Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #9

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I will try to dig it up. I'm always searching I could have sworn I saw it either on WHEC or I just don't think Dawn/Chad neccesarily wanted it out there they have known about it for a long time.

My guess is what Nos said. Maybe they wanted it out there to get her story out there more. But there are plenty of pictures of Brittanee out there. I bet most of MB are aware of who she is. I would still like a rationale behind the video.

oh i found all info threw CNN site threw dd interview yesterday,,yea seems they kinda shock that word pic got out,,but todays teen girls feel its there way or no way,,,but DD and CD stilll say they feel the PB knows something,,,
oh i found all info threw CNN site threw dd interview yesterday,,yea seems they kinda shock that word pic got out,,but todays teen girls feel its there way or no way,,,but DD and CD stilll say they feel the PB knows something,,,


It either leaked on the web (from the kid or one of his friends) and the news decided to show it, or LE released it (there probably the only two that had access to it.) I sure thought I read LE released it but i've read so mannnyy articles I may be wrong.

However, with LE saying it does nothing for the investigation a week from now we will all be past it.

PB still may know something. We are missing a critical piece of info still.. with her not knowing them (the Saturday night guys 3-4 POI's) "directly" who did she know them through? As soon as this comes out we will be able to connect a few more dots.
The video shows Brittanee relaxing in a hotel room, texting her friends while on spring break in Myrtle Beach. The video lasts only ten seconds and it was apparently taken by a boy Brittanee met there.

Police kept it confidential until now, but both Brittanee's Mom and Dad say they saw the video a year ago.

I still wonder why they wanted to release it now. My guess is what others are saying, with the year coming up and having 3-4 POI's maybe they want to get her out in the media more. But with it providing no info to the investigation it is still odd to release it, since it may not be a favorable video of her.
I'm guessing that this is a strategic release. I think it symbolizes something that the perps and only a few others would know about. Either it has something to do with the timeline, or refutes some piece of interrogatory information. I think they know exactly what they are doing.
The video shows Brittanee relaxing in a hotel room, texting her friends while on spring break in Myrtle Beach. The video lasts only ten seconds and it was apparently taken by a boy Brittanee met there.

Police kept it confidential until now, but both Brittanee's Mom and Dad say they saw the video a year ago.

I still wonder why they wanted to release it now. My guess is what others are saying, with the year coming up and having 3-4 POI's maybe they want to get her out in the media more. But with it providing no info to the investigation it is still odd to release it, since it may not be a favorable video of her.

Doc, i know that what that newspaper stated, but let ask you,,when was the First news told? (no one knew till DD was on the Today show,when that was first told to us the public,,,,,and then every newspaper/tv station ran with it,,but heres link of that transcipt,and i put transcrip with video,and its word to word the seem,,,,le had video (not really they only seen it from guys cell phone/camera,,,the news came from ID just as i show you,,,ill post the transcript then you take transcript read it while the video plays it be word to word the seem,,but no one knew of this till DD was ask by it on todays tv show,,,,
We also have fast-breaking developments in the search for a beautiful teenager who disappeared on spring break in Myrtle Beach more than a year ago. We now have new video from the show "Disappeared" on Investigation Discovery Network.

It shows Brittanee Drexel the very day before she vanished.





VELEZ-MITCHELL: Boy, there she is. The male voice and camera operator is somebody she met on vacation. Police do not consider him a suspect.

Brittanee defied her mom and went to Myrtle Beach with her friends even though she was not allowed to go. And now police are looking for three or four mystery persons of interest. They won`t name names.

On NBC`s "Today Show", Brittanee`s devastated mom offered her theory.


DAWN DREXEL, MOTHER OF BRITTANEE DREXEL: There`s only three possibilities that I think would have happened to Brittanee. She is either being held against her will, she`s been trafficked or she`s not alive.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: We are honored to be joined by Brittanee`s mother Dawn Drexel now and also Monica Caison who founded the Cue Center for Missing Persons.

Dawn, first of all, I want to thank you for coming on the show. We have been covering your daughter`s disappearance since it first occurred and our hearts go out to you. We here at ISSUES want to help you solve this case. And preferably bring your daughter home safe and sound.

When did you see this new video of your daughter the day before she disappeared? And what was your reaction in your heart?

D. DREXEL: Thanks, Jane.

We viewed that video -- I believe it was two to three weeks after Brittanee had went missing. The police did show us the video. I didn`t think that Brittanee -- I don`t know -- would just go with some random person. But maybe she was walking alone and, you know, she decided to walk along with -- with this person. I mean, I`m not sure.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: You might not recognize Brittanee, but Brittanee was captured by several surveillance cameras on the night she vanished.

Now, we`ll show you a shot of Brittanee walking about a mile from her hotel to a hotel where a friend was staying. This was on April 25th, the very day that she vanished; extraordinary amount of video in this case.

Then we have her walking into the Blue Water Resort on Ocean Boulevard. She went there to see a male friend who was staying there with four other teenagers. And then we see Brittanee leaving a short time later at about 8:30 p.m. And that`s really the last time she`s seen.

Police interviewed each of the young men she visited and none of them are suspects.

Dawn, names aside, what do you know about the young men who were staying at this hotel that she visited?

Brittanee did know the one person that was -- that last seen her. She had known him for a few years. I`ve heard his name before. I believe I met him at some point during that time. And the other boys, I don`t know if she knew them or not.

Now, Dawn, what have cops told you about these four persons of interest? Apparently they`re not the young men who were in that hotel room that she visited and then left. It`s somebody that she encountered after leaving that hotel room around 8:30 that night. And apparently aren`t they from that area, the area where she was at, Myrtle Beach?

D. DREXEL: You mean are the --

VELEZ-MITCHELL: The three or four persons of interest that cops have their eye on.

D. DREXEL: I believe they are from South Carolina. I`m sorry. I forgot the question that you asked me prior to that.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, what do you know about them? Police have three or four persons of interest on their radar. Two of the suspects have been put through polygraphs.

D. DREXEL: That`s right.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We don`t know the results. But what do you know about these four individuals? They`ve got -- cops have got their eye on four people.

D. DREXEL: Right. They haven`t told us much. We will be traveling to Myrtle Beach. We are going to be meeting with the police when we get down there next week. We are going down there for Brittanee`s candlelit vigil and also for awareness.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Let me ask Monica Caison a question. You are the founder of the Cue Center for Missing Persons. Police have indicated they believe Brittanee is dead.

I know that Brittanee`s mom, Dawn, who`s sitting right next to you is very upset by that. Did that rob her even of hope at this point?

MONICA CAISON, FOUNDER, CUE CENTER FOR MISSING PERSONS: I think on the onset of hearing the news that, you know, I think that whole entire family was devastated. And, you know, of course, she was receiving lots of calls and a lot of people that, you know, it was the first time of them ever hearing that.

Dawn had discussed with investigators prior. You know, they shared their beliefs. So she has heard that before, but never in a public forum.

And, you know, I think she`s settling down a little bit. Her and the family, they`re coming to some kind of terms. But as far as robbing them of hope, I mean that`s why we`re out here continuing to get Brittanee out there and to let people know, don`t stop looking for her because none of us really know.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Monica, do you find it odd that we know that there were four persons of interest but we don`t know anything else about them except that they`re from South Carolina? I mean --

CAISON: Very odd. And so that`s what we`re hoping when Dawn and Chad get down, Brittanee`s parents, get down to South Carolina. They will be meeting with law enforcement to discuss and hopefully get some more questions and make them feel a little bit better that, you know, get some answers for those questions and make them feel a little bit better.

But, yes, to make an announcement, you know, it kind of puts the pressure on -- everybody is asking Dawn and the family and Chad when are they going to make an arrest? Who are the people? It`s just caused a lot of extra stress upon their daughter being missing to try to answer these questions over and over again.

And I can tell you, I can attest to it because we`re receiving the same kind of calls. Even from other families of missing people. And, you know, Dawn and I spend a lot of time together on the phone and constantly being interrupted by people calling and just frantic, wanting some kind of word and she doesn`t have it to give.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Dawn, as Brittanee`s mom, you must be pleased in some sense that they have at least their sights on four persons of interest because I think many parents of missing children have said the worst thing is not knowing anything, when there is no suspect, like the case of the Kesses which we`ve covered so many times here on ISSUES.

Would that at least -- if they arrested four individuals, would that give you some measure of closure?

D. DREXEL: It would. It would. You know, I support the investigation that they`re doing right now. But I still want to remain hopeful that Brittanee is still alive.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Of course you do. And we all are hopeful that perhaps she is still alive. There`s a possibility of sex trafficking, who knows.

D. DREXEL: Exactly.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We have not gotten to the bottom of this story. Dawn, our thoughts are with you. Our hearts go out with you, to you. We`ll stay on this case. Thank you.

D. DREXEL: Thank you so much.

CAISON: Thank you, Jane.

Listen we all think on this diff but bottom line is get BD home
Prayers to her/family
This first part of DD and CD (BD parents) on ISSUES,this was April 12th

A teen vanishes during spring break. A year later, no arrests. Will lie detector tests finally blow this case wide open? We`re talking to Brittanee Drexel`s parents next.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: A possible break in the case of missing Brittanee Drexel. This beautiful teen vanished nearly a year ago, vacationing with friends in Myrtle Beach. Now the case cops once feared was going cold has heated up with new...


VELEZ-MITCHELL: A possible break in the case of missing Brittanee Drexel. This beautiful teen vanished a year ago vacationing with friends in Myrtle Beach. Now the case cops once feared was going cold has heated up with new tips leading to three or four persons of interest. Are police about to make an arrest? We`ll talk to Brittanee`s desperate parents.

Tonight: a family`s desperate quest to solve a grim spring break mystery. What happened to Brittanee Drexel? It has been nearly a year since the New York teenager vanished in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. She went there for spring break without her parents` permission. We`re now learning that police are looking at three possibly four people from South Carolina who they are calling persons of interest.


VINCENT DORIO, MYRTLE BEACH DETECTIVE: People that we`re looking at, I feel really good about because all of our little pieces of evidence haven`t been tied in yet, but they`re all pointing in the same direction, towards certain people.

CHRIS BAILY, GEORGETOWN COUNTY INVESTIGATOR: They are suspected of being present with Brittanee, knowing her whereabouts or possible whereabouts.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: This is a huge break in this case. Detectives told us today that two of those people have taken lie detector tests, but police would not tell us the results or whether they were close to making an arrest. So after countless searches and interviews, police still cannot give Brittanee`s family any hard answers as to what happened to her.

Investigator John Lucich is back with us, but I want to get straight to my very, very special guests, Brittanee`s parents, Dawn and Chad Drexel.

I just want to say first of all, from everyone here at ISSUES, our hearts go out to you and your family. Our thoughts are with you. We`ve thought of your case often in this last year. And we don`t want to let the story of your child -- your precious daughter`s disappearance -- die out. Thanks for joining us.



VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tell us -- I`ll start with you, dawn, what has this last year been like for you, not knowing what happened to your daughter? And what`s your impression of the three or four people detectives are now focused on?

D. DREXEL: Well, the past year has been hell. You know, we -- we`ve been going on with our lives, you know, as far as taking care of our children. But, you know, someone in our family is missing. And we have no idea what happened to her.

When the police called us the other day, we were a little surprised when they called us because we weren`t sure, you know, what they were calling us in reference to. But, you know, after we had watched the footage that they had put out, we were a little appalled, you know, when they had stated that the -- that they didn`t think that Brittanee was alive because there was nothing that points to Brittanee not being alive.

They have no evidence. They don`t have a body. You know, and -- I mean, the family has just been -- we`ve gotten phone call after phone call. We have friends that are upset, family that is upset. You know, and -- you know, how dare they, you know, do this to us? Do you know what I mean?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: It`s -- it`s rough. It`s terrible. Again, we have no comprehension of what you must be going through. What we want to do is be a force for positive change and hopefully help solve this case.

Brittanee and her friends drove about 700 miles from Rochester, New York to Myrtle Beach. Like so many teenagers, they had no adult chaperons.

Police say hours after Brittanee vanished, her cell phone sent out a ping in Georgetown County, South Carolina. Unfortunately, that clue did not generate any solid leads.


DORIO: We could use that one person or that one piece of evidence that comes forward and tie everything in together to make a solid arrest, which leads to a solid conviction.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Chad, what are authorities telling you about these three or four persons of interest? The fact that her cell phone was found inland to me would indicate that somebody down there in South Carolina is responsible as everybody else was at the shore and they were from New York. So it would make it -- it would make more sense that somebody who lives in South Carolina would go inland. What do you know?

C. DREXEL: Well, when the authorities told us about these suspected people, I asked specific questions.

First off, you say you`re treating it like a homicide. Why are you treating it like a homicide? There`s a couple of things they told us. Number one, they`re trying to keep the investigation and utilize their references and all their tools by using that word. They`re able to do so. Number two, it upsets the family. I told them that. We don`t know if she`s dead or alive. That was my question.

Ok, you have suspects or persons of interest. Did they tell you that -- or is the story they`re telling you or the story that you got to get these people, is that leading you to believe that my daughter is dead or is my daughter -- do they have her somewhere or do they know where she is?

And they were being very, very generic and not answering those questions. And they said the reason -- and I asked them, why aren`t you answering my questions specifically? They said because we don`t want to hinder the case.

That`s when I know -- I`m her father. Her mother, her parents need to know what -- where you are on the investigations. If anyone is not going to hinder the case it would be the parents. Anyone else, I could see holding information from. But we`re the parents. It`s our daughter that`s missing.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I agree with you 100 percent. I mean, you -- all they have to say to you is we`re telling you this but don`t tell anybody.

D. DREXEL: Exactly.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Are you frustrated, Chad, that they didn`t give you the specifics that you were asking for?

C. DREXEL: Well, of course. I mean, I want closure for not only myself but for her siblings; my 12-year-old daughter and her -- and Brittanee`s 6-year-old brother. I mean, I want closure for everyone so at least give us some hope. That`s the only word that I`ve got to teach both my children is hope.

And I try to instill that in everyone I talk to on every media I talk to, phone, Internet, whatever. You`ve got to have hope.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So suffice it to say that the authorities have not told you anything about these three or four persons of interest?

C. DREXEL: Not at all. They`ve been very generic. They told us just trust us, to believe. The reason they want us to trust them in this is because they want a solid --

D. DREXEL: Conviction.

C. DREXEL: -- conviction to arrest them. I said, ok. Then that kind of made me feel better. However, I`m still -- I would like to know the specifics. And I won`t tell anyone. It`s my daughter. Why would I hinder my own daughter`s case?

D. DREXEL: Exactly.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: John Lucich, you`re a former criminal investigator. Briefly, any reason why the cops wouldn`t tell the parents what they know?

JOHN LUCICH, FORMER CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR: They never injure a case intentionally. It`s always by accident. They`ve got brothers and sisters they`re close with. They`ve got siblings. They`ll tell them. It will spread.

And by accident, someone says something on the media and it`s out. And then that might hinder the investigation because real quick, if someone knows that a -- let`s say -- let`s talk about a different case of homicide that a person was stabbed to death and then the cops never released that and while they`re talking to a suspect, somebody says that to them, they know they`ve got a suspect.

They cannot release -- and these cops, they`re not trying to hurt the family --

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ok. All right. I hear you. We get your point. Thank you, John.

Brittanee was captured by surveillance cameras the night she vanished. Take a look at it. Here she is walking into the Blue Water Resort on Ocean Boulevard. It`s about a mile from the hotel where she was staying.

She went there to see a friend from New York who was staying there with three or four other teens. Ok. Here`s Brittanee leaving a short time later around 8:30 at night. This, I think, is one of the last times along with on the road that she was seen. She vanished after this.

Police interviewed each of those young men and said none of them are suspects. Now, one of them, however, Dawn, did leave at 1:00 in the morning to go back to Rochester, New York, which you found to be quite odd. Tell us about that. No names, please.

D. DREXEL: Well, the person that she was last seen with --

C. DREXEL: He left with a few people.

D. DREXEL: He left with the people that he came there with, that he was rooming with. And had -- came back to Rochester at 1:30 in the morning. Well, left for Rochester at 1:30 in the morning.

C. DREXEL: Dawn and I both believe that he knows something. It`s not that he knows something specifically, it`s not that the guys that went with him know something. We believe one of those kids that went with my daughter or were affiliated around my daughter down there know something or someone or something that would help this case. What hurts us the most is that none of them has stepped up to help anything.

D. DREXEL: Yes. They`ve never come forward.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We want to say that we`re not letting your story go. We`re going to stay on top of it. We`re going to call the cops. We`re going to make sure that your daughter`s case stays out there.

D. DREXEL: Jane?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. We have two seconds.

D. DREXEL: I just wanted to let you know if anybody has any tips or anything, they can go ahead and, you know, send them over to the Q Center for Misses Persons and also on Brittanee`s Web site which is

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Thank you both. Our hearts are with you.

D. DREXEL: Thank you.


C. DREXEL: Thank you.

D. DREXEL: All right, thank you.


It's still very difficult to say who released it. I go back to my point in one of my other post. It was either leaked onto ID by the guy who took the video, or maybe he sent it to a buddy, then the media decided to run with it since it's out there. Or LE put it out there. LE has already dismissed the guy though and they said theirselves the video does little for them. The only thing I could think of is they're showing her on camera interacting, maybe there trying to get one of the POI's or more importantly one of their friends/family members to grow attached to her. It wouldn't be a bad idea if Dawn would put a video of her opening Christmas presents, or interacting with family. It could be a smart tactic since they have their 3/4 POI's.

It either leaked on the web (from the kid or one of his friends) and the news decided to show it, or LE released it (there probably the only two that had access to it.) I sure thought I read LE released it but i've read so mannnyy articles I may be wrong.

However, with LE saying it does nothing for the investigation a week from now we will all be past it.

PB still may know something. We are missing a critical piece of info still.. with her not knowing them (the Saturday night guys 3-4 POI's) "directly" who did she know them through? As soon as this comes out we will be able to connect a few more dots.

My opinion is that means that they know the abductor and know something about her murder, as in they found out from the abductor. Standard stuff that police count on, getting info from acquaintances of the criminal.

That's just an opinion, but I don't see any other reasonable way to interpret it.

My opinion is that means that they know the abductor and know something about her murder, as in they found out from the abductor. Standard stuff that police count on, getting info from acquaintances of the criminal.

That's just an opinion, but I don't see any other reasonable way to interpret it.


In my opinion if they knew that much there would have been an arrest already. It is very frusterating. It's like they have all these tips but it seems like the tips are just saying something like "hey we saw these guys with her late that night." Then they gave a few of them lie detectors and they probably failed them badly. They don't have the smoking gun though.
I understand your point, but I think if seen with her that is knowing her directly. Knowing her indirectly is knowing of her through someone else, in this case, the abductor.

Think about what the charges are for some potential "accessory after the fact" type thing. This is true of any crime. You have some people that think something happened and don't really want to be involved in testifying against someone they know for multiple reasons, but word keeps gettig leaked until someone tips the police, maybe even anonymously. This situation happens at all levels, even for school kids.

So the police start questioning people who were said to know something, a couple take lie deteector tests, a couple don't, but out of that the police confirm that the rumored information is substantive.

But if a person found out through some drunken bragging or something that the bragger murdered Brittannee, what are you going to charge anyone with?

You can't at this point. That's why they are asking for someone to reach into the goodness of their heart of tell tell them something they know that will allow them to find Brittanee or what happened to her.

I understand your point, but I think if seen with her that is knowing her directly. Knowing her indirectly is knowing of her through someone else, in this case, the abductor.

Think about what the charges are for some potential "accessory after the fact" type thing. This is true of any crime. You have some people that think something happened and don't really want to be involved in testifying against someone they know for multiple reasons, but word keeps gettig leaked until someone tips the police, maybe even anonymously. This situation happens at all levels, even for school kids.

So the police start questioning people who were said to know something, a couple take lie deteector tests, a couple don't, but out of that the police confirm that the rumored information is substantive.

But if a person found out through some drunken bragging or something that the bragger murdered Brittannee, what are you going to charge anyone with?

You can't at this point. That's why they are asking for someone to reach into the goodness of their heart of tell tell them something they know that will allow them to find Brittanee or what happened to her.


I understand your point as well. But even if they were seen with her, which it sure sounds like they were, that doesn't mean she knew them directly. I think it was more indirectly. More of a friend of a friend thing. Let's hope we find out more info soon.
Doc, it took me awhile, but I see where all this drug stuff is coming from, as in no, Brittanee didn't know them directly, she was just doing a drug deal with them after they were introduced to her by someone she knew directly.

Yeah, I see how the wording is confusing. For example, it's unusual to say that people that heard of a crime knew the victim indirectly.

I attribute it to deliberately obscure wording from Myrtle Beach police which succeeded magnificantly. I also understand the need for them to be obscure though.

It was clear to me their intent was to say that these POI's weren't involved with Brittannee directly and by extent not involved with the perpetration of the crime, but I'm apparently the only one that understood it that way.

In my opinion, the POI's being seen with Brittanee is a huge deal and everything said would have been dramatically different. Instead of Brittanee disappearing without a trace it would have become Brittanee was last seen with these POI's, questioning and investigation would be substantially different as in investigating a murderer and the kind of police statements involved with that.

This is the usual fare for trying to get statements from witnesses after the fact, in my opinion.

But there are more substantive issues as well. If Brittanee really was in the presence of these POI's after she left the hotel her cell phone pings would have recorded her whereabouts.

Also, instead of the POI's being the witnesses then we have at least one witness who reported that Brittanee was seen with these POI's. And this witness reported that only in December? I don't think so.

Plus, being introduced by someone you know "directly" is not knowing another person "indirectly". Once introduced, you know them "directly" as well.


It's still very difficult to say who released it. I go back to my point in one of my other post. It was either leaked onto ID by the guy who took the video, or maybe he sent it to a buddy, then the media decided to run with it since it's out there. Or LE put it out there. LE has already dismissed the guy though and they said theirselves the video does little for them. The only thing I could think of is they're showing her on camera interacting, maybe there trying to get one of the POI's or more importantly one of their friends/family members to grow attached to her. It wouldn't be a bad idea if Dawn would put a video of her opening Christmas presents, or interacting with family. It could be a smart tactic since they have their 3/4 POI's.

Doc, Showing videos of Britt is a great idea.
Do you guys think that now after this new video has come out that maybe this had nothing to do with drugs? Maybe she just met new people and was hanging out with them and they were from MB. This new video was late at night and she seemed completely sober to me. Just thinking maybe she met this guy she could have met other people there too. When your a teenager everyone is a new friend after you have talked for an hour. JMO

Donovan's daughter: Media exposure good for Drexel case

Posted: Apr 16, 2010 10:25 PM EDT Updated: Apr 16, 2010 10:42 PM EDT

By Greg Argos - bio | email
MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WMBF) - Angie Gilchrist, the daughter of a Gallivants Ferry woman murdered more than seven years ago, says an overdose of media exposure can only benefit the ongoing search for Brittanee Drexel.
Gilchrist, the daughter of Alice Donovan, says she understands how hard it is for Dawn Drexel, Brittanee's mother, to not know what happened to her daughter. It took more than seven years to find the body of her mother.
"For her, I'm sure it's the same, but this is her daughter," said Gilchrist. "This is an extension of her, and to lose her and not know where she is, I just can't even imagine."
Dawn Drexel has spent the last 24-hours appearing on national programs on both NBC and CNN Headline News to keep the story about her missing daughter on people's minds.
"Keep being persistent," said Gilchrist. "Keep being Brittanee's voice, because Dawn is the only voice that Brittanee has right now."
The Drexel family says they will return to Myrtle Beach on April 24 to take part in a candle light vigil on the one-year anniversary of the disappearance of Brittanee.
Brittanee Drexel disappeared after she was last seen in the area of 11th Avenue South and 20th Avenue South in Myrtle Beach. The teen was in the area against the will of her mother.
Contact was lost between the girl and her family in New York on April 25, 2009, the same night authorities say she disappeared. The last signal from her cell phone came the next night near the South Santee River.
Since she went missing, multiple search efforts for the teen have been executed from Horry County to Charleston County. While investigators have searched throughout three counties, each search effort has left police empty handed.
Copyright 2010 WMBF News. All rights reserved.
Do you guys think that now after this new video has come out that maybe this had nothing to do with drugs? Maybe she just met new people and was hanging out with them and they were from MB. This new video was late at night and she seemed completely sober to me. Just thinking maybe she met this guy she could have met other people there too. When your a teenager everyone is a new friend after you have talked for an hour. JMO

I really wish we had the entire video with full sound. It doesn't look like much, but I found it really odd that she was just sitting around texting on her phone. These are virtual're now in their bedroom....and you're texting someone constantly. I know that was her habit anyway, but it just seems an odd thing to do unless she was bored out of her mind. I wonder if this was 'waiting around for someone/something'.....or complete boredom but not wanting to go back to the girl's room b/c of the constant conflict. Perhaps this was simply a precursor of the following night...where Brittanee simply wanted to get away from the girls and sought out someone to hang with...or, moreover, somewhere to go where she wasn't being bullied.

I just get this creepy feeling that she has ZERO interest in this guy, is kind of laughing at him for filming disinterested completely....yet still hangs around. Who does that? Who ignores their host...who goes to a hotel room with a boy and sits around texting. The only thing I can think of is that she was waiting for someone else to show up, waiting for his friends/him to get her some drugs, or just waiting out the night so she didn't have to go back to her room.
As much as she is smiling in this video, I instinctively 'feel' that she isn't all that happy....she just looks lonely and odd feeling to have on Spring Break at the beach. IMHO.
Newest article:

Brittanee Drexel's parents hopeful she's 'out there'
By Prentiss Findlay - The (Charleston) Post and Courier
Sunday, Apr. 18, 2010

Although she has been missing for nearly a year, the family of Brittanee Marie Drexel hopes one day she will return.

"I just want to get her back," said her father, Chad Drexel.

The missing Rochester, N.Y., teen, who was then 17, was last seen April 25, 2009, on a hotel security camera in Myrtle Beach. She had gone to the Grand Strand on spring break without her parents' permission.

"Brittanee was my life. She did everything with me, and I did everything with her," Chad Drexel said. Her mother, Dawn Drexel, said Brittanee is either dead, she is being trafficked or she is being held against her will. Chad Drexel doesn't want to consider the trafficking possibility.

"If that happened, she's being tortured. I would not want my daughter to go through that kind of torture," he said.

More at link...
From the article I just posted

The department feels that the persons of interest are responsible for whatever happened to the teen, Johnson said.

In the past, LE has just said that the are confident the POIs know what happened to B. This seems to be the first time they are blatantly saying that the POIs are RESPONSIBLE for what happened to her. Interesting. Bad reporting or...?
From the article I just posted

In the past, LE has just said that the are confident the POIs know what happened to B. This seems to be the first time they are blatantly saying that the POIs are RESPONSIBLE for what happened to her. Interesting. Bad reporting or...?

I read that as well. This is what becomes confusing but I guess it is good and bad for us in a way. We have 2 departments working her case with 3-4 detectives. Their not reading a script, so there putting things into their own words when they give out info. However, they all know where to stop.

This goes back to what RD was saying a little bit. I personally believe some of the POI's are directly involved in the crime against her. But notice they only gave 2 of them lie detectors and there are 3/4 POI's. Did those 2 want to try and clear their names and the others refused the test? Or did those 2 buckle under pressure in heat of the moment when asked to take it? Regardless, I bet the police got a lot of info out of them, and there is probably a good deal of tension between the 3/4 POI's.
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