Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #4

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...I would gently say though, that I think the physical evidence correlates with Soulscape's use of the EDT time frame....

The chart was cast for EST, not EDT so it is showing the stars an hour later, after the computer search. I'd be interested in hearing more detail about this technique of finding missing persons with a different time than the known events. I've used horary to find missing things on occasion, but used the correct time, either using the correct time zone or universal time, but only the current time, not an hour latter. So of course I'd be curious to hear the successes using this method.

As for the chloroform, I would need to have more education and facts before coming to conclusions. As far as the chart goes, it is possible, with Moon in entertaining Leo that there were previews about the show coming the next week containing chloroform, if she was an avid follower of that program. They usually show a lot of previews of popular programs. Moon is void during that time, only making a contraparallel to Pluto and much later an opposition to Neptune. The void is a time to reflect, lay back and carry on with routine things. Moon is quite weak in Leo, being peregrine. She's like a stranger with no place to go, not having a clue but is surely curious and playful. It's such strange territory because Moon's job is to reflect the light of the Sun, not be the source of the light. Things can be carried out quite successfully during the void. 911 is one very good example. But, they would have failed if they laid out their strategy and set it in motion during the void. It isn't a time to begin something completely new, only a time to complete what has already begun. I personally don't think a whole lot will come out of this computer search with void Moon. I also see some healthy mutual reception between Mars and Jupiter that doesn't fit premeditated murder. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer because he preserves life, the family line. Mars carries out the task of regeneration also and is exalted in Capricorn because he uses self control, has mastered self. Now, if we read Mars as the daughter of the household and Jupiter as the grandaughter of the household, they receive each other through exaltation. That would be like saying Caylee and Casey put each other on a pedistal. Of course, if we put anyone on a pedestal, they usually fall at some point but that doesn't discount that in this and several other charts I see mother and daughter receiving each other well. Now, this judgment is only correct as long as I'm using the right significators and the right time in order to determine significators. I'm sure of the pictures chart on the 15th though. Cindy was the ascendant, taking the picture. Her daughter and grand daughter received each other through triplicity in that chart. That is not a mother than hates her child. Then, through the mr, Moon will sextile Venus, surely not an aspect that is planning murder in a day or so.
So Tuba, are you saying there will be evidence given to JB, he will contort it to the perp's favor somehow?

Thank you again for all the work you all do, it must be very time consuming.[/quote]

Not implying JB is or will be dishonest, just that he will take the information apart and always, as is his obligation, present it in the light most favorable to the prisoner.

Unlike other sleuths, I like and respect this attorney. I appreciate his manner both in court and with the media and also with his client. Unlike us, he is dispassionate about the truths & facts of this case. He is doing the best he can with a temperamental client who lies like a flatfish. Look at the assistance he has been able to mobilise~! She is so fortunate not to have public defender representation. He might look green to observers but he excels at recognising what is important. So he doesn't swagger into court like Roy Black or F. Lee Bailey with a quarter of a C. experience in hard cases behind him. He screws up his courage and pushes on. There is an old Chinese saying to the effect, never mock or criticise a man who is trying to accomplish something. My one regret, often expressed, is that a different sort of man, another lawyer, could have extracted the truth from the prisoner. But that is not JB's job. On the day of reckoning, he will walk away from this case knowing he did his best.
Thanks Tuba. I see I did phrase that incorrectly. I am aware that JB is doing his job, to the best of his ability, and will not be dishonest about it. I apologize for the confusion. I try to post too quickly while at work. Thank you for the correction. :)
On March 21, 2008, Casey performed the second of two disturbing computer searches, starting at 2:16 pm.

See chart:

In this second search, she looked up:

--how to make chloroform 14:16:30
--Self Defense 14:20:32
--Household Weapons 14:21:58 and 14:25:33
--Neck Breaking 14:26:24
--Shovel 14:28:18

Why was she searching these terms? Leo, sign of the Entertainer, rises, so perhaps she was simply entertaining herself. The SUN, ruler of theatrical Leo and significator of KC is located at 01:32 Aries conjunct the 9th House Cusp.

Once again, as in the first computer search chart, we find her “educating” herself in the 9th House of Higher Learning. As before, it is certainly possible she is looking up terms she learned about from television programs (her significator SUN located in the 9th house of broadcasting/ mass communications/ television).

Maybe she’d been watching too many CSI repeats and had death & destruction on her mind, since the Part of Assassination (02:36 Leo) conjuncts the Ascendant from the 12th House.

Maybe she let her guard down, never thinking that somewhere down the road someone might run forensics on her computer. She was likely high or inebriated when she ran the searches, because BACCHUS the Asteroid of addiction is closely conjunct her significator SUN at 02:13 Aries. (It was in similar placement in the 3/17/08 computer search chart, so KC was likely high/ inebriated during both these searches.)

On the other hand, maybe she was daydreaming (SUN conjunct BACCHUS in the 9th House of dreams) about murdering her kid …

Look at the chart. You will clearly see SUN (KC) is part of a Grand Cross in cardinal signs involving SUN, MOON, MARS, and PLUTO, plus some additional unsavory characters --- BACCHUS the Addict (conjunct SUN), MEDUSA the murderer (conjunct MARS), The Part of Death conjunct PLUTO, and the Part of Death/Separation conjunct the MOON. Moreover, the SUN/MOON Midpoint (symbolizing the essence of KC in her entirety) is located at 01:41 Capricorn, partile conjunct PLUTO and thoroughly integrated within the cardinal Grand Cross.

Note for Students: a Grand Cross consists of four or more planets spread at intervals of approximately 90°. Thus, a cross or two oppositions is formed in the chart. This configuration generally indicates a person living under continuous stress and facing a seemingly never ending series of challenges. Likewise, the Grand Cross is also representative of an individual who is never able to rest until his purpose is actualized. This aspect places the person’s life in a constant state of tension and upheaval.

When the Grand Cross is made up of planets in cardinal signs, as they are in this chart, it paints a picture of a person who tends to be critical, impersonal, and in many ways domineering. The cardinal Grand Cross gives a strong sense that KC had “more energy that she knew what to do with” and that she was “forced” to constantly look for ways to dissipate that energy overload, even if her use of the energy was non-productive and/or harmful. All this conflicting cardinal energy at the time of her computer searches gives the sense that KC was extremely impatient, agitated, and perhaps making hasty decisions she ultimately would find herself regretting.

Back to the Chart…

KC’s child is shown by the radix 5th House, here Sagittarius. Note that BLACK MOON LILITH (a death indicator) and VERTEX (fated event) straddle the 5th House Cusp. Additionally, PLUTO (a death indicator) is posited in Caylee’s turned 1st House (radix 5th House). Also note PART OF DEATH at 06:55 Capricorn within one minute of conjunction to Caylee’s turned 2nd house (radix 6th house) and Caylee’s ruler JUPITER posited therein.

JUPITER in its Fall in the radix 6th House of Routine shows that Caylee was a likely considered by KC to be a “heavy burden” (Jupiter in Capricorn), and/or a resented “daily chore,” or “responsibility,” since JUPITER (Caylee) is partile opposite the Part of Sorrow at 18:21 Cancer.

Unluckily, JUPITER (Caylee) is also sucked into the volatile cardinal Grand Cross by being in mutual reception (by exaltation) with MARS conjunct MEDUSA (murder by the mother). Since Caylee’s significator JUPITER is in her 2nd House of the Near Future, the Chart gives the sense that whatever the outcome of KC’s impatient, agitated energies may be, they will impact little Caylee “down the road” (in the 2nd House of “tomorrow”) as opposed to anything lethal happening during the computer search time frame.

The energy of this cardinal Grand Cross is frightening. Surely KC was struggling with her murderous thoughts and one wonders how she ever managed to keep any plans that were hatching “under wraps” for almost 3 full months.

* Daylight Savings Time was in effect in Orlando FL on both search dates, 3/17/08 & 3/21/08. From time to time (and on a case-by-case basis), I choose to use Standard Time in forensic horaries, as I have found the testimonies for such charts compelling. Since I used EST in the Chart for the first search, I felt it made sense to use it in the Chart for the 2nd search.
On March 21, 2008, Casey performed the second of two disturbing computer searches, starting at 2:16 pm.

See chart:

In this second search, she looked up:

--how to make chloroform 14:16:30
--Self Defense 14:20:32
--Household Weapons 14:21:58 and 14:25:33
--Neck Breaking 14:26:24
--Shovel 14:28:18

Why was she searching these terms? Leo, sign of the Entertainer, rises, so perhaps she was simply entertaining herself. The SUN, ruler of theatrical Leo and significator of KC is located at 01:32 Aries conjunct the 9th House Cusp.

Once again, as in the first computer search chart, we find her “educating” herself in the 9th House of Higher Learning. As before, it is certainly possible she is looking up terms she learned about from television programs (her significator SUN located in the 9th house of broadcasting/ mass communications/ television).

Maybe she’d been watching too many CSI repeats and had death & destruction on her mind, since the Part of Assassination (02:36 Leo) conjuncts the Ascendant from the 12th House.

Maybe she let her guard down, never thinking that somewhere down the road someone might run forensics on her computer. She was likely high or inebriated when she ran the searches, because BACCHUS the Asteroid of addiction is closely conjunct her significator SUN at 02:13 Aries. (It was in similar placement in the 3/17/08 computer search chart, so KC was likely high/ inebriated during both these searches.)

On the other hand, maybe she was daydreaming (SUN conjunct BACCHUS in the 9th House of dreams) about murdering her kid …

Look at the chart. You will clearly see SUN (KC) is part of a Grand Cross in cardinal signs involving SUN, MOON, MARS, and PLUTO, plus some additional unsavory characters --- BACCHUS the Addict (conjunct SUN), MEDUSA the murderer (conjunct MARS), The Part of Death conjunct PLUTO, and the Part of Death/Separation conjunct the MOON. Moreover, the SUN/MOON Midpoint (symbolizing the essence of KC in her entirety) is located at 01:41 Capricorn, partile conjunct PLUTO and thoroughly integrated within the cardinal Grand Cross.

Note for Students: a Grand Cross consists of four or more planets spread at intervals of approximately 90°. Thus, a cross or two oppositions is formed in the chart. This configuration generally indicates a person living under continuous stress and facing a seemingly never ending series of challenges. Likewise, the Grand Cross is also representative of an individual who is never able to rest until his purpose is actualized. This aspect places the person’s life in a constant state of tension and upheaval.

When the Grand Cross is made up of planets in cardinal signs, as they are in this chart, it paints a picture of a person who tends to be critical, impersonal, and in many ways domineering. The cardinal Grand Cross gives a strong sense that KC had “more energy that she knew what to do with” and that she was “forced” to constantly look for ways to dissipate that energy overload, even if her use of the energy was non-productive and/or harmful. All this conflicting cardinal energy at the time of her computer searches gives the sense that KC was extremely impatient, agitated, and perhaps making hasty decisions she ultimately would find herself regretting.

Back to the Chart…

KC’s child is shown by the radix 5th House, here Sagittarius. Note that BLACK MOON LILITH (a death indicator) and VERTEX (fated event) straddle the 5th House Cusp. Additionally, PLUTO (a death indicator) is posited in Caylee’s turned 1st House (radix 5th House). Also note PART OF DEATH at 06:55 Capricorn within one minute of conjunction to Caylee’s turned 2nd house (radix 6th house) and Caylee’s ruler JUPITER posited therein.

JUPITER in its Fall in the radix 6th House of Routine shows that Caylee was a likely considered by KC to be a “heavy burden” (Jupiter in Capricorn), and/or a resented “daily chore,” or “responsibility,” since JUPITER (Caylee) is partile opposite the Part of Sorrow at 18:21 Cancer.

Unluckily, JUPITER (Caylee) is also sucked into the volatile cardinal Grand Cross by being in mutual reception (by exaltation) with MARS conjunct MEDUSA (murder by the mother). Since Caylee’s significator JUPITER is in her 2nd House of the Near Future, the Chart gives the sense that whatever the outcome of KC’s impatient, agitated energies may be, they will impact little Caylee “down the road” (in the 2nd House of “tomorrow”) as opposed to anything lethal happening during the computer search time frame.

The energy of this cardinal Grand Cross is frightening. Surely KC was struggling with her murderous thoughts and one wonders how she ever managed to keep any plans that were hatching “under wraps” for almost 3 full months.

* Daylight Savings Time was in effect in Orlando FL on both search dates, 3/17/08 & 3/21/08. From time to time (and on a case-by-case basis), I choose to use Standard Time in forensic horaries, as I have found the testimonies for such charts compelling. Since I used EST in the Chart for the first search, I felt it made sense to use it in the Chart for the 2nd search.

Your ability facinates me!!!!:blowkiss:
SOULSCAPE post #185
* Daylight Savings Time was in effect in Orlando FL on both search dates, 3/17/08 & 3/21/08. From time to time (and on a case-by-case basis), I choose to use Standard Time in forensic horaries, as I have found the testimonies for such charts compelling. Since I used EST in the Chart for the first search, I felt it made sense to use it in the Chart for the 2nd search.

Makes perfect sense.
So Tuba, are you saying there will be evidence given to JB, he will contort it to the perp's favor somehow?

Thank you again for all the work you all do, it must be very time consuming.[/quote]

Not implying JB is or will be dishonest, just that he will take the information apart and always, as is his obligation, present it in the light most favorable to the prisoner.

Unlike other sleuths, I like and respect this attorney. I appreciate his manner both in court and with the media and also with his client. Unlike us, he is dispassionate about the truths & facts of this case. He is doing the best he can with a temperamental client who lies like a flatfish. Look at the assistance he has been able to mobilise~! She is so fortunate not to have public defender representation. He might look green to observers but he excels at recognising what is important. So he doesn't swagger into court like Roy Black or F. Lee Bailey with a quarter of a C. experience in hard cases behind him. He screws up his courage and pushes on. There is an old Chinese saying to the effect, never mock or criticise a man who is trying to accomplish something. My one regret, often expressed, is that a different sort of man, another lawyer, could have extracted the truth from the prisoner. But that is not JB's job. On the day of reckoning, he will walk away from this case knowing he did his best.

Oh Tuba! I love it! This is exactly how I feel about JB! :blowkiss: So far, you are the only poster that has had the nerve to say such a thing :clap::clap:

I didn't because I hate to get beat up and in some threads around here, it is just scary. I would also add that JB does not WANT to know the real truth, because he is not permitted to lie to the court. So if KC said she killed her daughter, JB would have a really hard time defending her because he could not then say to the court "she didn't do it." He would have to look to insanity or mitigating circumstances for a defense. This is based on the federal rules of professional responsibility for lawyers. Having said all that, this is what the rules say and we all know, not everyone plays by the rules.

You've made my day with this post!

Oh Tuba! I love it! This is exactly how I feel about JB! :blowkiss: So far, you are the only poster that has had the never to say such a thing :clap::clap:

I didn't because I hate to get beat up and in some threads around here, it is just scary. I would also add that JB does not WANT to know the real truth, because he is not permitted to lie to the court. So if KC said she killed her daughter, JB would have a really hard time defending her because he could not then say to the court "she didn't do it." He would have to look to insanity or mitigating circumstances for a defense. This is based on the federal rules of professional responsibility for lawyers. Having said all that, this is what the rules say and we all know, not everyone plays by the rules.

You've made my day with this post!


WHAT SALEM SAID!:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
Soulscape - I too am amazed by your work. And I wonder how or if KC did keep those "energies" in check.

A comment was made on another thread about a video of Caylee. I'll try to find the link, but it won't be until later today. Anyway... the comment was about how Caylee seemed to be trying to engage the person who was taping her and Caylee's frustration with getting no response. I believe Caylee was coloring and kept trying to show her colors to the person taping. I'm not sure I agreed with the interpretation by the poster of the video, but I was struck by the words and how cruel it seemed that someone would just ignore a child that was actively trying to engage your attention. I'm wondering, more and more, if Casey did begin a pattern of abusive behavior towards Caylee at this time. Maybe nothing outright physical, except for maybe drugging her, but maybe this is when KC began to really distance herself from Caylee so that KC's activities in June were much easier to bring about.

Respectfully snipped ~
I'm sure of the pictures chart on the 15th though. Cindy was the ascendant, taking the picture. Her daughter and grand daughter received each other through triplicity in that chart. That is not a mother than hates her child. Then, through the mr, Moon will sextile Venus, surely not an aspect that is planning murder in a day or so.

How does this reading fit in with the fight we know took place on the evening of June 15th? Could that fight have been a catalyst? How did the stars change from the afternoon picture taking to the evening fight? Can you see that taking place?

My understanding is that astrology sets a stage so to speak and we (the humans) stand upon the stage generally following the path of the stars, BUT we are not limited from improvising or choosing to stray from the path of the stars. Do you think that maybe KC or CA or maybe even Caylee improvised the evening of June 15th, that set a "flurry" in motion? I don't believe GA was home and LA didn't live there at the time. Again, remember my knowledge of astrology is very limited.:crazy:

Soulscape - I too am amazed by your work. And I wonder how or if KC did keep those "energies" in check.

A comment was made on another thread about a video of Caylee. I'll try to find the link, but it won't be until later today. Anyway... the comment was about how Caylee seemed to be trying to engage the person who was taping her and Caylee's frustration with getting no response. I believe Caylee was coloring and kept trying to show her colors to the person taping. I'm not sure I agreed with the interpretation by the poster of the video, but I was struck by the words and how cruel it seemed that someone would just ignore a child that was actively trying to engage your attention. I'm wondering, more and more, if Casey did begin a pattern of abusive behavior towards Caylee at this time. Maybe nothing outright physical, except for maybe drugging her, but maybe this is when KC began to really distance herself from Caylee so that KC's activities in June were much easier to bring about.


Salem, in this case anything is possible! Regarding the video, who took it, when & where? Without date, time & place, we cannot cast a chart. Without knowing who actually shot the video we cannot assign the cast of characters. If you can provide more information, please do.

Georgia - Thank you for the video link!

Okay guys when you watch this video, look at the hair line at Caylee's temple's and then compare to the video of her on June 15th when she is sitting at the table with her book. The child was losing her hair in the temple area. I would do still shots for you, but I don't know how.

Oh Tuba! I love it! This is exactly how I feel about JB! :blowkiss: So far, you are the only poster that has had the nerve to say such a thing :clap::clap:

I didn't because I hate to get beat up and in some threads around here, it is just scary. I would also add that JB does not WANT to know the real truth, because he is not permitted to lie to the court. So if KC said she killed her daughter, JB would have a really hard time defending her because he could not then say to the court "she didn't do it." He would have to look to insanity or mitigating circumstances for a defense. This is based on the federal rules of professional responsibility for lawyers. Having said all that, this is what the rules say and we all know, not everyone plays by the rules.

You've made my day with this post!


Just a thought -- do you think maybe your statement regarding him not being able to 'lie to the court' had somehting to do with his 'leak' regarding the 'if KC did it it was an accident' statement?
Hi Salem. June 15, 12:03:27 pm EDT has Pisces ruling the descendant. This chart could be read, using the 7th/descendant as the subject of the photo being taken for one of Caylee's places, and the 9th as the granddaughter. This makes sense to since Venus rules the grand child and is exalted in Pisces which also fits her being the natural ruler of that house.

At this point, things are changeable and unstable, mutable signs ruling the angles. But there is a fixed t-square that is not changeable. The fixed laws of the universe come into play here. We can't avoid the law of gravity, any more than we can keep the Sun from rising tomorrow. Moon is at a critical degree, as well as Mars when this picture is taken. This is the photo of Caylee sitting on Great Grandpa's lap on Father's day. The t-square shows the empty part falling in the house of the grandchild so simply could be pointing out this fixed record of the child, Taurus showing tangible value. The critical degrees can show crisis but this was a lovely time, not crisis. The critical degrees are where the Lunar mansions change. Moon, the reflection of Sol, has outgrown her current space and must move into more appropriate quarters. But, Moon here, opposite the grand daughter could be capturing the absence of Caylee, already at this point.
Moon's next major contact at this time is trine Uranus, again a potential accident or something quite unexpected or unusual. Moon will square Neptune at void. The final Lunar aspect shows the overall theme and goal of Moon's trek through each sign. The aspect to Neptune could be a connection to drugs, but could also, even more easily show the visit to those limited and afflicted, the visit to the nursing home, as is the nature of Pisces and Neptune. This involvement also flavors this whole case, Neptune clouding things and making it quite hard to pin things down for sure. Pisces brings a lot of mystery and the non tangible. So that fits circumstantial evidence quite well. Virgo relates to all the fine details, breaking the whole down into its individual parts. Pisces synthesizes. The problem is, although the synthetic may seem to be a perfect copy of the original, it often is missing a vital component, which is why so many synthetic drugs have so many horrible side affects that the plant they are copying doesn't have. The square to Neptune could also point to a problem involving lies or confusion/lack of clarity, such as with someone that is senile, etc.

Now, Uranus rules the 12th of the 7th. This is the house of suicide or being hidden and imprisoned, not murder. Uranus rules the house of health and hygiene in the radical or non turned chart. There is no connection with Saturn ruling Cindy's daughter, shown by the 5th. A self inflicted accident or suicide wouldn't directly involve other people. Scorpio is known to inflict pain upon self at times. I can't help but notice how often Pisces is showing up int the charts. Allowing Uranus and Neptune to trade signs, as they do when in mutual reception, we can see the potential for an accident by drowning or in water, accidental electrocution in water, accidental gas or drug exposure, most likely through inhalation with Aquarius involved. But I'm not even sure this would be a simple drowning. I say potential electrical involvement because of Aquarius and Gemini both being electrical in nature. Now, I see some 6th house type inconjuncts and activity also. The 6th house involves hygiene like taking a bath. Moon is making a waxing inconjunct to Sun and Venus, the grand daughter that is combust. Sun was recently waxing inconjunct Jupiter also. Sun could be music, a radio, Neptune could also. I point this out just as possible alternatives shown. The 8th house or waning type of inconjucts are what would more clearly point to death though.

The daughter, Casey, shown by Saturn in the 12th is in mutual reception with her daughter, Caylee, shown by Venus ruling the 5th from the 5th or the 9th house. The reception is through triplicity. This isn't the very strongest reception but is reception just the same. It's interesting that this dignity is only by day. At night they are both peregrine, in foreign territory. But, Venus welcomes Saturn into her Libra home, treating him as an honored guest so clearly they receive each other with dignity.
The relationship between Cindy and her daughter would be shown by Mercury and Saturn. They have a relationship also, taking turns ruling air, Saturn by day, Mercury by night. I'm sure back when Casey was an events coordinator she mostly worked at night when the events were happening. But, this could also show that Casey took care of Caylee during the day and Cindy did quite often at night. There is a mixed reception between them too. Cindy receives Casey through triplicity or air, and Casey receives Cindy through being ruler, having exaltation and ruling term. That is rather heavy on the side of Casey receiving Cindy but isn't that usually the case between a parent and child? I would say they are receptive to each other but on different terms or for different reasons. There is no reason, looking at this chart to think that they have huge problems that can't be resolved. But, Saturn, Casey could be a thief, being peregrine. Not every planet that is peregrine is a thief but I think there is evidence to support it in this case.

Mars is the natural ruler of the 8th, death, in the 6th of the photo subject, the 7th, and very near the fatal position of Moon's and nodes. The South node is the release point. Keep in mind that Mars rules the 12th of the grandchild. This release is less than a degree away. There are certain degrees that are said to be connected to suicide. One is the 26th degree of Gemini which is 25Gem01 to 26Gem. Sun is only 6 minutes away and Venus has just left there. Sun is Caley's ruler and Venus disposites her Moon. In fact, using a sunrise chart for Caylee, her 4Libra Moon is very near the turned 8th house here. The Arabic part of danger, here is at critical 17Gem high in the sky. The ruler Rx shows it is likely a repeated danger.

Moon about to trine Uranus could also show her going for her daughter's throat, Uranus ruling the 2nd of the 5th house daughter. That would only be a couple hours away though and Casey couldn't have gotten back home until over 6 hours later. No, it looks to me like the fight was before, as Moon squared Mars which could bring some major anger (Mars) with a child (Leo) over money (Scorpio). It looks like Cindy was trying to confront her about it with the call at 3:35 pm but the call was only half a minute. Moon was trine Neptune Uranus at that time. At 5:06pm it she called home as Moon was in contact with Neptune. She only talked for 3 minutes though, then her phone was quite for 2 hours. She was still at Tony's at that time though. Either the fight took place before the trip to the nursing home or after she got home late evening, and it only lasted a couple minutes. She was texting or talking on the phone non stop every few minutes so I don't see how there could have been a big brawl until maybe 3:30 am but she was back on the phone at 7:45 so she had to sleep sometime. I'm not too sure there was a big fight that day.

Again, if this isn't how it happened the other 6th house potential is a servant of some kind, someone that provides a service, like a nanny. I am not seeing death at the hands of the mother here. In fact there is no contact shown here between Moon and the potential rulers of mother of either 7th or 9th house Caylee. The same is true if we gave her the ascendant. Cindy's daughter is near crisis, Saturn being near critical 4Virgo, but that doesn't happen yet. Moon will square but not till after moving out of the sign of death. And we know she didn't return home till later that night. The natal asteroid Cayley sits on the midheaven but transiting Cayley is in the 4th of this chart, which is not only the grave, but the 8th of the 9th house. Perhaps we could cast a chart for the first call on her phone after she got back in that area for more of the story. The part of servants is appropriately in the 6th house, at 14Aq and Mercury recently made a trine. Rx indicates it is a repeat contact. Mercury is the natural ruler of servants or employees, as is Virgo. As much as it seems too hard to believe Virgo keeps coming up for some reason.

Just a thought -- do you think maybe your statement regarding him not being able to 'lie to the court' had somehting to do with his 'leak' regarding the 'if KC did it it was an accident' statement?

Boy - I don't know, but that's a great observation. Until we hear a little more about what the defense might be, its hard to say. I have been a little shocked at some of the things JB has said publically and that was one of the things that shocked me.

As Tuba also observed in her "gag order hearing" chart and afterwards, this hearing was very interesting with the Prosecution accusing JB of admitting KC's guilt to the media and JB defending by saying that the Supreme Court ruled that he could defend his client anyway he sees fit. I thought JB gave as good as he got that day. It could be that he knows what happened or has a pretty good idea after picking through all of KC's "half-truths" but we won't know for sure until we see what the defense strategy is.

Okay AqEs - that's a lot to ponder. I'll be back :)

Salem, in this case anything is possible! Regarding the video, who took it, when & where? Without date, time & place, we cannot cast a chart. Without knowing who actually shot the video we cannot assign the cast of characters. If you can provide more information, please do.


Soulscape - I posted a question in the Questions for WSs thread asking if anyone knew how to tell when a video was made. Hopefully we will get some ideas and be able to figure out when this video was made. Georgia posted a link to the video above.

I am well aware EDT was in place. I deliberately chose to use EST, based on prior experimentation that consistently gives valid outcome.


Another great analysis SS. More justification of premeditation. I also like the EST charts. DST is an artificial time. We are never truly off standard time, just our clocks are.
And yes, premeditation is shocking, and hard to believe. KC was successful in her lies and thievry for a long time because no one wanted to believe she was capable of such treachery. Con artists are successful because they get the victims to suspend their belief systems. KC's heavy neptune (sun/mercury conj in Pisces, and moon opposite neptune) have served her well in that regard. She most definitely is a cameleon. First you see Casey ...attractive young mother, jeans, trendy - just like most young moms....hundreds of photos of a smiling KC with Caylee... contrast that with sexy photos of (?)bisexual nightclubber.... then we see her morph into the "law student" look , accused of murder and heading to jail......and you have the many faces of KC.
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