2008.09.08 Anthony L. Interview ***REVISITED***

Yes, I would think LE subpeoned those JC Penny records but if so, why haven't they been released? I know LE has something because this person is on the State's Witness List:

Kari Siracusa - Custodian of Records - JC Penney, Orlando, FL


Unless, as AZ pointed out in another thread, the media has failed to ask for this.....If it were exculpatory, yes, out there....if it were nothing at all, why list the JC Penney witness? Is the witness not going to be called and is listed just as precaution? If prejudicial.....could be sealed, no?

We know KC did not buy chloroform or duct tape there, and she did not buy a new Pooh blanket or at least if she did, she did not place the new blanket back at the house, cause CA noticed the one missing, right?

Is there a thread for this? Need to look so I am not straying OT. Hmmmm. To finish my thought here, though, I wonder if maybe KC could have bought a pair of boots/shoes to go into the woods with? Her shoes, at least the ones LE found, had no trace of those woods on them. Too convenient, for not a trace of swampy goo to be on any of her shoes.
Having seen the area with my own eyes, there is not a chance in Hades KC could have tossed Caylee into those woods without stepping foot in there-Too much flora to block the throw from landing at the final resting point-She had to go in at least a little.
minute 5:11 he tells her about the JC Penny card.
My very favorite clip. Yuri is literally holding her hand, very near her..."Cindy, Cindy...Cindy....


O/T God bless Jesse. I think he and his father are being deposed soon. How dare this woman accuse this kid while she sits there making up excuse after excuse for her daughter? It is just evil, in my opinion. The defense is still gunning for Jesse and Tony, make no mistake about it. Was it Tracey or Rob Dick that told LE that the defense wanted to re test Jesse's DNA to be sure his original DNA exam was legit? Good grief! At the same time they are all over Tony's phone records.



Here they are discussing asking for them to be allowed to look at Jesse Grunds DNA tests. Thanks!!!!
I bet Tony and Jesse are extra, extra careful about who they date now!!

2010.12.21 Motion in Limine To Preclude Statements of Anthony Lazaro about Sexual Relationshttp://www.docstoc.com/docs/67721098...xual-Relations

Originally Posted by ibyoungr
Just for reference:
Tony's July 22nd interview....

Tony's July 28th transcripted interview

Tony's Sept 8th interview with Yuri Melichhttp://www.cfnews13.com/uploadedFile...ony.090808.pdf
PG 37 they discuss him skipping school on June 17th and her behavior at BBlockbuster and the black dress.

This is the AUDIO of the Sept 8th interview. with Yuri Melcihhttp://cfnews13.com/uploadedfiles/au...aroSept8th.wma

:seeya: http://www.docstoc.com/docs/5686811/Casey-Anthony-Tony-Lazzaro-transcript-Sept-8-2008

http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2009/images/04/13/defense.motion.pdf back in April, the defense was subpoenaing Tony's phone and text records. They better be careful what they wish for when asking for his info to be limited. heh

The important thing we get from Tony is as Lee says, "She wasn't looking for Caylee!"
The sex..who cares...it is obvious that she was sleeping with him if he testifies he woke up and she was sitting up in bed watching a video of the baby and great grampa and she was crying. Moreover, that she woke up sweating and scared several times, doesn't leave much to the imagination, something was haunting her dreams. Tony has a lot to add, and we will be hearing what they did together, from morning to night. The state is not going to ask detailed sexual questions, just whereabouts, demeanor, time periods, nuts and bolts. The defense motion on this matter is silly.

2010.12.21 Motion in Limine To Preclude Statements of Anthony Lazaro about Sexual Relation
I am starting to go back through all AL's interviews, and notice here
at around the 7 minute mark, he's asked how he first met Casey, he says he was browsing facebook and noticed she was a good looking girl who attended Valencia. We all know that's a lie, but here's my question... is he ever asked or has he ever said how and when he, himself, found out that was a lie? I'm wondering if and how she kept that lie up throughout their short relationship? Clearly he was a student, as was evident by his attendance and study and preparation and classwork, etc., but she never had that kind of schedule, I mean, wouldn't he have noticed? Or did she say she wasn't currently enrolled that particular semester? Did he ever publicly (or in interviews with police) discuss whether he'd ever discussed it with her? I can't imagine having a relationship with somebody who SAID they were a college student, either past or present, and - as a current student, myself - not having somewhat of a topical discussion on that. Even if the person were lying about it, I'd still have had that discussion and maybe some suspicion. Class schedules, teachers and response to attitudes of other students in class, paper writing, grading, all that stuff is topical for students. Did it never come up between them?

Sorry if this has been covered, but you know, it's all just so much to keep up with. Thanks for any answers!
I am starting to go back through all AL's interviews, and notice here
at around the 7 minute mark, he's asked how he first met Casey, he says he was browsing facebook and noticed she was a good looking girl who attended Valencia. We all know that's a lie, but here's my question... is he ever asked or has he ever said how and when he, himself, found out that was a lie? I'm wondering if and how she kept that lie up throughout their short relationship? Clearly he was a student, as was evident by his attendance and study and preparation and classwork, etc., but she never had that kind of schedule, I mean, wouldn't he have noticed? Or did she say she wasn't currently enrolled that particular semester? Did he ever publicly (or in interviews with police) discuss whether he'd ever discussed it with her? I can't imagine having a relationship with somebody who SAID they were a college student, either past or present, and - as a current student, myself - not having somewhat of a topical discussion on that. Even if the person were lying about it, I'd still have had that discussion and maybe some suspicion. Did it never come up between them?

Sorry if this has been covered, but you know, it's all just so much to keep up with. Thanks for any answers!

FWIW I always thought it was a matter of their relationship being shallow and based on sex, which it certainly was...So I doubt if he really had much interest in anything much beyond that...and I'm sure Casey was experienced enough a liar to switch the subject, lie, exaggerate, etc to the point that it was minimized and made insignificant. That's just my opinion though.
Not to forget..most college kids aren't in school during the summer periods.

I agree as well though, he was interested what was between the sheets, not her ears :)
I am starting to go back through all AL's interviews, and notice here
at around the 7 minute mark, he's asked how he first met Casey, he says he was browsing facebook and noticed she was a good looking girl who attended Valencia. We all know that's a lie, but here's my question... is he ever asked or has he ever said how and when he, himself, found out that was a lie? I'm wondering if and how she kept that lie up throughout their short relationship? Clearly he was a student, as was evident by his attendance and study and preparation and classwork, etc., but she never had that kind of schedule, I mean, wouldn't he have noticed? Or did she say she wasn't currently enrolled that particular semester? Did he ever publicly (or in interviews with police) discuss whether he'd ever discussed it with her? I can't imagine having a relationship with somebody who SAID they were a college student, either past or present, and - as a current student, myself - not having somewhat of a topical discussion on that. Even if the person were lying about it, I'd still have had that discussion and maybe some suspicion. Class schedules, teachers and response to attitudes of other students in class, paper writing, grading, all that stuff is topical for students. Did it never come up between them?

Sorry if this has been covered, but you know, it's all just so much to keep up with. Thanks for any answers!

I don't have any answer, but I totally get what you're saying. Two more semesters here. :great: Working on a "as needed" basis for a few small firms (litigation, research,trial-prep). Classes & studying dominate my life right now, so I don't "get it" either. I cannot imagine being able to "hide" that successfully for any length of time.

Who knows what she told him? I'm sure it was a doozy. And considering she was buying the beer, cooking, cleaning and sleeping with him, TL probably didn't question it too hard. ;)

FWIW I always thought it was a matter of their relationship being shallow and based on sex, which it certainly was...So I doubt if he really had much interest in anything much beyond that...and I'm sure Casey was experienced enough a liar to switch the subject, lie, exaggerate, etc to the point that it was minimized and made insignificant. That's just my opinion though.

Yeah, this.

Tony is going to be a pivotal witness. He has a lot to detail about her state of mind during those 31 days


Anthony Lazzaro police interviews, et al

Anthony Lazzaro transcripts

I hope the prosecuton puts him on the stand early on. There is no two ways to interpret those thirty one days. The rest is just icing on the Anthony perjury, imo.


"Upon learning of the child's 'kidnapping', one of the first text messages from Mr. Lazarro to Miss Anthony expressed incredulity that she did not confide these 'facts' in him," the prosecution said. "Does this proffered evidence-- that Casey Anthony and Anthony Lazarro engaged in an intimate relationship yet she told him nothing of her daughter's disappearance-- have a legitimate tendancy to prove that the child was not kidnapped?"

The prosecution claims that their relations seem to disprove the fact that Anthony was conducting her own investigation.

Tony is going to be a pivotal witness. He has a lot to detail about her state of mind during those 31 days




I hope the prosecuton puts him on the stand early on. There is no two ways to interpret those thirty one days. The rest is just icing on the Anthony perjury, imo.

TL gets a phone call from Carl from CBS on his cell . Says "I don't know how he got my number."
Hmmm. I'll bet I know.
You know, the defense might try and say she was waking up, crying, upset because she was frantic about her kidnapped daughter. However, the prosecution could say, "And yet, you were going to Fusion because you say you went to places the nanny frequented, yet you never once told TL about the nanny, who knew just about everyone there.
OK. Going back to my coffee....
Thanks to QB!


"The prosecution claims that the tattoo's meaning could be read as "either an epitaph for her daughter, or signaling a new beginning for herself."

Tony Lazarro's Statements

The prosecution also said that while it believes the details of Tony Lazarro's sexual relationship with Anthony is not relevant to the case, it believes that the existence of a relationship between the two during the time that Caylee was missing is "highly relevant."

The prosecution claims that Anthony spent most of the 31 days that Caylee was missing with Lazarro, but only mentioned that her daughter was being cared for by her grandmother or a nanny."
Originally Posted by Horace Finklestein
FWIW I always thought it was a matter of their relationship being shallow and based on sex, which it certainly was...So I doubt if he really had much interest in anything much beyond that...and I'm sure Casey was experienced enough a liar to switch the subject, lie, exaggerate, etc to the point that it was minimized and made insignificant. That's just my opinion though.

In fairness to TonyL...

I do believe TonyL was shocked to learn Caylee was missing all that time and he was never told, nor did she act like a mother who was missing her child. She showed no care, no concern but carried on with her made up lifestyle.. He also seemed very depressed, IMO finding out her entire life was a sham. He absolutely believed she was well balanced with work, school and taking care of a child. All to be proven lies, no nanny existed, she never attended Valencia CC, nor did she work. She is that chameleon, JG described. I remember in TonyL's depo, when he said, she just basically started "shacking up" with me...she just moved herself right in, except when TonyL left the apartment, she had to leave too...the only time during those 30 days, ICA wasn't with TonyL, was when he took vacation to NY...otherwise, she spent her days trying to be his live in lover...cooking, cleaning, washing clothes..now why couldn't she do that for Caylee???

I believe it was TWA who said, TonyL will be to ICA what Amber Frey was to Scott Peterson...I do believe his testimony will be under scrutiny with those jurors and they will understand perfectly the "type" of person ICA is, along with the rest of her family and will come to a correct verdict.

I'll bet the penalty phase will be a doozie. AF will probably focus on her mental decline, her behaviors, her lies, etc...and will beg for mercy on her behalf. I also hope ICA is bold enough to adamantly tell her defense team she wants to testify in her own defense. She will try to make those jurors have pity on her soul and blame this all on her mother for pushing her into doing this. She will not take blame but place blame for her upbringing...but she is an adult and should have control over her impulses...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
You know, the defense might try and say she was waking up, crying, upset because she was frantic about her kidnapped daughter. However, the prosecution could say, "And yet, you were going to Fusion because you say you went to places the nanny frequented, yet you never once told TL about the nanny, who knew just about everyone there.
OK. Going back to my coffee....

... and yet the nanny cannot be identified nor found. Not one single person has claimed to know the nanny (well... except for KC and her family - who have never actually seen nor spoken to any nanny!)
... and yet the nanny cannot be identified nor found. Not one single person has claimed to know the nanny (well... except for KC and her family - who have never actually seen nor spoken to any nanny!)

Yep! And as pointed out on the Defense Wit List thread, even her defense team do not have any of these people, nanny or those associated with the whole kidnap scenario, listed.

So, what is their defense? She's bi-polar? Never diagnosed, but trust us?
Tony Lazzaro, Witness for the Prosecution of Casey Anthony.

The State is certainly not going to want Tony to testify as to details of the sex. Hardly. The State wants Tony Lazarro to tell the jury what Casey was up to, and moreover, what she was not doing....namely looking for her daughter and the kidnapper!!! If Casey had went up to each and every patron of Fusion and all the local clubs and hangs outs of young people with a photo of Zanny and or photo of her baby and asked all the staff, owners, managers , photographers to go through their thousands of receipts and photos of clients to see if they can help her find Zanny, her name or signature or even have Zanny possibly on any security video.....if she had made the pretense of doing this....maybe her going to the clubs would seem understandable. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZGs3XrGBNQ[/ame]

Casey, at least never in front of Tony, never asked a person, not the bouncer who checks IDs , not the photographers who have like a pic of every pretty girl that has been in that club, not the shot girls, not the security in the parking lot and certainly never him and his crew who worked there. NOT ONCE! http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sour...3PHjCA&usg=AFQjCNGgo1MGQy7c7NKFO4tN3PpODCY6_Q

Mr. George has the correct word for how easily disprovable Casey's I was in the bars looking for Zanny lies are....."Preposterous!"

Not a bit worried, indeed happy go lucky, effervescent basically, she only was upset a rare few times. Tony tells what things she did cry and get concerned over, it was when he told her he is here for school, and in his words...then he is "out", loosely translated, it is fun while it lasts, but you are hardly the girl I am going to marry. You aren't Mrs. right, I am a college kid for God's sake, I am just looking for Mrs. right now! He told her repeatedly not to take it for anything more. I think the jury will love her crying uncontrollably over him saying he may not return from his New York holiday, opposed to just the soft tear falling while sitting up in bed Indian style watching Caylee sing to Grandpa. He said the difference in her stress level was remarkable.

Tony is pivotal. What Tony has to tell burries her. Tony is to Casey Anthony what Amber was to Scott Peterson...the messenger who tells the jury the truth of the matter.

News flash for ya Casey...the jury will not be a bunch of twenty year old young boy toys, and unlike Cookie pretended to, they are not going to buy your bs......no matter what county Judge Perry chose! Buckle up Casey. It is going to be a bumby trial. Tell your lawyers, to get HELMETS!

Not everyone can take two to three months off from work to sit on this jury. Surely parents of small children will not be want to leave them for months. College students are not about to volunteer to delay their graduations, while they sit on a jury for two or three months. I certainly don't want our military members (God bless them, they already do enough) , adults who are the primary caretaker of their elderly parent, anyone with health complications of their own. The folks are going to like, trust and respect Judge Perry and those that can , will serve. Let's do be honest about who it will and wont be. I think Casey is going to be in for a rude awakening. If she was angry that the media described her blue mini dress as scantily clad.....just wait till she gets one look at the church bingo crew!!! Kidding. I am kidding.

You gather some retired veterans who have served all around the world;

some grandmothers who have seen and heard it all from not one, but two generations of their family's teenagers;

some stay at home hardworking mothers who would have thought they died and went to heaven to have had a place to live and free childcare, free car to drive, not have to pay for insurance or food or clothes or even socializing for years, wow;

or some laid off parents, sad to have lost their jobs to the economy, who are willing to work two jobs to provide for their families, who have worked every day of their lives since they were 16;

you take them away from their homes and family.....you damn straight better come at them with something better than the nonsensical Zanny the Nanny story, and you better have a explanation at the ready for why and how she spent those Splendor in the Grass 31 days with one Anthony Lazzaro!

Studys have been done on how quickly a juror picks sides. Some believe that a jury member decides on day one, indeed hour one, which side he is on. He or she subconsciously spends the entire remainder of the trial suring that up. Gut instincts. I liken it to love at first sight, the romantic dreamy knowing your Grandmother tells you will come over you when he is THE ONE.... that we need to look no further...THIS is the house I want, or THIS is the college, THIS is the car, right here, THIS is where I want to marry, this is THE dress.....the knowing, it is a feeling, a very powerful feeling.....you just know. It's visceral. If there is any truth to that initial impression theory you can bet the State is well aware of it, and knows just what to do about it. Start with your strongest point, that makes sense, right?
If it please the court, the State calls Anthony Lazzaro......

Have good faith friends.
These are prosecutors who have over twenty years of experience!!!

Do you remember the hush that came over that courtroom[ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9UECWMtKeA[/ame]
when Mr. Ashton spoke of the duct tape, first one piece, then two.....?

Oh yes, he knows how to have you at hello.

In this case, hello is Tony Lazarro and the 31 days.
The defense seems to need their jury consultant,desperately; because, they seem to have a very limited understanding of what folks will buy. I say this because even Judge Perry, careful in his words, said.....I have been doing this for over thirty years, and you cannot convince me that your experts are of no opinion, and that you honestly have no idea whatsoever, what their opinions are. I just don't believe that, he basically told us. He shrugs his shoulders, like when he explains the obvious, "I am not going to write an open check. I'm just not".
We are reminded recently in Cindy's own words, even Casey's own family just did not believe her.

Casey may not realize that this jumping off point is going to happen very quickly. She is used to guys at least falling all over her, and her friends kind of suffering silently throuhg her silly stories. She has been able to have mom , pop and Jose Baez out there publicly perpetuating her
lies ( allegedly) for the past two years...so she may have no idea just how easily these folks on the jury are going to judge her veracity. It didn't take Yuri Melich or Judge Strickland long. They had a knowing alright.


She thought if she kept talking , she could STILL convince Tony that she was who she said she was, even on the morning the police and her brother had all been to his home and the cat was out of the bag.
No one is going to be smitten with Casey. I don't even fear they will empathize with her. On the contrary.......they will despise her, starting with her lies and the question that will remain unanswered, why? In their own lives they will have dealt with far worse than unemployment and a mom that gets on their nerves.

Someone IS going to steal their hearts early on, as she has ours.
Like the life sized poster photo of a badly beaten and severly bruised Nicole Brown that defied OJ's claims, "I never hit my wife"
.......the jurors are going to see huge photos of Caylee, frequent photos of Caylee, and they will be facinated with her, how she reminds them

...she is like their daughter, their grandchild, their niece, their best friend's little girl.....

Tony is going to be up front and center in the State's case, is my guess. Assuming the baby was dead by the time Casey and Tony stroll into the Blockbuster....that testimony will be riveting, AND WE HAVE VIDEO!!!! We have the Blockbuster employees to bolster Tony's claims she was not frantic. A witness, corroberation and film...what more do we want? It is a good place to start. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEbEbmG9DRs[/ame]
The surveillance video shows her entering the store arm in arm with her boyfriend and they picked out two movies. One named, “Untraceable” which is about a kidnapper and a killer, and the other movie was “Jumper” which is about a mother who abandons her 5 year old child. “They came in, went out,” Johnny French told Eyewitness News. “Brought the movies back on time just like everybody else.” French said there was nothing about the couple that stood out as unusual. “They seemed normal and she seemed fine. If there was something wrong it would have stood out. I just don’t remember them doing anything unusual,” said French.

Yes, whether it be Mr. George, Mr. Ashton or my favorite, Mrs. Drane Burdick, the state will have them at hello, and in my humble opinion...hello in this case is Tony Lazzaro's account of 31 days of not one mention of help me , wont you please help me find my baby..... Caylee Marie Anthony.

Just take comfort in God, your parents, take a deep breath Tony. I am sure you are nervous and it will be hard. Nothing you have ever been called on to do will ever matter more than taking the stand and telling the truth for that baby. I hope it doesn't sound condescending.....if it can be of any comfort to you at all son, if you are reading here today, thousands of Americans are with you! Indeed good, good people all over the world, you would be amazed how many.....stand with you, Jesse and Amy!!!
TWA, I love your posts, and all the energy and love you put into keeping two and a half years of this case in front of our eyes every day. Caylee is smiling on you!

I thought of one other juror demographic we might end up with--and maybe I'm dreaming but I do know this type exists because I know several of them myself--the successful 40ish-50ish businesswoman who would be financially able to survive the sequestration, who perhaps chose to focus on career and never had or was able to have children, and who may look on that choice with a combination of emotions including regret. IMO such a person would look with incomprehension at KC's choice to treat the precious gift of Caylee like so much trash, and would be smart enough to see the facts of the case for exactly what they are.

And you are spot-on about TonE's role in this trial. His lawyer is on InSession more than I'd like, but his testimony will be chilling to these jurors.

Thank you very, very much. That means so much to me. WOW,

Casey Anthony better pray to God in heaven not to get jurors as you describe. She better hope for much, much lesser people.

Indeed, I agree with Richard Hornsby, "A trial would be suicide".

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