17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #17

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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LmakgpfIJo"]Breaking: Zimmerman's 911 Call Enhanced Audio..."ITS ****ING COLD" - YouTube[/ame]

Don't know if you all saw this...another enhanced audio of GZ's alleged racial slur..

Now this one is claiming he's saying it's phucking cold...too bad no one checked the weather for that night before making this absurd assumption...

The weather that night for Sanford was 63 degrees..6:53pm with light rain..

So, depends on who's ears are listening, I guess....I believe the most important folks who determine GZ's fate will be ACory/DOJ and The Grand Jury...I await their conclusion...
GZ's lawyers on CBS this morning. When asked about the prosecution's case answered by saying they didn't want to try it in the press. They then went on to present the entire defense case.
GZ's lawyers on CBS this morning. When asked about the prosecution's case answered by saying they didn't want to try it in the press. They then went on to present the entire defense case.

LOL, they did that same thing the other night on one of the shows, they repeat GZ's claims as if it's proven fact, then when they're questioned further on it they say they're not going to try the case in the media.

No Legalmania, Trayvon did just go to the 7-11 store for the Skittles and iced tea. According to Zimmerman Sr., Zimmerman was on his way to Target at the time of the murder to buy milk which then changed to buy groceries because that's what he always does on Sunday nights.


I don't have a link, but did I read somewhere or hear GZ went to the store after eating dinner that night.. Don't know about anyone else but I usually don't feel the urge to go to the grocery store after I have eaten..JMHO
I don't have a link, but did I read somewhere or hear GZ went to the store after eating dinner that night.. Don't know about anyone else but I usually don't feel the urge to go to the grocery store after I have eaten..JMHO

They say it's the best time to go grocery shopping because you don't over spend. Going on an empty stomach = higher bill.

JMO, OMO, and :moo:
They say it's the best time to go grocery shopping because you don't over spend. Going on an empty stomach = higher bill.

JMO, OMO, and :moo:

I fully realize IF you go to the grocery when you are hungry you are going to spend more money, however for the most part I don't believe too many people make a decision on a Sunday night to go to the grocery store when they have just eaten.JMHOOTS..
I don't have a link, but did I read somewhere or hear GZ went to the store after eating dinner that night.. Don't know about anyone else but I usually don't feel the urge to go to the grocery store after I have eaten..JMHO

Is that incriminating somehow?
Of all the lies and disinformation that have been alleged to have come out of the mouths of GZ's representatives -- there is only one that really matters. And it is only IMO that this is a lie. That is that TM hit GZ, or initiated an assault in any other manner. I believe GZ is making that part up. I believe GZ was the first to initiate a physical confrontation, by grabbing this person who he thought was a bad guy in an attempt to hold him for police. In reality, I think that's when TM popped him and the struggle ensued. Since GZ put his hands on TM first (IMO) is why I think he should be arrested and charged.

I happen to believe GZ pounced on TM, so this *advertiser censored**hole wouldn't get away..which is when the wrestling began..

I saw a map where they showed where TM was shot dead, yards from his doorstep and where GZ lives...but I'd like to see where exactly ZM had his vehicle parked..which is important....he claims TM came to his vehicle...so, how would he get from one end of that complex to where TM was shot dead in under 2 minutes...does anyone have a map to show where the vehicle was parked in relation to where TM died? TIA
IMHO.. It very well could be..But that JMHOOTS

Ok you lost me here...he went to the store after dinner...and that is somehow suspicious or incriminating? Is that something criminals do - I'm not understanding the implication. Would GZ appear in a more favorable light if he had been able to confirm that he planned to eat dinner after going to the store?
I happen to believe GZ pounced on TM, so this *advertiser censored**hole wouldn't get away..which is when the wrestling began..

I saw a map where they showed where TM was shot dead, yards from his doorstep and where GZ lives...but I'd like to see where exactly ZM had his vehicle parked..which is important....he claims TM came to his vehicle...so, how would he get from one end of that complex to where TM was shot dead in under 2 minutes...does anyone have a map to show where the vehicle was parked in relation to where TM died? TIA

Papa has posted a map several times, but I don't know what threads they are posted on..JMHO
Ok you lost me here...he went to the store after dinner...and that is somehow suspicious or incriminating? Is that something criminals do - I'm not understanding the implication. Would GZ appear in a more favorable light if he had been able to confirm that he planned to eat dinner after going to the store?

Sorry, I lost you...
IMHO GZ's actions can't be presented in any favorable light..JMHO
Working on a new thread, will be closing this one in a few...
I am not quite understanding self defense and a fight. Amongst the many things i have read the past couple days on that subject, I am still wrestling with something I read somewhere. Here goes:
A fight is a crime, both participants are considered guilty of that crime.
The one claiming self defense must have tried to end the fight in a peacefully manner before he took a more aggressive step in trying to protect himself/herself.
I hope I said that right.
I was going to add more, but it will just work its way out of context. So I'll stick with just wondering if that is true when your fighting and feel you have the right to claim self defense.

Good question, made me look it up for the state of Fla.

Q. When can I use my handgun to protect myself?

A. Florida law justifies use of deadly force when you are:

Trying to protect yourself or another person from death or serious bodily harm;
Trying to prevent a forcible felony, such as rape, robbery, burglary or kidnapping.
Using or displaying a handgun in any other circumstances could result in your conviction for crimes such as improper exhibition of a firearm, manslaughter, or worse.

Example of the kind of attack that will not justify defending yourself with deadly force: Two neighbors got into a fight, and one of them tried to hit the other by swinging a garden hose. The neighbor who was being attacked with the hose shot the other in the chest. The court upheld his conviction for aggravated battery with a firearm, because an attack with a garden hose is not the kind of violent assault that justifies responding with deadly force.

Q. What if someone uses threatening language to me so that I am afraid for my life or safety?

A. Verbal threats are not enough to justify the use of deadly force. There must be an overt act by the person which indicates that he immediately intends to carry out the threat. The person threatened must reasonably believe that he will be killed or suffer serious bodily harm if he does not immediately take the life of his adversary.

Ok, closing... Please continue here...

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7762916#post7762916"]FL 17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #18 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
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