Bringing this forward to show discussion of events of 1996, for anyone that might think this is pertinent in any significant:waitasec: way.

Maybe consider becoming an expert on 1996 politics, in order to maintain some credibility on being truly sincere all options on the table or not?
Maybe consider becoming an expert on 1996 politics, in order to maintain some credibility on being truly sincere all options on the table or not?
and said similar would apply to newsworthy events,too,would it not? Darlie killing her kids was not political.can you tell us where this case was at in the news in 1996 when JB was killed?
Does the RN, taken literally, satisfy the definition for terrorism?

Comparing these lines from the report:
"-The term 'terrorism' means premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant(1) targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience.

-The term 'international terrorism' means terrorism involving citizens or the territory of more than one country." (U.S. Dept. of State)

...literally with this line from the RN, along with the threats:
-"We are a group of individuals that represent a small foreign faction. We xx respect your bussiness but not the country that it serves."

...yes, I can say that in my personal opinion, the note, and subsequently the crime it describes, could be considered to contain elements/ideologies associated with terrorism.

(I'm not sure that people are arguing so much as to whether the note is in-line with the terrorism activity of the day; the question comes in whether it's legitimate or just modeled after legitimate terrorism.)

My confusion surrounds the disconnect for me between the "big talk" of the RN and my own lack of knowledge of evidence/clues in the investigation to support believing the note is authentic. I'm genuinely open to all possibilities, so I'd be interested to see any such evidence.

Related specifically to the Rs and Access Graphics in 1996, was there any public/well-publicized support of PACs or lobbyists or other national political groups/individuals? I know the Lockheed connection, but has anyone ever speculated as to why JR/Access was targeted specifically? Did anyone at Access ever report any "odd" communication or other activity in the months leading up to JB's death? Were they working on any specific projects that could provoke a particular "foreign faction" at the time? All important things to ask when trying to verify the validity of the note...
...literally with this line from the RN, along with the threats:
-"We are a group of individuals that represent a small foreign faction. We xx respect your bussiness but not the country that it serves."

...yes, I can say that in my personal opinion, the note, and subsequently the crime it describes, could be considered to contain elements/ideologies associated with terrorism

OK so far so good but I noticed you omitted the threats themselves that could help in this charaterization.

"...will result in the immediate execution of your daughter."
"...will result in your daughter being beheaded."

Literally, Who talks like this? Who uses these words? What would their job/role be?

Literally, how do you interpret this next line? What does it mean? Does it add to or subtract from the elements of terrorism?

"You're not the only fat cat around, so don't think that killing will be difficult."
OK so far so good but I noticed you omitted the threats themselves that could help in this charaterization.

"...will result in the immediate execution of your daughter."
"...will result in your daughter being beheaded."

Literally, Who talks like this? Who uses these words? What would their job/role be?

Literally, how do you interpret this next line? What does it mean? Does it add to or subtract from the elements of terrorism?

"You're not the only fat cat around, so don't think that killing will be difficult."

Who completely IGNORES these kinds of threats if they remotely think they might be serious?
Related specifically to the Rs and Access Graphics in 1996, was there any public/well-publicized support of PACs or lobbyists or other national political groups/individuals? I know the Lockheed connection, but has anyone ever speculated as to why JR/Access was targeted specifically? Did anyone at Access ever report any "odd" communication or other activity in the months leading up to JB's death? Were they working on any specific projects that could provoke a particular "foreign faction" at the time? All important things to ask when trying to verify the validity of the note...

I think there was criticism that the investigators, so fixated on this being a murder by the parents, never really looked too hard at AG for a motive for some 'faction' foreign or otherwise. Other than to question some former disgrundled employees, there doesn't seem to have been much attention paid to the possibility that the business itself and JR's position there may have merited a closer look.

Just from the outside and from a position a long way away in time and space, I'd say that this type of enterprise was growing way too quickly. When businesses expand rapidly there is always difficulty in financing this growth. Many similar companies foundered for just this reason around this time, but AG went from strength to strength. You may say it was due to JR's wonderful management, but remember he needed to be bailed out by PR's Dad very early in it's history. I can't help but wonder if there was something going on there that was very lucrative or that generated lots of cash. Most will guess what I'm referring to and yes the Lockheed connection is a clue.
Who completely IGNORES these kinds of threats if they remotely think they might be serious?

Who goes around hijacking other people's posts just to spin yet another trite RDI tale?

Why don't you answer these questions with the sincerity you'd claimed to have? DaisyDaisy did. All you've done is demonstrated a LACK of sincerity ever since we brought it up.

Pardon me while I go down an untrodden path without your dragging me back onto the same old same old.
Who goes around hijacking other people's posts just to spin yet another trite RDI tale?

Why don't you answer these questions with the sincerity you'd claimed to have? DaisyDaisy did. All you've done is demonstrated a LACK of sincerity ever since we brought it up.

Pardon me while I go down an untrodden path without your dragging me back onto the same old same old.

HOTYH, please explain to me how you came to the conclusion that OL tried to hijack this thread with her post? She asked a legitimate question concerning your comments on the rn. I would be interested in hearing why you think the Ramseys ignored the obvious "terrorist" intent in the rn.
I am being sincere. If you can convince us the threat was there, please convince us why they ignored it.
HOTYH, please explain to me how you came to the conclusion that OL tried to hijack this thread with her post? She asked a legitimate question concerning your comments on the rn. I would be interested in hearing why you think the Ramseys ignored the obvious "terrorist" intent in the rn.
I am being sincere. If you can convince us the threat was there, please convince us why they ignored it.

This is a question that's had quite a few 'incarnations' on this forum.

Was it real? Why did they ignore it? Why does it sound phoney? Why disguise their handwriting? Who would write such a note then murder a child? Why leave the body there at the house?

It doesn't seem to fit with either RDI or IDI, but there is an explanation for all of this. We just haven't figured it out yet.
HOTYH, please explain to me how you came to the conclusion that OL tried to hijack this thread with her post? She asked a legitimate question concerning your comments on the rn. I would be interested in hearing why you think the Ramseys ignored the obvious "terrorist" intent in the rn.
I am being sincere. If you can convince us the threat was there, please convince us why they ignored it.

OK neither you nor OL hijacked my post with yet more anti-R rhetoric, to repeatedly add to the tons of identical remarks made over and over for years.

Its not my fault if you have a R magnet, where every discussion must instantly draw itself to R complicity.

Why not give reading a try?

"...will result in the immediate execution of your daughter."
"...will result in your daughter being beheaded."

Literally, Who talks like this? Who uses these words? What would their job/role be?

Literally, how do you interpret this next line? What does it mean? Does it add to or subtract from the elements of terrorism?

"You're not the only fat cat around, so don't think that killing will be difficult."

I asked these questions first, and you and OL answered the question with another question instead, migrating instantly back to the same party line. I'll bet you can't even give a straight answer to my question, which I asked first. Don't worry, nobody thinks either one of you are avoiding the question. Nothing to worry about, your credibility is fine.
"You're not the only fat cat around, so don't think that killing will be difficult."

Ok, I'll give it a try.

Fat Cat - rich person
Fat Cat - overweight lazy person
Fat Cat - politically influential person

You are a politically influential, rich person but eventhough I am a fat lazy person whom you believe has no power, don't dismiss me or think that will stop me, as I have no problem with killing.

Notice this killing is not in the first person or directed at JBR. It should, of course have said: 'You are not the only fat cat around so don't think that I will have any difficulty killing her. This makes me think there was an 'Igor' as you so cleverly put it HOTYH. Only Igor was a bit too keen on the killing part.
This is a question that's had quite a few 'incarnations' on this forum.

Was it real? Why did they ignore it? Why does it sound phoney? Why disguise their handwriting? Who would write such a note then murder a child? Why leave the body there at the house?

It doesn't seem to fit with either RDI or IDI, but there is an explanation for all of this. We just haven't figured it out yet.

Right. Its called phenomenon. RDI has them, IDI has them. RDI does have more phenomenon to deal with because RDI proposes that PR and/or JR did it.

For example, the RN author spelled 'advise' while PR spelled 'advize' in both right and left hand exemplars. This is NOT a phenomenon in IDI because IDI expects two different spelling abilities. This IS a phenomenon in RDI because it requires an explanation. RDI's rather hasty explanation is that PR deliberately misspelled one or two words to throw off investigators, even though investigators never seemed to notice!
Right. Its called phenomenon. RDI has them, IDI has them. RDI does have more phenomenon to deal with because RDI proposes that PR and/or JR did it.

For example, the RN author spelled 'advise' while PR spelled 'advize' in both right and left hand exemplars. This is NOT a phenomenon in IDI because IDI expects two different spelling abilities. This IS a phenomenon in RDI because it requires an explanation. RDI's rather hasty explanation is that PR deliberately misspelled one or two words to throw off investigators, even though investigators never seemed to notice!

Me neither, cause that's how I spell it!! Using 'ize' is American, 'ise' is English derived. Wouldn't you guys also call it a 'brown paper sack'? I would say 'bag'. Several of the bigger words have letters altered, like someone was spelling them out for the writer.
Ok, I'll give it a try.

Fat Cat - rich person
Fat Cat - overweight lazy person
Fat Cat - politically influential person

You are a politically influential, rich person but eventhough I am a fat lazy person whom you believe has no power, don't dismiss me or think that will stop me, as I have no problem with killing.

Notice this killing is not in the first person or directed at JBR. It should, of course have said: 'You are not the only fat cat around so don't think that I will have any difficulty killing her

Right, this killing remark not directed at JBR, even though JBR was threatened plenty of other times in the note. I see it as plural: "you're not the only fat cat around so don't think that killing will be difficult."

. This makes me think there was an 'Igor' as you so cleverly put it HOTYH. Only Igor was a bit too keen on the killing part.

Yeah, I wonder if the fractured skull was the unexpected result of an Igor naive attempt to only knock her out temporarily. A first-timer who didn't realize you can split someone's head with that kind of maneuver.
Me neither, cause that's how I spell it!! Using 'ize' is American, 'ise' is English derived. Wouldn't you guys also call it a 'brown paper sack'? I would say 'bag'. Several of the bigger words have letters altered, like someone was spelling them out for the writer.

Would you say some of the bigger words look awkward?
Would you say some of the bigger words look awkward?

These are a few of my observations/guesses (is that an 'opinion'?)

Bussiness - Business
Posession - Possession
Is that an 'pound' symbol instead of a $ in front of 18,000?
Adequte - Adequate
Bag - Sack
A ealier - An earlier
Darghter - (1st on page 2)
The caret inserting not between do and particularly is upside down
Scretiny or scutiny - Scrutiny

Some of the more difficult words look to have been spaced out as if the letters were written individually as you would if someone spelled them out for you.

I felt that the mixed slope might indicate the writer 'elevated' their writing hand, like say on a book, so they were moving their hand from side to side (so as not to leave prints?). The left side of the page is more backhand the right side forehand and the centre of the page is straight up and down. There seems to be more forehand than backhand, and very few if any backhand strokes on the right side of the page.

Just a gut feeling that the way 'fat cat' is written is closest to the 'usual' writing of the person. Short squat letters (and these are also in the t's in that underneath), joined by long U shapes. Women born around 1970's write like that here.
OK neither you nor OL hijacked my post with yet more anti-R rhetoric, to repeatedly add to the tons of identical remarks made over and over for years.

Its not my fault if you have a R magnet, where every discussion must instantly draw itself to R complicity.

Why not give reading a try?

"...will result in the immediate execution of your daughter."
"...will result in your daughter being beheaded."

Literally, Who talks like this? Who uses these words? What would their job/role be?

Literally, how do you interpret this next line? What does it mean? Does it add to or subtract from the elements of terrorism?

"You're not the only fat cat around, so don't think that killing will be difficult."

I asked these questions first, and you and OL answered the question with another question instead, migrating instantly back to the same party line. I'll bet you can't even give a straight answer to my question, which I asked first. Don't worry, nobody thinks either one of you are avoiding the question. Nothing to worry about, your credibility is fine.

If I am reading the rn from the Ramsey's perspective and I had nothing to do with the death of my daughter, these statements are the scariest things that I have ever read in my life. It's that simple. Don't you think?
It does not matter who really wrote them, terrorist or simple kidnap for ransom, they are direct threats to kill my daughter and my daughter is gone from her bed. So why would I then do everything that they asked me not to? That was the question that I thought I was asking in my earlier post. As for the "fat cat" line, it would have only been intended to drive home the earlier threats, correct? To let John know that there are people who are bigger and badder than him?
One of my points is that if you believe the parents were a part of this in any capacity, it is very hard to look at the rn with any credence. It's like three pages of pure hogwash. I know that if you believe they were not a part of this, the rn is the biggest piece of evidence there is, really. I'm not calling anyone out on their opinion, just asking for help in understanding it.

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