouTube[/ame]
Okay, if I'm getting annoying just tell me. All this stuff is new to me. I just found an outline on OTVIII. I actually get it. Lol. No, I'm going to become a Scientologist or sell stuff. I understand the part of you are an infinite being (Hinduism/Christianity).

[ame=""]The Secrets Scientology Doesn't Want You To See - YouTube[/ame]
Off Topic:

I've gone back and looked at a lot of pictures of Suri from the past couple of weeks. Because I noticed something about her. I had not really paid attention to TC and KH or their collective family. I don't remember seeing that many pictures of Suri herself.

I am beginning to wonder if Suri may not have some issues (cognitive or otherwise) that KH wants to have treated by the medical community (because I'm under the impression that Scientology doesn't support that avenue).

I know that you can't tell by looking at pictures who someone is, how they interact with people or their family....etc....

I don't want to get blased but something keeps tickling at the back of my head that perhaps Suri might have some sensory integration issues or perhaps fall on the autism spectrum? Or something along those lines?

If so, I applaud KH for seeking to remove her daughter in order to find the best theraputic situation for her. (think about Jett Travolta and his experience and theraputic treatments or lack thereof caused by his parents religious beliefs).

Sorry for the off topic, I've just been contemplating this a bit today.

im just curious why you think there is something wrong with Suri.
i have seen a zillion pics of her....maybe i follow celeb news to much :floorlaugh: and the pics that are put out there are put out by paps/news and they select the ones that will get people talking most...IE Suri throwing a fit like any normal kid....or her pouting or whatever....anything negative = gossip.

im not blasting you i promise....because on various celeb tabloid type sites you see people saying things like "she looks so unhappy in every picture"....

well duh! a happy well rounded child doesnt make good gossip :) so better not show those pictures! but i actually have seen lots of pics of her smiling and being a silly kid....
I agree that Katie is going to have to watch her back for a long time. They are going to follow her, video her, and try to catch her at something to make her look bad. She is not 'in the clear' yet.
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