Lee's Testimony at the 911 tapes hearing

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I watched Lee today on TruTV and thought he did a great job. He was relaxed and just talked like he was talking to anyone. He answered the questions and I thought he laughed at appropriate times. Maybe he has a sense of humor like I do and I think things are funny that others might not.

I'm sure that Lee realizes what a serious situation this is. He should...his niece was murdered...a little 2 year old baby girl...by his sister. If anyone should realize the seriousness of the situation it would be the family.

I think Lee is alright. I don't think he is quite a mama's boy anymore.


The reason you thought he did a good job is exactly what bothers me about his testimony. The casualness, and laughing would be fine if he were on an interview or a lunch date. What he was talking about though, was his neice's murder and the smell of her decomposing body in his sister's car.

I understand your point of view, but had the opposite impression.
I'm trying hard to think of anything she has said so far that is the truth ( regarding the case) so it is reasonable to extrapolate that her abuse claims are quite probably untrue. Even her brother has said he doesn't know why she habitually lies, but she does. She lies when she doesn't even need to.
Her parents have said there is NO truth to the allegations, so it looks like they have confirmed that she lied.....

I dunno...even a broken clock is right twice a day. It could have happened and Lee hasn't denied it to my knowledge. I don't think anyone has enough info to say for sure one way or another.
I'm not trying to pick on you or anything but he did repeat that CA pounded on the bed, etc. during his testimony yesterday. :waitasec:

Also I asked for links earlier regarding him accusing AH of drug use. I'm not for or against LA but it's not fair to say stuff if we can't substantiate it. I've read almost everything about this case and I forget certain points so I'd greatly appreciate if you'd back up your recollections of what Lee has said. tyia.

Lee calling Amy a heroin addict is in his State Deposition with Linda Drane Burdick. I would link it for you but it's easily obtainable via google.

ETA: And he did say he only learned this information through Dominic Casey. These are not unsubstantiated, and it is not surprising in the least bit how many lies the A's have told and have blamed innocent people while ignoring KC's crime(s).
I think it was feedback in the mics from CM's hearing aid batteries.
I also think that CM's line of questioning, which was obviously rehearsed by Lee and CM, went so far out of bounds, that even Lee was confused. Lee kept having to bring CM back to it. Lee was trying to stick to the script, but CM rambles so he couldn't follow. It was pitiful really. CM should have retired in peace. This case will make him look like a fool.

I have given up on even trying to follow Mason. When he questions someone or talks to the Judge I just read or something until he is done. He makes no sense to me. His words are all jumbled together. He wouldn't have rehearsed Lee because it was the Pros who brought Lee in. The defense didnt want him to testify.
I think Lee's mouthing "I love you" to KC while he was on the stand was completely inappropriate. He could have waited until he was dismissed and was walking out. It's like he has no sense of what's decent or accepted behavior. Which brings me to wonder about KC's allegations of Lee fondling her. I have never thought it was true, but now I'm wondering if maybe it was a mutually consented activity between them. Something about that interaction today was just really, really creepy to me.

MOO! All of the above is MOO.

I've wondered that myself. They have always been really close according to Lee and from the things I have read it seems that they have always been close. Of course there are just the two of them and maybe they are just close in a good way. Lee may be the big brother who has always looked after his sister. I remember that a DNA test was done with Casey..Lee..and Caylee to see if he was the father...he wasn't. But why would they even have a test like that taken on a brother and sister? I just thought it was really unsual.

It seems that Lee wanted everyone to see him mouth those words to Casey.
He could have done that on the way to sit down after the hearing and she would have seen him. I guess he wanted to make sure that we all know that he is still in there standing by Casey.
You can see Mallory for a few seconds in this video: http://www.wftv.com/video/24283126/index.html. Starting at about the 9:20 mark, Lee is walking into the courtroom followed by the bailiff followed by Mallory.

Watching the two of them come into
the courtroom; "Good Lord,what were
they thinking when they got up and
got dressed.

I don't care how hot it was outside,you
know the court would be air-conditioned

:snooty: :snooty::slap:
I was fascinated by many aspects of yesterday's hearing- and even though I'm on the West Coast, I'm certain some of my fellow sleuther's across the nation heard me scream out in frustration when CNN cut out, just as Judge Perry left to make his decision.

What I found most fascinating though, was Jose Baez' reaction to Lee Anthony on the witness stand.

Immediately after Lee mouthed the words "I love you", and Casey burst out in tears, Baez was glaring at Lee- I mean truly staring daggers into him.

Was this simply because Lee caused Casey to lose her composure in court?

Was it mad jealousy over Lee on Jose's part?
(It seriously almost looked like it, lol).

Maybe Baez was looking at Lee with such hatred because Baez was worried Casey might now change her mind about using Lee as a scapegoat at trial?


I seriously thought B.was going to have a stroke or something.He was livid all the while L. was testifing.L.said alot B.wasnt happy with.:furious:
I have one word for Lee......creepy.......he is one odd duck.....and yes, I think the I Love You mouthed to his sister was him being a smart a@@ since the letters about molestation came out.......I don't think he is trustworthy and yes, he knows his sister is guilty, just plays along with the game of his mom and sister. I believe he likes keeping them stirred up and pizzed at each other. He sits back and laughs at the whole thing!!
Woe.be.gone, due to insomnia (and nothing better to do), I decided to get the links and page numbers you requested. Many thanks to Valhall and the folks who typed out the searchable discovery :clap:

Q After you had them looked into by Mr. Casey, did you receive any information that made you believe that they should be a suspect?

A Yes. Amy was involved with drugs, heroin specifically.

Q This is Amy Huizenga?

A Yes. She -- out of all of them, she was probably the worse as far as character person that I could, you know, that I could gather.

Q When you say she was involved in, what information did you receive that she was involved in -A That she --

Q -- in drugs? Using them, selling them?

A Using them. I don't -- I don't know if she,
know, sold them. I never really -- that wasn't the indication that I got. It was more that she was -- she
heavily into that, as was -- Ricardo was into heroin as well, which they all ran together.. You know, they were all, you know, a group of friends.

Page 258 http://www.thehinkymeter.com/Library/CMA/depos/lanthonydepo073009.pdf

P.S, WBG...I read over my original post towards you and it sounded really snarky. I am extremely sorry for that. It really wasn't my intention. I hope you can forgive me.

P.S.S I forgot LA accused Ricardo of the same thing. I'll have to re-read the State depos when I'm in that 'glutton for punishment' kinda mood.
What was all the undercurrent chaos going on during LA's trying to answer CM's questions? Was that a phone that kept ringing? Why did CM's questioning seem so vague and confusing?

I felt like there was extra stuff going on that was meant to make LA's answers seem vague and unimportant by CM. Was that the reason LA's response to questions and his answers seemed chopped up by interruptions?

Lee does have a nervous laugh, but his answers seemed straight forward and not laced with mystery or lies. In general, he did okay. Interesting that his appearance was what brought tears from KC.

Cindy seemed so much better this time. I couldn't believe she carried a drink with her up to the witness stand, though. I've never seen anyone do something like that before. Like you couldn't go that long without a drink of water? But she answered in a much clearer fashion, I wondered if BC has helped her a lot on how to answer in a simple and clear manner.
I felt bad for Lee that he still is not practiced in how to be clear when he speaks. He seems to try to be funny and vague so as not to offend anyone, almost like "valley speak" with the "you knows" and "whatevers" etc, and the vague rambling. And so much extra stuff thrown in. He seemed sincere though and basically did well I thought.
Casey did get very emotional over seeing Lee. The crying, and she also did a very weird facial twitch at one point I think it was at the 3:30 mark in part 6 of Lee's testimony. It was like a weird grimace.
JoseB seemed to put on a hostile kind of face throughout Lee's testimony which was interesting.
And what was all that interruption and chaos and noise making during Lee's testimony. Weird. And I agree, CM's questions to him were very confusing.
Oh, one thing, maybe already discussed here, I haven't read up yet. At the 5:17 mark in (I think) Part 6. JB seemed to really take an interest in one line Lee said when he said, "For a minute, I almost turned into a bystander."
Woe.be.gone, due to insomnia (and nothing better to do), I decided to get the links and page numbers you requested. Many thanks to Valhall and the folks who typed out the searchable discovery :clap:

Q After you had them looked into by Mr. Casey, did you receive any information that made you believe that they should be a suspect?

A Yes. Amy was involved with drugs, heroin specifically.

Q This is Amy Huizenga?

A Yes. She -- out of all of them, she was probably the worse as far as character person that I could, you know, that I could gather.

Q When you say she was involved in, what information did you receive that she was involved in -A That she --

Q -- in drugs? Using them, selling them?

A Using them. I don't -- I don't know if she,
know, sold them. I never really -- that wasn't the indication that I got. It was more that she was -- she
heavily into that, as was -- Ricardo was into heroin as well, which they all ran together.. You know, they were all, you know, a group of friends.

Page 258 http://www.thehinkymeter.com/Library/CMA/depos/lanthonydepo073009.pdf

P.S, WBG...I read over my original post towards you and it sounded really snarky. I am extremely sorry for that. It really wasn't my intention. I hope you can forgive me.

P.S.S I forgot LA accused Ricardo of the same thing. I'll have to re-read the State depos when I'm in that 'glutton for punishment' kinda mood.
Interesting...Cindy clearly lied about her conversation(s) with Amy. I wondered why at the time...but think now it may come down to a she said/she said kinda deal. I don't think the defense is trying to implicate Amy in the crime...but rather they're looking to discredit her testimony. Just a thought...
I think in the texts between JP and AH, IIRC wasn't there mention about getting drugs from AH's co-worker? I am not sure though, so don't quote me. And I always heard RM had a previous arrest for possession, was that true or just rumor? I can't remember now.
IIRC some of the old friends said in their statements that Casey had started to run with a new, druggy crowd, whether that was the TL/Fusian crowd or the JP/AH/RM crowd, (or both), I can't remember.

We know by TL's roommates' own statements that they are drug users, and TL mentioned their "drug dealer" friend while talking to Lee in the car.
Nobody says meth or crack or heroin of course, they mention marijuana and prescription meds. Was it GA who said later the private detective had found out the AH/RM group were heroin dealers or something? (I don't mean that it's true, though.) Refresh my memory anyone!
Look above...
Lee calling Amy a heroin addict is in his State Deposition with Linda Drane Burdick.

ETA: And he did say he only learned this information through Dominic Casey.

Thanks for this info, I had forgotten that. Just backed up a page and saw your post. :)
seagull, i think it was just the one person who had a prescription for anti-anxiety meds in that crowd...and he also mentioned he smoked weed to calm down when anxious. As far as TL, AH, and RM... smoking pot is a far cry from being a heroin addict or a "druggie".

I seriously thought B.was going to have a stroke or something.He was livid all the while L. was testifing.L.said alot B.wasnt happy with.:furious:

I too thought JB was pi$$ed the whole time LA was on the stand. JB was making all kinds of "don't like him" - "don't like what he's sayin" - "what's with this guy!!??" etc. kind of faces. Then in part 6, about 1:15 seconds in, JB takes his right hand over to scratch the top left side of his head with his middle finger (which puts his middle finger aiming right at LA, then his skooches middle finger back & forth). Now if it had been anyone else that did this, I wouldn't think a thing of it, but IDK.....it sure looked like an "on purpose" gesture to me- not just a scratch, and I wouldn't put it past ole JB either. JMHO

I think in the texts between JP and AH, IIRC wasn't there mention about getting drugs from AH's co-worker? I am not sure though, so don't quote me. And I always heard RM had a previous arrest for possession, was that true or just rumor? I can't remember now.
IIRC some of the old friends said in their statements that Casey had started to run with a new, druggy crowd, whether that was the TL/Fusian crowd or the JP/AH/RM crowd, (or both), I can't remember.

We know by TL's roommates' own statements that they are drug users, and TL mentioned their "drug dealer" friend while talking to Lee in the car.
Nobody says meth or crack or heroin of course, they mention marijuana and prescription meds. Was it GA who said later the private detective had found out the AH/RM group were heroin dealers or something? (I don't mean that it's true, though.) Refresh my memory anyone!

Maybe you are thinking of KC's text to JG saying something like "I can get xanax's from Annie and we'll have a good time".

I remember reading that TL's roommates smoked pot once in a while, but then KC smoked with them so??? I wouldn't exactly call that a heavy drug user. I really feel for AH and RM, TL & so on, if that kind of lie is being passed around as truth....I think KC and her family have done enough damage to these kids already.

I too thought JB was pi$$ed the whole time LA was on the stand. JB was making all kinds of "don't like him" - "don't like what he's sayin" - "what's with this guy!!??" etc. kind of faces. Then in part 6, about 1:15 seconds in, JB takes his right hand over to scratch the top left side of his head with his middle finger (which puts his middle finger aiming right at LA, then his skooches middle finger back & forth). Now if it had been anyone else that did this, I wouldn't think a thing of it, but IDK.....it sure looked like an "on purpose" gesture to me- not just a scratch, and I wouldn't put it past ole JB either. JMHO


Hasn't it been mentioned in some of the released docs that Lee doesn't/didn't like jb?????? I do agree with the gesture....
I'm trying hard to think of anything she has said so far that is the truth ( regarding the case) so it is reasonable to extrapolate that her abuse claims are quite probably untrue. Even her brother has said he doesn't know why she habitually lies, but she does. She lies when she doesn't even need to.
Her parents have said there is NO truth to the allegations, so it looks like they have confirmed that she lied.....

But alas that is the problem....THEY ALL LIE....there is such a break in what they see as "truth" vs. what is reality....they say whatever suits them...
Hasn't it been mentioned in some of the released docs that Lee doesn't/didn't like jb?????? I do agree with the gesture....

Oh you know what, I think you are right. I think that LA did make some disparaging remarks about JB, either on the hidden tape with AL or in LE/FBI interviews. I had forgotten about that. No love lost b/t these two.

But alas that is the problem....THEY ALL LIE....there is such a break in what they see as "truth" vs. what is reality....they say whatever suits them...

You're right. It's not so long ago that Tom Luka, Lee's then attorney said he was expecting that Lee would be charged with obstructing justice because of some things he did, so he is just as unscrupulous as his entire family.

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