Defending Misty on Jan 10, 2011 in Putnam County

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Nov 3, 2009
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If you were defending Misty, what would you use/say in her defense on Oct 19th hearing b4 the judge?
Obviously, Lisa Croslin did not do the trick b4 the Judge on Misty's behalf in St. John's County on Oct 8th.
Atty Fields "may" need a new strategy and our help ....
Actually, I thought Chelsea's defense of "RC was controlling her" was not a bad one. Many women get a break when it comes to domestic abuse. I think her attorney will need to do a lot more homework to make that work for her, though.
Actually, I thought Chelsea's defense of "RC was controlling her" was not a bad one. Many women get a break when it comes to domestic abuse. I think her attorney will need to do a lot more homework to make that work for her, though.

Except that Misty wasn't living with Ron on 12/22/09 when she did the drug deal with Tommy, nor on 01/08/10 when she and Donna made a sale to the UC. Misty had been away for months living in Tennsesse and moved back some time in November, I believe, and stayed with C Jones for a month or so. When Misty was on Levi's show to talk about the road rage incident with Ron and Charlie that took place around New Year's, she made it sound like she and Ron had just started talking again. I'd have to go back and read the transcript, but I do remember that they weren't close at the time. In fact, didn't she leave around the first of the year to stay with Donna in Virgina? They came back on January 8th, the night she and Donna sold drugs to the UC. I don't see how a claim could be made that Ron was controlling her then.
If you were defending Misty, what would you use/say in her defense on Oct 19th hearing b4 the judge?
Obviously, Lisa Croslin did not do the trick b4 the Judge on Misty's behalf in St. John's County on Oct 8th.
Atty Fields "may" need a new strategy and our help ....
That's a tough one, B4. A new attitude would be a good start, though. Misty should stand up and take full responsibility for her actions in the drug deals and show a whole lotta remorse. It's not all that different than punishing a child whose been caught dead to rights in some wrongdoing. You keep sending her back to her room until she's ready to admit her transgression and show sorrow and a willingness to cooperate and make amends. Oh, yeah, and tell the truth, too. That is the only defense that I can see working for Misty.

If Misty would come clean, no matter what that means, unless she's guilty of premeditated, coldblooded murder -- which I doubt -- the court might be willing to reduce the sentence she received today and the pending charges. So, let's say they flip the drug charges for manslaughter, then a lawyer could present her case as a neglected, abused child living with an overbearing, abusive man and his manipulative, controlling family. All those mitigating circumstances that don't work in the drug case could work in a defense for Haleigh's death.

We've seen snippets of the video from the drug deals and read the incident reports. Misty expressed some fear of getting caught, but otherwise, she was cool as a cucumber, laughing and flirting with the UC. Clearly, she was not under duress. Inexcusable and indefensible. But if you pluck her from that scenario and place her in the environment of Ron's mobile home as a 17 year-old playing stepmom to his children, caring for them in the kindly manner which even Teresa and Annette have admitted, she becomes a much more sympathetic character. A jury would hear about the conditions she lived under with Ron and how he rolled her in a ball and dumped her on the street with all of her belongings. And, if we're right, and TN and/or AS orchestrated a cover up, that would all come out, too. All of it. Justice would be served, and Misty would find salvation. A win/win situation. She'd still do serious time; there's no way that she won't. But as we always say around here, murderers get less time than drug dealers in Florida. At any rate, she'd be better off spending 50 years behind bars with a clean conscience than walking around on the outside with the horrible truth of a child's death eating away at her.
I think her lawyer should go with the psychological effects of her horrible upbringing & how she, at 16, wound up with Ron, taking care of his 2 kids. I'm not buying Chelsea's control theory, because Misty was free to leave, but I think it should be stressed that she was too young, & had no business being with Ron, but he pursued her. But in an effort to win him back, she was dealing drugs to please & impress him. & if there's any truth to it, I think it should be brought up that Ron had her running drugs from his trailer. So, mainly I think he should stress her horrible childhood, her age when she got with Ron, & how much she loved this older man & wanted to please him. But, I doubt it would do a danged bit of good. Misty's goose is cooked.
I've wondered why her lawyer has defended her, the way he has, & I can only guess that she either confessed to murder, or he's operating under the assumption that she's a murderer. & that's not necessarily a bad thing, because look at the mess Werter is in for believing Tommy...but if he's operating under the assumption, I think he should tell Misty. See what her reaction is, & go from there. Surely he's given her an LDT, (omg), but you never know. If he hasn't, I wish he would, & if she gets caught lying, insist that she confess, & then work on a deal. Because these long sentences, aren't doing the girl any favors. In other words, treat her like an adult who's in a whole heap of trouble. Her world of denial, is getting old. & if she doesn't get caught lying? I can't even imagine that, but if it happens, take the truth to LE, & let the chips fall where they may.
It's too late for Misty, IMO. And the saddest part of it is that had LE handled Misty in a different manner in the beginning, she might have poured her heart out to them.

Misty lived her entire life in an atmosphere of not trusting LE, no matter what. She had any number of people around her from the onset of this tragedy to the day of her arrest (and beyond if you consider some of the jailhouse tapes) that reinforced that mistrust.

LE made some major investigatory errors in Haleigh's case early on and some of those errors are, IMO, what has made it impossible for them to solve the case. Evidence not collected early may be nearly impossible to find months or years later. But one of LE's biggest mistakes was not having someone in the Department available to take Misty under their wing, speak to her in a language that she could understand, and strive to gain her trust. Their method was to call Misty in, grill her for awhile, and then send her back to an environment of mistrust, not to mention rife with domestic abuse. Had there been an officer whose primary job was to protect this witness and make her feel secure, possibly Misty would have been coaxed into talking months ago.

Misty lied to LE right from the get-go, because that is all Misty knows how to do. She lies, and the problem goes away. It has always worked for her and I believe she thought it would work with Haleigh's disappearance as well. I believe they all thought that! Once Misty told her first lie, she had to continue with it, and eventually had to come up with more lies. She became so entrenched in the web of lies that there was just no way out for her. And I do not see a way out for her until she gets some much-needed psychotherapy with someone she can grow to trust enough to talk to without fear, one to whom she could tell the truth and it would be without a doubt the truth.

Since I am not from that area, I will not claim to know whether there is corruption in LE there. From my view, there appears to be but, if that is the case, I do not think it is Department-wide. Also, since I do not know what evidence LE has, it is easy to assume things that might not be accurate. This is one reason I have gone from one possible scenario to the next and back again...I have tried to consider different possibilities and not assume too much.

Did Misty kill Haleigh? Possibly. But I tend toward thinking she did not, or at least did not willfully. There could have been an unfortunate accident and Misty just freaked and made all the wrong decisions. Does Misty know where Haleigh is? I am not sure she does. I believe that this crime has many layers and that Misty is involved to some extent. I believe someone else may have removed Haleigh from the scene and if that is the case, Misty might truly not know where the child was taken. So, if Misty's only chance hinges on her telling where Haleigh is, it is difficult for me to see that she has any chance at all.

And as far as LE goes, IMO, for the most part they want justice for Haleigh--possibly to the point where if they cannot charge the actual perpetrator, they will be OK with having them all behind bars on any charge(s) they can. One thing that appears obvious to me is that LE, the SA and the courts loathe the Croslins and with that, if they have to settle on someone to blame for Haleigh's demise, it is more likely to be a Croslin than anyone else. I think they view the Croslins as "throw-aways."

Justice does not always prevail. The argument is that Misty did the crime so she should do the time, and I agree with that. I have a problem, however, with Misty and Tommy being treated harshly, but not Ron. LE have said over and over that the drug busts had nothing to do with Haleigh, yet TN stated after Misty's sentencing that if Haleigh is not found Misty should get another 25 years. So, just how are the two cases not intertwined?

I am not unhappy that Misty will be going to prison; she needs to do some serious time, IMO. But she's not the only one!

(Mods, please move this if it is not appropriate for this thread. I just looked at the thread title, and it looks like I goofed.)
Parents and the school system failed her. What are her options for survival? Family in jail, husband divorced her, community members "may" suspect her of playing a part in the disappearance/death of a child and therefore refuse to employ her ... she is a burden on society, yet must survive. What can we as a just society do to turn this young lady's life around? Do we just lock her up, forget about her, and punish her once again because her parents and society failed her? Is that how cold and callous society and the courts have become? Why not put her in the juvenile offender program? Why not assist her in getting an education so she can become employable and NOT a burden upon society? Why not educate her on the pitfalls of drug interaction/abuse? She has had a taste of the results of a criminal life; breaking rules and laws, sitting in jail ... why not make something out of this young lady; turn her into a productive citizen?
I would like to see Misty go to prison and eventually win on appeal. She should get a chance at the YO program; I am not sure she will succeed, but she deserves a chance.

However, Misty needs a taste of prison first. She needs to be in a situation so dire that once she is out she does everything in her power to never go back.

I hope to see Misty in prison just long enough to let her know what it's like and to hammer home that if she gets out on appeal and screws up in any way, her goose is cooked.
There's nothing her attorney can do to defend Misty. The fix is in. If she killed Haleligh, I'm all for it. If she had nothing to do with that innocent babe's death, this is a tragedy. An absolute waste of a life.

But know this -- somewhere out there is another Misty, and if society doesn't find her and save her, somewhere out there, probably not even born yet, is another Haleigh.

If you were defending Misty, what would you use/say in her defense on Oct 19th hearing b4 the judge?
Obviously, Lisa Croslin did not do the trick b4 the Judge on Misty's behalf in St. John's County on Oct 8th.
Atty Fields "may" need a new strategy and our help ....

I think one thing I would do is attempt to define what Misty's role in this crime actually was.

I don’t understand the 25 year sentence imposed on Misty compared to the other defendants, particularly Ronald Cummings. I have read opinions basically saying Misty was the leader or “kingpin” of this venture, but it doesn't seem that way to me.

king•pin (kĭngˈpĭnˌ)


1. The headpin, the pin at the center

2. The person of chief importance in a corporation, movement, undertaking, etc.

3. The chief element of any system, plan, or the like

Watch these three illegal narcotics transactions and see who’s the “pin in the center”, “person of chief importance”, or “chief element” by asking yourself the questions below:

Sale 1:

-Who confirmed the quantity of this sale by saying “there’s 9 of them there”?

-Who established the selling price for the transaction by saying “$7 a piece, nine of em, 63 bucks”?

-Who was the money paid to?

-In regards to a potential future sale, who said “but them yellow Percocets man, I’m gonna have to get $8 for them, but there’s gonna be 50 of them!”?[/size]

Sale 2:

-Who confirmed the quantity of this sale by saying “there’s 27 of em”?

-When discussing the selling price of this transaction, who clarified the amount due by saying “$7 a piece, exactly $189”?

-In regards to an obvious attempt to make an additional sale, who said “I guarantee you there’s 50 Percocets right around the corner there”?

-Who discussed the uncertainty of an exact time of availability for a future inventory by saying “I just don’t know...he’s supposed to go to the VA today or tomorrow”?

-Who continues to advertise for future transactions by saying “I don’t know if you do Roxies......I can get them”?

-Who said “I tote a Glock 40 everywhere I go”?

-When the two, who had left the car to procure the merchandise, returned, who were the pills IMMEDIATELY handed to for inventory verification?

-After painstakingly counting the pills twice, and eating one himself TWICE, who had to tell his customer that two were missing?

-Who handed the merchandise to the customer?


-While discussing credit terms with the person selling the pills he was purchasing, who said “it’s gonna take a couple of days for ME to get rid of 200 of em now”?

-Who said “I’ll get it for you, no problem”?

-Who said “in 2 weeks I can make the money and eat them myself”?

How many “kingpins” have you ever heard of with the name of an underling co-conspirator tattooed on their backside?

Who is the more likely “kingpin”, one with 15 prior arrests for drug crimes or an 18 year old without so much as a ticket for jaywalking?

How did Misty get 67% more time than the person whose name is the answer to each of these questions?
I think one thing I would do is attempt to define what Misty's role in this crime actually was.

I don’t understand the 25 year sentence imposed on Misty compared to the other defendants, particularly Ronald Cummings. I have read opinions basically saying Misty was the leader or “kingpin” of this venture, but it doesn't seem that way to me.

Watch these three illegal narcotics transactions and see who’s the “pin in the center”, “person of chief importance”, or “chief element” by asking yourself the questions below:

Sale 1:

Sale 2:


How many “kingpins” have you ever heard of with the name of an underling co-conspirator tattooed on their backside?

Who is the more likely “kingpin”, one with 15 prior arrests for drug crimes or an 18 year old without so much as a ticket for jaywalking?

How did Misty get 67% more time than the person whose name is the answer to each of these questions?

And this is why I am not operating under the assumption the cops are so stupid, and we are so smart to be the only people seeing Ronald was the king pin here. They know. They know they are never going to find the body, that this is more than likely going to be a death penalty case without a body. They have let Ronald Cummings hang himself. They have so many people and countless Miss Nancy episodes to make their case against him.

They let him feel like they really believed he was innocent and all of that, and he used it to his advantage, felt he was untouchable, and decided to sell drugs, knowing that they were probably bugging his phone, but he felt he was above all that, and then they got him into custody without him hurting anyone or talking anyone out with him, and now hes sitting in jail for 15 years, however when I look at his latest mugshot I see a man who knows he is never going to be a free man again and Mistys undying devotion and loyalty is about to come to an end.

Cant wait.

I believe that you all have figured Misty wrong. She would not spend the rest of her life in jail if she didnt do anything to that child. She would not cover for any of the Cummings, no way, not for this long. Especially since Ron divorced her. nope.
She told on her brother, but I think another one or Joe is involved as these types of people do not tell on their families, they just don't. They need to ask her specifically each name during a lie detector test.
# Did blank come to where you were with the kids that night?
# were you there with the kids that night?
# Did blank do anything to harm haleigh?
# did blank take Haleigh anywhere that night?

bllah blah blah very specific questons for each person involved. I bet it is that simple.
I believe that you all have figured Misty wrong. She would not spend the rest of her life in jail if she didnt do anything to that child. She would not cover for any of the Cummings, no way, not for this long. Especially since Ron divorced her. nope.
She told on her brother, but I think another one or Joe is involved as these types of people do not tell on their families, they just don't. They need to ask her specifically each name during a lie detector test.
# Did blank come to where you were with the kids that night?
# were you there with the kids that night?
# Did blank do anything to harm haleigh?
# did blank take Haleigh anywhere that night?

bllah blah blah very specific questons for each person involved. I bet it is that simple.

And after Ron divorced her, she got Ronald Cummings SR tattooed on her lower behind basically. Also, Chelsea Croslin said they had a history of being "broke up" when they really weren't. Kind of like when they are on tape dealing drugs AFTER the divorce and shes calling him "baby" so it appears they pretend to be broken up to deceive people for whatever reasons.

And also before all this, and even after for 8 months, there was not a FOR SURE prison sentence for drugs. I am sure Ron and Misty talked many times about what was going to happen if they went down, but I bet they never thought it was drugs they were going to go down for.

One thing for sure though, the second day in custody, Misty tried to talk and implicate Joe, but that really didn't work out that great for her did it?

I think one thing I would do is attempt to define what Misty's role in this crime actually was.

I don’t understand the 25 year sentence imposed on Misty compared to the other defendants, particularly Ronald Cummings. I have read opinions basically saying Misty was the leader or “kingpin” of this venture, but it doesn't seem that way to me.

Watch these three illegal narcotics transactions and see who’s the “pin in the center”, “person of chief importance”, or “chief element” by asking yourself the questions below:

Sale 1:

Sale 2:


How many “kingpins” have you ever heard of with the name of an underling co-conspirator tattooed on their backside?

Who is the more likely “kingpin”, one with 15 prior arrests for drug crimes or an 18 year old without so much as a ticket for jaywalking?

How did Misty get 67% more time than the person whose name is the answer to each of these questions?
I don't know what LE's game is, but awhile back I accepted that it didn't look like they were playing Ron. I just couldn't see them going to these great lengths, to make him feel unsuspected, just so he would hang himself. I could be wrong, & there's still a big part of me that has a hard time with Ron not being guilty, but why would LE do that & not just go after him? Ron's story stinks, LE knows that, but they must have proof that he didn't kill Haleigh. & I have a hard time with Misty & Tommy not naming him. I know they said that cops refused to listen , but their lawyers would listen. Radio shows would. TV shows...I WOULD. So, Ron, as guilty as he's acted, probably wasn't involved. & I guess LE's belief that he isn't guilty in that case, caused them to downplay his drug role, & their anger at Misty, for not naming names, & solving the Haleigh case for them, made them upplay her drug role. & I've noticed that there are a lot of followers, in the justice system. If cops say it's so, & it's WRITTEN in a police report, then that's what judges, etc...go with. This judge could've watched those tapes & seen for herself, that Misty was a novice, & maybe she did, but LE wants Misty, so she did her part in 'supporting' that...whether it was fair or not...just like Ron's judge showed his support, by not chastizing him for dealing, during Haleigh's investigation. They all treat him like a bit player, because that's how LE treats him. Now, LE may be right, but if they're so sure, why do they need anybody, to rat out anybody? But, you're right. Misty's lawyer, if nothing else, needs to show those tapes, & force the judge to state the obvious...that Ron, the guy with all of the priors, was in charge.
I think I would bring in the clan and let them all speak on Misty's behalf. Then I would I would throw myself on the mercy of the courts because Lord knows she needs some after growing up with these people. I am not saying this is an excuse, but she really doesn't get it, how could she? She told the Judge that people who are poor deal drugs, well if you grew up with parents that did this and this was their excuse, maybe she believes this. Right or Wrong, she never had a chance. The only good thing I see in all of it, is Misty will have 3 meals a day, not be under the influence of Ron or these families and drugs. Maybe someone will teach her to read and write, maybe something good will come of it. Maybe she won't end up like her maw and paw. JMO
And this is why I am not operating under the assumption the cops are so stupid, and we are so smart to be the only people seeing Ronald was the king pin here. They know. They know they are never going to find the body, that this is more than likely going to be a death penalty case without a body. They have let Ronald Cummings hang himself. They have so many people and countless Miss Nancy episodes to make their case against him.

They let him feel like they really believed he was innocent and all of that, and he used it to his advantage, felt he was untouchable, and decided to sell drugs, knowing that they were probably bugging his phone, but he felt he was above all that, and then they got him into custody without him hurting anyone or talking anyone out with him, and now hes sitting in jail for 15 years, however when I look at his latest mugshot I see a man who knows he is never going to be a free man again and Mistys undying devotion and loyalty is about to come to an end.

Cant wait.


You said it ..very well.....I hope all this does turn out ....just like you described...
Interesting thread topic. Good thought, B4igo2it!...

Now as for a defense for Misty.. Reading Kimster's post re:that Chelseas defense of that Ron was controlling Misty was thought to be a good one... Well, I definately believe that something along those lines would definitely be Misty's ONLY possibility at any type of good defense whatsoever..

Where I live there is a very well known lawyer, whom his reputation for winning didn't come from no where... This man WINS and I mean WINS BIG!! Defense lawyer that honestly I do not see how he sleeps at night nor looks himself in the mirroe every morning.. The criminals that he represents literally are the WORST OF THE WORST[of course ONLY if they can "afford" him that is&his price is REALLY REALLY STEEP]...

With that said, I know someone who hired him for representation for a murder case.. My nephew[by marriage] was the victim that was murdered by the woman that this reputable defense lawyer was defending.. She killed him in cold blood[and believe when I say the blood that runs thru this womsn's veins is COLD AS ICE]..
To make an extremely long story short and into a "nutshell" my nephew and her were seniors in high school[their families were lifelong friends and they had grown up together]Their senior year after having "dated" for about a year she turns up pregnant.. My nephew does what he thinks is the right thing to do and quits his senior year to start working full time for his dad's company and marries her all before the baby is born.. They have a cute&cozy nice little home right off the main Hwy and he worked full time for his dad while she stayed home and played mom.. That didn't last very long as this 18 yr old girl still wanted very much to sow her wild oats and this husband and baby were keeping her bogged down.. So the partying and the cheating started.. He would wake up in the middle of the night, roll over to find his wife gone, just he&his baby girl there in bed. At first he had some very close fam or friends go out looking for her all around town, he quit asking ppl to do that when it was discovered time after time after time that his wife was found to be at other men's homes...

He was determined to make it work. He loved her with all his heart[even tho she'd done him wrong&literally spoke to him as tho he were lower than the dirt she walked on].. He never started arguments infact when she would intentionally "pick" huge fights he would do everything in his power to please her&not have her mad. Desperately wanting her to stay home with him and their baby...Her temper tantrums got worse, more violent. He still never complained and tried his damnest to make her love him and their daughter.She got to where she would literally throw objects[dishes, lamps, vases, etc]at his head even with their baby daughter in his arms.. He never did anything to retaliate, just tried to shield their baby from the anger of her mom and at the same time try to make this raving lunatic b**ch happy.. She all the while continued "carrying on" with every guy and man in the tri-state area.. She even began an affair with one of his lifelong "friends". we all knew what was going on by this time. And begged him to take baby J and leave... Get out, get custody and move on. He was only 19. He loved her. He really did..

As he was getting ready for work one early morning she came traipsing in from her "night out", baby J in high chair eating breakfast... No one will ever know for absolute certainty exactly what occurred. She got his pistol from the closet, loaded it, and shot him 4 inches away from his face, in the kitchen where their 18 month old daughter witnessed the ENTIRE MURDER OF HER FATHER...

Wife went to neighbor's hysterical, begging call 911. Screaming first that he was cleaning his gun and it "went off" in his face... LE arrive, as does his father whom he rode to work with every morning... She is questioned at the scene and changes her story to he committed suicide.. LE takes her in and charges her with murder citing that neither story matched the evidence in the home... She stayed their for 10 days until her grandparents retained the infamous defense atty I spoke of above..She's bailed out, gains an amount of custody to be shared with her in laws[her dead husband's parents] and she prepares 5 months for her defense in her upcoming murder trial...

Those 10 days that she served from the day she murdered him until the time this defense atty was retained WAS THE ONLY TIME THIS WOMAN SERVED FOR MURDERING HER HUSBAND[my nephew}POINT BLANK, SHOT IN THE FACE IN FRONT OF HIS PRECIOUS DAUGHTER..

Claimed good"ol battered wife syndrome.Changed her story once again, this time to that he was trying to shoot her in front of their daughter and in the struggle gun goes off, and her husband was dead... Not one ounce of evidence or testimony of any 911 calls made stemming from him abusing her, nor one testimony of ever seeing a mark on her or that he had ever laid a hand on her.. The dfense won.. Another notch on the belt for Atty Ba***... Sad but true..made up defenses definitely can succeed in letting murderers go free... Iknow this first hand..
That's a tough one, B4. A new attitude would be a good start, though. Misty should stand up and take full responsibility for her actions in the drug deals and show a whole lotta remorse. It's not all that different than punishing a child whose been caught dead to rights in some wrongdoing. You keep sending her back to her room until she's ready to admit her transgression and show sorrow and a willingness to cooperate and make amends. Oh, yeah, and tell the truth, too. That is the only defense that I can see working for Misty.

If Misty would come clean, no matter what that means, unless she's guilty of premeditated, coldblooded murder -- which I doubt -- the court might be willing to reduce the sentence she received today and the pending charges. So, let's say they flip the drug charges for manslaughter, then a lawyer could present her case as a neglected, abused child living with an overbearing, abusive man and his manipulative, controlling family. All those mitigating circumstances that don't work in the drug case could work in a defense for Haleigh's death.

We've seen snippets of the video from the drug deals and read the incident reports. Misty expressed some fear of getting caught, but otherwise, she was cool as a cucumber, laughing and flirting with the UC. Clearly, she was not under duress. Inexcusable and indefensible. But if you pluck her from that scenario and place her in the environment of Ron's mobile home as a 17 year-old playing stepmom to his children, caring for them in the kindly manner which even Teresa and Annette have admitted, she becomes a much more sympathetic character. A jury would hear about the conditions she lived under with Ron and how he rolled her in a ball and dumped her on the street with all of her belongings. And, if we're right, and TN and/or AS orchestrated a cover up, that would all come out, too. All of it. Justice would be served, and Misty would find salvation. A win/win situation. She'd still do serious time; there's no way that she won't. But as we always say around here, murderers get less time than drug dealers in Florida. At any rate, she'd be better off spending 50 years behind bars with a clean conscience than walking around on the outside with the horrible truth of a child's death eating away at her.


Well said, deserves repeating.

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