17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #17

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*looks around, checks map, looks around again*

We appear to be very far afield. Main road is thataway. Let's all head back there before we run out of supplies.
#17 thread!

17-years here on this Earth! Bless you Trayvon. Bless you! May you be at peace in the arms of our Lord. I pray everyday that you are blinded by what is going on down here on Earth. Be at peace, young Trayvon! Be at Peace!
"This now allows me to go back to my job, which I was never fired from and never quit." — Joe Oliver

I could have sworn that I heard him tell Lawrence O'Donnell that he had quit his job. Which is why I believed that he is the one that supplied the newer recent photo of George, to the media. And, that maybe if he did that, he might have been fired? I dunno. He is fascinating.
I'm sorry to seem so nitpicky, but you still have not made it clear to me whether or not LE knew it was your husband who did the spraying. The parents of the kids can press charges against you for assault for spraying them. I would assume, the "getting involved" that LE is thanking you for is for calling them, which is what any Neighborhood Watch person would do. They would not go beyond that.

YES. THEY KNEW HE SPRAYED THEM WITH THE HOSE. They did not care. They thanked us.

The boys were between our side yard and our neighbors yard. they did not see my husband sitting there at the time. It was dark. He had the water hose in his hand as he was getting ready to wash something out. The boys were creeping up in the shadows with their eggs. So he lifted the hose and sprayed.
I love him for it. If that makes me a bully and a psycho, so be it.
"This now allows me to go back to my job, which I was never fired from and never quit." — Joe Oliver

I could have sworn that I heard him tell Lawrence O'Donnell that he had quit his job. Which is why I believed that he is the one that supplied the newer recent photo of George, to the media. And, that maybe if he did that, he might have been fired? I dunno. He is fascinating.

He did say he had left his job during the interview with Lawrence O'Donnell. I saved the program on my DVR just so I could rewatch it again because man, that was some of the greatest TV ever. Anyway, I'll go back through and see exactly what it was he said.

He is a very unusual person. I'll definitely leave it at that.

Maybe the 'bully' stuff should go to the 'bully' forum? Just an idea.

I agree with you re deciding whether or not "hosing" is bullying--BUT I do believe that the incident itself shows GZ is inclined to act in response to a situation pretty quickly. Again, he could have called the police before anything else. All JMO
Reading these threads is giving me all kinds of flashbacks, lol. I can't remember anyone ever calling the police when I was a chld. Well, maybe because our police force was only two guys. One answered the phone and called people up to remind them to get their doggy licenses and the other was the school crossing guard. Times sure were alot more pleasant than things now.
He did say he had left his job during the interview with Lawrence O'Donnell. I saved the program on my DVR just so I could rewatch it again because man, that was some of the greatest TV ever. Anyway, I'll go back through and see exactly what it was he said.

He is a very unusual person. I'll definitely leave it at that.


He said he wasn't working 'right now' as he was trying to help Geoge.

It's near the 1:45 mark on the first video at the link.

For those that haven't had the pleasure of watching

ETA: The interview is in two parts so scroll down.

Katydid23 feel like I was thisclose to bullying you and I'm sorry.
If it was a legal assault we would have been arrested, right?

They thanked us for 'getting involved.' Since the only thing we did was spray them , watch them run home and then call LE, then I guess they are thanking us for spraying them.

I think if the parents filed a complaint they would have been back at your door.

ASSAULT, crim. law. An assault is any unlawful attempt or offer with force or violence to do a corporal hurt to another, whether from malice or wantonness; for example, by striking at him or even holding up the fist at him in a threatening or insulting manner, or with other circumstances as denote at the time. an intention, coupled with a present ability, of actual violence against his person, as by pointing a weapon at him when he is within reach of it. 6 Rogers Rec: 9. When the injury is actually inflicted, it amounts to a battery. (q.v.)
2. Assaults are either simple or aggravated. 1. A simple assault is one Where there is no intention to do any other injury. This is punished at common law by fine and imprisonment. 2. An aggravated assault is one that has in addition to the bare intention to commit it, another object which is also criminal; for example, if a man should fire a pistol at another and miss him, the former would be guilty of an assault with intent to murder; so an assault with intent to rob a man, or with intent to spoil his clothes, and the like, are aggravated assaults, and they are more severely punished than simple assaults. General references, 1 East, P. C. 406; Bull. N. P. 15; Hawk. P. B. b. 1, c. 62, s. 12; 1 Russ. Cr. 604; 2 Camp. Rep.

The parents could have pressed charges for simple assault. Something to think about the next time you have a hose. Protester's that G. Anthony sprayed tried to have him arrested for turning the hose on them.

I found some other things in there, too, about pointing a gun at someone. jmo
Last thing I'm going to say about the water hose incident but it's this type of behavior in Zimmerman that really makes me think if it hadn't been Trayvon it would have been some other child. We hear about the time he was employed as a bouncer and picked up a girl and threw her against the wall. We hear about him spraying what he perceives to be "bullies" with water hoses. We hear about his arrest for assaulting a police officer. We hear about the restraining orders that he had issued on him. These are not normal things that someone does. This indicates that this guy has a history of violence, especially considering he picked up a GIRL/WOMAN and threw her. How can we condone that type of behavior? What right does a man ever have to put his hands on a woman in any way, shape, form, or fashion? What right did he have to punish a child that did not belong to him? I just can't understand how there can be any excuse for this type of history. What do you think would happen to Zimmerman if his victim were white? He would already be locked up, no bail until a trial date, and there would be no supporters for him whatsoever.

Cease. Desist.

We have a thread to discuss bullying here.

We probably have a thread to discuss gardening and garden hoses here.

This thread is about the Trayvon Martin case. Let's get back to sleuthing as best we can the events that occurred on Feb. 26 based on the evidence at hand.

I am so sorry, but what is the "water hose" incident? I've been on cloud nine all day and haven't been here, so could someone please explain it to me? Or link me?
My face hurts so much from smiling! I pray that when my new nephew/niece is born, and he/she grows up, things like this won't be an issue? I already have two nieces growing up in this world today... I try and teach them each and every day... something new. Something that will shape their minds and their hearts... to make them better people... to allow them to see the world with real meaning... and I'm so proud of them for who they have become already. Now I have a new little one on the way (BEAMING!!) and I can only hope that they are able to grow up the same way? My sister's children have been 10 years, and now 7 years apart... I just hope the newest member of my family is as blessed as much as my nieces?

I hate to be so sentimental... but when you know a new life is forming... it makes you think about the future?

My MIL just found out she will be a great grandmother for the sixth time. She's really really hoping for a girl - all the older great grand children are boys!

Since she just found out Monday, I'm not sure if there are any names picked out yet but I bet MIL has some suggestions ready.

Congratulations! I hope you get the nephew you're hoping for. Ever more I hope the baby is healthy and happy!
Cease. Desist.

We have a thread to discuss bullying here.

We probably have a thread to discuss gardening and garden hoses here.

This thread is about the Trayvon Martin case. Let's get back to sleuthing as best we can the events that occurred on Feb. 26 based on the evidence at hand.

So there was no "garden hose incident?" See how lost I am??
YES. THEY KNEW HE SPRAYED THEM WITH THE HOSE. They did not care. They thanked us.

The boys were between our side yard and our neighbors yard. they did not see my husband sitting there at the time. It was dark. He had the water hose in his hand as he was getting ready to wash something out. The boys were creeping up in the shadows with their eggs. So he lifted the hose and sprayed.
I love him for it. If that makes me a bully and a psycho, so be it.

I probably would have done EXACTLY the same thing. It would be irresistable. In any case we are not really talking about watering the neighbor children, GZ graduated from a water hose to a handgun. :)
So there was no "garden hose incident?" See how lost I am??

Get your GPS out, we're on the road again. I wonder who will quit next??? Seems like a lot of people are either losing their jobs or are being asked to step down over this case. jmo
The conversation about GZ with a garden hose is fine, with links provided. It is my belief that a poster with good intent tried to share an analogous incident and the conversation became a debate about that situation. That is not ok.
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